J. Soc. UosmeticUhemists,20, 113-134 (Feb. 5, 1969) Resident Microbial Flora of the Human Scalp and its Relationshipto Dandruff* FRANK RAYMOND C. ROIA, Jr., Ph.D.p and W. VANDERWYK, Ph.I).{ Synopsis--The entire residentmicrobialflora (includingyeasts,molds,bacteria, and actinomycetes) from the scalpsof 28 personswith dandruff was comparedto the flora isolatedfrom 24 personswithout dandruff. The isolation methods, isolation media, and significanceof the results are discussed. INTRODUCTION Since 1874, when Malassez (1) concludedthat Pityrosporum ovale was the organismwhich causeddandruff, much researchhas been carried out on its possibleetioloõicalrole in dandruff and other skin diseases. Although P. ovalehas often been suggestedas a possibleetiologicalfactor (2) in dandruff, it has never been proved to be the cause. This work has been summarizedin part by Hechemy (3). Early workers isolatedmany other organismsfrom the human scalp, but the literature pertaining to this work is not clear. This confusionis due partly to the numerousmethods of isolation and partly to incomplete identification. The history of this early work on the scalp flora, as well as the flora of other parts of the body surfaces,is describedin several surveys conductedat the MassachusettsCollege of Pharmacy on the * Research supported by a National Institute of Health Predoctoral Fellowship. t Department of Biology, Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science,Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. :• Department of Microbiology, Division of Biological Sciences,MassachusettsCollege of Pharmacy, Boston, Mass. 02115. 113 114 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS microbial flora of the human scalp (4-7). These surveysshowthat the scalpharborsyeasts,molds,and bacteriain great abundance. In all the surveysscurf was obtained by brushingthe scalpwith a sterile brush or comb and allowing it to fall upon the surfaceof enriched complexorganicmedia consideredto be best suitedfor the growth of the particulargroupof microorganisms that wasbeingisolated. No distinction was made betweenthe presenceof the residentand the nonresident microbial flora. The resident flora includes those organismswhich are capableof living on the scalpby utilizing the nutrientsavailablethere. The transient flora includes microorganismswhich do not subsiston the scalp,but are presentastemporarycontaminantsfrom the air and soil. No attempt wasmadeto correlatethe degreeof dandruffformationwith the specificorganismsisolated,nor was any considerationgiven to the scalp conditionand type of groomingaid, nor to the interval of time between the last shampooor dandruff treatment and the time of sam- pling. The purposeof thesesurveyswasto obtainknowledgeaboutthe microbial flora of a random group of "normal" subjectsin order to establish a basis for future researchon the possiblemicrobial etiology to dandruff. In 1964,VanderWyk and Roia (8) showeda relationshipbetweenthe severityof dandruffand the presenceof microorganisms on the human scalp. The application of broad spectrumantimicrobial agentseliminated almostcompletelythe microbialflora, and this resultedin a significant decreasein the amount of scalp desquamation. More recently,VanderWykand Hechemy(9) carriedout a half-head experimentand showedthat nystatin-sensitive yeasts,including_P.ovale, had a greater influenceupon dandruffproductionthan did thoseorganisms,principallybacteria,whichweresusceptible to tetracycline. Van Buskirk (10), usinga HairVac technique(8) for obtainingscurf samplesand complexorganicmedia for isolatingaerobicbacteria, suggestedthat a relationshipexistedbetweenthe productionof scurfandthe number of bacteria present. However, he made no attempt to establish a causeand effect relationship. Many other etiologicalfactorshave been associatedwith this scalp Due to the provedeffectiveness of antibioticsin scurfreduction,it would seem condition, and these have been summarized by Lubowe (ll). that the influence of microorganisms is one of the more important con- tributing factorsin excessivescalpdesquamation. The purposeof this researchwas to find out if any specificmicroorganismor group of microorganismscould be definitely linked to dan- druff production. FLORA OF SCALP AND DANDRUFF 115 QUESTIONNAIRE Age Sex 1. Please circle one: Do you have a dandruff problem? Yes No (If your answer is Yes, answer questions 2, 4, 5; if your answer is No, answer questions 3, 4, 5.) 2. Please circle one: Would you consider your dandruff problem Severe 3. Please a. circle I have moderate mild one: no dandruff b. I have occasionally slight dandruff c. I have slight dandruff 4. Please circle one: a. Do you use a dandruff preparation? Yes No b. If your answer to 4a is Yes, please name the preparation(s). 