KEY TO UNDERSTANDING MEDICAL WORDS ROOTS HEM ......................................................Blood KERAT .................................................Cornea LEUC ....................................................White MY ......................................................Muscle OPHTHALM ............................................Eye OSS or OSTE .........................................Bone OT .............................................................Ear PED ..........................................................Feet PNEUM ....................................................Lung PROCT .....................................................Anus PSYCH ...................................................Mind PY .............................................................Pus RHIN ........................................................Nose BIO ..........................................................Life CARDI.......................................................Heart CEPHAL ................................................Head CHOLE ....................................................Bile CHONDR .........................................Cartilage COST ........................................................Rib CRANI ...................................................Skull CYST ........................................................Sac DERM ......................................................Skin ENCEPHAL ...........................................Brain ENTER ..............................................Intestine GASTER ...........................................Stomach GYNEC ..............................................Woman 12 MEDICAL RECORD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning Use or Example a. A Ab., ab Abd., abd. ABP abs a/c, a.c. acc. accom. A.D. artery area, anterior abortion, antibody abdomen, abdominal arterial blood pressure absent on Rx means before meals accident accommodation right ear popliteal, a. inj. bruise a. rt. arm i one prev. Ab. pain in abd. ABP 130/80 lt. A/J abs pills i a/c his. of previous acc. adjust eye lens to distance A.D. hearing loss add. ad lib adm. ADT A/G, A.G. adductor, or adduction as desired admission a placebo Albumin/globulin ratio (in blood) ankle jerk albumin alcohol alcohol rub pect. maj. add. weak food ad lib K.U.B. on adm. simulated med. A/G normal A/J alb. alc., alcho. AlcR alt. A.M. amb. amt. ann. fib. ant. ante A.P. Ap Approx. aq. art. A.S. Ax. A.Z. A/J neg. alb. normal alc. neg. Alc. R. to body alternate morning ambulatory (up & about) amount annulus fibrosus (in intervertebral disc) anterior before anterior and posterior antero-posterio alt. bed position A.M. care pt. not amb. amt. of alc. in blood ann. fib. intact approximately water artery, arterial left ear (in ear exam) axilla, axiliary Ascheim-Zondek test (for pregnancy) approx. 500 cc V.C. no aq. cor. art. inj. purulent discharge A.S. Ax T. A.Z. pos. 13 pain ant. knee before meals Alc R. A.P. rt. leg AP spine x-ray MEDICAL RECORD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning Use or Example B. Bab. BaEnema, Ba En, BE Bas. Baso. Bic. b.i.d. bk. blad. bld. B.M. bath Babinski sign Barium enema basal, basilar basophile biceps twice a day (bis in diem) back bladder blood bowel movement bowl B. rt. Bab. neg. BE in P.M. Bas. skull inj. in blood (white cell) count lac. over rt. Bic. ADT b.i.d. Alc. R. to bk. blad. dis. bld. sugar pos. B.M. A.M. BMR B/P, B.P. Brach. BRP BSP BUN basal metabolism test (rate) blood pressure brachial bathroom privileges bromsulphalein test blood urea nitrogen BMR +20 B.P. 125/80 Brach. pain BRP 3 x day BSP 3.5% BUN ordered c C. C-1-X11 Ca ca. Cal. Calc. caps. car. card. con, cum - meaning "with" centigrade 1st to 12th cranial nerve cancer, or carcinoma about calorie, calories calcium capsule carotid cardiac bed rest c traction o T. 55 C. C-V involv. Ca bone pain ca elbow 1500 Cal. diet bld. Calc. decr. caps. i 111 daily car. art. card. status stable Cauc. CBC cc, c.c. C.C. C.D. C.E. Cerv. cf. ch. chlor. caucasian complete blood count