Abbreviations – Division B Education Team Abbreviation AAA Translation Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm ABG Arterial Blood Gas AF ARF A on CRF/ AoCRF Atrial Fibrillation Acute Renal Failure Further Information Swelling of the main artery in the abdomen Blood test taken from a critically unwell patient to monitor O2, CO2, and pH, also to identify acidosis or alkalosis Irregular heart beat Kidney failure Acute on Chronic Renal Failure Exacerbation of chronic kidney disease Art AS AVPU AVR AXR Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time Ratio Arterial Abdominal System OR Aortic Stenosis Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive Aortic Valve Replacement Abdominal X-Ray Blood test to check coagulation when receiving IV heparin e.g. Art lin e= Arterial line Aortic Stenosis is a narrowed heart valve Test to identify consciousness level of patient BCs Blood cultures bd BKA Twice a Day Below Knee Amputation BMI Body Mass Index BNO BO BP CA or Ca CABG CCF CD CNS C/o or C.o COAD Coag. Bowels Not Opened Bowels Opened Blood Pressure Carcinoma Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Chronic/ Congestive Cardiac Failure Controlled Drug Central Nervous System Complains of Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease Coagulation COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease APTR CT or CAT CVA Chronic Renal Failure/ Chronic Kidney Disease Computerised Axial Tomography Cerebrovascular Accident CVC/ CVP Central Venous Catheter/ Pressure CVS CXR D&V D/H DNA DNR DU Cardiovascular System Chest X-ray Diarrhoea and Vomiting Drug History Did Not Attend Do Not Resuscitate Duodenal Ulcer DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis d/w DxT ECG EEG ENT ESR discussed with CRF/ CKD Electrocardiograph Electroencephalograph Ear, Nose & Throat Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate Abbreviation used in Medicine - Education Team 2015 Blood taken to identify any bacterial infection that grows in the blood A measure of body size relating to height and weight Cancer Also called “cabbage” Heart Failure Used as an abbreviation in notes Chronic lung disease (old term) Blood test to check blood clotting Chronic lung disease, can be one of a variety of diseases such as emphysema, chronic bronchitis, etc Body scan Stroke Multi-lumen IV access line/ Indicator of Right Atrial Pressure Used as an abbreviation in notes Used as an abbreviation in notes Blood clot – usually in leg, identified by Doppler scans e.g. discussed with doctor Radiotherapy (as a treatment for Cancer) Electrical heart trace Electrical trace of brain activity A blood test for inflammation Abbreviations – Division B Education Team Abbreviation FBC FFP FY1 FY2 GCS GI GORD Meaning Full Blood Count Fresh Frozen Plasma Foundation Year 1 Foundation Year 2 Glasgow Coma Scale Gastro Intestinal Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease GTN Glyceryl Trinitrate GUM Genito-Urinary(Medicine) GU GUM HAS Hb HI HNPU HO HR HTN Hx IBS Gastric Ulcer Genito-Urinary Medicine Human Albumin Solution Haemoglobin Head Injury Has Not Passed Urine House Officer Heart Rate Hypertension History (of complaint) Irritable Bowel Syndrome ICD Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator IDC INR IV Ix In-dwelling Catheter International Normal Ratio Intra-Venous Investigations JVP Jugular Venous Pressure KUB LFT LOC Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder Liver Function Test Loss of Consciousness LP Lumbar puncture LVF Mané MAP MC&S Mets MI MND MRI MS MSS MSU MVR NAD Nocté NOF NSAID Left Ventricular Failure In the Morning Mean Arterial Pressure Microscopy & Culture Sensitivity of Bacteria Metastases Myocardial Infarction Motor Neurone Disease Magnetic Resonance Imaging Multiple Sclerosis OR Mitral Stenosis Musculoskeletal System Mid-Stream Urine Sample Mitral Valve Stenosis Nothing Abnormal Discovered At Night Neck of Femur Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug Non ST(wave) Elevated Myocardial Infarction Nausea & Vomiting NSTEMI N&V Abbreviation used in Medicine - Education Team 2015 Further Information Blood product Newly qualified doctor, equivalent to HO nd 2 year qualified doctor, equivalent to SHO Consciousness state; score out of 15 To do with the digestive system Back flow of stomach acid into the gullet Vaso-dilatory drug working particularly on coronary arteries, used to relieve angina Relating to bladder & genitals including sexuallytransmitted infections For sexually transmitted diseases/infections IV albumin A measure of blood count (e.g. in Anaemia) (see FY1) Junior doctor Not a correct abbreviation Used as an abbreviation in notes Internal permanent defibrillator to automatically “shock” patient Urinary catheter Blood test to test coagulation when on warfarin Used as an abbreviation in notes