5. Please circle one: a. I would like to be a volunteer. Yes No b. If your answer to 5a is Yes, please give name. Figure 1. Questionnaire presented to the five undergraduate classes at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy MATERIALS AND METHODS Selectionof Subjects Fifty-two subjects, including two females, with varying degreesof dandruff were selectedfor study. These subjectsranged in age from 18 to 49 years. Those between 18 and 23 years of age predominated. A personwasnot selectedif he showedobvioussignsof baldnessor if he had a history of psoriasisor other scalpdisorder. Volunteerswho developed redness or showed signs of irritation on the scalp during the sampling period were eliminatedfrom further study. Personswith dandruff were kept under observation without their knowledge for several days. Those that showedvisible signsof scalp scalingand who obviously had a problem of dandruff were askedto be volunteers. This method of selection was impractical to use in obtaining volunteerswithout a dandruffproblembecausethe absenceof visible scurfdoes not necessarilymean the absenceof a dandruff problem. It more likely indicatesa temporary cessationof exfoliation due to the judicioususe of an antidandruffproduct. Thosesubjectswith no dandruffproblemwere selectedby their answersto a seriesof questions(Fig. 1). This ques- JOURNAL 116 OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS tionnaire was presentedto all five undergraduate classesof the MassachusettsCollegeof Pharmacy. The meaning of each questionwas carefully explained to all participants. When possiblethose personswho answered, "I have no dandruff" or "I have occasionallyslight dandruff" were chosenif they were not in the habit of usingan antidandruffpreparation. The questionnairehelped to obtain subjectsand to substantiatethe occurrenceof dandruff. Since this was a survey based on personalobservationsand opinions,the interpretation of theseresultsmust be made with that in mind. Collectionof Sc•trf Samples J>resamplingPeriod--Before scurf samples were taken, a precise regimenwas followed by all volunteers (Fig. 2). INSTRUCTIONS It was obviousthat TO VOLUNTEERS This experiment will take two weeks. Directions are simple and not much will be required of you, but it is very important that all instructions be followed faithfully. I cannot do any research without your help. FIRST WEEK: I sincerely thank you for your assistanceand cooperation. (Presampling Period) Day One: 1. Shampoo hair THOROUGHLY 2. Rinse VERY WELL with with « oz. of Breck Normal Shampoo.* water. 3. Use ONLY WATER to comb hair and to kecp in place. (Use comb given to you.) Day Two-Day Seven:t 1. Comb hair as usual using ONLY WATER. 2. Please do not: a. Shampoo again b. Use hair tonic c. Swim in chlorinated pools d. Rinse hair under water or shower SECOND WEEK: (Sampling Period) Day One-Day Five: 1. Continue directions for FIRST 2. Give one sample daily. WEEK, Day Two-Day Seven. * This shampoo was chosen because it represented a common nonmedicated shampoo formulation. t This regimen would eliminate many foreign factors which effect the nutrients on the scalp and therefore effect the growth of the resident flora. Figure 2. Instructions given to all volunteers i*LORA OF SCALP AND DANDRUFI• there would be many external conditionswhich could not be controlled. The entire regimen was conceivedsothat all subjectswould begin with as many controlledexternal conditionsaspossibleand would maintain these conditions throughout a two-week period. No scurf sampleswere taken during this period which lasted for one week. During this time the scalp was permitted to reach a "natural state" in which epithelial desquamation could proceed "normally" for each individual. Sampling Period--During this period of one week a sample of scurf was collected on five successivedays using a technique employed by VanderWyk and Roia (8). The vacuum apparatuswas passedover the scalp by each subject for exactly two minutes. A uniform sample of scurf was collected by making several passesover the scalp in a left to right manner from the temple and forehead to the nape of the neck. Sterilization of CollectionApparatus The special disposablefilter papers were autoclaved in glass Petri dishesand were allowed to dry. They were tared two days after autoclaving to make surethat they had dried to constant weight. A mixture of ethyleneoxide (10%) and carbondioxide (90%) (Matheson Company, Inc., East Rutherford, N.J.) was found satisfactory for sterilization of the replaceableheadsand basketsof the HairVac. Observationson Scurf Samples All scurf samples were weighed and the average weight for five sampleswas noted. Pityrosporum ovale and P. orbiculare (12) are consideredresident organisms,but they are difficult to isolatewithout the addition of a fatty acid to the culture medium. Their presencewas determined by microscopicexaminationof scurfsmears(13). In this methodfreshscurffrom eachsubjectwassprinkledon a slide. The slidewas floodedwith xylol which was allowed to evaporate. A thin film of lipid material formed overthe smearwhichhelpedto fix the scurf. The smearwasfixedfurther by passingthe slideover a flame severaltimes. The slide was flooded with Loeffier'sMethylene Blue stain for two minutes,rinsedwith water, dried, and examined microscopicallyunder the oil immersion objective. The prevalenceof these