Dear Schreiber students and parents

Dear Schreiber students and parents:
Fall semester classes finish on Friday, January 23. Testing week will begin on Monday, January 26 and
finish on Friday, January 30. Students will only report to school for their scheduled exams. All morning
exams will begin at 8:15 AM and afternoon exams begin at 12:15 PM. Both breakfast and lunch will be
served in the cafeteria during testing week. Students will receive testing room locations from their
teachers. There will also be a master schedule posted in the main office and in various locations around
the building.
Testing schedules usually produce occasional testing conflicts for some students. The school has
arranged a testing conflict room on the main floor. Students who notice two of their tests occurring
simultaneously should see the guidance counselor.
Below is the testing schedule for Regents as well as midterms and finals. Also accompanying this
schedule is an additional Regents review schedule that includes a modified bus schedule during testing
The spring semester will begin on Monday, February 2.
Ira Pernick, principal
Testing Schedule
8:15 AM
Living Environment Regents
Algebra 1 midterm
Algebra 1 Plus midterm
Pre-Algebra midterm
AP Environmental Science midterm
Global History II midterm
AP European History midterm
AP Spanish Literature midterm
AP Latin midterm
AP French Language midterm
AP Italian Language midterm
12:15 PM
Comprehensive English Regents
Algebra 1 (Common Core) Regents
Financial Algebra midterm
Earth Science midterm
English Utopia/Dystopia midterm
English Mythology midterm
English Comparative Literature midterm
Social Science Research Qualifying Test
AP Literature midterm
8:15 AM
Global History Regents
RCT Writing
Geometry midterm
Geometry Plus midterm
AP Biology midterm
Freshmen English midterm
Spanish 4 Honors midterm
Latin Literature 4 Honors midterm
Advanced Honors French Language midterm
Advanced Honors Italian Language midterm
12:15 PM
Integrated Algebra Regents
AP Chemistry midterm
Geology midterm
AP Psychology midterm
Spanish 3H midterm
Latin 3H midterm
French 3H midterm
Italian 3H midterm
8:15 AM
US History Regents
Geometry Regents
Algebra midterm with Mr. Zuvich
Pre-calculus midterm
Science Research Qualifying test
Accounting midterm
College Credit Honors Accounting midterm
12:15 PM
Earth Science Regents
Chemistry Regents
RCT Reading
Algebra 2 midterm
Algebra 2 Plus midterm
AP Physics 1 & 2 midterm
AP Physics C midterm
English Composition midterm
English 9,10, 12 midterm with Mr. Faraday
Global History midterm
AP Art Portfolio Drop-Off (Studio and 2-D Design)
8:15 AM
Algebra 2/Trigonometry Regents
Math 9H midterm
Math 10H midterm
Math 11H midterm
AP Government & Politics midterm
AP Macro/Microeconomics midterm
AP Spanish Language midterm
12:15 PM
AP BC Calculus midterm
AP AB Calculus midterm
AP Statistics midterm
Differential Calculus midterm
Honors Biology midterm
Regents Biology midterm
US History midterm
AP US History midterm
8:15 AM
AP Computer Science midterm
Math Research Qualifying test
Chemistry midterm
Honors Chemistry midterm
Chemistry Options midterm
Physics midterm
Honors Physics midterm
12:15 PM
AP English Qualifying test