The Triple Entente

The Triple Entente
Ayah Hamad
What was the Triple Entente?
• The Triple Entente was an agreement
signed between Great Britain, France and
• The alliance of the three powers
constituted a powerful counterweight to
the growing navy of Germany.
How was The Triple Entente formed?
• France felt threatened and Britain was
concerned by the growth in the German
• In 1904 the two countries signed the
Entente Cordiale. The objective of the
alliance was to encourage co-operation
against the perceived threat of Germany.
• Three years later, Russia, who also feared
the growth in the German Army, joined
Britain and France to form the Triple
• The Russian government was concerned
about the possibility of Austria-Hungary
increasing the size of its empire. It
therefore made promises to help Serbia if
it was attacked by members of the Triple
Alliance (Germany, Italy and AustriaHungary).
How did The Triple Entente affect the
relationship between its members?
• All three members of the triple entente had
been in competition for colonies in Africa, Asia
and the Middle East, but all were united in their
suspicions of German plans to dominate Europe.
• In contrast to the Triple Alliance, the terms of
the Entente did not require each country to go to
war on behalf of the others, but stated that they
had a “moral obligation” to support each other.
How did The Triple Entente
Affect WWI ?
Historians continuously debate the
importance of the alliance system in igniting
the Great War:
• At the start of World War I in 1914, all three
members of the Triple Entente entered it
as Allies against Germany and Austria-Hungary.
• The Allies fought together until 1917, when
Russia withdrew from the war.