two organismswas estimatedby countingthe number of cells in five representativefields and calculating the average per field, 118 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS pH Studiesof the Scalp With the exceptionof the first six subjects,the pH of the scalp was determined with a Beckman Zeromatic pH meter equippedwith a Beckman 39182 combination electrode. This electrodehas a flat tip which was pressedagainstthe skin to record pH. Daily pH readingswere obtained on each subject for five days. This was done before each scurf sample was taken. Three consecutivereadings were made at equidistant placeson the scalpforming a straight line which began from the crown of the head and ended at a position just posterior to the frontal hairline. A drop of sterile saline was placed on the scalp, and the hair was parted to permit the electrodeto make contactwith the skin. For somesubjectsit was necessaryto wait for one minute before a final reading couldbe made due to fluctuationof the needle. These studieswere conductedto find out if any correlation existsbetween scalppH and dandruff. It alsoservedas a basisfor the pH of the isolation media. They were adjusted to the same pH as that of the individual scalp. If an organismwere a member of the residentflora it should be able to grow better at the pH of the scalp upon which it was found. For the first six subjectspH 5.5 was used for isolation. It has beennotedby Pillsburyand Rebell (14) that both normal skin organisms and skin pathogensgrow well in the pH range of `5to 6. This was also the estimated figure from a number of scalp pH surveyswhich were carried out using different methods and under varying scalp conditions (1,5•8). Media for Isolation of ResidentFlora Six basalsyntheticmedia were usedfor isolationin all of the methods tried. The only variation in compositionwas the addition of a specific gellingagent for solid media. (See Techniques for Isolationof Resident Flora.) None of the media had a sourceof nitrogen. The only nitrogen available for the growth of resident flora was that present in the scurf. A simplesourceof carbohydratewas usedin four of the media becauseit has been shown that 2% glucoseis needed for optimum growth when keratin is the solesourceof nitrogen (19, 20). The media were adjusted to pH `5.`5or to that of the individual scalp as previouslymentioned, using 0.1N H2SO4or 0.1_NNaOH. The compositionsof the six basal media were as follows: Basal Medium I for Yeasts--Modification of Kapica and Blank (19). It containedin gramsper liter of distilled water: FLORA Glucose OF SCALP AND DANDRUFF ........................... 20.0 MgSO4' 7H•O ...................... KH2PO4 0. ,5 .......................... Novobiocin* 11• 1.0 ........................ 0.1 Griseofulvint ....................... 0. 025 To each liter was added 10 ml of a vitamin concentrate which contained in micrograms: Biotin ............................ 2.0 Thiamine hydrochloride ............ Inositol ............................ 400.0 2000.0 The glucose salts and novobiocin were autoclaved in 980 ml of distilled water. Griseofulvin (250 mg) was autoclavedin the dry form in a 100-ml volumetric flask. Sufficient water was added to make a volume of 100 and 10 ml was pipetted into the medium. The vitamin concentrate was sterilizedby filtration and wasrefrigerateduntil ready for use. Basal Medium II for Molds--Modification of Czapek Dox Broth (Difco). It contained in grams per liter of distilled water: Saccharose K2HPO4 ........................ .......................... 30.0 1.0 MgSO4' 7H,,,O ...................... 0.5 KC1 ............................... 0.5 FeSO4 0.01 ............................ Novobiocin ........................ 0.1 The ingredients were dissolvedand the solution was autoclaved. Basal Medium III.for Bacteria--Modification of Czapek Dox Broth (Difco). The sugar and salts in this medium were the same as those in Medium II. The antibioticsusedwere100unitsof nystatin1:per ml and 0.025 g of griseofulvin per liter. sterile syringe. The nystatin was addedto the medium with a * Novobio½inpowder (Albamycin, sodium Lot. No. Sm-577) was supplied by the Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Mich. t Griseofulvin powder (Grifulvin, Lot No. 2214) was supplied by McNeil Laboratories, Fort Washington, Pa. • Nystatin (Mycostatin) was supplied by E. R. Squibb and Sons, New York, N.Y. came in a sterile vial with 500,000 units of powder (List 5918). It 120 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Basal Medium IV for Actinomycetes--Modification of Noval and Nickerson (21). It containedin grams per liter of distilled water: Glucose ........................... K2HPO4 2.0 .......................... 1.5 MgSO4' 7H20 ...................... 0.05 CaC12 ............................. FeSO4.7H20 ....................... ZnSO4- 7H20 ....................... 0.05 0. 015 0. 005 The ingredients were dissolved and the solution was autoclaved. This medium contained nystatin (100 units per ml) which was added with a sterile syringe. Basal Medium V for Yeast and Molds--This medium contained in gramsper liter of distilled water: Novobiocin K2HPO• ........................ 