PROGRAM EVALUATION Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Effective with the academic year 2007-2008, faculty endorsed the use of ATI products as the assessment vendor for the nursing program. Students are required to purchase ATI products as mandated by the nursing faculty or they will be unable to progress in the curriculum. ATI fees are included in the tuition bill on a semester to semester basis. Standardized Assessments in the New Nursing Curriculum* Effective Academic Year 2011-2012 First Year Fall Spring NURS 115: No ATI assessment No ATI assessment Second Year Fall Spring NURS212: Basic Skills videos available to NURS 311: Med-surg targeted reviews** students; Nutrition review; Online Practice Fundamentals Medical Surgical Review module ATI Critical thinking assessment pre test Third Year Fall Spring NURS 310: ATI Fundamentals; Med-surg NURS 314: Community review modules; online targeted reviews; online practice fundamentals practice test NURS 312: ATI Maternal -Newborn Nursing and ATI Nursing of Children; Review modules and practice assessments in each NURS 339: Med-surg targeted reviews NURS 331.2 Pharmacology review modules NURS 332.2 ATI Pharmacology Fourth Year Fall Spring NURS 313: ATI Medical Surgical Nursing NURS 316: ATI RN Predictor Pre - Exam Practice RN Comprehensive Form A NURS 317: ATI Leadership; ATI Critical Thinking (CTA) post; ATI RN Predictor Post NURS 315: ATI Mental Health, Community – Exam; ATI leadership review module Health Online practice assessments are available in community health, medical-surgical nursing and mental health nursing *Only courses in the major appear in these tables **Med Surg targeted reviews are used in the spring semester of second year and each semester thereafter. Bolded titles = proctored content assessments 31 ATI Assessment Policy The nursing department has incorporated a comprehensive assessment and review program into the curriculum in order to systematically strengthen the knowledge base of nursing students which may result in a more competent, successful practitioner. This program consists of a variety of review materials, DVDs, online practice assessments as well as proctored assessments. All of these materials are designed to promote learning throughout the course of study. For example, students entering the first clinical nursing course will be required to purchase the critical thinking assessment. Students entering their first clinical nursing course will receive review materials appropriate to the content in that course. Proctored assessments are placed within specific nursing courses. For example, the nursing care of children proctored assessment is placed within Nursing 312: The Dynamic Family because the majority of concepts related to the nursing of children is found within this course (see standardized assessments in the new curriculum, Nursing Student Handbook). Students are encouraged to prepare for this proctored assessment by reviewing printed materials, appropriate DVDs and students are required to take the online practice assessments prior to the proctored assessments. By so doing, students should be successful on the proctored assessments offered toward the end of the course. The proctored assessments are scored in a variety of ways. Students will receive an individual score, a percentile rank and a proficiency level. Proficiency level 2 is the benchmark set by the nursing faculty. Proficiency levels are explained in the following table. Proficiency Level 1 Proficiency Level 2 (MC Benchmark) Proficiency Level 3 Demonstrates minimum level of knowledge in this content area required to support academic readiness for subsequent curricular content. Demonstrates a level of knowledge in this content area that more than adequately supports academic readiness for subsequent curricular content. Demonstrates a higher than expected level of knowledge in this content area that confidently supports academic readiness for subsequent curricular content. Students will take the following content mastery series proctored assessments: Fundamentals of Nursing Maternal Newborn Nursing Nursing of Children Community Health Nursing Medical Surgical Nursing Mental Health Nursing Leadership and Management Pharmacology 32 These assessments will be factored into course grades. For example, Fundamentals of Nursing will count as 10% of the grade in Nursing 310. If two content mastery proctored assessments are given in one class, then each assessment will count as 5% of the grade. Students will achieve better outcomes if serious preparation is taken prior to the assessment. Students will be given 2 points for taking the online practice assessment and performing a focused review of the practice assessment prior to the proctored assessment. Students will earn points based on their proficiency level and will earn 2 additional points by performing a focused review of material that was answered incorrectly on the proctored assessment. A minimum of two hours must be spent doing the focused review in order for 2 points to be earned for remediation efforts. The following chart details how the grade will be computed based on proficiency levels achieved. Points Awarded for Taking the Online Practice Assessment and performing focused review Proficiency Level on ATI Proctored Assessments Points Awarded for Achievement on ATI Proctored Exams Points Awarded for focused review of missed topics from ATI Proctored Assessment TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS AWARDED (converts to a percentage when multiplied by 10) 2 Proficiency Level 3 6 2 10 2 Proficiency Level 2 5 2 9 2 Proficiency Level 1 3 2 7 2 Below level 1 2 2 6 A focused review of missed material MUST be completed in order to earn 2 remediation points. This should take approximately 2 hours and will be based on the areas of individual under-performance. Once this is completed, the student may decide to take a second content assessment to demonstrate increased knowledge. Any student who does not achieve a proficiency level 2 benchmark is required to re-take the assessment. As before, the student will be required to perform a focused review on the second proctored assessment in order to earn the 2 remediation points. The highest ATI score earned will be used for grade calculation purposes. The Comprehensive Predictor Assessment is offered at the start of the second semester senior year. This assessment consists of 180 questions on all content areas of nursing. It is helpful in predicting success on the licensure examination in nursing. The nursing faculty has set a benchmark of 90% probability of passing on the comprehensive predictor. If this benchmark is not achieved the first time, the student will once again participate in a focused review in all underperformed areas. The first comprehensive predictor is worth 5% of the Nursing 317 grade. All students will be given a second RN Comprehensive Assessment later in the spring semester. This will count as 5% of the course grade in Nursing 317. As before, students will be required to do a focused review in those areas of under-performance in order to earn the remediation points, even if the student predicts to pass the NCLEX. If students do not earn a probability score of 90% on second attempt, remediation will be required, the nature of which will be at the discretion of the course faculty. In addition to remediation, the independent clinical practicum portion of Nursing 317 will be delayed. As with the content mastery proctored assessments, the RN Comprehensive Predictor Assessment is worth a total of 10% (5 % of the grade for each version in Nursing 317) and the Leadership & Management content assessment will count as 5%. Students will earn points for taking the online practice comprehensive coupled with a focused review prior to the proctored assessment and for remediation after completion of the proctored assessment. The following chart details how the grade will be computed based on proficiency levels achieved. Points Awarded for Online Practice Comprehensive Predictor and focused review 2 Probability of Passing on Comprehensive Predictor Points Awarded for Achievement on ATI Comprehensive Predictor Points Awarded for Focused Review on missed topics from ATI Proctored Comprehensive Predictor TOTAL POSSIBLE POINTS AWARDED (converts to a percentage when multiplied by 10) 95% Probability of passing 6 2 10 90% Probability of passing 5 2 9 85% probability of passing 3 2 7 80% probability of passing 2 2 6 34 Reviewed: Revised: Approved: 6.2.11