Mark A. Hoefer Assistant Professor, Department of Applied

Mark A. Hoefer
Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Colorado, Boulder
526 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309
University of Colorado at Boulder
Advisor: Mark J. Ablowitz
Harvard University
Ph.D. Applied Mathematics
M.S. Applied Mathematics
University of California, Los Angeles
B.S. Mathematics of Computation
Research Experience
Fall 2005
Assistant Professor, University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Applied
Mathematics, Boulder, CO.
Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University, Department of Mathematics,
Raleigh, NC.
NSF Mathematical Sciences Research Postdoctoral Fellow, Columbia University,
Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, New York, NY, Advisor:
Michael I. Weinstein.
NRC Postdoctoral Fellow, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
Boulder, CO, Advisor: Thomas J. Silva.
Visiting Fellow, The Australian National University, Optical Sciences Group,
Canberra, Australia.
Research Assistant, University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Applied
Mathematics, Boulder, CO.
Funding and Honors
5/2015: Organizer of Dispersive Hydrodynamics: The Mathematics of Dispersive Shock Waves and
Applications, a competitively funded 5-day workshop at the Banff International Research
3/2014-2/2016: Royal Society of London International Exchanges Scheme – 2013/R3, Dispersive
Regularisation of Non-Convex Hyperbolic Conservation Laws, Co-PI with Gennady El of
Loughborough University, UK, £12,000.
2/2014-1/2015: London Mathematical Society Visitors Grant, £1200.
6/2013-5/2018: NSF DMS CAREER Award 1255422, Solitary Waves and Wavetrains in Dispersive
Media, $420,000.
10/2012: London Mathematical Society Visits to the UK (presented three lectures at UK universities:
Edinburgh, Loughborough, Cambridge), £1200.
7/2010-6/2013: NSF DMS Applied Math Individual Investigator 1008973, Supersonic Dispersive
Fluid Dynamics, $130,713.
7/2010-6/2011: NCSU Faculty Research and Development grant, $4000.
9/2008-7/2010: NSF DMS Postdoctoral Fellowship 0803074, Columbia University, $108,000.
6/2006-5/2008: NRC Postdoctoral Fellowship, NIST, Boulder, CO.
4/2006: Research and Creative Work Award for best PhD dissertation, University of Colorado,
Boulder, CO, $1000.
Last updated: 8/29/14
Journal publications (30):
“Interactions of Large Amplitude Solitary Waves in Viscous Fluid Conduits”, N. K. Lowman, M. A.
Hoefer, and G. A. El, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 750, 372-384 (2014), 13 pages.
“Attraction, Merger, Reflection, and Annihilation in Magnetic Droplet Soliton Scattering”, M. D.
Maiden, L. D. Bookman, and M. A. Hoefer, Physical Review B, 89, 180409(R) (2014), 5 pages.
“Spin Transfer Torque Generated Magnetic Droplet Solitons (invited)”, S. Chung, S. M. Mohseni, S.
R. Sani, E. Iacocca, R. K. Dumas, T. N. Anh Nguyen, Ye. Pogoryelov, P. K. Muduli, A. Eklund,
M. Hoefer and J. Åkerman, Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 172612 (2014), 6 pages.
“Shock Waves in Dispersive Eulerian Fluids”, M. A. Hoefer, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 24, 525577 (2014), 44 pages.
“Confined Dissipative Droplet Solitons in Spin-Valve Nanowires with Perpendicular Magnetic
Anisotropy”, E. Iacocca, R. K. Dumas, L. Bookman, M. Mohseni, S. Chung, M. Hoefer, J.
Åkerman, Physical Review Letters, 112, 047201 (2014), 5 pages.
“Analytical Theory of Modulated Magnetic Solitons”, L. D. Bookman and M. A. Hoefer, Physical
Review B, 88, 184401 (2013), 7 pages.
“Dispersive Hydrodynamics in Viscous Fluid Conduits”, N. K. Lowman and M. A. Hoefer, Physical
Review E, 88, 023016 (2013), 10 pages.
“Fermionic Shock Waves: Distinguishing Dissipative Versus Dispersive Regularizations”, N. K.
