2008 Computing Resource Guide for Students

Graduates are eligible to keep their @ucla.edu address
permanently after they leave UCLA and use the lifetime
email forwarding service. Visit www.bol.ucla.edu/services/accounts/lifetime.
Other Bruin OnLine Services Create your own website:
UCLA students, staff, and faculty can create their own
web site, with 100 MB of space. BOL provides some
basic templates and scripts to help you get started.
URLs for personal sites are based on your logon ID, e.g.
http://username.bol.ucla.edu. Visit www.bol.ucla.edu/
Mailing lists: If you have a valid UCLA Logon ID, you
can set up a mailing list; the service’s administrative
software handles subscription requests and distributes
new messages from members to the entire list of
subscribers. To request a new mailing list, visit
Usenet news: You can configure your email programs to
access Usenet news groups, using www.bol.ucla.edu/
The MyUCLA web portal is a great resource for students to find and personalize your course information
for the quarter, with links to course web sites, lists of
classmates, discussion forums, email access, announcements, petitions, appointments, and other information.
The Class Planner helps you to quickly and simply create
potential schedules and the Gradebook allows you to
view posted grades. And it’s a terrific referral tool if you
need to find resources on campus. Visit my.ucla.edu
and logon with your UCLA Logon ID.
URSA Online
Register for classes, check or change your enrollment
status, check grades and degree progress, update your
information, pay your fees, and check your Financial
Aid information (MyFAO) using URSA. The University
Records System Access (URSA) Online application is
designed to make enrollment and administrative
processes more convenient for students. Login on
What You Need
These methods allow both a secure and authorized
connection to library resources. Information on VPN
can be found earlier in this section. Go to www.bol.
ucla.edu/services/proxy/ to learn about the UCLA
proxy server.
Other Services
Some departments have labs, web sites, equipment,
software, and other services that are available only to
enrolled students. Check with your department for
information on their services.
Where to Find It Online
News and updates on computers and technology at UCLA
Resource Guide
All the pointers you need to get online
Academic Technology Services
What You Need
Bruin OnLine
Campus Computer Labs
Bruin OnLine (BOL) Email
Campus Directory
URSA Online
Experiential Technology Center
Institute for Digital Research & Education (IDRE)
Connecting to the Campus
Using Wireless on Campus
Using Your Own Computer on Campus
Residence Hall Computing
Using a Campus Computer
Library Computers
Other Services
Resident Telephone Services
Student Groups Web Services
Student Technology Center
Where to Find it Online
Links to Campus Technology Services
Map to Undergraduate Computer & Laptop Ports
The UCLA Store
Most students set up their UCLA Logon ID as part of
their admissions process. You may not know that it’s
also your ticket to a variety of technology resources. It
allows you to log on to services such as MyUCLA, URSA
Online, Bruin OnLine’s web mail, the campus wireless
network, and course web sites. It also gives you access
to online resources such as library databases and computer lab software. Forgot your password? Bruin OnLine
offers utilities to help you reset or change your password online. Visit logon.ucla.edu.
UCLA Logon IDs are now available to everyone. Get
your parents to sign up today for their own. Then, you
define their access to URSA Online, allowing for them
to pay tuition and housing seamlessly without gaining
access to your grades or personal information. Send
them to www.bol.ucla.edu to create their ID.
Bruin OnLine (BOL) Email & Other Services
You can use your UCLA Logon ID to send and receive
email, have other email forwarded to it, or forward
email you receive here to another account. The BOL
service supports a variety of email programs, plus it
offers a wed-based email client. You have up to 75MB
of storage and the system will handle attachments up
to 10 MB. Visit www.bol.ucla.edu/services/email for
information on setting up your personal mailbox.
Additional services
• Vacation messaging lets people know you won’t be
checking your email
• Spam identification scans and scores your email so
you filter out spam.
• Virus notification scans incoming and
outgoing mail to help prevent infection
• The alias feature allows you to create an alternative
name for your email address.
If you’re not using your BOL email as your primary
address, you must change your official email address
on URSA in order to receive class information, updates,
and notices. To change your official email address, visit
Need a Computer?
You can get substantial educational discounts on both
Macs and PCs. The UCLA Computer Store,
www.uclastore.ucla.edu/compstore, offers
Macs. KST, www.kstdata.com offers PCs.
Bruin OnLine provides software for BOL-related services
to individuals with a valid UCLA Logon ID, for use
during your affiliation with UCLA. Software includes
Internet browsers, email clients, anti-virus software,
anti-spyware applications, and FTP programs for both
Windows and Macintosh OS. You can find information
and download the files at www.bol.ucla.edu/
The UCLA Computer Store, www.uclastore.ucla.edu/
compstore, offers popular software at special academic
rates for both Macs and PCs.
