Vocabulary Unit 1

Vocabulary Unit I
Vocabulary Lesson 1: Get to the Point!
Today’s roots:
co-, concis
❑ concise (adj)
together, with
run, course
brief and to the point (con- altogether + cis cut)
Ricky, try to be a bit more concise in this paper; the assignment was for a three-page paper; yours was 106.
Synonyms: succinct, terse
Antonyms: prolix, discursive, protracted, circumlocutory, verbose
❑ laconic (adj)
disposed to using few words (from Latin term for Spartans, who spoke little)
I’ve known Lucy for ten years, but she’s so laconic that I hardly know anything about her past.
Synonyms: taciturn, reticent
Antonyms: garrulous, loquacious
❑ succinct (adj)
spoken or written in a clear and precise manner
Because commercial time during the Super Bowl runs over $3 million per minute, it’s good to be succinct.
Synonyms: terse, concise
Antonyms: prolix, discursive, protracted, circumlocutory, verbose
❑ brusque (adj)
rudely abrupt
My girlfriend tends to be brusque when she’s mad; she just tells me to “talk to the hand.”
Synonyms: curt, abrupt, petulant
❑ abridge (v)
to shorten a written text
The dictionary was 1,400 pages long before it was abridged by the publishers to 850 pages.
Synonym: abbreviate
Antonyms: augment, amplify, protract
❑ brevity (n)
quality of succinct expression (brev- brief + -ity quality of)
Speeches at the Academy Awards are not known for their brevity; they often go on long past their allotted time.
Synonyms: conciseness, pithiness, succinctness, laconism
❑ conspire (v)
to plan together secretly to commit an illegal act (con- together + -spire breathe)
Synonyms: collude, collaborate
❑ concur (v)
to agree (con- together + -cur run)
Synonyms: accord, harmonize, cohere
❑ concord (n)
a state of harmony (con- together + -cord heart)
Synonyms: unanimity, consensus
❑ congenital (adj)
existing at birth (con- together + gen born)
Synonyms: innate, inborn
❑ schism (n)
a division into political or religious factions (cis cut)
Synonyms: faction, rift, divergence
❑ incisive (adj)
having or indicating keen insight (in- in + cis cut)
Synonyms: acute, keen, astute, canny, perspicacious, judicious, shrewd
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Vocabulary Lesson 2: Think Before You Judge
Today’s roots:
❑ judicious (adj)
oath, law
to examine
showing sound judgment; prudent ( jud- judge + -ious full of)
After much thought, I decided that the most judicious thing to do was to avoid the swamp full of alligators.
Synonyms: prudent, sensible, circumspect, sagacious
Antonyms: improvident, rash
❑ adjudicate (v)
to hear and judge a case ( jud- judge + -ate to do)
Sometimes when my two children fight, I feel like I’m adjudicating a capital crime rather than settling a quarrel.
❑ astute (adj)
shrewd; keen
The young Sherlock Holmes was quite the astute investigator; he always unraveled even the toughest mysteries.
Synonyms: sagacious, shrewd, incisive, canny, perspicacious
Antonyms: vacuous, vapid, obtuse
❑ scrutinize (v)
to examine carefully (scruta examine + -ize to do)
Before buying an apple, scrutinize it to be sure that it has no bruises.
Synonyms: analyze, peruse
❑ pragmatic (adj)
concerned with practical outcomes
The architects chose a solarium design that was less aesthetic than pragmatic: it was not beautiful, but it kept heating and
lighting costs down.
❑ perjure (v)
to lie under oath ( per- through + jur oath)
The mobster told blatant lies while on the stand, perjuring himself to keep his partners out of jail.
Synonym: prevaricate
❑ prudent (adj)
using good judgment ( prudentia knowledge)
It would not be prudent to sneak out of your room again tonight; your parents will ground you if they catch you!
