Essay /Writing Scholarships Scholarship Brief description / requirements October Website Amount Deadline AES Essay Contest Not just engineers- general essay prompt 500-1000 words $500 10/4/2013 Grade 12 2013 prompt: Reflecting on your personal experiences and/or circumstances, tell us something about yourself that distinguishes you as a potential scholarship candidate. November Elks National Foundation 2013 Most Valuable Student Scholarship VFW Voice of Democracy 3-5 min audio essay Grades 9-12 mvsfaq.cfm Voice of Democracy $1000-15,000 $1000 – 30,000 Nov. 2013, check back in fall for details 11/1/ 2013 2013-14 Theme: “ Why I’m Optimistic About our Nation’s Future Bennington Young Writers Competition Poetry, fiction ( short story, 1 act play ) , nonfiction Grades 10-12 We The Students Scholarship Contest Bill of Rights Institute Grades 9-12 Free Speech Essay Contest FIRE- Foundation for Individual Rights in Education 800-1000 words Grades 11-12 competition.aspx rams-events/students-programsevents/scholarship/ Must answer 3 essay questions related to the principles of the Constitution and the relevance of the Constitution today Prompt: Why is free speech important at our nation's colleges and universities? Scholarship List November 13, 2012 College and Career Center U.S. Grant High School 2245 NE 36th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212 503-916-5160 Ist $500 2nd $250 11/1/ 2013 $500-4000 Nov. 2013, check back in Sept. for contest details $100010,000 1/1/14 First Freedom Student Essay Competition Essay: 750-1450 words Video : 5-7 mins ( up to 4 teammates ) Grades 9-12 $2500 2013 Topic: International Religious Freedom Act and Universal Declaration of Human Rights 11/18/ 2013 online registration 11/25/2013 Essay/video due 1. Should the advancement of freedom of religion be a part of U.S. foreign policy? If so, why? If not, why not? What challenges might the United States face in trying to advance religious freedom internationally? (Please support your arguments with academically respected sources that consider differing views.) 2. Does religious oppression half way around the world affect you and other citizens? If so, how? If not, why not? 3. How does Eleanor Roosevelt's statement that universal human rights begin in "small places, close to home - so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any map of the world" apply to you and the impact that you and your generation can have on the advancement of freedom of religion and conscience now and in the future, at home and abroad? December Healthy Lifestyles Essay Scholarship 2 essay questions Grade 12 The Big Dig Scholarship 500-1000 words Grade 12 php Why is a healthy lifestyle important in school ? ( 1000 words ) Describe your career plans, goals, and personal ambitions. 500 words rship.php Prompt: Write about what you would bury in your backyard to be discovered in the future. See websites for more details. Scholarship List November 13, 2012 College and Career Center U.S. Grant High School 2245 NE 36th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212 503-916-5160 $5000 Dec. 2013, check back in fall for details $3000 Dec. 2013, check back in fall for details Laws Of Life Essay Contest Video <= 2mins Essay 500-1000 words Grade 12 Having a purpose, a calling, a sense was one of John Templeton’s original laws of life. Create a vision for yourself and world you want to create. $5000 Dec. 2013, check back in fall for details Music Student Scholarship Essay Contest SBO Magazine Member of band/orchestra Essay: 250 words Grades 9-12 2014 Prompt: TBA $1000 merchandise awarded to schools Dec. 2013, check back Sept. 1st for details Better Business Bureau “Students of Integrity “ Scholarship Essay : 1000 words GPA 3.5+ Grades 11-12 alaskaoregonwesternwashington.bbb. org/ scholarship Which one of BBB’s standards of trust do you value most in businesses? Why” $2500 award to Oregon student Dec. 2013, check back in fall for details January Optimist International Essay and Oratorical Contests Essay: 700-800 words Speech : 4-5 minutes Grades 9-12 scholarships3.cfm Students must first compete at local club level. Young Playwrights Inc National Playwriting Competition Grades 9-12 JFK Profile in Courage Essay Contest national-comp.html 1000 words Grades 9-12 Scholastic Writing and Arts Awards 11 writing categories $5 /submission Grades 9-12 4/15/14 $2500 to District winner in essay and speech categories 10 national winners 1/ 2/2014 Describe political courage by a U.S. elected official that occurred during or after 1956 (publication date of Profiles in Courage), addressed at the local, state, or national level. $50010,000 + trip to Kennedy Library 1/6/2014 Categories: dramatic script, flash