Lowman and M. A. Hoefer, Physical Review A, 88, 013605 (2013), 7 pages.
“Spin Torque—Generated Magnetic Droplet Solitons”, S. M. Mohseni, S. R. Sani, J. Persson, T. N.
Anh Nguyen, S. Chung, Ye. Pogoryelov, P. K. Muduli, E. Iacocca, A. Eklund, R. K. Dumas, S.
Bonetti, A. Deac, M. A. Hoefer, and J. Åkerman, Science, 339, 1295-1298 (2013), 4 pages.
“Dispersive Shock Waves in Viscously Deformable Media”, N. K. Lowman and M. A. Hoefer,
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 718, 524-557 (2013), 34 pages.
“Propagation and Control of Nanoscale Magnetic-Droplet Solitons”, M. A. Hoefer, M. Sommacal, and
T. J. Silva, Physical Review B, 85, 214433 (2012), 7 pages.
“Beating Dark-Dark Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates”, D. Yan, J. J. Chang, C. Hamner, M.
Hoefer, P. G. Kevrekidis, P. Engels, V. Achilleos, D. J. Frantzeskakis, and J. Cuevas, Journal of
Physics B: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 45, 115301 (2012), 11 pages.
“Propagating Two-Dimensional Magnetic Droplets”, M. A. Hoefer and M. Sommacal, Physica D, 241,
890-901 (2012), 12 pages.
“Dark Solitons, Dispersive Shock Waves, and Transverse Instabilities”, M. A. Hoefer and B. Ilan,
SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation, 10, 306-341 (2012), 36 pages.
“Counterflow induced modulational instability in miscible, two-component Bose-Einstein
condensates”, M. A. Hoefer, C. Hamner, J.J. Chang, P. Engels, Physical Review A, 84,
041605(R) (2011), 4 pages.
“Generation of dark-bright soliton trains in superfluid-superfluid counterflow”, C. Hamner, J.J. Chang,
P. Engels, and M. A. Hoefer, Physical Review Letters, 106, 065302 (2011), 4 pages.
“Defect Modes and Homogenization of Periodic Schrödinger Operators”, M. A. Hoefer and M. I.
Weinstein, SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 43, 971-996 (2011), 26 pages.
“Semiclassical Dynamics of Quasi-One-Dimensional, Attractive Bose-Einstein Condensates”, A.
Tovbis and M. A. Hoefer, Physics Letters A, 375, 726-732 (Dec. 2010), 7 pages.
“Theory for a dissipative droplet soliton excited by a spin torque nanocontact”, M. A. Hoefer, T. J.
Silva, and M. W. Keller, Physical Review B, 82, 054432 (2010), 14 pages.
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“Theory of Two-Dimensional Oblique Dispersive Shock Waves in Supersonic Flow of a Superfluid”,
M. A. Hoefer and B. Ilan, Physical Review A, 80, 061601(R) (2009), 4 pages.
“Dispersive Shock Waves”, M. A. Hoefer and M. J. Ablowitz, Scholarpedia, 4, 5562 (2009).
“Soliton Generation and Multiple Phases in Dispersive Shock and Rarefaction Wave Interaction”, M.
J. Ablowitz, D. E. Baldwin, and M. A. Hoefer, Physical Review E, 80, 016603 (2009), 5 pages.
“Matter-Wave Interference in Bose-Einstein Condensates: a Dispersive Hydrodynamic Perspective”,
M. A. Hoefer, P. Engels, and J. J. Chang, Physica D 238, 1311-1320 (2009), 10 pages. (invited
article for a special issue on Nonlinear Phenomena in Degenerate Quantum Gases)
“Formation of Dispersive Shock Waves by Merging and Splitting Bose-Einstein Condensates”, J. J.
Chang, P. Engels, and M. A. Hoefer, Physical Review Letters, 101, 170404 (2008), 4 pages.
“Model for a Collimated Spin-Wave Beam Generated by a Single-Layer Spin Torque Nanocontact”,
M. A. Hoefer, T. J. Silva, and M. D. Stiles, Physical Review B, 77, 144401 (2008), 8 pages.
“Piston Dispersive Shock Wave Problem”, M. A. Hoefer, M. J. Ablowitz, P. Engels, Physical Review
Letters, 100, 084504 (2008), 4 pages.