Synonyms: judicious, sensible
Antonyms: improvident, rash
❑ jurisprudence (n)
❑ jurisdiction (n)
the science or philosophy of law ( jur- law + prudentia knowledge)
the sphere of authority or control ( jur- law + dictio declaration)
Synonym: domain
❑ adjure (v)
to command solemnly, as under oath (ad- to + jur oath)
Synonyms: enjoin, entreat, beseech
❑ adjudge (v)
to determine based upon law (ad- to + jud judge)
Synonym: adjudicate
❑ acumen (n)
keenness of judgment (acus sharp)
Synonyms: discernment, perspicacity, shrewdness
❑ inscrutable (adj)
beyond comprehension or examination (in- not + scruta examine)
Synonyms: enigmatic, recondite, abstruse
❑ allegation (n)
a formal accusation (ad- to + legare dispute)
Synonyms: contention, assertion, charge
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Vocabulary Lesson 3: Let’s Talk About It
Today’s roots:
locu, loqu talk
verb word
e-, ex-
❑ eloquent (adj)
well spoken (e- out + loqu talk)
She is an eloquent spokeswoman for animal rights; she conveys her ideas with great ease and fluidity.
Synonyms: articulate, fluent
Antonym: inarticulate
❑ loquacious (adj)
very talkative (loqu- talk + -ious full of)
That guy never stops talking; now I understand why they call him “Loquacious Larry”!
Synonyms: garrulous, voluble
Antonyms: laconic, taciturn, reticent
❑ circumlocution (n)
evasive speech; talking around the subject (circum- around + loqu talk)
The politician had perfected the art of circumlocution; he knew exactly how to avoid answering direct questions.
Synonym: evasion
❑ colloquial (adj)
conversational; using everyday language (co- together + loqu talk)
I like Professor Thompson because she is so colloquial; yesterday she said my thesis idea was “really cool.”
❑ grandiloquent (adj)
speaking in a pompous manner (grand- great + loqu talk + -ent adjective)
His speech was pompous and grandiloquent; it seemed he was just trying to use as many big words as possible.
Synonyms: pontifical, portentous
❑ elocution (n)
expressive delivery of public speech (e- out + loqu talk + -tion noun)
James is adept at elocution; his expressions and mannerisms add a new level of meaning to his words.
❑ garrulous (adj)
Karl is always ready to talk about any subject, no matter how trivial, but at parties he is even more garrulous.
Synonyms: loquacious, voluble
❑ pontificate (v)
to speak pompously (pontifex high priest)
Synonyms: declaim, sermonize, dogmatize
❑ verbose (adj)
wordy (verb- word + -ose full of)
Synonyms: prolix, discursive, digressive
❑ verbatim (adv)
word for word (verb- word)
I followed the recipe verbatim.
❑ ineffable (adj)
unable to be expressed in words (in- not + effari utter)
Try as he might to express his love in a poem, his feelings seemed ineffable.
❑ tangential (adj)
only superficially relevant; off-topic
Synonyms: irrelevant, incidental, immaterial
❑ tout (v)
to promote or praise energetically
Synonyms: acclaim, herald, laud
❑ anecdote (n)
a short and often humorous story
Don’t confuse with antidote (n), a remedy.
❑ discursive (adj)
straying from the topic (dis- away + curs course)
Synonyms: digressive, desultory
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Vocabulary Lesson 4: “Good, Thanks”
Today’s roots:
ben, bene, bon good
grat to please, thank
❑ benefactor (n)
eu good
vole wish
one who supports or helps another (bene- good + fact to make)
Mr. King is the benefactor who generously donated the money for the new children’s wing in the hospital.
Synonyms: philanthropist, patron
Antonyms: malefactor, nemesis, antagonist, adversary
❑ benign (adj)
harmless (bene good)
She was relieved to find out that her tumor was benign.
Synonym: innocuous
Antonyms: malignant, virulent
❑ benevolent (adj)
kind; considerate (bene- good + vole wish)
The benevolent Cub Scout did his good deed for the day when he helped a motorist change a tire.
Synonyms: gracious, altruistic, magnanimous
Antonyms: malevolent, malicious, inimical, pernicious
❑ benediction (n)
an expression of good wishes (bene- good + dictus declaration)
At the reception, the father of the bride offered a benediction, wishing the couple never-ending love and happiness.
Synonyms: blessing, sanction
Antonyms: curse, malediction, execration
❑ euphemism (n)
the substitution of an inoffensive term for an offensive one (eu- good + pheme speech)
A good journalist avoids the euphemisms of war, like “ordnance” for bombs and “collateral damage” for casualties.
