sls 1102- enhancing the transfer experience



Section Number: 04DH

Class time: Wednesday; Period 7 (1:55-2:45)

Location: MAT 51 (and various locations around campus TBA)


Jason Fraser-Nash


Office phone: (352) 392-2171 x10168

Office hours: By appointment

Kaila Barrington


Cell phone: N/A

Office hours: By appointment


This course is designed to assist you in your transition into the University of Florida. First-Year Florida will emphasize the development of academic and personal skills that support success in college, as well as familiarize you with campus resources.


First-Year Florida educates new students to maximize their learning and development by creating environments which provide opportunities for:

Engagement (with UF faculty/staff, upper-class mentor and fellow students)

Awareness and respect of diversity


Knowledge of resources

Active engagement in one’s own learning

Healthy lifestyle

Understanding of UF expectations

This course also connects students to key resources at the University of Florida: a faculty/staff member who is committed to transfer student success; an undergraduate peer leader who is experienced in the challenges of making a successful transition to college; and most importantly, other transfer students.


In-class attendance and participation

In-class participation and discussion will help you make the most of your First-Year Florida experience. This section of the course will be discussion-based and consequently, a large part of your grade will result from attendance and active participation. Participation in this course will be defined as partaking in all in-class activities, contributing to discussion regularly (e.g. daily ), and demonstrating an openness to actively applying class lessons to your life as a transfer student at the University of Florida. Please be advised that although this is not necessarily a tangible assignment, we will be keeping track of those who do not actively participate and final grades will be allocated as such.

You will receive a total of 10 points each class period for attendance and participation, for a total of 140 points for the semester. For each unexcused absence from the classroom, 10 points will be deducted from the final point total. Points will be deducted each time you are more than 5 minutes late to class. You will lose 5 attendance points for the day if you are late and 5 points if you do not participate. Four late arrivals to class will count as one unexcused absence.

In addition, there is no such thing as a "freebie" when it comes to absences. If you do miss a class for some reason, it is your responsibility to obtain any material or assignments from a fellow class member.

Excused absences include:

Required student participation in a University sponsored event: These events will be excused with official documentation from the appropriate faculty or staff member. Documentation should be received PRIOR to the event.



Religious Holidays: Religious holidays are always excused; however, please notify the instructors, in writing, within the first two weeks of class so that appropriate accommodations may be made.

Medical Emergencies: Medical emergencies are excused with appropriate documentation from a health care provider.

Family Emergencies: These emergencies are only excused with written documentation.

Make Up

If you have an excused absence, you will be considered excused from the attendance portion of your daily grade for that day. Depending upon the conditions of your absence, you may be required to complete an additional assignment to compensate for the participation portion of your daily grade. Unexcused absences will lose all points for that day.

Out-of-class activities

To supplement class discussions and actively engage you in opportunities at UF, attendance and participation will be required for an out-of-class activity. Excused absences for this activity have the same absence guidelines as noted above.

More information will be provided in class.


The grade distribution will be as follows:

140 points -- Class attendance and active participation (10 points per class / required activity)

50 points – StrengthsQuest Assessment

50 points – Lake Wauberg Excursion

60 points – External Class Assignments (CRC resume critique, CRC mock interview, Advising session)

100 points – Final Project

Total: 400 points

90-100% (A); 87-89% (B+); 80-86% (B); 77-79% (C+); 70-76% (C); 67-69% (D+); 60-66% (D); Below 59 (E). A grade of I

(incomplete) will not be issued under any circumstance. This course has no S/U (pass/fail) option.

For additional information about grading policies please visit:


University of Florida students’ Honor Code:


In adopting this Honor Code, the students of the University of Florida recognize that academic honesty and integrity are fundamental values of the University community. Students who enroll at the University commit to holding themselves and their peers to the high standard of honor required by the Honor Code. Any individual who becomes aware of a violation of the Honor Code is bound by honor to take corrective action. A student-run Honor Court and faculty support are crucial to the success of the Honor Code. The quality of a University of Florida education is dependent upon community acceptance and enforcement of the Honor Code.

The Honor Code:

We, the members of the University of Florida community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.


On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is either required or implied:

"On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment."

An academic honesty offense is defined as the act of lying, cheating, or stealing academic information so that one gains academic advantage. As a University of Florida student, one is expected to neither commit nor assist another in committing an academic honesty violation. Additionally, it is the student's duty to report observed academic honesty violations. Violations of the Honor Code and academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Specifically, instructors will rigorously pursue incidents of plagiarism of any type or incidents of referring to any unauthorized material for any class


SLS 1102- ENHANCING THE TRANSFER EXPERIENCE requirement. Before submitting any work for this class, please read the policies about academic honesty at , and ask the instructors to clarify any expectations you do not understand.