“Interactions of Dispersive Shock Waves”, M. A. Hoefer and M. J. Ablowitz, Physica D, 236, 44-64
(2007), 21 pages.
“Observation of Faraday Waves in a Bose-Einstein Condensate”, P. Engels, C. Atherton, and M. A.
Hoefer, Physical Review Letters, 98, 095301 (2007), 4 pages. (editor’s suggestion)
“Dispersive and Classical Shock Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates and Gas Dynamics”, M. A.
Hoefer, M. J. Ablowitz, I. Coddington, E. A. Cornell, P. Engels, and V. Schweikhard, Physical
Review A, 74, 023623 (2006), 24 pages.
“Theory of Magnetodynamics Induced by Spin Torque in Perpendicularly Magnetized Thin Films”,
M. A. Hoefer, M. J. Ablowitz, B. Ilan, M. R. Pufall, and T. J. Silva, Physical Review Letters 95,
267206 (2005), 4 pages.
Manuscripts in Review (0):
“Dispersive Shock Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates and Nonlinear Nano-oscillators in
Ferromagnetic Thin Films”, M. A. Hoefer, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of
Colorado, Boulder (2006).
Invited academic institution colloquia and seminars (48 total, *23 received support):
*“Viscous Liquid Conduits, an Ideal Dispersive Hydrodynamic Medium”, Applied Mathematics
Seminar, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough UK,
May 2014.
*“Dispersive Hydrodynamics of Viscous Fluid Conduits”, Mathematical Methods Seminar, Applied
Mathematics Department, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, January 2014.
*“Dispersive Hydrodynamics of Viscous Fluid Conduits”, PDEs and Numerical Methods Seminar,
Mathematics Department, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, November 2013.
*“Dispersive Hydrodynamics”, Mathematics Colloquium, Mathematics Department, University of
Toledo, Toledo, OH, October 2013.
“Dispersive Hydrodynamics”, Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Mathematics Department,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, September 2013.
“Magnetic Solitons, Theory and Realization”, Theory Seminar, Physics Department, North Carolina
State University, Raleigh, NC, April 2013.
*“Eulerian Dispersive Shock Waves and Instabilities”, Mathematics Colloquium, Department of
Mathematics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, January, 2013.
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“Excitation, Propagation and Control of Nanoscale Magnetic Solitons”, Differential Equations
Seminar, Department of Mathematics, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, October,
*“Supersonic Superfluids”, Fluid Mechanics Seminar, Department of Applied Mathematics and
Theoretical Physics, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, October 2012.
*“Excitation, Propagation and Control of Nanoscale Magnetic Solitons”, Applied Mathematics
Seminar, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University, Loughborough UK,
October, 2012.
*“Eulerian Dispersive Shock Waves and Instabilities”, Applied and Computational Mathematics
Seminar, Mathematics Department, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, October, 2012.
“Convective Instability of Dark Solitons and Dispersive Shock Waves”, Applied Mathematics and
Analysis Seminar, Duke University, Durham, NC, November 2011.
*“Convective Instability of Dark Solitons and Dispersive Shock Waves”, Applied Analysis and
Computation Seminar, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, November 2011.
*“Supersonic Dispersive Fluid Dynamics”, Mathematics Colloquium, Mathematics Department,
College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, September 2011.
*“Supersonic Dispersive Fluid Dynamics”, Applied Math Seminar, Mathematics Department,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, February 2011. (also presented warm-up talk for
graduate students)
“Excitation of a Strongly Nonlinear Solitary Wave in Magnetic Nanocontacts”, Blue Sky Seminar,
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh,
NC, January 2011.
“Supersonic Superfluid Dynamics”, Theory Seminar, Physics Department, North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC, November 2010.
*“Localized Strongly Nonlinear Magnetic Nano-waves”, Applied Mathematics/Physics Seminar,
School of Natural Sciences, University of California, Merced, November 2010.
