Osmosis Eggs : IA Exercise ‘mini-lab report’ February 2012 AIM : To use vinegar-softened eggs, or ‘rubbery eggs,’ as a cell model to observe osmosis effects. Focused Research Question : How will increasing sugar concentrations affect the dimensions of the rubbery eggs ? Hypothesis : If the rubbery eggs are a good cellular model, then increasing external sugar concentrations should cause more osmosis of water out of these eggs. Predictions : Egg size should decrease the most in the solutions with the highest sugar concentration. Eggs might also take in water (and grow in size) in the absence of external solutes (plain water). Background Information Osmosis is the passive diffusion of water through a semi-permeable membrane. Water moves down its concentration gradient, toward equilibrium, depending on the relative amount of solute inside and outside. The greater the solute concentration, the lower the water potential. Water moves by osmosis down this water potential gradient (toward the area of high solute concentration). Experimental Variables Independent Variable : sugar concentration Dependent Variable : mass and circumference of the eggs Fixed Variables : volume of solutions, temperature of solutions, time of incubation (all are kept constant) Control : rubbery egg, allowed to re-harden and then put into water Materials and Methods : Eggs Large beakers Vinegar Water Sugar syrup (100% syrup : 1Kg sugar per liter water) Scale, string, ruler, Refrigerator 1) Measure egg circumference (with string and ruler, long dimension) and weight. Record results. 2) Soften the eggshells by putting the eggs in vinegar, a weak acid which dissolves the calcium carbonate of the shell, releasing carbon dioxide. This and all subsequent incubations were performed at 4oC (in the refrigerator). 3) Measure and weigh the eggs again (24h later), incubating them subsequently in the different solutions (100% syrup, 50% syrup, and plain water), 3 eggs in each condition. 4) Measure sizes and weights at various times (3 and 6 days later) during the course of the experiment. 5) Process data and analyze results. Results Measured values obtained in the course of the experiment are tabulated below. Qualitative observations during the course of the experiment include the findings that 1) the air pocket of the eggs was easy to find; 2) the ‘control’ egg did get somewhat solid, but also quite wrinkly – and then water obviously could re-enter between the 16-19th Jan; 3) the eggs sank in vinegar and in water, but floated initially in the sugar solutions ; 4) a hard fold developed in many eggs that floated in the sugar solutions ; 5) finally, the eggs sank part-way in the 50% sugar solution, while the eggs still floated in the 100% solution. 6) cut eggs from the 100% sugar solution had a dense dark yellow yolk, while the water solution yolk was soft and a paler yellow. Average values, Standard Deviation and error bar values (+/- 2xStdDev) Average Circumference Data : date H2O 50% sugar 100% sugar circumferences initial after vinegar 12-Jan 13-Jan 16.9 17.67 16 17.17 16.33 17.17 expt 16-Jan end 19-Jan 17.53 17.27 16.17 17.5 16.83 15.33 Standard deviation : standard deviations H2O 50% sugar 100% sugar Would be more valid with a 0.36 1 0.29 2xStdDev for errorbars! circumferences 1.15 1.04 0.29 larger data 0.06 0.32 0.58 set!! 1.32 0.29 0.58 0.72 2 0.58 H2O 50% sugar 100% sugar 2.3 2.08 0.58 0.12 0.64 1.16 2.64 0.58 1.16 Effect of increasing sugar concentration on circumference measurements y-axis : average circumference(cm +/- 1mm) x-axis : dates 21 20 19 18 H2O 50% sugar 17 100% sugar 16 15 14 10-Jan 12-Jan 14-Jan 16-Jan 18-Jan 20-Jan As can clearly be seen, the egg circumference sizes change over the course of the experiment. However, variability of the data set does not allow any conclusions on significance, since all the error bars overlap to some extent. This means any apparent differences between these average values could have arisen by chance. Average Weight Data : date H2O 50% sugar 100% sugar initial after vinegar expt End 12-Jan 13-Jan 16-Jan 19-Jan 64.87 63.2 62 60.67 61.33 61.1 62.5 57.9 51.73 65.53 58.5 46.67 3.4 1.73 1.66 2.89 1.26 0.96 1.11 1.54 4.67 3.56 3.91 1.15 5.78 2.52 1.92 2.22 3.08 9.34 7.12 7.82 2.3 standard deviations 2xStdDev for Error Bars : weights H2O 50% sugar 100% sugar 6.8 3.46 3.32 Effect of increasing sugar concentration on weight measurements y-axis : average egg weights (grams +/- 0.1g) x-axis : dates 75 70 65 60 H2O 50% sugar 55 100% sugar 50 45 40 10-Jan 12-Jan 14-Jan 16-Jan 18-Jan 20-Jan Again, a change in egg dimensions is clearly visible. In this case, however, for measurements