The University of Florida provides high-quality services to students with disabilities, and we encourage you to take advantage of them. Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should 1) Register with and provide documentation to Disability Resources (352-392-3565), and 2) Bring a letter to the instructor from Disability Resources indicating that you need academic accommodations. Please do this as soon as possible, preferably within the first week of class.


Mature and respectful behavior is expected in this classroom when dealing with instructors and other students. Side conversations, sleeping, and reading other course material (or the Alligator, etc.) are not appropriate and may result in the student losing attendance credit for that day. Cell phones and pagers are NOT welcome in this classroom; please turn silence them and put them away prior to the start of class.


Students in FYF are required to have and use their GatorLink account for all UF related e-mail functions. Official university communications are sent to students at this email address.


StrengthsFinder 2.0

by Tom Rath or you can bring a check for $10 payable to UF and we will get you a code for the assessment. It is a requirement to complete the on-line assessment. You will need either the book or a code. It is not recommended to purchase a used book as the code may no longer be valid.


January 9 th

January 16

January 23

: Intro to Gainesville and UF (Student Orgs & Union), Syllabus Overview th rd

: Tech Overview (ISIS/Sakai/email/etc.) (StrengthsQuest Assessment Due)

: Career Resource Center (Resume Due)

January 30 th

: StrengthsQuest Presentation (Mock Interview Due)

February 6 th

February 13

: Rec. Sports th

February 20 th

: Involvement Panel

February 27 th

: Study Abroad Panel

: Counseling and Wellness Center

March 6 th

March 13

: Spring Break th

: Advising; How to register. (Meet Advisor Due)

March 20 th

March 27 th

: Diversity

: No Class

March 31 st

(Sunday): Lake Wauberg

April 3rd: Financial Aid, Credit Score, How to Manage your $, and ID Theft

April 10

April 17 th th

: Week of Individuals

: Presentations (Final Project Due)

TBA (Required): Campus Event

TBA (Required): Museum Trip


Where/How do I research scholarships?

See your advisor, visit the financial aid office, registrar, or the Deans of Student’s office.

Where can I receive tutoring?

UF provides free tutors at the Broward Teaching Center

Off Campus tutoring is provided through Tutoring Zone, Smokin’ Notes, and Study Edge.

Students who would like to inquire about accommodations should visit the Disability Resource Center @

Where can I get involved in an organization/club?

Try visiting Ideal on the second floor of the Reitz Union or the CLS in the DSO office in Peabody (Close to Library




Where can I seek computer assistance/internet help?

My personal preference is to visit their booth in the hub (central area on campus). Over the Internet or phone normally doesn’t solve my issues, but here is their website just in case or call them at 352-

392-HELP (4357).

What I, Kaila, wish I knew/taken advantage of as a transfer student:

There is an RTS app ( ) for the bus system. The most helpful app on the planet if you are taking a bus!

Also, get a bus schedule at the beginning of every semester. It’s always a nice reference.

I wish I had planned out a semester for me to study abroad with my advisor. It looks so good to so many employers, you may never have an opportunity to study/live in another country for this length of time in your life, and you learn a lot about yourself and other cultures.

I wish I had double majored or taken a minor. When I first started I was on such a straight path and insisted on finishing in exactly two years. Well, let me tell you, I am graduating one semester later and if I could go back I probably would be here even longer! There are so many things to take advantage of and you really don’t know yourself until you start exploring.

My advice? Get off of your straight and narrow path and experience as many different things as you possibly can!

Take care of your holds prior to when you are able to register! (We will talk about this during ISIS and Advising, but I want you to know in advance to check your holds!)

I wish I knew how many interesting electives there are available. You should really spend time exploring the undergraduate course catalog because you don’t want to get to the end and wish you had taken a class.

Library West gets packed! If you want a study room, sign up online as early as possible @

. Also, if you would like somewhere less quiet try Marston or the

Law Library (off of 2 nd


The SAA (Student Alumni Association) is worth the money. Why?

You get tons of cool free stuff and the F Book, which I encourage you to complete! As well as, discounts and other random perks.

Something I have learned as a student here at UF is the importance of a mentor. So find one and utilize them. Also, if you’re struggling with a class, get to know the professor. In the end if you need an extra boost it may help. (Not my personal experience, but something that helped one of my friends pass a class).

BIGGEST PIECE OF ADVICE: Get involved, get involved, and get involved. I can’t stress how important this is and how much it will make your UF experience that much better! I made all of my friends by getting involved. So do yourself a favor and start early!!

















***Syllabus subject to change – Updates will be given in class and/or via Gatorlink email***