“Localized Strongly Nonlinear Magnetic Nano-waves”, Differential Equations Seminar, Mathematics
Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, October 2010.
*“Localized Strongly Nonlinear Magnetic Nano-waves”, Seminar for the group of Dr. Charles Clark,
National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, October 2010.
“Supersonic Dispersive Fluid Dynamics”, Applied Math Graduate Student Seminar, Mathematics
Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, October 2010.
*“Supersonic Dispersive Fluid Dynamics”, Mathematics Colloquium, Mathematics Department,
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, March 2010.
*“Supersonic Dispersive Fluid Dyanmics”, Mathematics Colloquium, Mathematics Department,
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, November 2009.
“Supersonic Dispersive Fluid Dynamics”, Differential Equations Seminar, Mathematics Department,
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, September 2009.
“Droplet Solitons in a Spin Torque Nanocontact”, Magnetics Seminar, Physics Department, Colorado
State University, Fort Collins, CO, September 2009.
“Two-Dimensional Supersonic, Superfluidic Flows”, Nonlinear Waves Seminar, Applied Mathematics
Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, September 2009.
*“Hydrodynamics in the Small Dispersion Limit”, Applied Mathematics Seminar, Mathematics
Department, State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, April 2009.
*“Hydrodynamics in the Small Dispersion Limit”, Wave Propagation Seminar, Mathematics
Department, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, March 2009.
“Computation of Magnetic Nano-Wave Structures”, Computational Math Seminar, National Center for
Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, February 2009.
“Magnetic Nano-Wave Structures”, Research Conference, Department of Applied Physics and
Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, NY, January 2009.
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“Dispersive Shock Waves and Their Interactions”, Colloquium, Department of Applied Physics and
Applied Mathematics, Columbia University, New York, NY, November 2008.
*“New Nonlinear Modes Excited by Spin-Polarized Current in Ferromagnetic Nano-Contacts”,
Nanoscience Center Seminar, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg,
MD, May 2008.
*“Nonlinear Wave Interactions in the Zero Dispersion Limit and Applications”, Applied Math
Seminar, Department of Mathematics, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, April 2008
*“A Variety of Dispersive Shock Wave Problems”, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics,
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY, November 2007.
“Waves in Nano-Magnetic Structures”, Nonlinear Waves Seminar, Department of Applied
Mathematics, CU Boulder, Boulder, CO, October 2007.
“Dispersive Shock Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates and Nonlinear Optical Media”, Colloquium,
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Denver University, Denver, CO, October 2007.
“The Shock Tube and Piston Shock Wave Problems in a Superfluid”, Mini Nonlinear Waves
Conference, Department of Applied Mathematics, CU Boulder, Boulder, CO, August 2007.
“Shock Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates and Light”, Colloquium, Department of Physics,
Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO, January 2007.
“Dispersive Shock Waves and Their Interactions”, Nonlinear Science Seminar, Program in Applied
and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, November 2006.
“Dispersive Shock Wave Interactions: Collisions and Merging”, Department of Applied Mathematics
Nonlinear Waves Seminar, CU Boulder, Boulder, CO, November 2006.
“Nano Nonlinear Waves: Magnetodynamics of Point Contact Oscillators”, Department of Applied
Mathematics Nonlinear Waves Seminar, CU Boulder, Boulder, CO, October 2006.
*“Dispersive and Classical Shock Waves in Bose-Einstein Condensates and Gas Dynamics”,
Department of Physics Colloquium, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, September
“Theory of Magnetodynamics Induced by Spin Torque in Perpendicularly Magnetized Thin Films”,
Magnetics Group, EEEL, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO, June
“Theory of Magnetodynamics Induced by Spin Torque in Perpendicularly Magnetized Thin Films”,
Department of Physics, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO, May 2006.
“Interactions of Dispersive Shock Waves”, Department of Applied Mathematics Nonlinear Waves
Seminar, CU Boulder, Boulder, CO, March 2006.
“Dispersive and Classical Shock Waves I, II”, Department of Applied Mathematics Nonlinear Waves
Seminar, CU Boulder, Boulder, CO, February 2006.
*“Dispersive Shock Waves in a Bose-Einstein Condensate”, Optical Sciences Group, Research School
of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia,
October 2005.