0.1 .......................... 1.0 The ingredients were dissolved and the solution was autoclaved. The novobiocin was added to minimize bacterial contamination and the K2HPO• served as a buffer. The only nutrients available as carbon and nitrogen sourceswere the natural constituentsof scurf. Basal Medium VI for Bacteria and Actinomycetes--This medium is similar distilled to Medium V in that it has no added nutrients. Each liter of water contained: K2HPO4 .......................... 1.0 g Nystatin ................. 100,000.0 units Techniques for Isolation of ResidentFlora Four isolationtechniqueswere carried out initially on six subjectsto determine the best method. These methods included the use of Noble agar basecultures,silica gel basecultures,flask broth cultures,and percolation apparatuscultures. Becausethe last isolationprocedureprevented any variation in incubationtemperature, an incubationtemperature of 37 øC was chosen for all four methods. All isolation cultures were incubated for one month or until over- grown or desiccatedbefore discarding. The four procedureswere as follows: Noble Agar Base Cultures*--A 1.5% concentrationof Special-Agar * The isolates from all four methods were similar, so that the use of Noble Agar Base became the method of choice for the remaining 46 subjects. FLORA OF SCALP AND DANDRUFF 121 Noble (Difco) was made in each of the six basal isolation media. Into each Petri dish 25 ml was poured. Scurf was sprinkled heavily on each hardened medium with sterile forceps. Following incubation and growth, every different kind of colony was examined and studied microbiologically. Silica Gel Base Cultures--Silica gel was incorporated into each of the isolationmedia. The silica gel was prepared accordingto the method of Pramer (22). Flask Broth Cultures--Approximately 20 mg of scurf was placed into sterile 50-ml flaskscontaining 25 ml of basal isolation media. At incubation periods of 1, 3, 7, 14, and 30 days, 0.1 ml of broth culture was removed and streaked on the surface of the correspondingsolidified basal medium containing 1.5% Noble Agar and 0.1% scurf, sterilized by ethyleneoxide. Percolation Apparatus Broth Cultures--The technique used was a modificationof the soil percolation apparatus describedby Temple (23). The mechanismof operation is describedin detail by Lees and Quastel (24). The specificmeasurementsand photographsof the hand-blown apparatus used in this researchcan be found in the original thesis of Roia (25). Such an elaborate method insured the isolation of slow growing organisms. It also maintained constant aeration, and it provided for a method of removing samples of broth culture without disturbing the scurf. Identification of Cultures Yeasts--The techniquesand media used to identify yeast isolates were thosedescribedby Lodder and Kreger-Van Rij (26). These methodshave beensummarizedby Roia (27). Molds--The identification of molds was based upon the examination of wet mountspreparedfrom 10- to 12-day old culturesgrown on Czapek SolutionAgar (Difco) at 25 øCand uponthe examinationof slidecultures* usingCorn Meal Agar (Difco) asthe nutrient. Three taxonomickeys (28-30) were usedto identify the families and genera. Lewis etal. (31) were alsovery helpful in classification. Other referencesto keys usedin the identification of genera are included under "Results." * Shoe•naker Fungus Microculture Slides, manufactured by Clay-Adams Co., Inc., New York. 122 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Bacteria--All microscopicstudies and subcultureswere made from 24-hour old cultures. The isolates were initially classifiedinto four groups: gram-positive .cocci, gram-negative cocci, gram-positive rods with or without spores,and gram-negativerods. These groupswere [urther subdivided on the basis of an anaerobic glucosefermentation study (32). All bacteriaplacedin a particular groupwere studiedand classifiedaccordingto the methods of Bergey (33), unlessstated otherwise. Actinomycetes--Themedia and methodsof separationand identification of the actinomyceteswere basedupon the criteria of Waksman (34). Keys and methodsdescribedin Bergey (35) and in Waksman and Lechevalier (36) were alsoused. RESULTS QuestionnaireSurvey Of the 502 studentssurveyed,70.1% stated that they had a dandruff problem. The two most common degreesof dandruff were moderate dandruff (33.7%) and mild dandruff (30.3%). Scurf Weights The averageindividual scurf weights of 52 subjectsvaried from 13.3 to 200.0 mg. Scurf weightsseemedto increasedaily and the last sample was almost always heavier than the first. There were frequent fluctuations in the scurf weights of successivesampleswhich occurred in the majority of volunteers. It was noticeable that all subjects with an averagescurf weight of 40 mg or more showedvisible signsof exfoliation, and thosewith lessthan 40 mg displayedno signsof dandruff. Using 40 mg as the criterion for diagnosis,there were 28 subjects with dandruff and 24 without dandruff. Further