Google Rank White Paper

120 Broadus Ave., Greenville, SC 29601
(864) 248-0886 |
6 Things You Need to Know
120 Broadus Ave., Greenville, SC 29601
(864) 248-0886 |
Google’s so-called Mobilegeddon has come and gone. While the
latest update to the search engine’s algorithm made headlines
Google Algorithms
and, yes, even caused headaches for some, what the change
really reinforced is that search engine optimization (SEO) is
constantly evolving. From Panda to Penguin, and all the other
Google updates, to now-forbidden Facebook “like-gating”
and even black hat SEO companies, the only constant in SEO
is change. Strategies that worked and were embraced, even
lauded, just two years ago are now out-of-date with the latest
search engine algorithms. When it comes to Google, the biggest
search engine in the world, out-of-date equals out of favor,
which equals ineffective for improving your search results.
You can devote dozens of precious hours to improving your
rank on search engine results pages (SERPs), but without the
proper research, direction, and knowledge of the latest updates,
it could prove futile.
We’ve gathered the most up-to-date information, tactics,
strategies and ideas, all in one place, so you can more easily learn what steps you need to take to get your
business higher on Google’s results pages. Consider it your survival guide for navigating the ever-changing
world of search engine results.
120 Broadus Ave., Greenville, SC 29601
(864) 248-0886 |
When it comes to search engine optimization, let Google’s mission statement be your guide:
Google’s mission is to organize
the world’s information and make
it universally accessible and useful.
In short, when your customer searches for something online, Google wants to make sure he or she receives the
information that’s most relevant to the search. The fundamental basis of all SEO comes down to that simple concept.
Pages that are deemed most relevant to search queries are going to be served up first to Google users.
While you’re probably well aware that performing a Google search for pizza on your home computer will provide
different results than it does on your work computer, did you also know people sitting next to each other in the same
office can get different results? [2]
120 Broadus Ave., Greenville, SC 29601
(864) 248-0886 |
These different results are based on cookies collected during past searches. Based on what she’s looked for in the past,
Google knows Jane is probably interested in vegetarian or lighter pizzas, while Joe, based on his past online behavior,
is looking for a big slice of NY style pie.
Dan’s NY Pizzeria
Sam’s Fresh Pizza
Joe’s Pizza Search Results
Jane’s Pizza Search Results
But if you don’t sell pizza, what does this mean for you? It means everything on your website needs to be relevant to
the different types of people who will be searching for it. Sell benefits and features from different perspectives. Think
about specific details different buyers may search for, and make sure you are answering the questions they may have.
What key selling features set your product apart from the competition? Price may be a factor, but it shouldn’t be your
biggest selling point since that can change overnight. Instead, focus on lifestyle and experiential benefits your product
offers. Then ascertain what consumers will search for to find those features: vegan organic restaurant, mountain log cabin
rentals, best public golf courses.
There are tactics and strategies for optimizing your rank results that we’ll get into in the next few points. For now, though,
if you read no further in this paper, remember this one thing. To improve your Google rank, your website and social media
pages need to be filled with compelling, up-to-date, well-researched content that is relevant to what your customers are
looking for.
120 Broadus Ave., Greenville, SC 29601
(864) 248-0886 |
Google’s latest algorithm update (4/21/2015) specifically ranked sites based on their
mobile-friendliness. If your site isn’t responsive, your customer interaction won’t be the
only thing that suffers. It could hurt your SERP rank too. Mobile shopping is everywhere.
In fact, a recent survey revealed 75% of store shoppers use their mobile devices while
shopping in stores. [3] Google recognized that and adjusted its algorithm accordingly. If
Google’s decision (and the possible bottoming out of your search rank) isn’t enough to
convince you a responsive site is a necessity, take a look at our paper from last December
“Your 2015 Website: Why Going Responsive is a Must” for compelling stats and reasons
to make the move.
of all
use their mobile devices
while shopping in stores
Speed it up! It may seem odd that website load times would have a significant effect
on your search rank, but there’s no denying they do. When it comes to Google, they’ve
made no secret of their love for speed. Faster load times are possible when you get rid of back-end clutter. To optimize your
website’s speed and, in turn, improve your ranking, remove any unneeded code. There are a couple ways to test your site speed: will show you a speed and user experience score on a scale up to 100.
