Regional Continuity Updates

Region 1 Update
W. Russ Webster
Federal Preparedness Coordinator
April 2012
ƒ PPD-8, principles and updates
ƒ Region I Updates & Major Activities
ƒ National Preparedness
ƒ NLE12 & COOP
ƒ Mitigation
ƒ Response
ƒ Recovery
ƒ Grants
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
PPD-8 National Preparedness
ƒ Aimed at “strengthening the security and resilience” of the U.S. through “systematic
preparation for the threats that pose the greatest risk to the security of the Nation”
ƒ An evolutionary step from current HSPD-8 methods
ƒ Signed March 30, 2011; replaces HSPD-8 and Annex 1
ƒ PPD Implementation Plan delivered on May 27, 2011; approved by the President
for release on July 8, 2011
ƒ A Linking together of the national efforts, organized around key elements
¾ the ends we wish to achieve (the National Preparedness Goal – Completed)
¾ the means to achieve it (the National Preparedness System – Completed)
¾ the delivery; how we use what we build (National Frameworks – Due 6/30/2012; Federal
Interagency Operational Plans – Due 9/25/2012)
¾ the reporting of our progress (Annual National Preparedness Report – Due 3/30/2012
and annually thereafter)
¾ the sustained engagement (Build and Sustain Preparedness - Ongoing)
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
PPD-8 Key Principles
ƒ Employ an all-of-Nation/whole community approach, integrating
efforts across federal, state, local, tribal and territorial
governments and with private sector, community, nongovernmental, and individual partners
ƒ Use a risk-based approach to support preparedness
ƒ Build Core Capabilities to confront any challenge
ƒ Integrate efforts across Prevention, Protection, Mitigation,
Response, and Recovery
ƒ Assess performance outcomes to measure and track progress
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
PPD-8 Update
ƒ Draft National Frameworks and the Recovery Interagency
Operational Plan Review is Closed
ƒ NDRF Rollout took place in Boston 2/2/2012
ƒ PPD-8 Rollout and Outreach Plan (POC: Eleanor Jewett)
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
National Preparedness Update
ƒ Whole Community Preparedness
Meeting with Citizen Corps Council for MA
Meeting with First LEGO League Challenge Advisory Team Meeting in Manchester
FEMA Youth Preparedness Workshop – Boston (July)
HI‐ED Webinar April 18
Harvard ‐ Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Center Mass Maritime – Emergency Management CO‐OP Program
Training related to disaster response and planning for individuals with functional needs
ƒ Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP)
Seabrook Graded Ingestions Exercise (April 16)
National REP Conference, St. Paul, MN (April 23)
REP Planners Course with Basic PIO held in Region 1 Office (May 14‐18)
Support Region 2 Salem Hope Creek, NJ (May 21)
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
Despite original goal of being in 2.5 % of schools…
• 20,000 trained
• 26,000 + signed
• On Target for
27,000 students
• 300 + schools
• 22% of 4th/5th
• More interest
than last year
*Continuing outreach through the end of the school year
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
National Preparedness Update (cont.)
ƒ May 10, 2012 – TTX O’Neill Building, Boston, MA
ƒ June: Capstone Exercise, RRCC
ƒ All New England states participating at some level
ƒ June: COOP TTX (Location TBD)
ƒ Evaluate plans to maintain Essential Functions* with limited resources
ƒ Discuss Continuity Communications and backup systems
ƒ Review access to Vital Records and Systems
ƒ Promote Interagency Communications
ƒ Register at
ƒ POC: Nate Spada (
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
COOP Update
COOP 5 Year Vision
• Extend COOP infrastructure throughout New England using GBFEB agencies as the base structure
• Reinstitute quarterly meetings
• Replicate Western Massachusetts Federal Executive Agency model
• Coordinate NLEs with other regional initiatives (i.e. NLE 12’ & RCPG)
• Strive for broad regional participation in a future communications exercise (similar to FEMA’s recent Determined Sentry telework
exercise) Activities Accomplished
Upcoming Activities
• FEB COOP Working Group meeting
• Mineta Transportation Institute/National
• FEB/FEMA Region I COOP TTX Initial Planning Conference (IPC)
• Transportation Security Center of Excellence (MTI/NTSCE) COOP/COG for State‐level transportation agencies (Regional Office – May/June)
• Western Mass FEA Seminar IPC
• L548 COOP Program Manager’s Training Course (March 20‐22) ‐
Co‐sponsored by Boston Office of Emergency Management and FEMA Region I
• Gaining Leadership Buy‐In at the Executive Level‐‐FEMA NCP Continuity Webinar • L262 Instructional Delivery for SMEs (Aug13‐16)
• Eagle Horizon
• FEB member agency/State COOP Tabletop
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
Major Activities in Region 1 (cont.)
ƒ Mitigation
ƒ Under the Region 1 Map Modernization Program, (2005-2010), digital
flood maps have been prepared for over 85% of the New England
population at risk of flooding
ƒ Emphasis of the new Risk MAP (Mapping, Assessment and Planning)
Program has been on at the watershed level. New flood analyses and
mapping have been initiated in the Concord and Narragansett
Watersheds. The Quinnipiac Watershed in CT will be initiated in FY 12.
ƒ By the end of FY12 – new coastal analysis and mapping will have been
initiated for 100% of New England’s coastline
ƒ Large number of declared disasters in past 3 years has led to a threefold
increase in HMGP funding and a significant increase in the number of
grants provided to our State/local governments
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
Major Activities in Region 1
ƒ Response
ƒ Vigilant Guard - May 15-16: RRCC participation
ƒ NLE12 (ongoing planning and participation)
ƒ CT Gov’s Ex: IMAT participation
ƒ Revisions to R1 All Hazards Plan will begin in June
with an emphasis on 72 Hour stabilization
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
Major Activities in Region 1
ƒ Recovery
ƒ Interviews for the Federal Disaster Recovery Coordinator (FDRC)
being conducted this week
ƒ Inter-agency Operations Plan & Recovery Support Function
ƒ Core positions will be advertised
ƒ IA, PA & Community Planning and Capacity Building (CPCB)
ƒ JFO-Westfield Closing
ƒ Declaration Process – A new process to streamline declarations
will be rolled out in June
ƒ CPG 102 (Community Planning Guide) for recovery should be
finalized by mid summer
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
Major Activities in Region 1 (cont.)
ƒ Grants
ƒ Working on close out of 2009 disaster and non-disaster
ƒ Looking to schedule Workshops in each state for
EMPG & HSGP with emphasis on match (POC – Dan
ƒ Training or technical assistance available
ƒ Will be advertising 3 CORE positions (Grants
Management Specialist)
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003
W. Russ Webster
FEMA, Region 1
Federal Preparedness Coordinator
Presenter’s Name
June 17, 2003