separationsbasedupon scurf weights were made arbitrarily, and this information is summarizedin Table I. Direct Smear Observations ?ityrosporumovalewas observedin 86.5% of all subjects. Its occurrencewas more frequent in subjectswith dandruff (96.4%) than in those without dandruff (75.0%). The prevalenceof this organismis tabulated in Table II. ?ityrosporumorbiculareoccurredin 76.9% of all subjects. It was observedthat ?. orbicularewas always lessprevalent on the individual scalp than P. ovale. Of the subjectswith dandruff, 82.1% had _P. orbiculare whereasonly 70,8% of thosewithout dandruffhad this or- FLORA OF SCALP Table AND DANDRUFF 123 I Scurf Weight Ranges of 52 Subjects Scurf Weight Range Number of Subjects No dandruff below 40 mg Mild 24 dandruff 40-79.9 mg Moderate 15 dandruff 80-119.9 mg 6 Severe dandruff above 120 mg 7 Table II Quantitative Estimate of P. ovalein 52 Subjects Percentage with Quantitative Estimate Dandruff Percentage without Dandruff More than 30 organisms 10.7 per oil immersion field 21 to 30 organisms per field 11 to 20 organisms per field 1 to 10 organisms per field Less than 1 organism per field 3.6 None found in entire smear Table ß o ß 25.0 16.7 46.4 45.8 10.7 12.5 3.6 25.0 III Quantitative Estimate of P. orbiculare in 52 Subjects Percentage Quantitative with Estimate Percentage without Dandruff Dandruff More than 30 organisms per oil immersion field 21 to 30 organisms per field 11 to 20 organisms per field 1 to 10 organisms per field Less than 1 organism per field 50.0 45.8 28.6 25.0 None 17.9 29.2 found in entire sinear ganism. Table III summarizesthe frequency of t:'. orbiculareon the scalp. pH Studies No relationshipwasfound betweenthe pH of the scalpand the degree of scurfproduction. The pH of the scalpfor individualswith and without dandruff was 5.2. 124 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC Resident Flora CHEMISTS Yeasts--A total of 31 different strains of yeasts was isolated. One of these was a pink yeast which was lost in subculture and one was P. ovale. Neither P. ovalenor P. orbicularewas included in the following study because they have been considered previously by direct smear examination. All lost or unidentified microorganismswere included and were so indicated. Four different species of yeasts were identified. They are listed in Table IV. A total of 44.2% of all subjectshad yeasts,ranging in number from one to three different speciesper individual. In those subjects having no dandruff but harboring yeasts, the average number of yeast species was 1.1 per person, as compared to 1.4 speciesper personin thosesubjects Table IV The Prevalence of Resident Yeasts Isolated from the Scalps of 52 Subjects Yeast Isolate Number of Isolates Percentage of Subjects Rhodotorulamucilaginosa Candida parapsilosis 13 12 25.0 28.1 3 5.8 1 1.9 Rhodotorula minuta Trichosporon cutaneum Table V The Prevalence of Resident Molds Isolated from the Scalps of 52 Subjects Number of Isolates Percentage of Subjects A•pergillus awamori 51 98.1 Aspergillusfumigatus Pullularia pullulans Aspergillusfiavus 42 8 7 80.7 15.4 13.5 5 9.6 5 9.6 3 5.8 Mold Isolate Penicillium notatum Aspergillusterricola var. americana Alternaria tenuis auct. sensu str. Helminthosporiumtriseptatum Stemphyliumsarciniforme Penicillium chrysogenum Penicillium commune Penicillium implicatum Penicillium lilacinure Aspergillusnidulans Aspergillus terreus 3 5.8 2 2 3.8 3.8 I 1.9 I 1.9 I 1.9 I I 1.9 1.9 FLORA OF SCALP AND 125 DANDRUFF with dandruff. Only 29.2% of the subjectswithout dandruffhad yeasts, but yeastswere found in 56.4% of thosewith scurf weightsover 40 mg. The two most commonyeastswere more prevalent on subjectswith dandruff than on those without dandruff. •Rhodotorulamucilaginosa occurredin 28.6% of subjectswith dandruff and in 20.8% of thosewithout dandruff. C. parapsilosis was isolated in 32.2% of those with scurf weightsover 40 mg but only in 8.3•0 of thosewith lessthan 40 rag. Molds--Molds were found in 100•o of the subjects. The number of speciesvaried from one to sevenper individual. Those subjects with dandruff averaged 3.1 speciesof molds each, whereasthosewithout dandruff averaged2.3 species. Of the 143moldsisolated,133 wereidentified to species. The remaining ten molds included three speciesof •Penicillium, four speciesof Cephalosporium,two specieslost in subculture, and one unknown genus. Six genera were represented: ,4spergillus, Penicillium, Pullularia, .4 Itemaria, Stemphylium,and Helminthosporium. The speciesof Aspergilluswere identified accordingto the methods and media of Raper and Fennell. (37). The keys of Raper and Thom (38) were used to identify the speciesof Penicillium. Colors of coloniesin both genera were compared to the descriptionsand standards of Ridgway (39). According to Ainsworth (40), there is only one speciesof Pullularia, Pullularia pullulans. This speciescorrespondedto the description given by Barnett (41). Alternaria and Stemphyliumwere classifiedaccordingto the media and methods of Neergaard (42). A key by Luttrell (43) wasusedto identify the tlelminthosporium. Fifteen speciesof molds were included in six genera and they are listed in Table V. The prevalenceof the four most common resident speciesof molds from subjectswith and without dandruffis summarizedin Table VI. Table The Prevalence of the Four Most with Mold Isolate Aspergillus awamori Aspergillusfumigatus _Pullularia pullulans Aspergillusflayus VI Common and without Resident Molds in Persons Dandruff Percentage Pel centage of Subjects of Subjects with without Dandruff Dandruff 100 67.9 28.6 14.3 95.8 95.8 ... 