*“Dispersive Shock Waves in a Bose-Einstein Condensate”, Applied Mathematics Department,
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, September 2005.
Invited conference presentations (27 total, *8 received support):
“Large Amplitude Solitary Waves and Dispersive Shock Waves in Conduits of Viscous Liquids”,
SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Cambridge, UK, August 2014.
“Dissipationless/Dispersive Interfacial Waves Guided by Viscous Fluid Conduits”, Nonlinear Guided
Waves VII, Kingussie, Scotland, May 2014.
“Theory of Magnetic Droplet Solitons”, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM) Conference,
Denver, CO, November 2013.
*“Hydrodynamics of Defocusing/Repulsive Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations”, Nonlinear Schrödinger
Equation: Theory and Applications, Heraklion, Crete, May 2013.
“Perturbed Magnetic Droplet Solitons”, American Mathematical Society Spring Western Sectional
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Meeting, Boulder, CO, April 2013.
*“Perturbed Magnetic Droplet Solitons”, Domain Microstructure and Dynamics in Magnetic
Elements, Heraklion, Crete, April 2013.
“Perturbed Magnetic Droplet Solitons”, IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and
Wave Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, GA, March 2013.
“Dispersive Shock Waves in Viscously Deformable Fluids”, Nonlinear Evolution Equations and
Dynamical Systems Conference, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, July 2012.
*“Dispersive Shock Waves in Eulerian Fluids”, Frontiers in Applied Mathematics, New Jersey
Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ, May 2012.
“Magnetic Droplet Solitons”, Nonlinear Guided Waves Workshop, Santiago de Compostela, Spain,
May 2012.
*“Dispersive Shock Waves in Eulerian Fluids”, International Workshop on Dispersive Shocks, Trieste,
Italy, March 2012.
*“Excitation, Propagation, and Control of Solitons in Perpendicular Thin Films”, NordicSpin 2012,
Varberg, Sweden, April 2012.
“Perturbed Magnetic Droplet Solitons”, Western Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical
Society, Honolulu, HI, March 2012.
“Convective Instabilities of Dark Solitons and Dispersive Shock Waves”, Joint International Congress
of the American and South African Mathematical Societies, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan
University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, November 2011.
“Stationary and Nonstationary, Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Schrodinger Dispersive Shock Waves”,
Nonlinear Guided Waves Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, March 2011.
“Oblique Shock Waves in Dispersive Eulerian Fluids”, Joint Mathematics Meetings, Special Session
on Nonlinear Waves and Integrable Systems, New Orleans, LA, January 2011.
“Counterflow Induced Modulational Instability, Vector Solitons, and Vector Dispersive Shock
Waves”, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Philadelphia, PA,
August 2010.
“Dissipative Droplet Solitons”, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures,
Philadelphia, PA, August 2010.
“Oblique Shock Waves in Dispersive Eulerian Fluids”, Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applications
Conference, Beijing, China, June 2010.
“Dissipative Droplet Solitons”, Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applications Conference, Beijing,
China, June 2010.
*“The Nonlinear Schrödinger equation in the small dispersion regime: applications”, Symmetry Plus
Integrability Conference, South Padre Island, TX, June 2010.
“Oblique Shock Waves in Dispersive Eulerian Fluids”, SIAM Southeastern-Atlantic Section
Conference, Raleigh, NC, March 2010.
“New Nonlinear Modes Excited by Spin-Polarized Current in Ferromagnetic Nano-Contacts”,
Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Austin, TX, November 2008.
*“Dispersive Regularization of Degenerate Rarefaction Wave Interactions: Matter-Wave
Interference”, Banff International Research Station, Singular Phenomena in Nonlinear Optics,
Hydrodynamics, and Plasma, Banff, Canada, October 2008.
“The Piston Dispersive Shock Wave Problem”, American Mathematical Society Meeting, San Diego,
CA, January 2008.
*“A Variety of Shock Wave Problems in Bose-Einstein Condensates”, National University of
Singapore, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Workshop on Bose-Einstein condensation:
modeling, analysis, computation, and applications, Singapore, November 2007
Magnetodynamic Models of Spin Transfer Nano-Oscillators, American Physical Society, March
Meeting, Denver, CO, March 2007.
