
By: A.B. Guthrie
Predicting Questions
1.What part do you suppose Slade will play in this story?
2.What kind of a person is Mr. Baumer? How is he different from Slade?
3.What do you think will happen between Mr. Baumer and Slade?
4.What do you guess Baumer is thinking? Why do you think this writer keeps
mentioning his chin?
5.What clues suggest that Baumer will not give up? How could he get even with
6.Why do you suppose Baumer has hired Slade again?
7.What happened to Slade?
Postreading questions
Please answer the following statements TRUE or FALSE.
1.Mr. Baumer learned to read and write English when he immigrated to this
country at sixteen years of age. _____
2.Slade was gentle with his horses. _____
3.Slade read the Moon Dance newspaper every day. _____
4.Slade never paid any of his debts. _____
5.It was normal for freighters to steal a little bit of whiskey from the shipment of
goods. _____
6.Slade paid his bill the second time Mr. Baumer gave it to him. _____
Reading Check
1.Why is Baumer angry with Slade?
2.What happends to Baumer when he runs into Slade the first time?
3.Why does Al tell Baumer to forget about Slade?
4.How does Al feel when he learns that Baumer has hired Slade?
5.How does Slade die?
6.Would you say this story is about justice or revenge? Explain.
7.When Al suggests that Mr. Baumer forgets Slade’s bill, Mr. Baumer says that it
isn’t the money anymore; it is “the thing.” What do you think Mr. Baumer means
by “the thing”?
8.Why does Baumer say at the end “Is good to know to read”?
9.Who do you think is responsible for Slade’s death- Mr. Baumer or Slade
himself? Give reasons to support your view.
10.If you were in Al’s situation, would you keep silent about the likely cause of
Slade’s death? Why or why not?
11.What do you think of what Baumer does to Slade? Does he do the right thing?
Why or why not?
12.What do you think the theme of “Bargain is?