8.3 126 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS Bacteria--Forty-four strains of resident bacteria were isolated. Thirty-six of these strains were identified to species. One strain was lost in subculture and seven strains represented one unidentified rod.* Bacteria were found in 42.3% of all subjects. They were presentin 57.1% of thosewith dandruffand in only 25.0% of those without dandruff. Subjectswith a dandruffproblem and having bacteria averaged 2.3 species;whereasthosewithout dandruff averagedonly 1.3 species. The most prevalent organism was Bacillus subtilis, which occurred in 15.4% of all subjects. The genusBacilluswas identifiedaccordingto the media and methodsof Smith et al. (32). If all the different strainsof Bacillus speciesisolated in this researchwere combined, they would comprise52.3% of the residentbacteriaisolated. The many different Bacillusspecies whichoccurin highfrequencyhavealsobeennoticedby Van Buskirk (10) and Beal (5). A total of 16 identifiable speciesof bacteria as well as the unidentified rod is listedin Table VII. It is interestingthat 90.5% of theseorga- nisms are gram-positive or gram-variable. Table VII The Prevalence of Resident Bacteria Isolated from the Scalps of 52 Subjects Bacteria Isolate Number of Isolates Percentage of Subjects Bacillus subtills Unidentified rod 8 7 15.4 Bacillus megaterium Bacillus pulvifaciens 5 5 9.6 Micrococcus candidus 4 7.7 Alcaligenesfaecalis Staphylococcus epidermidis A erobacteraerogenes Alcaligenesmetalcaligenes 2 2 1 1 3.8 13.5 9.6 3.8 1.9 1.9 Bacillus circulans 1 1.9 Bacillus coagulans Bacillus licheniformis Bacillus pumilus Bacillus sphaericus 1 1 1 1 1.9 Brevibacterium brunneum 1 19 Brevibacterium:•insectiphilium 1 19 Micrococcuscaseolyticus 1 19 * This is a nonspore-forminggram-variable rod. and adheres to the media. 19 19 19 The colony is yellow, raised, wrinkled, I•LORA OF SCALP AND DANDRUFF 127 Actinomycetes--Eight resident actinomycetes were isolated. All were members of the genus Streptomyces. They were not identified to species. Actinomyceteswerefound in 21.4% of subjectswith dandruff and in 4.5% of those without dandruff. One subject with dandruff had two strains of Streptomyces. All others with actinomycetes had one species. Entire Resident Flora--A total of 225 resident organisms were isolated. They ranged in number from one to eleven organisms per sub- ject. The averagenumber of speciesper subject with dandruff was 5.5 and the average number per subject without dandruff was 3.0. The average number of speciesper individual in the four groups of resident flora is listed in Table VIII. The prevalence of the entire resident microbial flora divided into groupsis consideredin Table IX. Table VIII Average Number of Species of Resident Flora per Individual Subjects Subjects with without Dandruff Group a Dandruff Yeasts • 1.4 1.1 Molds 3.1 2.3 1.3 Bacteria 2.3 Actinomycetes c . ..... Total 5.5 Flora a 3.0 • Only those subjects with the specific group of microorganisms were considered. b Results do not include P. ovale and P. orbiculare which were considered by direct smear (see Tables II and III). c Not enough isolates to warrant inclusion. Table Prevalence of the Entire with IX Resident and without Microbial Flora in Persons Dandruff Percentage Percentage Group of Subjects of All with Subjects Dandruff Percentage of Subjects without Dandruff Yeasts 44.2 56.4 29.2 Molds 100.0 100.0 100.0 25.0 Bacteria 42.3 57.1 Actinomycetes 13.5 21.4 4.5 128 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS ]_)ISCUSSION QuestionnaireSurvey As previously mentioned, there are disadvantagesto this type of questionnaire in which conclusionsare based upon personal opinion. The fact that 70.1% of our studentsstated they had a dandruffproblem agreeswith the estimate of 70% incidenceof this afflictionin the United States (44). The prevalenceof dandruff in our survey also agreeswith other estimatesthat dandruff occursin 75 to 95% of American scalps (45). Levine (46) and Templeton (47) considerit a "rarity" to find human subjectswho are "normal," that is, thosewho are not "infected" in some way or who showno evidenceof excessiveoiliness,dandruff, inflammation, or baldness. Templeton's evidenceis based on the visual observaq tion of several hundred scalpsand the finding of only 26 "normal" subjects. Our results show that while it is difficult to find subjectswith unaffected scalps,it is not as rare as reported by these workers. The Relationship of Scurf Weightsto Dandruff The separationof subjectsinto thosewith dandruff and thosewithout dandruff