9:00 - 9:30 AM
9:30 - 10:30 AM
10:30 - 11:30 AM
11:30 - 11:45 AM
11:45 AM - 12:45 PM
12:45 - 1:30 PM
1:30 - 2:00 PM
2:00 - 3:00 PM
3:00 - 3:15 PM
3:15 - 4:00 PM
Room A Room B
Managing Your Mac in a Lion World Take a Tour of the Casper Suite
Morning Tea Break
Casper Suite Users: Best Practices and Lessons Learned iOS Deployment Workflows
JAMF Nation User Community Forum
Self Service: Beyond Packages iOS Management: App Distribution
Afternoon Tea Break
Stump the Chumps: Ask Anything
Casper Suite Users: Best Practices and Lessons Learned
Guest Presenters
Come hear fellow Casper Suite users speak about their experiences testing, implementing, and using device management in their organization. Topics in this session will include selection criteria, implementation, and issue resolution.
iOS Deployment Workflows
Taylor Wolfe, JAMF Software
As organizations discover the expanding uses of iOS devices on a large scale, there are often varying levels of understanding about the management options and workflows available to IT administrators. During this session, we will walk through several example workflows, examining principles and best practives that could be applied to the wide variety of challenges organizations encounter in this emerging space.
iOS Management: App Distribution
Brett Jacob, CompNow
Since the release of the first iPhone, iOS devices have seen an ever-growing presence in enterprise organizations. As the number of iOS devices in an organization increases, IT needs the ability to ensure the necessary applications or “Apps” are available so that end users can accomplish their goals. In this session we will discuss the available tools for App distribution and examine common workflows that many organizations are using.
JAMF Nation User Community Forum
Taylor Wolfe, JAMF Software
Come check out JAMF Software’s new online gathering place and learn how you can get involved.
Officially released in January, the JAMF Nation website allows you to discuss ideas with members of your community, search for content related to your environment, and help JAMF Software prioritize our roadmap.
Managing Your Mac in a Lion World
Duncan McCracken, CompNow
With the release of OS X Lion, we’re beginning to see elements from the iOS operating system influence OS X, including the Multi-Touch trackpad, Launchpad, iCloud, and the integration of OS X clients into the APNs infrastructure. Perhaps one of the most helpful new features is the ability to use Configuration Profiles on your Macs. Join us in this session as we discuss Configuration Profiles and how you can use them to manage OS X Lion clients with the JSS.
Self Service: Beyond Packages
Taylor Wolfe, JAMF Software
In an IT landscape that is rapidly changing, and with new concepts being introduced such as the
“consumerization” of IT, Self Service can be a systems administrator’s best friend. Self Service has been part of the Casper Suite for many years. It has proven to be an invaluable tool for providing end users with the ability to install applications on a per-need basis, while still maintaining IT’s control of assets. In this session, we’ll discuss recent additions made to the Self Service functionality, as well as a new perspective on how it can benefit both the end user and systems administrator – beyond packages.
Stump the Chumps: Ask Anything
JAMF Software and Guest Presenters
Bring us your questions on the toughest issues in your environment and we’ll help to solve them… or will you stump the chumps? We’ll strain our brains to get to the bottom of your challenges in this panel session.
Take a Tour of the Casper Suite
Taylor Wolfe, JAMF Software
Come participate in a one-hour demo of the Casper Suite, which includes demonstrations for both
OS X client management and iOS device management. If you want to learn more about how the
Casper Suite can provide solutions for your environment, attend this session and feel free to bring along any questions you may have!