CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY: THE OLYMPIAN GODS LESSON PLANS AND MINDMAPS CLIL COURSE MATERIALS CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY: THE OLYMPIAN GODS Lesson plans and mindmaps Pilar Torres Carmona December 2008 Pilar Torres Carmona IES Narcís Monturiol CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY: THE OLYMPIAN GODS LESSON PLANS AND MINDMAPS Lesson plan Unit 1 Topic: Myth Mythology. and KEY SKILLS: Students will able… To explain what a myth is and how myths work as metaphorical and moral explanation. To apply the new knowledge to their personal experiences. TRANSFERABLE SKILLS: Communicative skills: Students will able… Subject: Classical to approach ancient cultures in an adequate way. Mythology. The to interpret and understand the situations she/he will encounter in everyday contexts and beyond using classical mythology. Olympian Gods to use the communicative resources specific to this subject (descriptions, comparisons, oppositions). Level: 3 ESO Methodological skills: Students will be able… To access and communicate information using different supports including ICT tools to learn. Timing: 6 sessions to scan and skim texts looking for relevant information. Personal skills: Students will be able… To create, initiate, develop and assess individual or collective activities or projects with creativity, confidence, responsibility and critical thinking. Aims: To understand and explain what a myth is and its metaphorical character. TEACHING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OUTCOMES A.CONTENT A.CONTENT Myth as explanation and “moral education”. Myth opposite to philosophy/science. Myth as symbol and metaphor Influence of classical models (iconography) on our society. B.COGNITION Terms and definitions. Mechanisms of the mythological discourse. Recognition and differentiation of patterns. Analysis of current situations from a “mythological” point of view. Evaluation and creation of cultural products (ads, publicity). COMUNICATION ■ Language of learning At this stage no specific Students will be able: vocabulary needed. To give a definition of myth Past tenses (revision). and mythology. To differentiate between ■ Language for learning mythological and scientific - Definitions: Some specific discourses. vocabulary. Terms and To appreciate the classical categories; defining phrases tradition. (adjectives, relative clauses...) - Comparison: Some specific vocabulary. Similarities and B.COGNITION differences; oppositions (while). Students will be able: - Descriptions: Some specific to understand some vocabulary. Poses and actions. mechanisms of the Space expressions. mythological discourse in contrast to the scientific ■ Language through discourse. learning To apply new knowledge to - Language that comes out when recognise models/patterns. completing tasks. To analyse, evaluate and synthesize cultural products (advertisements, publicity). CULTURE/CITIZENSHIP Students will be able: To understand that there are different ways to explain the world. To understand that there are ideologies underlying language and images. To understand the influence of ancient Greeks and Romans on our essentially visual Western society (iconography). To apply the new acquired knowledge to their own personal experiences. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students should be able to apply the new acquired knowledge to new situations. Pilar Torres Carmona IES Narcís Monturiol CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY: THE OLYMPIAN GODS LESSON PLANS AND MINDMAPS Lesson plan Unit 2 Topic: Sources for KEY SKILLS: Students will able… Classical Mythology to identify the most significant Greek and Roman authors and some of their works. to appreciate their importance in Western civilisation. to consider and respect literary and artistic productions. TRANSFERABLE SKILLS: Communicative skills: Students will able… Subject: Classical to approach ancient cultures in a comprehensive way. Mythology. The to understand, perceive and value critically different cultural and artistic forms of expression. to use the communicative resources specific to this subject. Olympian Gods To apply her/his basic knowledge of the different cultural and artistic forms of expression to appreciate Level: 3 ESO its intrinsic value. Methodological skills: Students will be able… Timing: 4 sessions To access and communicate information using different supports including ICT tools to learn. To scan and skim texts looking for relevant