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Contributed conference presentations (12):
“Shock Waves in Dispersive Eulerian Fluids”, Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid
Dynamics, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2013.
“Perturbed Magnetic Droplet Solitons”, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent
Structures, Seattle, WA, June 2012.
“Theory of Two-Dimensional Oblique Dispersive Shock Waves”, Complex Phenomena in Nonlinear
Physics, Erice, Italy, October 2009.
“Matter Wave Interference”, IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave
Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, GA, March 2009.
“Micromagnetic Model of Spin Torque in Single Layer Nanocontact Devices due to Lateral Spin
Diffusion Effects”, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, Tampa, FL, November
“Dispersive Shock Wave Interactions: Collisions and Merging”, IMACS Conference on Nonlinear
Waves: Computation and Theory, Athens, GA, April 2007.
“Spin Transfer, Oersted Field Induce a Vortex Nano-Oscillator in Thin Ferromagnetic Film Devices”,
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, Baltimore, MD, January 2007.
“Dispersive Shock Waves in a Bose-Einstein Condensate”, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves
and Coherent Structures, Seattle, WA, September 2006.
“Theory of Spin Torque-Induced Magnetodynamics in Nanocontacts for Perpendicularly Magnetized
Thin Magnetic Films”, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials Conference, San Jose, CA,
November 2005.
“Spin Current Induced Nonlinear Modes via a Nanocontact for Thin Magnetic Films”, Nonlinear
Waves, Integrable Systems and Applications, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, June
“Shock Waves in Two-Dimensional Bose-Einstein Condensates”, SIAM Nonlinear Waves and
Coherent Structures, University of Central Florida, October 2004.
“Collisionless Shocks in Bose-Einstein Condensates”, Nonlinear Physics, Theory and Experiment III,
Gallipoli, Italy, June 2004.
Poster presentations (2):
“Dissipative Droplet Solitons”, Joint MMM/Intermag Conference, Washington, DC, January 2010.
“Ampere Fields in Point Contact Nano­oscillators with a Perpendicular Geometry Induce a Magnetic
Vortex”, International Workshop on Spin Transfer, Nancy, France, October 2006.
Teaching Experience
Spring 2006,
Winter 2000
Instructor, Mathematics Department, North Carolina State University: MA 501
(Applied Math Methods I, F ’12, S ’13), MA 141 (Calculus I, Summer ’12), MA 580
(Numerical Analysis I, F ’11), MA 793 (Nonlinear Waves: Asymptotics and
Applications, S ’11), MA 534 (Intro to PDE, F ’10, F ‘13), MA 724 (PDE II, S ’14).
Instructor, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at Boulder:
Graduate Course in Nonlinear Waves, Differential Equations and Linear Algebra.
Teaching Assistant, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Colorado at
Boulder: Calculus, Differential Equations, and Linear Algebra.
Teaching Assistant, Division of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard
University: Graduate Course in Optimal Control.
Research Advising
Matteo Sommacal, NCSU Math Dept., Propagating ferromagnetic droplet solitary waves (5/201112/2011).
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Lake Bookman, NCSU Math Dept., Supported by NSF Research Training Group on Materials,
NSF CAREER, Magnetic solitary waves and perturbations (9/2012-12/2014 expected).
Nicholas Lowman, NCSU Math Dept., Supported by NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, NSF
Research Training Group on Materials, and NSF Research Experience for Graduate
Students (REG), dissertation title: “Viscous Fluid Conduits as a Prototypical Nonlinear
Dispersive Wave Platform” (6/2011-8/2014).
PhD Committees:
Erick Smith, NCSU Math Dept. (3/2013-12/2013).
Jeffrey Willert, NCSU Math Dept. (12/2012-6/2013).
Susan Crook, NCSU Math Dept. (7/2012-5/2013).
Terrance Pendleton, NCSU Math Dept. (5/2012-12/2013).
Kristen Brown, NCSU Math Dept. (5/2013-5/2014).