❑ eulogy (n) a praising tribute (eu- good + logia discourse) (Although associated with funerals, “eulogy” has
a positive tone.)
His touching eulogy for his fallen friend left all the mourners weeping.
Synonyms: encomium, laudation, extolment, paean
Antonyms: denunciation, execration, censure
❑ ingratiate (v)
to put oneself in good favor with another (in- in + grat to please)
When starting at a new school, Mary sought to ingratiate herself with her classmates by being excessively nice.
Synonyms: flatter, wheedle, toady, cajole
❑ beneficiary (n)
one who receives benefits (bene- good + fic to make)
Synonyms: heir, recipient, legatee
❑ gratuity (n)
a small payment in gratitude (grat- thank)
Don’t confuse with gratuitous (adj) unnecessary
❑ gratis (adj)
free of charge (grat- thank)
He let me borrow his car gratis.
❑ gratify (v)
to please (grat- please)
Synonyms: appease, mollify, indulge
❑ euphoria (n)
a feeling of extreme happiness (eu- good)
Synonyms: elation, rapture, jubilation, ecstasy
❑ euphonious (n)
sweet sounding (eu- good + phon sound)
Synonyms: mellifluous, dulcet, lyrical
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Vocabulary Lesson 5: Changes
Today’s roots:
❑ immutable (adj)
morph form, shape
meta change, beyond
unchangeable (im- not + mut change)
Emily is an immutable vegetarian. No matter how hard we try, we cannot get her to eat meat.
Synonyms: permanent, inveterate
Antonyms: mutable, protean, vacillating, mercurial
❑ metamorphosis (n)
a transformation (meta- change + morph form)
The old house underwent a metamorphosis from a rundown shack into a beautiful cottage.
Synonyms: transformation, mutation, transmogrification
❑ rupture (v)
to break open (rupt- break)
When the vat of smelly liquid ruptured, we picked up our feet to avoid getting the stuff on our shoes.
Synonyms: burst, fissure, cleave
❑ transmute (v)
to transform (trans- across + mut change)
Harry Potter was able to transmute a feather into a frog using a spell he learned in incantations class.
Synonyms: metamorphose, alter, transmogrify
❑ amorphous (adj)
lacking shape; changeable in form (a- without + morph shape)
Rather than marching in precise formation, the battalion broke down into an amorphous mass of charging soldiers.
Synonyms: shapeless, nebulous, vague, nondescript
Antonym: crystalline
❑ mercurial (adj)
erratic; subject to wild changes in character (from the speedy god Mercury)
Molly is the most mercurial person in the office; we can never tell if she’ll be the evil Molly or the sympathetic Molly.
Synonyms: fickle, capricious, vacillating
Antonyms: immutable, stable
❑ protean (adj)
capable of assuming different forms (from the form-changing sea god Proteus)
He has changed his position on issues so many times that he is considered the most protean member of Congress.
Synonyms: polymorphous, labile
Antonyms: immutable, stable
❑ mutate (v)
to change form (mut- change)
Synonyms: transform, transmogrify
❑ fickle (adj)
likely to change opinion unpredictably
Synonyms: capricious, vacillating, mercurial
❑ fluctuate (v)
to vary irregularly ( flux flow)
Synonyms: vacillate, waver
❑ vacillate (v)
to change one’s mind repeatedly
Synonyms: fluctuate, waver
❑ revamp (v)
to revise; to renovate (re- again)
Synonyms: refurbish, renovate
❑ amend (v)
to improve; to remove the faults of
Synonyms: rectify, redress, ameliorate, mitigate
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Vocabulary Lesson 6: One Boring World
Today’s roots:
vac empty
mund world
❑ hackneyed (adj)
uni one
anima spirit, mind
overused; trite
This film was a hackneyed remake with a storyline that has been done a hundred times.
Synonyms: trite, prosaic, banal
Antonyms: original, novel
❑ mundane (adj)
ordinary; typical (mund- world)
Having worked for years behind a desk, she wanted to leave the mundane world behind for exotic adventures abroad.