At, you’ll see actual page load speeds and be able to identify individual pages that are slow to load. [4]
While removing code that serves no purpose, also be on the lookout for duplicate content that can be removed. Getting
rid of it can speed up your site. Additionally, Google’s bots don’t like seeing the same information on multiple pages within
a site, and they will adjust your rank downward accordingly.
As an extremely important sidenote, faster load times not only help your SERP rank – they help your bottom line, too. and experienced both sides of that fact.
found that when load times jump from
1 second to 4 seconds,
conversions decline sharply.
Cart Size
1 second of improvement,
Rate Increase
they experienced up to a
2% conversion increase.
Page Speed
cut load times in half,
which resulted in a
9% conversion rate increase
as well as growth in key metrics
And for every
Auto parts retailer
such as cart size and overall sales.
120 Broadus Ave., Greenville, SC 29601
(864) 248-0886 |
Research. Research. Research. You don’t need to choose dozens of keywords and then try to figure out how to make
them fit your needs. Instead, identify just a handful of keywords that are specific to you and can generate real traffic. But
you may be asking, “How do I do the research?” or “Where do I get started?” Selecting keywords requires forethought
and planning. Work cooperatively with your digital agency, using your business knowledge and their tools to identify
keywords that will be successful for you. You can then follow the keyword selection process.
First, figure out what your page is about. [5] [6] Ask yourself questions
that will be answered by the information on your page. Then, imagine
you are sitting at your computer with the Google homepage in front
of you. What would you type to find the answers to those questions?
Those are your potential keywords. Refine them by thinking of the
most common way people would say it. Your agency will be able to tell
you how many searches have been performed on that keyword each
of search traffic
comes from
month and provide a list of hundreds of similar keywords, as well as their monthly search totals. Use that data to further
narrow down your choices. Remember, 64% of search traffic comes from organic SEO, [7] so you’ll want to remove
any keywords that use unnatural language patterns, mention another brand by name or sound like a commercial.
In the end, you should end up with a handful of quality keywords. Use one main keyword for each page
and use it often: the page name, URL, text body, meta description. Using the keyword
often, in various locations, increases your SERP strength and rank.
1. Figure out what
your page is about
Two to ten
5. Refine your list
with your digital
2. Ask yourself
what answers
your page gives
3. Determine
what you'd
search to find
those answers
4. Use those
search terms
as potential
120 Broadus Ave., Greenville, SC 29601
(864) 248-0886 |
Backlinks, by definition, are “incoming links to a website or web page.” Early on, they were the way we navigated the
web, but as search engines took over, they became a useful SEO tool instead. The number of backlinks you have can be
an important factor for determining your SERP rank. Google even goes so far as to say that ”Google interprets a link
from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B.” [8] Backlinks have, however, become a bit controversial. This
development dates back to pre-2012, when backlinks, regardless of how “spammy” they were, improved search rank. So
the floodgates of spam links were opened. In more recent years, search engines have started flagging and penalizing
unnatural and spam-targeting backlinks. [9] What worked just a few years ago to boost your rank can now keep you far
off the first page of Google results.
You may have heard a lot of buzz lately about companies and services that
allow you to buy backlinks. They promise quality link placement that will drive
up your rank. Use caution. Some of these companies are using questionable
The objective
isn’t to ‘make
your links
appear natural’;
the objective is
that your links
are natural
Matt Cutts,
Founder of Google’s Webspam Team
methods that can potentially backfire. If your website traffic is relatively low
and you suddenly start generating vastly increased backlinks, search engine
robots will view those links as “unnatural” and penalize — rather than reward —
you for them. Google’s own Matt Cutts, who started the company’s webspam
team, put it best: “The objective isn’t to ‘make your links appear natural’; the
objective is that your links are natural.”