fiction, humor, journalism, novel writing, personal essay/memoir, persuasive writing, poetry, portfolio ( Regional: Key award; National: Metal; Jan. 2014, check back in fall/winter for details Scholarship List November 13, 2012 College and Career Center U.S. Grant High School 2245 NE 36th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212 503-916-5160 seniors only $ 20 ) Letters About Literature Center for the Book- Library of Congress writing contest; Grades 9-10 Readers write a personal letter to an author, living or dead, how that author's work changed the student's way of thinking about the world or themselves. see web site for guidelines State Winners $50-100 National Winners: $1000 12/10/2013 Gulen Institute Youth Platform Essay Contest $50-3000+ Trip to DC 12/10/2013 Jan. 2014, check back in October for details 2014 Prompt: 1500-2000 word essay Referenced Grades 9-12 What role should state and non-profit agencies play in the education of disadvantaged youth who are not realizing their potential? NHS Scholarship Program Grade 12 NHS members Nominated by NHS essay: 300 words NHSScholarshipProgram.aspx 2013 Topic: Describe the value of the quality and how you have exemplified it at some point during your high school career $1000 Association for Women in Math Essay Contest 500-1000 words Grades 9-12 awmath/programs/essay-contest/ contest-rules Prize + essay published Essay should be based primarily on an interview with a woman currently working in a mathematical career online at the AWM web site. Dupont Challenge Science Essay Award 700-1000 words Grades 9-12 February Prompt: TBA $100-3000 National Peace Essay Contest Grades 9-12 2013 topic: Gender, War and Peacebuilding 2014 Prompt: How does security State wins: $1000 + trip Wash DC National: Scholarship List November 13, 2012 College and Career Center U.S. Grant High School 2245 NE 36th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212 503-916-5160 1/31/2014 Jan. 2014, check back in fall/winter for details 2/3/2014 sector reform contribute to sustainable peace? OSAC –Scholarships Oregon Student Access Commission : 1 application 400 scholarships *Some require essays* Chinese American Citizens Alliance National Essay Contest Chinese ancestry Grades 9-12 The Vegetarian Resource Group College Scholarship scholarships.aspx $2500-10,000 $500 for Early Bird registration 2/15/14 Scholarship amounts vary Local : Contact Portland host to register- see web site for details Timed essay contest- 2 hours to write 500 word essay on day of contest ( March ) $100-1000 ( national ) Also local prizes Feb. 2014, check back in fall/winter for details Prompt: How did you promote vegetarianism in high school + community, in college and beyond. See website for more details $5000 American Legion Oratorical Contest 8-10 min speech+ 3-5 min assigned topic Grades 9-12 Speech aspect of the U.S. Constitution, emphasis on the duties and obligations of citizens to our government 2013 Assigned topics: topics Up to $18,000 Top 4 state winners receive award March 2014, check back in fall/winter for details Engineer Essay Contest Boys and Girls Max 1500 words $100-500 March 2014, check back in fall/winter for details Grade 12 2/20/2014 March 2014Prompt: TBA Grades 9-12 Scholarship List November 13, 2012 College and Career Center U.S. Grant High School 2245 NE 36th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212 503-916-5160 Oregon Collectors Association Hasson-Newman Memorial Scholarship 1000-1500 words Grade 12 Annual Kaplun Essay Contest Level 1: Grade 9 250-1000 words Level 2: Grades 10-12 250-1500 words Greenfield Peace Writing Contest $1000-3000 Prompt: Credit in The 21st Century say.html Lever 1 ( Grade 9 ): What person of importance to the Jewish people would you like to meet and why? Level 2 ( Grades 10-12 ) : Are the Ten Commandments still the cornerstone of civilization’s moral code? Why or why not? Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility $750-1800 March 2014, check back in fall/winter for details $500-1000 March 2014, check back in fall/winter for details Essays, poems or fiction Max 600 words Grades 11-12 Ayn Rand Institute Essay Contests Reading- writing contests 600-1200 words 2014 Prompt: TBA aynrandnovels. org See web site deadlines - different each novel Anthem – March 20, 2014 Atlas Shrugged – September 17, 2013 The Fountainhead – April 26, 2014 $30-10,000 9/17/2014 ip-program 2014 Prompt: TBA $250-5000 $100-1000 American Society of Human Genetics dnadaycontest.shtml 2014 Prompt: TBA Scholarship List November 13, 2012 College and Career Center U.S. Grant High School 2245 NE 36th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212 503-916-5160 2014 Deadlines: 4/20/2014 Hays Kirby Memorial