iClicker Quiz I registered my quiz transmitter via the course website (not on the iclicker.com website). I realize that until I do so, my quiz scores will not be recorded. a) True b) False Is your clicker here? 0206DADE 0C962DB7 0D75047C 0EAB5BFE 0EAE8C2C 0EB9E354 112AC2F9 11481F46 141C3139 14CD9940 156E84FF 15F6C221 1708EFF0 178574E6 17A53381 1974F79A 1A3B9BBA 1ADE65A1 1B383B18 1E497720 24559AEB 245B0E71 245D8BF2 24674A09 24924AFC 2492C472 33B79317 35B6D350 35D17591 these were the ones not registered as of last Wednesday. (quiz 3) iClicker Quiz HW 4 was due today at 845 a.m. I have completed at least 50% of the reading and study-guide* assignments associated with the lecture, as indicated on the course schedule. You don’t have to have the clicker registered to vote. But please register it using class website. (Company website or another class does NOT work.) We lack 10+ students. A. True B. False Quiz 5: Today’s Quiz, these numbers were not registered 0742D095 0EAE8C2C 0EB9E354 11481F46 178574E6 1ADE65A1 1B383B18 245F89F2 33B79317 35D17591 Next time I am publishing names. Off-axis (perpendicular) dipole field kQr+ k (−Q)r− kQ(r+ − r− ) = E = E+ + E− = 3 + r+ r−3 r3 ( ) ( ) Q(r+ − r− ) = a ˆi + y ˆj − − a ˆi + y ˆj = Q(2a ˆi ) = −p For r >> a , r ≈ y E=− kp kp ≈ − r3 y3 E p r+ r− p Serway example 23.6 On-axis dipole field d = 2a +Q p E -Q p E x E = E+ + E− = kQr+ k (−Q)r− + 3 3 r+ r− 1 1 1 1 ˆ ˆ = kQi 2 − 2 = kQi − 2 2 r− ( x + a) ( x − a) r+ kQˆi −2 −2 = 2 (1 + a / x ) − (1 − a / x ) x kQˆi 2a 2a ≈ 2 1 − − 1 + x x x − 4a 2k (−2aQˆi ) 2k p ˆ = 3 = kQi 3 = 3 x x x ( HW 4-1 , see also SG: G8 ) Binomial approximation: (is used going from 3rd to 4th line) (1 + s ) p ≈ 1 + ps if s << 1 Try using the general dipole formula (only for the purists among you) 3(p ⋅ rˆ )rˆ − p E=k r3 Perpendicular case On-axis case p = − p ˆi and rˆ = ˆj 3(− pˆi ⋅ ˆj)ˆj − (− pˆi ) E=k y3 0ˆj + pˆi − kp =k = 3 3 y y p = − p ˆi and rˆ = ˆi 3(− pˆi ⋅ ˆi )ˆi + pˆi E=k x3 − 2kpˆi 2kp = = 3 3 x x Moments of a distribution (extra details for purists) (If you tell anyone that I mentioned this, I’ll deny it!) Monopole moment (scalar) q = ∫ ρ (r )dV dQ r Dipole moment (vector) p = ∫ rρ (r ) dV Quadrupole moment (polar rank-2 tensor) ~ 2~ Q = ∫ (3 r ⊗ r − r I ) ρ (r ) dV Choose origin at the center of charge (like center of mass) The electric field of a charge distribution can be expressed as a series expansion involving successively higher moments of the distribution. ~ ~ qrˆ 3(p ⋅ rˆ )rˆ − p 5(rˆ ⋅ Q ⋅ rˆ ) − Q ⋅ rˆ E=k 2 +k +k + ... 3 4 r r r There is a region near the origin of a coordinate system that you are told contains charges. You are not able to see them but have been asked to learn as much about them as possible. In your experimentation you place a test charge at three positions a distance d from the origin and determine the direction of the electric field. Along the positive x axis the field points in the +x direction. Along the negative x axis it also points in the +x direction. On the y axis however it points in the negative x direction. Consider this result and suggest what you might be able to say about the charges near the origin. ●It would seem from this information that there are at least two charges near the origin, one positive and one negative. ●It may be said that there is a positive and a negative charge present in the cluster. The positive charge would be closer to the +x direction than the negative charge. This would explain the direction of the field staying consistent in the +x direction on either side of