was based upon the obvious relationship of scurf weights to dandruff. In this research40 mg was the weight selectedfor separation for the reasonsexplainedunder "Materials and Methods." However, it should be fairly stated that individuals with a scurf weight above 40 mg do not necessarilyhave dandruff. This figure was true for the specificgroup of subjects which we studied using the twominute HairVac technique, following the specifiedregimen, and during the sampling period of March to May. If any one of the above criteria is varied, the scurf weight will change. Mitsutsugu and Abe-Tsutomu (48) noted that the total scurf weight was lowest in mid-August and greatestin mid-June. Therefore, if the samplingperiod were in August, the separationfigure might be lower than the 40 mg and if the sampling periodwerein June, then the figuremight be higher. It was observedby VanderWyk and Roia (8) that, after continued use of antimicrobial agents, there was a leveling off of scurf weights which could not be lowered. These levels were referred to as "threshold levels," and they varied from 13 to 95 mg in different individuals. However, in seven of the nine subjects studied, the "threshold level" was below 40 rag. In all instances,when the "threshold level" was reached, regardlessof scurf weight, there was a marked alleviation of dandruff. FLORA OF SCALP AND DANDRUFF 129 Since this "threshold level" varies for each individual, it is difficult to establisha definite scurf weight which can be used as a separationcriterion. It is conceivablethat in a future study there might be a subject with no visible exfoliation which would have a scurf weight higher than an individual with visible exfoliation. The reasonfor this is that the lipid content of scurf varies from individual to individual and is affected by environmental factors of humidity and temperature (48). It has often been noted in our work that large quantities of scurf may weigh considerably less than smaller quantities because of visible differences in oiliness. Relationshipof ResidentFlora to Dandruff As can be seenin "Results," the average number of microbial species per individual (Table VIII) is higher and the prevalence of specific groups of organisms(Table IX) is uniformly greater on the scalpsof personswith dandruff than on those personswithout dandruff. However, from these results a definite etiologieal relationship between the microbial flora and dandruff cannot be made. It is very difficult to prove a definite microbial relationship. There are at least four possible reasonsfor this difficulty. First, it is possibleto have more than one etiological factor (11) in dandruff production even though the physical appearance of excessive desquamationis the same. These factors might be related to or independent of each other. It can be postulated that the contributing factor in one subject is different from that in a secondsubject while the combination of both is the etiological factor in a third subject. Our researchsuggeststhat there is a relationship between microorganismsand certain casesof dandruff. This raisesthe often askedquestionof whether dandruff is the result of microbial invasion or whether the microbial invasion is brought about by the presence of abundant scurf which serves as a source of nutrient. It is our belief that both questionscan be answered affirmatively. Some dandruff problems are the result of microbial invasion, and by eliminating the flora, the dandruff problem can be eliminated (8). It is also believed that once dandruff is established an increase in the micro- bial flora will follow. This increase in microbial flora may contribute further to the dandruff•ondition as an additional factor regard•qs of original etiology. Thus, a self perpetuating cycle betwecrtscurf production and the microbial flora is established. JOURNAL OF TIiE 130 SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS If one assumes that the microbial flora is the cause of certain dandruff problems, then why are these members of the flora found on one scalp and not on another ? One logical answer is that the nutritional environment on somescalpsis favorable for the growth of certain microorganisms. If the presenceof a favorable nutritional environment of the scalp is related to the metabolism of these individuals, it can be hypothesizedthat the scalpsof these personsare predisposedto dandruffproducing microbial attacks. These suggestedmetabolic factors are: hormonal inbalance; imparied metabolism and nutrition; dietary indiscretions,as excessivecarbohydrateand lipid intake; increasednervous tension; and biochemicalchangesof the cutaneousscalp (11). Other metabolic factors reported by Spoor (49, .50) are: the condition of the epidermiswhich may be a function of the individual's geneticmakeup, his sex, age, and race; and the amount and quantity of the sebum production. It is felt that more work on the specificresident microbial flora of subjects known to have a dandruff condition should be conducted, particularly thosewhich respondto treatment by antimicrobial agents. This