Grammar Cheat Sheet

Grammar Cheat Sheet
Use this cheat sheet during the editing stage of the writing process. It will help you catch your
grammar mistakes. Check for all of the following:
____ Subject & Verb: Every sentence must have both a subject (who/what) and a verb.
Complete sentence: The Seine River flows through the heart of Paris.
___ End Punctuation: All of your sentences must have a punctuation mark at the end: period (.),
question mark (?), or exclamation point (!). Never put two punctuation marks at the end of the same
____ Commas: Use a comma for: a direct address (Joe, close the door), a list (the milk, bread, and
butter), appositive phrases (Mr. Ferriter, the Science teacher, sang.), quotations (John yelled, “Stop!”), and
complex sentences (Because you behaved, I will give you a ticket.)
____ Semicolons (;): Use a semicolon to join two related sentences that do not have coordinating
conjunctions (and, or, but, nor, for, so, yet) with a comma as connectors.
Example: The sixth grade is wonderful; we get to have lockers.
____ Apostrophes: You need to add an apostrophe when someone or something has ownership over
something else. For singular ownership, add an apostrophe “s” (the dog’s bone), or for plural ownership,
add an “s” apostrophe (the five dogs’ bones). Exception: When “its” is used to show possession, no
apostrophe is needed.
____ Verb Tense: All of the verbs in a sentence must be written in the same tense (present, past, future)
and they must agree with (keep) the same tense as the verbs in the sentences around it.
Example of incorrect verb tense: She walked to the store and buys some ice cream.
_____ Spelling: Below is a list of some of the most frequently misspelled words:
Your (possession),
you’re (you are)
(direction), threw
(past tense of
Here (location),
hear (listen)
Its (possession),
it’s (it is)
There (location),
their (ownership),
they’re (they are)
Than (comparison),
then (time)
Where (location),
wear (to clothe)
Accept (to receive),
except (excluding)
Desert (place),
dessert (yummy
Chose (past tense),
choose (present
Lose (not win),
loose (not tight)
To (preposition),
too (amount, also)