Next-Generation Sequencing Core The NGSC offers high-throughput sequencing services from experimental design, sample quality checks, library preparation, sequencing, and basic data analysis. Sequencing NEW! We are purchasing a new hiSeq2500 and a NextSeq500. hiSeq2000 High output sequencing from 50bp single read (SR) to 100bp paired-end sequencing (PE). hiSeq2500 Rapid sequencing up to 150PE. miSeq Very rapid sequencing, lower read counts but up to 300PE sequencing. Best for metagenomics or other small-scale targeted sequencing, miRNA-seq for small sample counts, or library testing. NextSeq Very rapid sequencing, up to 150PE. Medium or high-output. Should be available in 2015. Library Prep We can prepare RNA-Seq, smRNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, Whole-Genome libraries for you. RNA-Seq libraries can be made for half or whole 96-well plates. Contact Olga Smirnova ( for technical details. High-throughput Library Prep The NGSC has the following equipment to help with high-throughput library preparations. Agilent Bravo Liqof ultrasound is delivered to up to 8 samples at a time for uid Handler NEW! rapid processing. Also suitable for ChIP-Seq chromatin sonication and extracting DNA from FFPE samples. The Agilent Bravo liquid handler is programmed with protoFluidigm C1 - Sincols for exome-capture Images/NGS-Automation-Set-Up.jpg gle cell RNA-Seq libraries as well as AgiStarting with 1000 cells lent’s RNA-Seq library prep kit. Other protocols are be in 5ul, the C1 can available as well. capture up to 96 cells in a microfluidics chip. Cells in the chip can Images/c1_left_250x225.jpg Covaris LE220 be examined with a miUltrasonicator NEW! The Covaris croscope and annotated sonicator does not use a for later. The chip is returned to the C1 for lyprobe to deliver power sis, RNA extraction, and cDNA synthesis. The next day to the sample, so there Images/le220_md.jpg is no risk of contaminaIllumina’s Nextera XT kit is used to make libraries from 5 to 96 samples. tion. A focussed beam Data Analysis The NGSC offers basic data analysis of many experiment types. We are coordinating with the IBI Bioinformatics Core ( on data sharing and a wider set of more advanced analysis pipelines. We deliver data via the web or to your account on PMACS. C1 C1-capture C1-extraction C1-IFC-dna C1-IFC-mrna C1-reagents-dna 505 410 910 780 1020 plate plate plate plate plate C1-reagents-mrna 685 plate qc-bioAnalyzer 15 sample qc-Kapa 45 sample qc-Pooling 15 sample qc-qubit 5 sample qc-qubit-nextera 5 sample qc-tapeStation 5 sample LP-ChIP-Seq/NEBnext 60 sample LP-DNA-Seq/Exome-SSCR 465 sample LP-DNA-Seq/truSeq-noAmp 40 sample LP-NexteraXT/LT-C1 65 sample LP-RNA-Seq/Clontech-LowInput 170 sample LP-RNA-Seq/NugenOvationAmplification 245 sample LP-RNA-Seq/riboZeroANDtruSeqStranded 190 sample LP-RNA-Seq/truSeq 105 sample LP-RNA-Seq/truSeqStranded 115 sample LP-smRNA-truSeq 150 sample LP-NexteraXT/WholePlate 4060 plate LP-NexteraXT/WholePlate-C1 1815 plate LP-RNA-Seq/truSeqStrandedPolyA/HalfPlate 5170 plate LP-RNA-Seq/truSeqStrandedPolyA/WholePlate 9795 plate LP-RNA-Seq/truSeqStrandedRibo/HalfPlate 6550 plate LP-RNA-Seq/truSeqStrandedRibo/WholePlate 12555 plate sq-050PE-hiSeq-V3 1435 lane sq-050PE-hiSeq-V4 1665 lane sq-050PE-hiSeqRapid-V2 2005 lane sq-050SR-hiSeq-V3 905 lane sq-050SR-hiSeq-V4 1040 lane sq-050SR-hiSeqRapid-V2 1365 lane capture on C1, not including reagents post capture phase of C1, ether RNA/cDNA or WGA Fluidigm IFC for DNA extraction and WGA - any cell size Fluidigm IFC for RNA extraction and cDNA - any cell size Fluidigm reagents for DNA extraction and WGA - any cell size Fluidigm reagents for RNA extraction and cDNA - any cell size QualityCheck RNA or library quality check with Agilent bioAnalyzer using any of the DNA or RNA chips. Molarity measurement of library using Kapa Biosystems Library quant kit. 3 technical replicates of 3 dilutions of sample. Mix samples in equi-molar amounts to ensure as close to even read counts as possible. RNA or DNA concentration measurement using LifeTech qubit fluorimeter. Kapa-based assessment of a large batch of samples from NexteraXT library prep. Deprecated RNA or library quality check with Agilent TapeStation meant for large sample batches. LibraryPrep-LT Low-throughput library prep for ChIP-Seq samples (or other dsDNA samples) using the NEBNext ChIP-Seq kits. Labor extra. Library prep from gDNA of human exome libary using the Agilent SureSelect Clinical Research Exome kit Low-throughput library prep for DNA-Seq samples using the Illumina TruSeq DNA PCR kit. Labor extra. Low-throughput library prep using Nextera-XT kit on a small number of C1 cDNA samples. Labor included. Generation of cDNA from small amounts of total RNA using the Clontech SMARTer Ultra Low Input RNA kit. Labor extra. Generation of cDNA from small amounts of total RNA using the NuGen Ovation kit. Labor extra. Low-throughput library prep for RNA-Seq samples using Illumina TruSeq Stranded Total RNA with Ribo Zero Gold Set. Labor extra. Low-throughput library prep for RNA-Seq samples using the older non-stranded Illumina kits. Labor extra. Deprecated. Low-throughput library prep using Illumina truSeq stranded mRNA kit. Labor extra. Low-throughput library prep using Illumina small RNA kit - i.e., miR-Seq. Labor extra. LibraryPrep-HT High-throughput library prep using Nextera-XT in most of a 96-well plate of DNA samples. Labor included. High-throughput library prep using Nextera-XT for C1 samples in most of a 96-well plate of DNA samples. Labor included. High-throughput library prep using Illumina truSeq stranded mRNA kit for nearly half of a 96-well plate. Labor included. High-throughput library prep using Illumina truSeq stranded mRNA kit for most of a 96-well plate. Labor included. High-throughput library prep using Illumina truSeq stranded total RNA (ribo-Zero) kit for nearly half of a 96well plate. Labor included. High-throughput library prep using Illumina truSeq stranded total RNA (ribo-Zero) kit for most of a 96-well plate. Labor included. Sequencing Sequencing 2 ends, 50bp each, on HiSeq in high-output mode to get about 180 million reads or pairs Sequencing 2 ends, 50bp each, on HiSeq in high-output mode to get about 250 million reads or pairs Sequencing 2 ends, 50bp each, on HiSeq in rapid mode to get about 150 million reads or pairs Sequencing 1 ends, 50bp each, on HiSeq in high-output mode to get about 180 million reads or pairs Sequencing 1 ends, 50bp each, on HiSeq in high-output mode to get about 250 million reads or pairs 3Sequencing 1 ends, 50bp each, on HiSeq in rapid mode to