Figure 7 b The blank fields on the inventory sheet must be completed on the inventory sheet as soon as the shipment has arrived in the laboratory. Decay Table for P-32 Isotope P-32 alpha dCTP Activity Ordered 0.250000 mCi Permit Holder Dr. N. Person Permit No: 2001-01 Date Ordered: 2012.05.30 Date received: _2012.06.06_ Before Days After 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Reference date: ____June 9, 2012_______ Activity on Ref. Date: ____9.25____MBq Volume Rec’d: ___0.025_______ ml Lot No: ___XT 123__________ Concentration: _____370_____MBq/ml 1.000 0 1.000 0.616 0.379 0.233 0.144 0.088 0.054 0.033 1.049 1 0.953 0.587 0.361 0.222 0.137 0.085 0.052 0.031 1.101 2 0.906 0.559 0.344 0.212 0130 0.080 0.049 0.029 1.156 3 0.865 0.532 0.328 0.202 0.124 0.077 0.047 0.027 1.214 4 0.824 0.507 0.312 0.192 0.118 0.073 0.045 0.025 1.274 5 0.785 0.483 0.297 0.183 0.113 0.069 0.043 0.023 1.337 6 0.748 0.460 0.283 0.174 0.107 0.066 0.041 0.021 1.404 7 0.712 0.436 0.270 0.165 0.102 0.063 0.039 0.019 1.474 8 0.678 0.418 0.257 0.158 0.096 0.060 0.037 0.017 1.547 9 0.646 0.396 0.245 0.151 0.093 0.057 0.035 0.015 Carcass swipe checks Upon Arrival in the lab each vial in this shipment must be swipe tested for contamination AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Vial 1 _XX__ NET CPM Vial 2 _____ NET CPM Vials 3 _____ NET CPM Vial 4 _____NET CPM Storage location of stock vial (building & room) _____SA 013______ Fridge or Freezer # ___number 1_ Stock vial Product Room where material is used Procedure User Name Date μl used μl remain μl stored 13 13 17 13 Procedure 1(end labelling) Procedure 2 (hybridization) Procedure 3 (library) Procedure 1 (waste disposal) Able Bill Bill Able 06/ 06 06/ 13 06/ 18 06/ 18 4 3 4 - 21 18 14 - 0.1 0 0 13 Stock Vial Disposal BJ 07/ 26 Record dilution factor under procedure 14 Waste Disposal Solid Liquid μl can # μl can # 3.6 2 2 0.1 104 202 202 202 0. 3 1 2 RA 103 RA 001 RA 303 Activity in Stock Vial Disposed LS vials √ √ √ 0.528 MBq ACTIVITY REMAINING IN THE LABORATORY Liquid Waste Pick-up Information Solid Waste Pick-up Information 0 Pick-up Date Can # Activity in Solid (MBq) Pick-up Date Can # Activity in Liquid ( MBq) June 14 , 2012 July 5 , 2012 104 202 1.045 0.429 June 14 , 2012 June 21 , 2012 July 5 , 2012 RA 103 RA 001 RA303 0.087 0.207 0.209 Waste Pick-up : Activity = total microliters (μl) disposed in each container X 0.001 X original concentration of stock solution X decay factor (number of days between ref. date and pick-up date). Send inventory sheet to Safety Services once all waste has been removed from the laboratory. Keep a photocopy for your records. Each time radioactive materials are aliquoted, used, stored, or disposed; information must be recorded on the Radioisotope Inventory Sheet. Indicate the Room where the materials will be used, the name of the Procedure that will be performed (end labelling, sequencing, western blot, PCR, hybridization, etc.), the name of the individual (User Name) performing the procedure, and the Date the procedure was done. When materials are removed from the stock vial the volume used and the volume remaining in the stock vial is to be recorded. The amount of waste in each container needs to known and recorded. At the end of the procedure the individual MUST complete a contamination survey, record on the Radioisotope Inventory Sheet that swipe checks were completed, and place the results in the Contamination Logbook. Figure 7 b For Procedure 1 4 μl were removed from the stock vial therefore: 25 μl – 4 μl = 21 μl remain in the stock vial the 4 μl removed from the stock vial were used in an experiment and the materials were distributed in the waste stream as = 0.1 μl as stored material in a gel (that will be disposed of later) + 3.6 μl was placed in the solid waste container 104 + 0.3 μl was placed in the liquid waste RA 103 For Procedure 2 3 μl were removed from the stock vial therefore: 21 μl – 3 μl = 18 μl remain in the stock vial the 3 μl removed from the stock vial were used in an experiment and the materials were distributed in the waste stream as = 2.0 μl was placed in the solid waste container 202 + 1.0 μl was placed in the liquid waste RA 001 For Procedure 3 4 μl were removed from the stock vial therefore: 18 μl – 4 μl = 14 μl remain in the stock vial the 4 μl removed from the stock vial were used in an experiment and the materials were distributed in the waste stream as = 2.0 μl was placed in the solid waste container 202 + 2.0 μl was placed in the liquid waste RA 303 Activity calculations for the waste disposal: Activity = total microliters (μl) disposed in each container X 0.001 X original concentration of stock solution X decay factor (number of days between ref. date and pick-up date). Can # 104 Activity = 3.6 μl X 0.001ml/μl X 370 MBq/ml X 0.785 is the decay factor for 5 days from the decay table. = 1.045 MBq Can #202 Activity = (2+2+0.1) 4.1 μl X 0.001ml/μl X 370 MBq/ml X 0.283 is the decay factor for 26 days from the decay table. = 0.429 MBq Can # RA 103 Activity = 0.3 μl X 0.001ml/μl X 370 MBq/ml X 0.785 is the decay factor for 5 days from the decay table. = 0.087 MBq Can # RA 001 Activity = 1.0 μl X 0.001ml/μl X 370 MBq/ml X 0.559 is the decay factor for 12 days from the decay table. = 0.207 MBq Can # RA 303 Activity = 2.0 μl X 0.001ml/μl X 370 MBq/ml X 0.283 is the decay factor for 26 days from the decay table. = 0.209 MBq Stock Vial disposal Activity = 14.0 μl X 0.001ml/μl X 370 MBq/ml X 0.102 is the decay factor for 47 days from the decay table. = 0.528 MBq