Computer labs across campus offer a variety of instructional software for use on lab computers. Look up lab
information and search for the software you need at
www.computerlabs.ucla.edu. If you need special software for a class, it may be available from the department offering that class. CLICC offers remote access to
several software packages including SPSS, Stata, and
Photoshop. Go to shortcut.clicc.ucla.edu and log in
with your UCLA Logon ID. No client is needed. For more
information or help, email feedback@clicc.ucla.edu, or
call us at 310-206-6374.
Other Services
Disabilities and Computing Program (DCP)
The DCP offers a variety of services and training to
UCLA students, faculty and staff with permanent or
temporary disabilities. For any disability and technologyrelated questions call 310-206-7133 or visit
Students, faculty and staff must obtain and carry a
BruinCard. It is your primary form of identification at
UCLA. It also functions as a debit card, door card, recreation center pass, bus pass, and library card. You will
need to show it or swipe it through a card reader to use
campus facilities and services. The BruinCard Office is in
123 Kerckhoff Hall or visit www.bruincard.ucla.edu.
Digital Entertainment/Legal computing
Get information on free and low-cost downloads
from iTunes, Ruckus, and Mindawn on
Recycling Electronics
The UCLA Store Trade-In program allows student to
trade in used, working technology products in exchange
for a UCLA Store gift card. Visit www.uclastore.ucla.
edu to find out how.
The LA Bureau of Sanitation accepts computers, monitors, printers, network equipment, cables, telephones,
TVs, radios, stereos, VCRS, and electronic toys. There is a
drop-off center on campus: the UCLA S.A.F.E. Center at
550 Charles Young Drive West, open on Saturday. Check
www.lacitysan.org for specifics.
Connecting to the Campus
The UCLA campus has both public wired ports and wireless available. From off-campus, students can use their
own Internet access (DSL, Cable, etc.) to reach UCLA’s
resources. VPN & proxy connection
Using Wireless on Campus
Many locations on campus offer wireless access to the
campus network, although coverage is not global. Check
the online map for the most complete view of hotspots:
www.bol.ucla.edu/wireless. To ensure a secure connection, you must install a VPN (virtual personal network) client on your computer. Visit www.bol.ucla.edu/
services/vpn for help with installing and configuring a
VPN client. Use it with your UCLA Logon ID to connect.
Using your own computer on campus
If you live in the residence halls, Residence Hall
Computing provides students with support and help for
access to the campus network. For information about
dorm and apartment configurations, visit www.orl.ucla.
edu/tech. The Student Technology Center is also available to help students with installation and repairs. Visit
Map of Computer Labs and Wireless Hotspots:
Labs & wireless
1. Biomedical Library - 12-077 CHS*
2. College Library *
3. Music Library - 1102 Schoenberg*
4. Research Library *
5. Science/Eng. Library - 8251 Boelter Hall*
6. AAP Lab - Campbell Hall
7. Chemistry (CIC) - Slichter Hall
8. Center for Digital Humanities - 1020 PAB
9. CLICC Lab (laptops) - 145 Powell
10. Disabilities Computing Lab- Math Sciences
11. Instructional Microcomputing Facility - Health Sciences
12. Life Sciences Instructional Lab - Life Sciences
13. Office of Residential Life Labs - Covell, De Neve Plaza, Rieber
14. Program in Computing (PIC) Lab - Boelter Hall
15. Psychology Labs - Franz Hall
16. Science Learning Center - Slichter Hall
17. SEAS (Engineering) Lab - Boelter Hall
18. Social Sciences Lab - Public Policy
19. Statistics Lab - Boelter Hall
20. Design | Media Arts - Suite 2275, BAC
21. Student Technology Center - 330 De Neve
*(laptops loans)
(Wireless = Shaded Areas)
For more detailed information about each lab, including software offerings, go
to: http://www.computerlabs.ucla.edu For the most current information on
wireless areas, go to, http://bol.ucla.edu/services/wireless/coverage/­­
University polices & appropriate use
By utilizing university computing and technology resources, students agree to abide by the policies and guidelines set forth by the
University of California and UCLA. Visit www.bol.ucla.edu. Residential network policies can be found at www.orl.ucla.edu/handbook
Ports for laptops
Most campus libraries offer access to the campus network
for users with their own laptops and connection cables. Ports
are located throughout each building. Inquire at the reference desk to see if there’s a map of available ports.
Using a Campus Computer
You can find a comprehensive listing of the campus’ labs
at www.computerlabs.ucla.edu. Start with the CLICC
lab, located in 145 Powell. This lab is open to all students.
Student consultants working in the lab can help answer
questions and guide you to the resources you need. The
CLICC, located at many campus libraries, provides laptops
on loan for up to four hours. You can even renew online
via a wireless connection. See their website to learn more:
Library Computers
The Libraries offer computers for patrons to use. Priority is
given to UCLA students, faculty and staff. Printing is available on BruinCard-operated printers. Visit www2.library.
ucla.edu to learn more.
To use library resources from off-campus, you must use
a VPN client or a proxy server connection to reach them.