of weight, overall trends are more evident, and the 100% sugar condition results in what is very likely to be a significant difference between average initial values (12/13 Jan) and the final value (19 Jan). Calculation of the t-test (even if not really valid with such a small data set !) gives P=0.01, when comparing the final to the intial values, and P=0.0001 for the comparison to the 13 Jan values. Since both probabilities are less than 0.05, the decrease in mass in the 100% sugar solution is indeed significant through these analyses. Nonetheless, all the other error bars show some overlap, so little else can be understood about osmosis, especially from what is seen in the 50% sugar solution. The increase of weight in plain water, very small in comparison to the initial weight, is also uncertain from analysis of these results. Results from the control egg are not depicted graphically, but the decrease in size (weight only) over the first few days after the vinegar treatment was apparently reversed by resubmersion in water. Thus, the re-generation of the eggshell in the refrigerator from re-incorporation of carbon dioxide back into the calcium carbonate must not have been fully effective. Water was able to enter into this ‘control’ egg by the end of the experiment. Conclusion and Evaluation : The only clear result from this experiment is the striking decrease in mass for the eggs in the 100% sugar solution. Supporting the initial hypothesis and prediction of this experiment, water came out of the eggs by osmosis, moving out into the high solute conditions of the sugar syrup, and resulting in a loss of over 15ml of water per egg on average. The rubbery eggs are apparently a good model for a cell, and can undergo osmosis. Unfortunately, the majority of the results from this experiment are not useful, because they are either going up and down too much, or simply non-significant (differences in mean values could be due to chance because of the large spread of the data around the means). It should be noted that the standard deviations calculated on a sample set of ony 3 values is already suspect, however, so at least 5 measurements for each condition would be necessary for real discussion of significance. Obviously, measurements of egg circumference on the long axis with a string have several sources of error, even if one day’s measurements, for the water alone condition had an extremely low standard deviation. The mass measurement is certainly a better measure of increase in the egg’s size. More worrying, several potentially interesting aspects of osmosis (why did the vinegar treatment cause some sets of eggs to seem smaller, and others larger ? why did the 50% sugar solution cause the intermediate density of the eggs partially sunk into the solution ? for instance…) were lost in the ‘noise’ of the generally large uncertainties. Several modifications of the experimental design would certainly make this a better experiment. In the first place, actual negative and positive controls are necessary for valid comparison to the experimental conditions. Several untreated eggs as negative controls, and several rubbery eggs only in water (perhaps even deionized distilled water would be best) as positive controls would be useful. Testing whether the eggshell can re-harden properly from atmospheric carbon dioxide is certainly an interesting topic for another experiment, but was not in any way a proper control for these osmosis tests ! Additionally, a better range of sugar solutions could have been tested, perhaps including a more concentrated ‘100%’ solution and certainly more intermediate dilutions (25% and 75%, at least). For each of these conditions, more eggs (5-10) in larger volumes would have increased the likelihood that the full effects of each condition would be reliably observed. Larger sample sizes might also help make averaged data less spread out (reducing the standard deviation and thus the size of error bars). If the floating eggs really did allow partial reformation of the egg-shell, so the diffusion was partially limited, perhaps forcing eggs down into the solutions in which they floated might also have been helpful. This would prevent access to the atmospheric carbon dioxide that could regenerate hard calcium carbonate. Finally, since these eggs were hard-boiled, with cross-linked proteins perhaps limiting diffusion, an equivalent test with uncooked eggs might be also desirable to maximize potential effects. In such a case, even exploding eggs from osmosis of water into the eggs could be possible, according to some reports, however, which might make for a messy experiment!