If you decide not to take on the risk or expense of buying backlinks, you can
go the free route and still see rank improvement if it’s done the proper way. It
will require both patience and networking. In an ideal SEO scenario, content
you post to your site will be picked up and shared by lots of other sites, thus
increasing your number of backlinks. Think of those viral videos that it seems
everyone you know is emailing each other or sharing on their social media
pages. If the original source of that video is a single site, thousands of new
backlinks could be created. You may not create the next viral sensation, but
new and compelling videos, blog posts and photos are great content to be passed around, increasing your site’s traffic.
Seek out credible people, businesses and sites where you can act as a resource, or get involved in a discussion that
can lead to an opportunity to share a link. Backlinks from the Better Business Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce,
and charitable agencies and groups where you donate time or money are quality backlinks that also reinforce your
marketing and community engagement efforts. It may take time, but those types of links are recognized as natural and
valid by Google and can help your rank improve.
Worried about the links on your own site? There are several tools available to test the inbound links, including Majestic
and Ahrefs. Just enter your domain name and see a breakdown of your link quantity and quality.
120 Broadus Ave., Greenville, SC 29601
(864) 248-0886 |
You’ve taken the time and found the right keywords. You’re utilizing them in the most efficient way. Now what?
Do you really just have to sit and wait for people to find your site and (hopefully) share something that creates a
backlink? Not at all. This is where social media can be an extremely valuable marketing tool for you.
Simply owning your social channels on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram,
Vimeo, LinkedIn, Google+ and Foursquare will help you lock up the first three
Google SERPs for your name, with little to no seepage.
Photos and videos are great opportunities for customer engagement
and also provide you with a chance to spread your message. Every
single day provides multiple opportunities to share on social
media. Post pictures of happy customers who have made a
purchase from you. Post a video of a “behind-the-scenes” look
of some aspect of your businesses. Encourage followers to share
positive experiences and reviews of your business on Facebook,
Yelp or other review sites. If you aren’t already doing this, start now.
It is a tiny step that can provide great dividends. Social media is a
big part of people’s lives. Make customers feel special about doing
business with you by celebrating them online. Satisfied customers
may share your post on their own page, spreading your message to
a large network of friends and family members, who may even share it
again. Not only is this a simple but effective piece of marketing, but the more
activity and engagement your social media pages receive, the higher they’ll rank on Google’s search results.
Social media DOES affect your search rankings, just not in the way it used to. Five years ago, it appeared (although
due to Google’s secrecy about their algorithm no one could officially confirm) that your number of likes on Facebook
and followers on Twitter impacted your rank. [10] That led to Facebook “like-gating,” the practice of offering incentives
in return for a page “Like.” For example: “Like our page to save 25% on your next order.” In late 2014, that practice
officially came to an end. [11] Now, Google says social media pages like Twitter and Facebook are indexed the same way
other pages are done. This isn’t to say Likes and Follows aren’t a good thing. But it is better to use good, quality social
content to build your audience organically.
There are steps you can take to optimize your social media presence and increase your rank. A well-thought-out
company description, for example, can help move you up the page. Make sure you’re using keywords to describe who
you are and what you do. Keep your posts frequent, relevant and compelling. As a side note, even if your social media
profiles didn’t impact your SEO for some reason, utilizing these practices will still improve your overall online presence,
so get started on them today!
120 Broadus Ave., Greenville, SC 29601
(864) 248-0886 |
As mentioned earlier, search engine optimization best practices change all the time. Don’t let outdated tactics hold
down your Google rank. Learning, understanding and implementing these six survival guide tips will get you on the
right track:
01 Google rewards relevance.
02 Make your website mobile-friendly.
03 Faster is better when it comes to site speed.
04 Do the research, and choose your keywords carefully.
05 Backlinks may be trendy, but caution is needed.
06 Use social media as both a marketing and SEO tool.
There is virtually unlimited information out there about search engines and how to get to the top. Don’t let the volume
of data overwhelm you. Remember, an individual or company that promises they can rocket you from page eight to the
#1 rank on Google in an extremely short amount of time is either using a dangerous black hat technique or downright
lying. Research, knowledge, proper techniques and patience are the basic skills needed to survive today’s uncertain
SEO landscape.