Siyu Chen, NCSU Civil Engineering Dept. (2/2012-5/2014). exited with MSC
Lin Ning, NCSU Physics Dept. (6/2013-5/2014). served on committee for prelim exam only
Nithya Arunkumar, NCSU Physics Dept. (8/2013-5/2014). served on committee for prelim exam
Graduate Research:
Michelle Maiden, CU Applied Math (8/2014-present).
Katherine Henry, NCSU Math Dept. (4/2012-6/2012).
Lauren Howell, NCSU Math Dept., Supported by NSF Research Experience for Graduate
Students (REG), Numerical computation of dispersive magma shock waves (6/20118/2011).
Donovan Shickley, NCSU Math Dept., Dispersive shock waves in magma migration (12/20105/2011).
Colleen McCarthy, NCSU Math Dept., Supported by NSF Research Experience for Graduate
Students (REG), Magnetic switching with spin torque and perpendicular anisotropy
Undergraduate Research:
Michelle Maiden, Meredith College Math/Chemistry major, Interactions of magnetic droplet
solitons (5/2013-3/2014).
Nathan Sherrill, NCSU Math/Physics major, Magnetic solitons in a nanowire (8/2012-8/2013).
Lauren Vitti, Univ. Conn, Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) at NIST,
Boulder, CO (6/2006-8/2006).
Academic Advising
Teaching Assistant/Instructor Observation:
Jason Elsinger, Fall 2012
Matteo Sommacal, Summer 2011-Fall 2011
Catherine Buell, Fall 2010
Nathan Sherrill, Spring 2012-present
Daniel Long, Spring 2013
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Preliminary Exam Writer/Grader: PDE Summer 2014
Corresponding Organizer for the Dispersive Hydrodynamics: The Mathematics of Dispersive Shock
Waves and Applications 5-day workshop competitively funded by the Banff International
Research Station, May 17-22, 2015.
Participated in grading of the summer, 2013 PDE qualifying exam.
Co-organizer of the Differential Equations Seminar, NCSU Mathematics Department, January 2012-May 2014.
Co-organizer of the Applied Math Club, NCSU Mathematics Department, August 2012--May 2014.
Co-organizer for the minisymposium titled “Recent Advances in Dispersive Hydrodynamics” at the
March 25-28, 2013 IMACS Conference on Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Wave
Phenomena: Computation and Theory, Athens, GA.
Co-organizer for the minisymposium titled “Solitons in Semiclassical Dispersive Fluids” at the June
13-16, 2012 SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Seattle, WA.
Reviewer of proposal for the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development,
February, 2012.
Hiring committee member for departmental postdoctoral search, 2011-2012.
Research Training Module Panelist on interview strategies, NCSU Math Department, November 18,
Participated in grading of the summer, 2011 PDE qualifying exam.
Hiring committee member for Applied Analysis position, NCSU Math Department, 2010-2011.
Participated in grading of the winter, 2011 PDE qualifying exam.
Research Training Module Panelist on interview strategies, NCSU Math Department, November 12,
Panelist for the workshop on NSF fellowship writing, NCSU Math Department, August 20, 2010.
Co-organizer for the minisymposium titled “Nonlinear Waves in Inhomogeneous Media” at the
August 16-19, 2010 SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures,
Philadelphia, PA.
Co-organizer for the minisymposium titled “Nonlinear Waves in Magnetic Systems” at the August 1619, 2010 SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, Philadelphia, PA.
Co-organizer for the minisymposium titled “Supersonic Dispersive Fluid Flows” at the June 26-29,
2010 Nonlinear Waves-Theory and Applications Conference in Beijing, China.
Organizer of the weekly Differential Equations seminar in NC State University’s Mathematics
Department Fall 2009-Spring 2010.
Co-organizer for the SIAM Southeastern-Atlantic Section Conference, March 20-21, 2010 in Raleigh,
Referee for the following journals: Physical Review (A, B, Letters), SIAM Journal on Mathematical
Analysis, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, Nonlinearity, Physica Scripta, Applicable
Reviewer of proposal for the New Researchers Start-up Program of Fonds québécois de la recherche
sur la nature et les technologies.
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