cubic centimeters chief complaint contagious disease (ward) cardiac enlargement cervix, or cervical compare chest chlorides WDWN Cauc., F. lab. for CBC 20 cc Sa sol. C.C.: abd. pain C.D. treatment C.E. 111 F. rt. Cerv. firm cf. ears strapping of ch. bld. chlor. increased C.I. Cl. color index (of blood) chloride C.I. 0.85 Cl. bld. test 14 MEDICAL RECORD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning Use or Example clav. cm. comm. CNS CO 2 Coc. clavicle centimeter communicable central nervous system Carbon dioxide coccygeal frac. rt. clav. index finger 7.5 cm. comm. disease CNS neg. CO2 output Coc. frac. comb. comf. comp. combine, combination comfortable compound, compress comb. heat and motion made comf. comp. frac. lt. leg cons. cont. contrib. consultation continue, containing, continuous contributory cpd. CR cran. Cr. Ns. C.S. CSF C-V CVA CVA Cysto compound cardiorespiratory system cranial cranial nerves central service cerebrospinal fluid cardiovascular cost-vertebral angle cerebrovascular accident (stroke) cystoscopy neuro. cons. neg. cont. I.V. pre-existing inj. noncontrib. cpd. frac. CR sys. pos. cran. bld. supply Cr. Ns. 111 pinched C.S. supply CSF pos. C-V neg fluid, rt CVA CVA at home to cysto for bladder study D&C dehyd. depr. dept. decr. diff. dil. dim. dis. dist. dilatation & curettage dehydrated depressed department decrease, decreased differential (blood count) dilute, diluted diminish, diminished disease distilled (water) D & C 6 mo. prev. Cauc. M. dehyd. bone frac. depr. Acct. dept. decr. resp. diff. abnorm. 2 oz. Sa. dil. c water pulse dim. infect. dis. 10 oz. dist. aq. dist. DOA Dors. D.P. distal dead on arrival dorsal dorsalis pedis (pulse) dist. Hd. fem. pt. DOA 10:30 P.M. Dors. back sprain D.P. felt on rt. only 15 MEDICAL RECORD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning Use or Example Dr. DTRs Doctor deep tendon reflexes DTRs normal ECG EEG EENT EKG (German) Elev. En. ENT EOM ECG neg. EEG neg. EENT neg. EKG inconclusive Keep leg elev. En A.M. ENT neg. EOM pos. EOM electrocardiogram electroencephalogram eye, ear, nose & throat electrocardiogram elevated enema ear, nose & throat extraocular muscles, equal ocular movements external otitis media Eos. ESR ess. excess. ext. extr. extens. eosinophiles erythrocyte sedimentation rate essentially excessive external extremities, extremity extension, extensor Eos. normal ESR normal examination ess. neg. excess. sweating ext. genitalia upper extr. lac. extens. muscle F. F. finger(s) in history, can mean either female or father fahrenheit (temperature) femoral, femur family history flaccid flexor, flexion fluid ounces fluids iiF. from elbow 98.6 F fem. a. F.H. neg. biceps flac. flex. of biceps weak 8 fl. oz., aq. replace fl. Fo. Ft. Fr., Frx., Fx., or frac. fomentation foot, or feet fracture Fo. to lt. arm frac. rt. ft. frac. lt. clav. G. or gm. gram or grams G.B. gen. or genl. gall bladder general pt. received 60 gm. Zn Oint. G.B. stones gen. health F. fem. F.H. flac. flex. fl. oz. fl. 16 EOM diag. o MEDICAL RECORD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning Use or Example genit. G.I. gluc. gr. grav. gt, gtt. G.U. Gyn. genitalia gastro-intestinal glucose grains (dosage) gravid drop, drops genito-urinary gynecology, gynecological, gynecologist inflamed genit. G.I. series neg. urine neg. for gluc. pentobarbitol gr. iss h.s. pt. grav. i. 2 gtt. t.i.d. G.U. sys. normal request Gyn. consult. h. H. HCL H&C Hd. hern. hg. or hbg. hist. Hr. H.S. or h.s. Ht. hyst. hour (as g.h.) hypodermic hydrochloric acid hot and cold head herniated hemoglobin history hour hour of sleep height or heart hysterectomy, or hysteria B/P q.h. m.s. gr. 1/4 per. H. HCL dilute c aq. H & C to back lac. of Hd. hern. ann. fib. L4-5 hg. normal hist. non contrib. q 2 Hr. 1 cap. at H.S. Ht. normal hyst. 5 yrs ago I i, ii, iii i.d. in. inj. int. involv. I.M. irreg. irrig. radioactive iodine 1, 2, 3, etc. in diem (during the day) inch injured internal involved intramuscular (injection) irregular irrigate, irrigation I131 shows 20% uptake Para ii visitors