US History & Government Colonial Economy TRIANGLE TRADE

US History & Government Colonial Economy TRIANGLE TRADE NETWORK According to this map of colonial trade: 1. What is being exported from North America to Europe? 2. What is being exported from Africa to the Caribbean (West Indies)? 3. What was being exported from Europe to North America? 4. What is being exported from the Caribbean (West Indies) to North America? 5. What is being exported from North America to Africa? 6. What is being exported from North America to the Caribbean (West Indies)? 1. What is the economic relationship between North America and Britain? 2. What was the purpose of the British colonies in North America? 3. Through a series of laws called the Navigation Acts, Britain tried to prevent the North American colonies from trading independently with other parts of Europe (France, Spain, Italy etc.). Why? 4. Who benefits from this economic relationship? 5. Define the term “mercantilism”? 6. Why will this trading relationship help lead to the Revolution? 