General Education 2003-2005

B.S. in Psychology Degree Requirements Checklist
**Beginning Fall 2015**
UNC Charlotte
The Psychology major requires completion of 39 credits of Psychology & Statistics coursework, a Minor or 2 Major, and the University General
Education requirements. A minimum of 120 total earned credits and 2.00 GPA Overall and in the Psychology Major are required for the degree
and graduation. -- For course availability, pre-requisites, and descriptions, please check on Banner Self-Service.
The Psychology course work must be spread across the five content areas as shown below
1. Research Methods/Critical Thinking Skills
(19 Credits)
A grade of C or better within two attempts for the Psychology and Statistics courses is required to continue in the major.
A grade of C or better for the Natural Science courses and the corresponding lab is required to continue in the major.
General Psychology & a Statistics course must be completed before you can register for PSYC 2101 Research Methods I.
After completion of General Psychology, most (Knowledge Base, Application, or Elective) psychology courses may be taken.
Statistics, Research Methods I, Research Methods II, and the Capstone courses CANNOT be taken in the same semester. Each
class is a part of a core sequence in Psychology and MUST be taken in separate semesters. (Statistics also requires MATH
1100 or higher, excluding MATH 1102)
General Psychology
PSYC 1101
STAT 1220, 1221, or 1222 (STAT 1222 preferred)
Research Methods I
PSYC 2101
Research Methods II
PSYC 2103
Natural Science I
Any course from the General Education Natural Sciences, not including General Psychology
Natural Science II
Any course from the General Education Natural Sciences, not including General Psychology
Natural Science Lab
A corresponding lab to either Natural Science course
2. Knowledge Base: 4 courses (1 course from each category)
(12 Credits)
PSYC 2113 Brain & Behavior (a Psychology Elective course) is a pre-requisite for courses in the Learning & Cognition and the
Biological Basis of Behavior categories, except PSYC 2110 Introduction to Comparative Psychology.
* Requires Pre-Requisite of PSYC 2101 Research Methods I with a C or better
Learning & Cognition
□ 3111 Learning
□ 3115 Sensation & Perception
□ 3216 Introduction to
□ 3116 Human Cognitive Processes
Cognitive Science
□ 2130 Introduction to
□ 3114 Motivation*
□ 3135 Psychology of Personality*
Social Psychology
Biological Basis of
□ 2110 Introduction to
□ 3113 Physiological Psychology*
□ 3313 Neuropsychology*
Comparative Psychology
□ 3117 Hereditary Behavior
□ 4316 Cognitive Neuroscience
Developmental Changes □ 2120 Child Psychology
□ 2121 Adolescent Psychology
□ 2124 Adulthood & Aging
3. Application of Psychology: 2 courses (May be from same category)
(6 Credits)
Experimental Applications courses have a limited number of openings. If interested, you must apply directly to the Professor,
and if selected, you will be issued a permit to register.
You may only use 6 credits of PSYC 3806, PSYC 3807, and/or PSYC 3808 towards the Psychology major. Additional credits may
be used towards meeting the minimum of 120 credits needed for graduation.
** Check Course Pre-requisites
Social Applications
□ 2155 Diversity
□ 2165 Introduction to
Community Psychology
□ 2171 Introduction to
□ 3140 Psychological Testing &
□ 3172 Personnel Psychology
Organizational Psychology
□ 3174 Organizational Psychology
Personal Applications
□ 2150 Adjustment
□ 2151 Abnormal Psychology
□ 2160 Health Psychology
□ 3153 Introduction to Clinical
□ 3405 Practicum (Internship)
□ 3806 Research Assistantship
□ 3807 Peer Advising (2 credits)
(3-4 credits)
(1-4 credits)
□ 3808 Teaching Assistantship
(2-3 credits)
4. Psychology Electives: 2 courses
(6 Credits)
If the requirements for a category in the Knowledge Base or Application of Psychology content areas are met, additional
courses from that category may be used as Psychology Electives.
*** Check course pre-requisites
Psychology Electives
□ 1000 The Science & Practice
□ 3001 Topics in Psychology (varies) □ 3123 Social & Personality
of Psychology
□ 3002 Topics in Psychological
□ 2113 Brain & Behavior
□ 3136 Sexual Behavior***
Research (varies) (W) ***
□ 2126 Psychology of Women
□ 4690 Honor Thesis I
□ 3122 Cognitive & Language
□ AFRS 3261 Psychology of the
□ 2131 Forensic Psychology
□ 2137 Positive Psychology
Black Experience
5. Capstone: 1 course
(3 Credits)
A grade of C or better within two attempts for the Capstone course is required to finish the major.
All Capstone courses require senior standing, declared major and completion of any pre-requisite(s), see reverse or check the
course CRN on Banner. Some Capstone courses may require a permit from the instructor.
PSYC 4603 & PSYC 4606 will NOT fulfill any General Education (W) writing intensive or (O) oral communication requirements.
PSYC 46__ & PSYC 4691 WILL fulfill BOTH a General Education (W) writing intensive and (O) oral communication
□ 4603 History & Systems
□ 4606 Advanced Topics (Varies)
□ 46__ Senior Seminar (W, O)
□ 4691 Honors Thesis II (W, O)