i.d. 60 in. lt. leg inj. in fall int. organs Pt. involv. in fight i ml. B12 I.M. resp. irreg. irrig. O.D. I.V. IVD IVP IVU intravenous intervertebral disc intravenous pyelogram intravenous urogram I.V. ordered IVD L4-5 IVP requested IVU completed Jt. joint frac. elbow Jt. K. potassium check K. level 17 MEDICAL RECORD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation K. KJ KUB L. L&A lab. lac. lacr. lact. lam. lap. lat. lav. lb. L.E. leuc. lg. lig. liq. L.L.E. L. lat. LOA LOP L.P. L.S. LSK Lt., lt. L.U.E. lumb. L&W Meaning kidney knee jerk kidney, ureter, bladder (x-ray) can variously mean liver, liter, left, lower, light, lumbar (depending on context) light and accommodation (reflexes of pupil) laboratory laceration lacrimal lactic acid, lactate, lactating laminectomy laparotomy lateral lavatory pound can mean lupus erythematosus, or lower extremities leucocytes (in blood) leg or large ligament liquid left lower extremity left lateral left occip. anterior obstetrics left occipital posterior lumbar puncture lumbrosacral liver, spleen & kidneys light, or left left upper extremity lumbar living and well Use or Example lt. K. infected lt. KJ present KUB normal 10 L. L & A normal tissue spec. to lab. lac. lt. hand lacr. probe ordered lac. abd. lam. L4-5 lap. recommended pain rt. lat. ch. lav. privileges denied 20 lb. traction to neck L.E. diagnosed leuc. normal lac. lt. lg. torn lig. rt. knee liq. only L.L.E. hot L. Lat. chest LOA present LOP present L.P. recommended L.S. strain LSK normal sprain lt. hip L.U.E. ampt. lumb. reflexes M. l & w MEDICAL RECORD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation lymphs m. M. M. Macro. max. mcg. or mcgm. MCH MCHC MCV med. mEq./L Meaning Use or Example lymphocytes (in blood) lymphs. normal minims (1/16th of fluid dram) in history, means male or mother meter macrocytic, macroscopic maximum, or maxillary microgram mean corpuscular hemoglobin mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration 10 m. Hcl WDWN M. M. stomach tube cyst of macro. proportion lt. max. pain 8 mcg. B 12 O.D. MCH 30 MCHC 35% mean corpuscular volume medial milliequivalents (mEq./L -per liter) milligrams microcytic, microscopic minimal, or minimum milliliter (approximately 1 cc.) muscles MCV 90 cu. micro med. aspect lt. arm Na.-121 mEq./L MN Mod. monos. M.S. m.s. Ms Mss M.T. multip. mononuclears (leucocytes) moderate, moderately monocytes (in blood) multiple sclerosis morphine sulphate murmurs massage muscles and tendons multiparous (more than one child delivered at one birth) MN normal mod. curve. spine monos. normal R/O M.S. m.s. ordered Ms present mss to back M.T. intact Multip. delivery musc. muscle, muscles, muscular Pt. has musc. spasm M.T. membrane tympani (ear drum) rt. M.T. neg. mg. or mgm. micro. min. ml. mm. 410 mg. arsthinol q.d. WBC micro min. back again 1 ml. camphor in oil im. prn. abd. mm. firm MEDICAL RECORD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning Use or Example PBI p/c, p.c. PCV PBI 5.5 bed rest p/c PCV elevated pdr. P.E. protein-bound iodine after meals packed cell volume (of blood) powder physical examination ped. PEG Per. pediatrics pneumoencephalogram perineal pen. P.F. pH penicillin push fluids acidity value of blood or urine past history or personal history physiotherapy, physical therapy present illness radioactive phosphorus afternoon polymorphonuclear (leucocytes) pneumo, pneumonia per oral (by mouth) post-operative polymorphonuclear (leucocytes) positive posterior potassium P.H. physio. P.I. p131 P.M. PMN pneu. po P.O. polys. pos. post. pot. or potass. pre-op prev. primip. P.R.N. pron. preoperative previous primiparous (first pregnancy, no prior pregnancies) therapy in dosage, means as required, when necessary, as needed pronator, pronation dusting pdr. P.E. within normal limits ped. service PEG in P.M. inflamed Per. pos. to pen. P.F. to 2,000 ml. pH 7.0 P.H. not remarkable physio. ordered P.I.: backache p131 test schedule P.M. x-ray PMN normal pneu. 2 yrs. ago penicillin po. 3 weeks P.O. care polys. increased pos. lt. Laseques sign