information. To transform information into knowledge in order to organize, relate, analyse, synthesise, make inferences and deductions at different levels of complexity. Personal skills: Students will be able… To interpret and use the body of knowledge about facts and processes to predict consequences. Aims: To introduce ancient Greek and Roman literature and art as preservers of myths. TEACHING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OUTCOMES COMUNICATION A.CONTENT A.CONTENT Main sources for Classical Mythology: - Literary sources: Homer, Hesiod, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Virgil, Ovid - Artistic sources: Students will be able: to understand the importance of literature (writing) and art (images) in the transmission of classical mythology. to re-create the myth of the nine Muses as metaphor of (oral) poetry. ■ Language of learning - Main authors’ names, literary terms (epic/didactic poetry; playwright, drama, play); art terms, vases’ names, shapes, parts. - Vocabulary related to representation (represent, depict, show...) - BC/AD ■ Language for learning - Descriptions. - Captions. - Expression of possibility and uncertainty. - Impersonal phrases (it is said; it is believed) ■ Language through learning - Language that comes out when completing tasks. Painting on ceramics, Murals, Sculpture, Mosaic B.COGNITION B.COGNITION Main authors’ names, Students will be able: works and facts. to remember the names of Ancient Greek pottery: the most significant classical vases’ names, shapes, use. authors and to identify some of Some mechanisms of their works and life facts. ancient literature: orality vs. to classify different artistic writing; music. manifestations (esp. pottery). Problems about the to analyse the role of memory transmission of ancient in early forms of literature literature and art. (orality). CULTURE/CITIZENSHIP Students will be able: To understand some etymologies: music, museum, crater, calyx, odyssey, drama... To understand the influence of ancient Greeks and Romans on Western literature and art. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students should remember the main facts about ancient authors; recognise different forms of art; be aware of the importance of memory in ancient forms of literature and of writing and art in the preservation of myths. Pilar Torres Carmona IES Narcís Monturiol CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY: THE OLYMPIAN GODS LESSON PLANS AND MINDMAPS Topic: The origin of the KEY SKILLS: Students will able… world and the gods to order the main events from Chaos to Zeus. to draw the family tree of the Olympian gods. (Hesiod’s Theogony) to understand the gods’ main characteristics in opposition to humans. TRANSFERABLE SKILLS: Communicative skills: Students will able… Subject: Classical to approach ancient cultures in an adequate way. Mythology. The to understand, perceive and value critically different cultural and artistic forms of expression. to use the communicative resources specific to this subject. Olympian Gods To apply her/his basic knowledge of the different cultural and artistic forms of expression to appreciate Level: 3 ESO its intrinsic value. Methodological skills: Students will be able… Timing: 4 sessions To access and communicate information using different supports including ICT tools to learn. To scan and skim texts looking for relevant information. To transform information into knowledge in order to organize, relate, analyse, synthesise, make inferences and deductions at different levels of complexity. Personal skills: Students will be able… To interpret and use the body of knowledge about facts and processes to predict consequences. Aims: To introduce ancient Greek cosmogony and the family of Olympian gods and their characteristics. TEACHING OBJECTIVES LEARNING OUTCOMES COMUNICATION A.CONTENT A.CONTENT The cosmogony according to Hesiod’s Theogony. The family of the Olympian gods. Gods’ characteristics (compared to humans): anthropomorphism; behaviour; reason for their immortality... Students will be able: to read and understand a summary of the origin of the world according Hesiod. to organise the events chronologically and to complete a family tree. to find out the similarities and differences between gods and mortals from original sources. B.COGNITION B.COGNITION ■ Language of learning - Gods’ names; relationship/family terms; ■ Language for learning - Expression of generation and time; - Cause and effect; - Contrast; - Sequence of events. ■ Language through learning - Language that comes out when completing tasks. CULTURE/CITIZENSHIP Students will be able: To understand some etymologies: chaos, chaotic, titanic, titanium, geo-, uranium, eroticism, erotic, aphrodisiac... To understand the influence of ancient Greeks and Romans on Western art: the birth of Venus, Saturn devouring his children... as topics in art history. Main gods’ names and Students will be able: relationships from Chaos to to remember the names of Zeus’ divine children. the most important Greek gods Chain of events from and to draw the family tree. Chaos to Zeus and family to order chronologically the tree. main events from Chaos to Family model; behaviour Zeus. patterns; sexism. to recognise some episodes in What gods looked like artistic representations. and how they behaved and to analyse, evaluate and why? synthesise the main characteristics of the Greek gods and their relationship with humans. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students should be able to order correctly the chain of events from Chaos to Zeus; to complete correctly gods’ family tree; to identify some episodes in works of art and to evaluate the relationship between gods and mortals. Pilar Torres Carmona IES Narcís Monturiol CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY: THE OLYMPIAN GODS DEFINITIONS: SPECIFIC VOCABULARY; TERMS AND CATEGORIES; DEFINING PHRASES LESSON PLANS AND MINDMAPS DESCRIPTIONS: SOME SPECIFIC VOCABULARY; POSES AND ACTIONS; SP ACE EXPRESSIONS COMPARISON: SOME SPECIFIC VOCABULARY; SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES; OPPOSITES LANGUAGE F OR NO S PECIF IC VOCABULARY NEEDED AT T HIS ST AGE LANGUAGE OF LANGUAGE T HROUGH T ERMS AND DEF INIT IONS COMMUNICAT ION W HAT IS A MYT H? MYT HOLOGICAL DISCOURS E KNOW LEDGE COMPREHENSION W HAT IS MYT HOLOGY? CONT ENT COGNIT ION APP LICATION HOW DO MYT HS WORK? RECOGNIT ION OF P AT T ERNS UNIT 1 MYT H & MYT HOLOGY ANALYSIS S YNT HES IS W HY CLASS ICAL/ GREEK MYT HOLOGY? CLAS SICAL MYTHOLOGY. T HE OLYMP IAN GODS P ilar Torres Carmona IES Narcís Monturiol, Barcelona Pilar Torres Carmona CURRENT S IT UATIONS EVALUAT ION A WORLD OF IMAGES S YM BOLIC DIMENS ION OF LANGUAGE CULT URE T O INVENT A BRAND DIFF ERENT WAYS T O EXPLAIN THE W ORLD SURVIVAL OF CLASSICAL/ MYTHOLOGICAL MODELS IES Narcís Monturiol CULT URAL P RODUCT S (PUBLICITY) CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY: THE OLYMPIAN GODS AUT HORS ' NAMES LIT ERARY AND ART T ERM S BC/AD T HE NINE MUS ES MYT H GREEK AND LAT IN P OET S Homer Hesiod Aeschylus S ophocles Euripides Virgil Ovid LESSON PLANS AND MINDMAPS DES CRIPT ION UNCERT AINT Y IMP ERS ONAL P HRAS ES LANGUAGE F OR LANGUAGE OF LANGUAGE T HROUGH VASE S HAP ES , USE AND NAMES ORAL P OET RY: MEMORY & T RANS MIS SION COMMUNICAT ION KNOWLEDGE LIT ERARY S OURCES COMP REHENS ION CONTENT P AINT ING ON CERAM ICS MURALS S CULPT URE MOS AIC AUT HORS ' NAMES AND F ACT S APP LICAT ION COGNIT ION UNIT 2 S OURCES F OR CLAS SICAL MYT HOLOGY ART IS IT C S OURCES LOOKING F OR RELEVANT INFORMAT ION ANALYS IS EVALUATION CULT URE ORALIT Y VS. W RIT ING S YNT HESIS GREEK P OT T ERY ETYM OLOGIES CLAS SICAL M YTHOLOGY. T HE OLYM PIAN GODS P ilar T orres Carmona IES Narcís M onturiol, Barcelona Pilar Torres Carmona Music, mus eum, odyssey, crater, drama... CLAS SICAL T RADIT ION HYPOT HES IZING ABOUT MYHS S URVIVAL OF CLAS SICAL MODELS IES Narcís Monturiol RECOGNIT ION OF P AT TERNS AND M ODELS CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY: THE OLYMPIAN GODS LESSON PLANS AND MINDMAPS CAUSE AND EFFECT; CONTRAST GENERATION AND TIME EXPRESSIONS FA CTS' SEQUENCES MAIN GODS' NAMES LANGUAGE FO R RELATIONSHIP AND FAMILY TERMS LANGUAGE OF LANGUAGE LANGUAGE TH ROUGH MAIN GODS' NAMES AND RELATIONSHIP S CHAIN OF EVENTS COMMU NICATION FA MILY TREE FROM CHAOS TO ZEUS KNOWLEDGE COMP REHENSION HESIOD'S COSMOGONY AP P LICATION TH E TWO GENERATIONS OF OLYMP IANS OLYMP IANS' FA MILY IMMORTALITY ANTHROP OMORP HISM BEHAVIOUR CONTENT COGNITION UNIT 3 T HE ORI GIN OF T HE WORLD AND T HE GODS ANALYSIS HUMAN S AND GODS SO ME ETYMOLOGIES Pilar Torres Carmona BEHAVIOUR P ATTERNS REPETITION OF STRUCTURES EVALUATION CULTURE CLASSICAL MYTHOLOGY. THE OLYMP IAN G ODS P ilar Torres Carmona IES Narcís Monturiol, Barcelona RECOGNITION OF SCENES CHAOS, CHAOTIC, URANIM, TITANIUM, TITANIC... SY NTHESIS CLASSICAL TRADITION TH E GODS AS SO CIAL P ROJECTION TH E BIRTH OF AP HRODITE, CRONUS DEVOURING HIS CHILDREN... IES Narcís Monturiol WHAT GODS LOOKED LIKE AND HOW THEY BEHAVED AND WHY