Scholarship Essay Contest ( Joe Foss Institute ) Minimum of 1500 words; Grades 9-12 DNA Day Essay Contest 750 word essay Grades 9-12 3/1/2013 4/26/2014 3/10/2013 March 2014, check back in fall/winter for details Willamette Writers Kate Herzog Scholarships Grade 12 Listen to a Life Essay Contest 300 word story Grades 9-12 $100-250 March 2014, check back in fall/winter for details Prizes: Computer+ clock March 2014, check back in Sept. 2013 for details $500 to Oregon student March 2014, check back in fall/winter for details $500-1000 March 2014, check back in fall/winter for details $2000 to senior in Portland Metropolitan area April 2014, check back in fall/winter for details Original, unpublished writing sample of < 1000 words. Fiction, memoirs, poetry contests/ltalform.html Interview with grandparent or “grandfriend” 50 years or older ( not parent ) Jiffy Lube Teen Drive Scholarship Program 500 words Current licensed high school drivers National DDay Museum Online Essay Contest Max 1000 words Accept first 500 entries; Grades 9-12 April your turn 2 Prompt: What Drives You?” ( motivates you ) NW EEO Alyce Marcus Scholarship Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Association GPA 2.75+ Grade 12 scholarship_application.php 2014 Prompt TBA Students with a demonstrated commitment to diversity that manifests itself within their families and their communities. Jiffy Lube Teen Drive Scholarship Program 500 words Students who have taken Driver’s Ed in current year your turn 2 Prompt: What Drives You?” ( motivates you ) $250 to Oregon April 2014, student check back in fall/winter for details Annual Signet Classics Student Scholarship Essay Contest Essay: 2-3 pages Submitted by English teacher Grades 11-12 /static/pages/servicesacademic/essayhome.html 2013 book: 1984 See web site for essay questions Pick one of the 6 topics 2014: Beowulf $1000 Scholarship List November 13, 2012 College and Career Center U.S. Grant High School 2245 NE 36th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212 503-916-5160 4/14/14 Harry S. Chandler Memorial Scholarship Oregon Southwest Industry Liaison Group- labor law See counselor before applying Only 3 candidates selected from each school Grade 12 OSWILG: committed to working towards equality in the workplace –OOEC www.portlandhumanists The National Student Poetry Contest ( The America Library of Poetry ) $2000 April 2014, check back in fall/winter for details $500 plus random drawings for laptop computers 4/30/2014 $500 April 2014, check back in fall/winter for details “Why I am a Secular Humanist” poem no longer than 20 lines- any subject Grades 9-12 GPA 3.0+ Grade 12 April 2014, check back in fall/winter for details 2 page essay: “How diversity has influenced my life and the role it will play in achieving my education goals” Humanists of Greater Portland Scholarship Essay Contest 750- 1000 words GPA 3.0+ Grade 12 Oregon Dove Scholarship Zeta Phi Beta SororityPortland chapter $1000 to Multnomah County senior Dove_Scholarship_2013.pdf Essay prompt: Plans for the future ( 500 words ) May Oregon State Bar OSB New Lawyers Division Essay 500-750 words Grades 9-12 ml Prompt: essay of 500-750 words, National History Day Local partner: Oregon Historical Society Essay( 1500-2500 words ), web site design , documentary ( 10 mins limit ) , exhibit perform. Grades 9-12 senior division State coordinator : Email: $250-500 using information found in packet: constitutional amendment, case law 2013 Theme: Turning Points in History: People, Ideas, Events Scholarship List November 13, 2012 College and Career Center U.S. Grant High School 2245 NE 36th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212 503-916-5160 National level: $250-1000 May 2014, check back in fall/winter for details May 2014, check back in fall/winter for details June The Home Security Scholarship ( formerly America’s Best Blogging Scholarship ) 300-500 word essay Grade 12 scholarship $1000 June 2014, check back in fall/winter for details $500 June 2014, check back in fall/winter for details How to Improve the safety of our nation’s cities. Pick a city from the list on website. John Gyles Education Center Awards 1500 word Book Report GPA 3.5+ College bound senior /scholarship Select book on list or nonfiction book of choice Abbott and Fenner Annual Award Essay 500-100 words Grades 11-12 Donna Foss Scholarship Essay Contest ( Joe Foss Institute ) scholarship.htm 2014 Prompt: TBA $1000 6/14/2014 $1000-5000 2014 Prompt: TBA 1500- 2000 words Grades 9-12 Scholarship List November 13, 2012 College and Career Center U.S. Grant High School 2245 NE 36th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212 503-916-5160 June 2014, check back in fall/winter for details