post. x-ray spine test for pot. distribution in body fluids order pre-op workup prev. hist. of diabetes Pt. in primip. medication P.R.N. restricted pron. MEDICAL RECORD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning Use or Example pros. prox. PSP pros. normal prox. end of tibia PSP in P.M. Pwd. Px. prostate, prostatic proximal phenolsulfonphthalein test patient physiotherapy, physical therapy posterior tibial artery pulse powder physical examination q.q. q.d. q.n. q.2.h. q.i.d. q.n.s. q.s., qs. every every day every night every two hours four times a day quantity not sufficient quantity sufficient qts. (handwriting corruption) q.v. drops q A.M. 10 fl. oz. q.d. alcR. back q.n. medication q.2.h. amb. 4 q.i.d. blood q.n.s. (for testing) specimen q.s. (when not measured) 3 qts. o.d. for 3 d. as much as you wish liq. q.v. R. R., (R) rad. RBC rect. right, rub rectal (temperature) radial red blood cells rectum, rectal, rectis (muscle) rehabilitation respiratory, respiration Rh factor of blood rule out alc. R. to lt. shoulder T. per R. rad. nerve RBCs decreased rect. muscle spasm ROA ROP right occiput anterior right occiput posterior (obstetrics) ROA presentation ROP presentation s Sa. sine (without) saline Fo. s hot compress Sa. solution Pt., pt. P.T. P.T. rehab. resp. Rh R/O Pt. admitted to P.T. for exercises P.T. pulse weak apply Pwd. Px. ordered rehab. started resp. shallow Rh negative R/O IVD MEDICAL RECORD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning Use or Example Sed. rate Sed. rate 8 mm./hr. sod. S.O.S. sp. sp. cd. spec. sedimentation rate of blood seminal vesicles ves. sensory, sensation serology, serological serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (test) serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase skeletal siblings take (on prescription) slight, slightly straight-leg raising (test) sodium when necessary spine, spinal spinal cord specimen sp. fl. spg. sp. gr. spin. S.R. ss s.s. SSE stat. stom., st. spinal fluid sponge specific gravity spine, spinal, spinous sedimentation rate one-half soap suds soap suds enema immediately, at once stomach sp. fl. cloudy spg. bath sp. gr. 1.006 pain over C7 spin. process S.R. norm ml. ss h.s. s.s. En. SSE in A.M. I.V. stat. dist. st. S.T.S. S.T.S. neg. subcut. sulf. sup. supin. surg. sys. serological test for syphilis subcutaneous sulfate superior supination surgery system subcut. injection M. sulf. forbidden sup. orbital fissure supin. rt. arm restricted card. surg. respiratory sys. T. temperature T. normal sem. ves. sens. sero. or serol. SGO-T SGP-T skel. sibs. sig. sl. SLR inflammation of sem. sens. to pin prick neg. sero. test normal SGO-T 110 SGP-T 80 skel. mm. intact 3 sibs. l & w sig. ii czps. P.R.N. pt. sl. dizzy SLR neg. on rt. low sod. diet hot compresses S.O.S. x-ray sp. sp. cd. severed urine spec. to lab. MEDICAL RECORD ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning Use or Example T&A tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy tablet talcum tetanus antitoxin tuning fork thorax, thoracic thrombosis three times a day tympanum membrani (ear drum) temperature, pulse, respiration T & A at 13 yrs. of age tab. talc. T.A.T. T.F. thor. thromb. t.i.d. T.M. TPR aspirin tab. P.R.N. talc. rub P.M. T.A.T. given T.F. test pos. for A.D. 3rd thor. Vert. coronary thromb. 2 caps. t.i.d. T.M. punctured TPR normal uln. ulnar frac. distal 3rd uln. upper G.I. upper gastrointestinal (as in series of x-rays) upper G.I. pos. Vag. V.C. V.D. VDRL Vag. exam neg. V.C. 4000 cc. R/O V.D. VDRL pos. vent. VI V.I. vol. vaginal vital capacity venereal disease serologic test for venereal disease (venereal disease research laboratory) ventral volume index vaginal irrigation volume WBC w.d., WD wh. ch. w.n., WN w.m., WM w.f., WF wt. white blood count well developed white child, wheel chair well nourished white male white female weight, weigh WBC normal w.d.m. use of wh. ch. OK w.n.f. 40 yr. old w.m. 21 yr. old w.f. wt. A.M. X times 3 X q.d. bruis vent. surf. abd VI 3.1 L./min./sq.M. V.I. daily A.M. pulm. res. vol. 1.0-1.5 L.