Getting Solar is Easy
Our energy choices make a difference. Not just in our homes but for polar bears, snow leopards and
every species. Pollution from burning coal and natural gas to make electricity is altering our climate and
putting life on earth in jeopardy. Fortunately, there is clean, abundant energy available from the sun and
it’s easier than ever to access. Solar is good for the planet and your pocketbook. Solar panel prices have
dropped 80 percent since 2008. Lease options in many states allow homeowners to go solar with zero
upfront costs and savings on their energy bills every month thereafter.
Rooftop solar is a great way to reduce your utility bills. But before you can start saving you need to
determine if your home is a good fit. Key considerations include your roof’s sun exposure, the size of
your roof, the age of your roof and whether trees or other structures may shade your solar panels. But
don’t assume that solar can’t work for your home. Your best option is to speak with a solar energy
expert so they can evaluate your situation and identify solutions.
Mid-size solar systems often can be installed on a home within a day. In some cases it may take up to
three days. How long it takes from when you decide to go solar to when the panels are installed varies,
but generally takes from 3-6 months. The biggest variable is how long the solar company takes to get
your necessary permits. Request a quote through our site and one of our partners can give you a
customized estimate based on your state and potential installer.
if your roof is in good condition and you don’t anticipate replacing it soon then you probably will be fine
to install solar panels. If you are planning on replacing your roof soon, you should probably install solar
panels after you’ve replaced your roof. Of course, if you have solar panels and then decide to replace
your roof, the panels can be removed and put back on.
Leasing solar panels is more popular because in many states it allows you to benefit from solar panels
without any upfront costs. A solar lease means that you are renting the solar system and are entitled to
the free power that the system generates. Solar leases are generally for 20 years. The leasing company is
responsible for maintaining and repairing the system if necessary (though with no moving parts
maintenance is not typically required). Homeowners save money on a solar lease when the monthly
lease costs less than their electricity bill savings with solar (for example, if the lease costs $80/month
and you save $120/month on your electricity bill, your net savings would be $40/month). Your contract
would stipulate options for terminating the lease in the event that you sell the property before the term
ends, such as transferring the lease to the home buyer.
When purchasing solar panels you pay for the solar system up front and own it outright. That means you
keep all of the cost savings every month and over the long run will end up saving more money than from
leasing. State and federal tax rebates may be available to defray some of the up-front costs.
Since solar panels are dark, face the sun and operate at a warmer temperature than the outside air,
snow normally melts off quickly. If the panels are installed at an angle, the snow usually slides off the
slick surface. Research shows that snowy conditions may actually help solar panels produce more
electricity because sunlight reflects off the snow. Additionally, solar panels operate more efficiently in
cold weather. This is great news for colder, northern states.
Since solar panels have no moving parts they rarely, if ever, require maintenance or cleaning. Even if
something were to go wrong, most panel warranties last 25 years. Inverters may eventually need to be
replaced but most come with at least a 10 year warranty. If you leased your solar panels, the leasing
company is responsible to maintaining and repairing the system if necessary.
Right now is the best time to explore going solar because solar panels are more affordable and powerful
than ever before. According to 1BOG, the average homeowner saves $1217.63 a year on electricity by
going solar.