would better establisha causerelationship between specificresident organismsand dandruff. More work should also be done on the relationship of dandruff to one'smetabolicactivities. A second factor which makes it difficult to establish a causal relation- shipis that microorganisms are continuouslybeingaddedto andremoved from the scalpby numerousexternal agentssuchas combs,hands,rain, hats, air, and soot. This uncontrolled addition and removal of micro- organismsexplainssome of the variations in our work as well as the fluctuationsin bacterialplate countsnoted by VanderWyk and Roia (8) and by Van Buskirk (10). A third factor is that there is a substantial time interval between the appearanceof an increasedmicrobialflora and a measurableincreasein the productionof scurf. This lagwasnotedby VanderWykandRoia (8) after the applicationof an antimicrobialmixturehad beenstopped. The immediatereturn of high bacterialcountsof microorganisms on the scalp wasnot accompanied by a significantincreasein scurfweightuntil three weeks later. Our work also indicatesthat a longerpresamplingperiod of perhaps two to three weeksis necessaryin order to permit the scalpto reach a balance between the increase in microbial flora and scurf production. We believe that a more conclusiverelationship between scurf production and microbialisolatescouldbe shownif this procedurewere carriedout. FLORA OF SCALP AND DANDRiJFI½ 131 Finally, it is conceivablethat no specificmicroorganismis involved in scurf production, but rather dandruff is due to an increase in the entire resident microbial flora, with each member having similar nutritional requirements. SUMMARY 1. The nature of the residentmicrobial flora isolated fr'om the scalps of 28 collegestudents with dandruff was compared to the resident flora isolated from 24 students without dandruff. The occurrence of dan- druff was determined visually, and by removing and weighing exfoliated dandruff flakes (scurf). 2. Studies included: a questionnaire survey of the prevalence of dandruff in 502 collegestudents; the isolation, identification, and prevalency of the resident flora; relationship of scalp pH to dandruff; and relationship of residentflora to dandruff production. 3. A questionnairesurvey of 502 students of college age indicated that 70.1% of them had a dandruffproblem. 4. Four techniquesof isolation of residentflora were usedon the first six subjects. Best results were obtained using Noble Agar base method adjusted to the pH of the individual scalp and using scurf as the only source of nitrogen. This method was used to study the flora of the other 46 subjects. ,5. A total of 225 resident isolates was obtained by cultural methods. Theseincluded: 30 yeasts,143 molds,44 bacteria, and 8 actinomycetes. 6. The prevalency of Pityrosporum ovale and P. orbiculare was determined by direct smear observation. P. ovalewas found in 96.4% of the subjectswith dandruff and in 75.0% of the subjectswithout dandruff. P. orbiculareoccurredin 82.1% of the subjectswith dandruffand in 70.8% of thosewithout dandruff. P. orbicularewas always found less frequently than P. ovaleon the samescalp. 7. The two most common resident yeasts isolated in culture were Rhodotorulamucilaginosaand Candidaparapsilosis. Yeasts were found in 56.4% of the subjectswith dandruff and in 29.2% of thosewithout. 8. Resident molds were isolated from every subject regardless of scalp condition. The two most prevalent molds were Aspergillus awamori (98.1%) and A. fumigatus (80.7%). The average number of speciesof molds isolated from subjects with dandruff was 3.1, compared to 2.3 from subjectswithout dandruff. 9. Resident bacteria were found in 57.1% of subjectswith dandruff and in 2,5.0% of thosewithout dandruff. The most prevalent species 132 JOURNAL OF THE SOCIETY OF COSMETIC CHEMISTS was Bacillus subtilis (15.4%). If all the different strains of Bacillus speciesisolated in our research was combined, they would comprise 52.3% of the resident bacteria isolated. Gram-positive and gramvariable isolatesaccountedfor 90.5% of the bacterial species. 10. Resident actinomyceteswere found in 21.4% of subjectswith dandruff and in 4.5% of those without dandruff. The eight resident isolatesbelongedto the genusStreptomyces. 11. There was no differencein the pH (,5.2) of the scalpsof subjects with dandruff and thosewithout. There is no correlationbetweenscalp pH and dandruff. 12. No specific organism, with the possible exception of ?. ovale, showedany significant relationship to dandruff. It was concludedthat an increase in the total microbial flora was a factor in the increase of dandruff production since almost twice as many speciesof organisms were found in the scalps of those subjects with dandruff than on the scalpsof thosesubjectswithout dandruff. (Received April 26, 1968) REFERENCES (1) Malassez,L., Note sur la champignonde la pelade,Arch. Physiol.iVorm.et Pathol., 1, 208 (1874). (2) Reddish,G. F., The etiologyof infectiousdandruff,J. Soc. Cosmetic Chemists, 3, 90 (1952). (8) Hechemy, K. 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