Neck Vein – visible at base of sides of neck and can be used as an indicator of hydration levels/ BP X-ray or ultrasound of renal tract (IVP) Blood tests for liver function Needle inserted into the spine for diagnostic purposes Of a sample usually urine or stool Spread of Cancer Heart attack Body/Brain Scan Mitral Stenosis is a narrowed heart valve Negative result of a test/ scan e.g. #NOF= Fractured Neck of Femur Abbreviations – Division B Education Team Abbreviation OA o.d. O/E or o/e OGD om on, o/n OT P PE PERLA/ PEARL Meaning Osteoarthritis Once a Day On Examination Oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy In the Morning once nightly, overnight Occupational Therapist Pulse Pulmonary Embolism Pupils equal and reacting to light and accommodation PEG Percutaneous endoscopic gastronomy PEJ Percutaneous endoscopic jejunostomy PFR/ PEFR PFTs PICC PM PMH also PHx PO POP PPE PPI PPM Peak Flow Rate Pulmonary Function Tests Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter Pelvic Inflammatory Disease OR Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc Post mortem examination Previous Medical History Per Oral Plaster of Paris Personal Protective Equipment Proton Pump Inhibitor Permanent Pacemaker PR Per Rectum PRN PT PU As Required Physiotherapist Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty Peptic Ulcer OR Passed urine PV Per Vagina PVD Px qds (or) qid RA RBC/ PRC Peripheral Vascular Disease Prescribed Four times a day Rheumatoid Arthritis Red Blood Cells/ Packed Red Cells RIG Radiologically Inserted Gastronomy ROS RR RS RTA Rx Removal of Sutures Respiration Rate Respiratory System Road Traffic Accident Prescription or Treatment SHO Senior House Officer SOB SOL SpR SR Stat Shortness of Breath Space Occupying Lesion Specialist Registrar Sinus rhythm Immediately PID PTCA Abbreviation used in Medicine - Education Team 2015 Further Information Telescope examination of stomach and gullet Blood clot on the lung On examination of nervous system/eyes Feeding tube inserted through abdomen wall for long-term feeding and inserted in the stomach Feeding tube inserted through abdomen wall for long-term feeding inserted in the jejunum Breathing test – speed of expiration Tests to record efficiency of breathing Long-term Central Line Gynaecological infection OR Slipped Disc Used as an abbreviation in notes By Mouth e.g. apron, gloves, etc. Drug to reduce production of acid in the stomach Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Route for drug administration via rectum/ Rectal examination Not a correct abbreviation Opening up the main arteries of the heart using a balloon inserted usually near the groin Peptic Ulcer – Stomach or Duodenal Ulcer Route for drug administration via vagina/ Vaginal examination Furring up of the blood vessels of the limbs Used as an abbreviation in notes “Bag of blood” for transfusion Feeding tube for permanent feeding into the stomach Rate of breathing in breaths per minute (see FY2) Doctor- Grading: HO(junior), SHO, SpR, Consultant(senior) Tumour in head Senior Doctor Normal regular heart beat i.e. give a drug stat Abbreviations – Division B Education Team Abbreviation TB Meaning Sexually Transmitted Disease/ Sexually Transmitted Infection Tuberculosis TCI To come in tds (or) tid TFTs THR TIA Three Times a Day Thyroid Function Test Total Hip Replacement Transient Ischaemic Attack TIPPS Transjugular Intrahepatic Portal Systemic Shunt TKR Total Knee Replacement TLC Tender Loving Care TOE Trans Oesophageal Echocardiograph TPN Trans-Pareneteral Nutrition TTE Trans Thoracic Echocardiograph TTO/A To take home/away (medication) TURP Transurethral resection of prostate TWOC Trial Without Catheter STD/ STI Further Information Date or fact that a person is due to be admitted to hospital Small, short lived stroke – often recurrent Procedure to allow blood to flow directly through the portal vein to the hepatic vein via a tube inserted in radiology Treat only with symptom relief and nursing care, usually associated with end-of-life care Ultrasound of the heart to identify damage or disease and efficiency by using a probe inserted into the oesophagus Feeding intravenously Ultrasound through the chest wall to identify damage or disease and efficiency of the heart Operation on the prostate gland carried out through the penis to reduce Check to see if patient passes urine following urinary catheter removal Ulcerative Colitis UO, u/o USS UTI U&Es Urine Output Ultra Sound Scan Urinary Tract Infection Urea and Electrolytes VF Ventricular Fibrillation VT WBC Wt Ventricular Tachycardia White Blood Cell Count Weight Abbreviation used in Medicine - Education Team 2015 Blood test generally for kidney function Rapid uncoordinated heart beat usually leading to collapse, and need for defibrillation (electric heart shock) Fast heart beat