G OFFICE of the REGISTRAR Keys to unlocking technology available to YOU @ CITY TECH CITY TECH WEBPAGE http://www.citytech.cuny.edu CITY TECH WEBPAGE http://www.citytech.cuny.edu Registrar Important Links: http://mail.citytech.cuny.edu www.cuny.edu The CUNY Portal is the central web site that allows access to all CUNY services, college websites, applications and more. For example: •Educational Student Planner (ESP) •eSIMS •Blackboard Create a new account www.cuny.edu ESP -Educational Student Planner (Degree Works) is an online degree auditing system that allows students to view their coursework as it relates to their intended degree. Degree Works allows students to: ¾View the degree requirements for their major. ¾Determine which requirements have been met. ¾Identify which courses still need to be taken. ¾Review grades applied to their transcript. ¾View what credits would be transferable if students decide to change majors. eSIMS is the Electronic Student Information Management System. A tool that is used to : •Register for the classes •View course schedule •View your grades, and transfer credits •View unofficial transcript •Pay tuition bill Blackboard is an on-line course management system, which provides off-campus access to: Course materials ` Assignments ` Class discussions ` As more and more courses are using Blackboard, students and professors are communicating regarding coursework quickly and effortlessly. For CUNY Portal, campus email and wireless issues contact the Student Computing Helpdesk: (718) 260-4900 or email: Studenthelpdesk@citytech.cuny.edu For general Blackboard help: visit the Student Lab G600 or call (718) 254-8565. Thank you for choosing City Tech Dedicated to better student service!