Synonyms: routine, workaday, banal
Antonyms: singular, extraordinary, sublime
❑ vacuous (adj)
lacking substance (vac- empty)
His latest book is widely criticized as vacuous and unintelligent.
Synonyms: inane, asinine, fatuous
Antonyms: profound, thoughtful, deep
❑ prosaic (adj)
unimaginative; ordinary
I don’t understand why his oration was selected as the best; it was so prosaic that I nearly fell asleep.
Synonyms: mundane, pedestrian
Antonyms: innovative, quixotic, whimsical
❑ insipid (adj)
uninteresting; dull; without flavor (in- not + sapere taste)
Christine is the life of the party, but Tom is as insipid as they come; hardly anyone wants to talk with him.
Synonyms: bland, nondescript, vapid
Antonyms: engaging, enchanting, piquant
❑ banal (adj)
ordinary; trivial
That show used to be my favorite, but its story lines became so banal that I could no longer stand it.
Synonyms: hackneyed, trite
Antonyms: extraordinary, singular, sublime
❑ pedestrian (adj)
commonplace; ordinary
Synonyms: prosaic, banal, vapid
❑ dormant (adj)
inactive; sleeping (dormire sleep)
Synonyms: inert, fallow
❑ unanimous (adj)
in full agreement (un- one + anima mind)
Synonyms: concordant, concerted
❑ uniform (adj)
unvarying; always the same (un- one + forma form)
Synonym: homogeneous
❑ equanimity (n)
the quality of being even-tempered (equa- same + anima mind)
Synonyms: composure, imperturbability, aplomb
❑ magnanimous (adj)
noble of heart; generous; forgiving (magna- great + anima mind)
Synonyms: philanthropic, altruistic, merciful
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Vocabulary Lesson 7: The Humours
Today’s roots:
sanguis blood
choler bile
spirit, mind
In medieval Europe, it was widely believed that one’s health and disposition were largely determined by the balance of four bodily liquids called “humours”: blood (sang), phlegm, black bile (melancholer), and yellow bile
❑ sanguine (adj)
cheerfully optimistic (sanguis blood)
After acing his final, David was sanguine about his prospects for a good overall course grade.
Synonyms: blithe, buoyant
Antonyms: morose, forlorn, melancholy, sullen
❑ phlegmatic (adj)
His prolonged illness turned Julio from a spry, happy bon vivant into a morose and phlegmatic bore.
Synonyms: languorous, lethargic, somnolent, torpid
Antonyms: vigorous, vibrant, hale, spry
❑ melancholy (adj)
sad, depressed (melan- black + choler bile)
She has been so melancholy ever since she broke up with her boyfriend; sometimes she is even too depressed to talk with
her friends.
Synonyms: morose, despondent, disconsolate, sullen
Antonyms: blithe, buoyant, sanguine
❑ choleric (adj)
easily angered (choler- bile + -ic characterized by)
Gena’s mom is really nice but her dad is choleric; he freaks out about the smallest things.
Synonyms: irascible, fractious, bilious, splenetic
❑ recalcitrant (adj)
stubbornly resistant to authority (re- back + calcitrare kick)
Christine is a talented volleyball player, but she’s so recalcitrant that our coach often keeps her on the bench.
Synonyms: refractory, intractable
Antonyms: compliant, docile, tractable, obsequious, obeisant
❑ lethargic (adj)
sluggish; dully apathetic
After three weeks of factoring polynomials, my entire class became lethargic; we were bored to death!
Synonyms: languorous, phlegmatic, torpid
Antonyms: vigorous, vibrant, hale, spry
❑ splenetic (adj)
irritable; easily angered (splen- spleen)
Synonyms: bilious, choleric
❑ querulous (adj)
disposed to complaining
Synonyms: peevish, captious, carping, caviling
❑ dolorous (adj)
marked by or expressive of sorrow or pain (dolor- pain)
Synonyms: lugubrious, doleful
❑ animosity (n)
hostility; ill-will (animosus bold)
Synonyms: malevolence, antagonism, invidiousness
❑ pusillanimous (adj)
cowardly (pusillus- weak + anima spirit)
Synonyms: timorous, craven, dastardly
❑ lassitude (n)
feeling of weakness or listlessness
Synonyms: lethargy, languor, torpor, stupor
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