the axis. Along the y axis the field would be moving in the -x direction because the electric field line from the positive charge on the right would be moving towards the negative charge on the left. ●It could be two charges right next to each other. There would be a negative charge on the left side, and a positive charge on the right. This would cause a test charge on the right to move right, away from the positive charge, and the test charge on the left to be attracted towards the positive charge. The test charge placed on the y axis would be pushed left, because it is slightly attracted by the negative charge, and slightly repelled by the positive one. The y-coordinate's would cancel out. ●I believe that the only way for this to be possible is for there to be equal numbers of positive and negative charges …. Fields due to individual point charges: MU 29:11-14, 29 This is true for electrostatics 1. Field lines start on positive charges 2. Field lines end on negative charges 3. Field lines are closest together in fields of large magnitude 4. Long distances away from a collection of charges the pattern of field lines is like that for a point charge. Electric Field Lines • The direction of the Electric field is the direction the force on a positive test charge would be at a given point if a charge were present. • The direction of the Electric field lines show the direction of the field. • The density of the field lines tells how strong the field is (how much force a positive test charge would feel) • Field lines always start and end on a charge. Which is a valid representation of field lines when no charges are present in the viewed area?: e) More than one are valid See interactive applet at http://lectureonline.cl.msu.edu/~mmp/applist/applets.htm E-field perpendicular to conducting surfaces E-field perpendicular to conducting surfaces E = σ/ε0 = 4πkσ Electric field strength at the surface of a charged conductor is proportional to local surface charge density. Can you identify places where the field is strongest? Can a moving charge cross field lines? Pp. A. True B. False What path will an electron take in a region of an electric field? The electricity vs. gravity analogy Coulomb’s Electric Force Law Q r q kQrˆ E= 2 r kqQrˆ F = qE = 2 r qE F = ma ⇒ a = m Newton’s Gravitational Force Law M r m GMrˆ g=− 2 r GmMrˆ F = mg = − r2 F = ma ⇒ a = g F = qE = ma qE a= m vx = vx 0 + axt = vx 0 qE v y = v y 0 + a yt = t { y0 = 0, v y 0 = 0} m qE 2 y = y0 + v y 0 t + a y t = t 2m 1 2 2 a = constant v = v0 + at x = x0 + v0t + 12 at 2 v − v = 2a ( x − x0 ) 2 2 0 F = qE WE = − ∫ F ⋅ ds = − q ∫ E ⋅ ds Uniform field : ∫ E ⋅ ds = E ⋅ ∫ ds = E ⋅ s = E x ∆K = WE = qEx The electricity vs. gravity analogy Coulomb’s Electric Force Law Q r q kQrˆ E= 2 r kqQrˆ F = qE = 2 r qE F = ma ⇒ a = m Newton’s Gravitational Force Law M r m GMrˆ g=− 2 r GmMrˆ F = mg = − r2 F = ma ⇒ a = g Future Flux Bucket 1 will catch more water than bucket 2 Area vector 1 2 Define an Area vector perpendicular to the surface. The more that vector is lined up with the rain, the more rain gets into the bucket. If this vector is perpendicular to the rain, no rain gets into the bucket. Electric Flux Φ = E ⋅ A = E A cos θ Φ = ∫ E ⋅ dA surface The net flux through a surface is the number of lines leaving the surface minus the number of lines entering the surface. A cylindrical piece of insulating material is placed in an external electric field, as shown. The net electric flux passing through the surface of the cylinder is A. positive. B. negative. C. zero.