BIOLOGY LECTURE 101 Course #: Office & hrs: email: home page: 34-BIOL-101-011 ED S 21 5 P, 12-1 , M-F David.Fankhauser@UC.EDU SYLLABUS page 2 David B. Fankhauser, Ph.D. Professor of Biology/Chemistry Univ. of Cinc innati Clermont College Batavia OH 45103 Autumn Quarter 2011-2012 Bio 101 webpage: COURSE OBJECTIVES FOR BIOLOGY 101 ARE TO LEARN: 1) the major processes, concepts and theories related to living organisms 2) the elements of chemistry needed to understand modern biology 3) the structure and function of biological molecules and macromolecules 4) cellular theory and processes including glycolysis and respiration 5) biological terms and their derivation from the Latin and Greek 6) to apply these concepts to, and thereby better understand, daily experiences REQUIRED TEXT: Reece et al. Campb ell Biology, 9 th Edition Benjamin Cum mings (2011) OPTIONAL TEXT: Lappé, Francis, Diet for a Small Planet Ballantine (1982) SUGGESTION: Fasten this calendar inside the front co ver of your text, Campbell Biology. Bring to class daily. MOND AY WED NESDAY FRIDAY Enhance your chance of success: Read all materials in the syllabus so that you understand how this course will function. 9/21 Introduction to Sci. Major’s Course: W ordstems, Newsno tes, Study Groups, Test structure, Grading system. 9/23 How do you know it is alive? Early History of Biology 1-14 9/26 Scientific Revolution First evidence & models for Evolution 452-455 10/3 W ater, the medium of life: that surprising and wonderful solvent 46-52 10/10 Test 1 Returned & Discussed NEWSNOTE I DUE 10/17 Biological Macrom olecules I: Di- and p olysaccharide s, their linkages and structures 10/24 Phosphodiglycerides, soap How membranes are formed. 76-77 11/31 T st 2 discussed. M acrom ol’s III: Pr otein I: polymer s of amino acids 77-80 11/7 Cell Theory: “the cell is unit of life” The Origins of Life 92-99, 59 NEWSNOTE II DUE 11/14 Energy in Ce lls: Metabolism and ATP 149-166 9/28 Darwinian Evolution: Heterogenous Pop + Natural Selection 455-468 10/5 W ater can ionize: Acids, Bases, & pH 9/30 Theory: Matter is made of atoms Structure and Function of atoms 30-45 10/7 FIRST TEST 10/12 Chemistry of Carbon: Life’s organizer. Organic Chemistry 58-67 10/19 Macrom olecules II: Lipids: Organic hydrocarbons 74-767 10/26 Emulsions and cholesterol Then, The real story of witches brew... 77 Have a spooky Halloween 1 1/2 Protein II: Protein structure and function 80-86 Enzymes 11/9 Organ elles: Structure and function of cell subunits 100-124 11/16 NEWSNO TES II PRESENTED 10/14 Sugars: W hat they are & how they behave 68-74 Op tical Activity 10/21 NEWSNO TES I PRESENTED (Prepare to present your article) 10/28 SECON D TEST 11/21 11/23 Harvesting Energy I: Glycolysis & Fermentation 166-169, 177-179 11/25 THANKS FOR EVERYTHING (No classes, among others) 11/28 Harvesting Energy II: Resp iration & the Krebs C ycle 170-177, 11/30 Electron T ransp ort: Cash in your electrons for ATP 172-177 12/2 NEWSNO TES III PRESENTED (Any final questions?) 12/7 Assigned readings should be com pleted by class time on the date in which they ap pear. Yo ur grad e is determined by yo ur po sition on a histogram o f student cumulative po ints (tests, study group s and newsnotes). M idline divides the Bs from the Cs. B e sure to read How To Take A Fan khau ser Cou rse for additional information and suggestions on how to succeed in this course. 12 September 2011 Tests returned and discussed NEWSNOTE III DUE FINAL EXAM W ednesday 1:30 - 3:30 11/4 What dietary protein is required? Protein Complementation Lappé Chapter 4: 172-182 11/11 Membra nes: Structure, Function & O smosis 125-149 11/18 THIRD TE ST