KS3 Spanish - Oasis Academy Shirley Park

Everyone at OASP has a thirst for learning which enables them to achieve their best.
Independence and creativity are embedded and celebrated in order to transform lives.
Spanish Key Stage 3
Year 7 (Based on Viva 1)
Course Content
Introducing yourself/school/family/house and home/free time
Term 1
 Introducing yourself  greetings, asking and saying your name, age,
birthday, and where you live, describing yourself and family members, talking
about pets
Grammar: present tense of regular –ER verb TENER (to have), adjective
agreements masculine/feminine/singular/plural, using present tense of
irregular verb SER (to be) adjective
 Free time  saying what you do in your free time, talking about weather,
talking about sports and different free time activities
Grammar: extending justified opinions, using time phrases using more
irregular verbs SALIR (to go out) IR (to go) HACER introduction to near future
tense  IR + infinitive
Term 2
 School  talking school subjects and teachers, describing school building,
talking about break time, giving detailed opinions about school and school life
Grammar: introducing opinions+ justified opinions, infinitive verbs, present
tense of –AR, ER & IR verbs
 Family  describing yourself and family members in more detail, physical
descriptions, talking about where you live in terms of house/home
Grammar: using irregular verbs SER (to be) and TENER (to have), also verb
ESTAR (to be), using verbs in third person.
Term 3
 My City describing and giving opinions about where you live in terms of
local area, telling the time, ordering in a café, saying what you’re going to do
at the weekend
Grammar: using present tense of irregular verbs IR (to go), QUERER (to
want) using near future tense
Formal assessment take place four times a year in the hall.
The 1st assessment focuses on Reading and Writing skills (3% of GCSE)
The 2nd assessment focuses on Reading, and listening skills (10% of GCSE)
The 3rd assessment focuses on Reading, Listening and Writing. (20% of GCSE)
The 4th assessment mixes all 4 skills, Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing
Everyone at OASP has a thirst for learning which enables them to achieve their best.
Independence and creativity are embedded and celebrated in order to transform lives.
Year 8 (Based on Mira 2)
Course Content
Talking about yourself daily routine/going out/free time/ holidays/food/fashion
Term 1
 Talking about yourself  talking about activities, describing friends,
celebrities, daily routine and understanding nationalities
Grammar: using ME GUSTA, connectives such as Y, PERO, TAMBIÉN,
NUNCA, using comparative language
 Going out  talking about places in town, inviting someone to go out, making
excuses, saying what someone else likes or dislikes
Grammar: using near future tense, sequencing words, adding expression to
spoken Spanish, using irregular verbs QUERER (to want) and PODER (to be
able to)
Term 2
 Holidays  saying where you went on holiday, what it was like, saying how
you travelled and what you did, giving details and opinions in past tense
Grammar: using preterite of IR (to go) and SER (to be), preterite of –AR
verbs, using present and preterite together
 Food  talking about meal times, shopping for food, using high numbers,
talking about a past meal, talking about likes and dislikes.
Grammar: using time expressions, understanding the difference between TÚ
and USTED, using the preterite of –ER and IR verbs, using past, present and
future tense together
Term 3
 Fashion talking about clothes, school uniform. Choosing an item of
clothing, talking about a trip to Argentina, saying what you wore to a fancy
dress ball.
Grammar: making colours agree, using comparative language, using
superlative adjectives, using past, present and future tense together
Formal assessment take place four times a year in the hall.
The 1st assessment focuses on Reading and Writing skills (32% of GCSE)
The 2nd assessment focuses on Reading, and listening skills (34% of GCSE)
The 3rd assessment focuses on Reading, Listening and Writing. (36% of GCSE)
The 4th assessment mixes all 4 skills, Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing
Everyone at OASP has a thirst for learning which enables them to achieve their best.
Independence and creativity are embedded and celebrated in order to transform lives.
Year 9 (Based on Mira 3 Red)
Course Content)
House and home/Media/School/ health/jobs & money/free time/ home
excursions & Environment
Term 1
 Media  talking about what you do on your computer, favourite types of films,
TV programmes, music
Grammar: revision of present tense verb conjugation, opinions+ justified
opinions, introducing comparative language and preterite (past tense)
 School  talking school subjects and teachers
Grammar: introducing opinion+ justified opinions, infinitive verbs, present
tense of –AR, ER & IR verb, preterite tense, using ‘se debe’ instructions
Term 2
 Health talking about body parts, feeling ill and living a healthy lifestyle
Grammar: using reflexive and irregular verbs (me duele, tener, estar) using
near future tense
 Jobs and money  talking about household chores and spending money,
future work plans
Grammar: forming adjectives correctly, using future tense, recognising
masc/fem forms of jobs, using two tenses together
Term 3
 Home excursions & Environment  learning about Spanish speaking
countries, daily routine and the environment
Grammar: using irregular verbs ‘ser’ & ‘estar’ (both meaning ‘to be’), using
reflexive verbs, using preterite tense in first person.
 Spain  visiting a Spanish family , asking permission, buying train tickets,
learning about Bilbao, writing a letter
Grammar: using modal verbs, using USTED, using three tenses together, and
forming complex sentences.
Formal assessment take place four times a year in the hall.
The 1st assessment focuses on Reading and Writing skills (42% of GCSE)
The 2nd assessment focuses on Reading, and listening skills (45% of GCSE)
The 3rd assessment focuses on Reading, Listening and Writing. (50% of GCSE)
The 4th assessment mixes all 4 skills, Reading, Speaking, Listening and Writing