Roadmap to Transfer from Community College to UMass Amherst Computer Science Program Every year, more and more students apply to UMass Amherst after completing coursework at a Community college. Transferring to the computer science program is a great way of putting YOU on the path of becoming a computing professional! This packet of information has been compiled to assist you in preparing to transfer: • CS program requirements overview • Tracking forms for CS degree requirements • Approved course equivalencies for Bunker Hill CC • UMass Amherst Community College Connection Visit our website for degree programs and computing opportunites across the state. “Like” us on facebook IT4U This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No.s NSF-0634412 and NSF-0837739. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. The new BS requirements are listed below. Two Introductory Computer Science Courses • • 121 Introduction to Problem Solving with Computers (4 cr) 187 Programming with Data Structures (4 cr) Four Core Computer Science Courses • • • • 250 Introduction to Computation (4 cr) 220 Programming Methodology (4 cr) 230 Computer Systems Principles (4 cr) 240 Reasoning About Uncertainty (4 cr) Note that 230(291SP) has recently replaced CS 201 Architecture in the list above. Four Mathematics Courses • • • • MATH 131 Calculus I (4 cr) MATH 132 Calculus II (4 cr) MATH 233 Multivariate Calculus or STATISTC 515 Statistics I MATH 235 Introduction to Linear Algebra Eight Elective Computer Science Courses (GENCOMPSCI) • • • • • 311 Introduction to Algorithms (4 cr) (prereq: 250) 377 Operating Systems (4 cr) (prereq: 291SP) 383 Artificial Intelligence (3 cr) (prereqs: 220, 311) Two approved CS electives numbered 300 or greater Three approved CS electives numbered 400 or greater Instead of GENCMPSCI, students may complete Elective Courses as part of Speciality Tracks 1 Eight Credits of Science Courses Two of the three General Education Science courses must be introductory courses (with labs) intended for majors in some department in the College of Natural Sciences (8 total credits.) Currently allowed courses are: • • • • • • • • • • • BIOLOGY 100 Introduction to Biology BIOLOGY 101 Introduction to Biology CHEM 111 General Chem -- Science Majors CHEM 112 General Chem -- Science Majors CHEM 121 General Chem -- Science Majors CHEM 122 General Chem -- Science Majors GEO-SCI 101/131 The Earth (with lab) - or approved substitute PHYSICS 151/3 General Physics I (with lab) PHYSICS 152/4 General Physics II (with lab) PHYSICS 181/3 Physics I - Mechanics (with lab) PHYSICS 182/4 Physics II - Electricity and Magnetism (with lab) Variances from this requirement may be allowed under unusual circumstances. Students interested in counting a different science course toward this requirement should contact the Computer Science Undergraduate Program Director. University and College Requirements • • • • • ENGLISH 112, CMPSCI 305 Foreign Language (College of Natural Sciences requirement — has been waived for current BS students) Third Science (Gen Ed - must have at least one BS, at least one PS) Six Social World (Humanities, History, Social Science) including two diversity courses. Free Electives as needed to make 120 total credits.­‐education/details-­‐new-­‐bs-­‐requirements 2 BS-CMPSCI Tracking Form for departmental requirements Name: _____________________ ID#: ____________ Advisor: Two introductory CS courses Problem Solving 121 187 Term: Grade: ________ Four math courses M131 Data Structures Calc I Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Calc II M132 Term: Grade: Calc III or M233 Stats I or S515 Term: Grade: Four core CS courses M235 Prog. Methdlgy 220 Term: Grade: Intro to 250 Computation 230 Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Comp Systems Principles 240 Reasng About Uncert Eight CS electives. Choose a subplan (see back for requirements) General Computer Science (below) Software Engineering Security & Privacy Robotics, Vision, and Graphics Artificial Intelligence Computer Architecture prereq: 230 Operating Systems 311 Algorithms Artificial Intelligence Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Term: Grade: 6 credits ≥ 300 9 credits ≥ 400 ___ ___ CS courses only. Term: Grade: Term: Grade: ___ ___ ___ Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Term: Grade: 305 Term: Grade: Social Issues GPA _____ Minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in all courses applied to major; Pass/Fail not allowed in major. prereqs: (240 or 311) & 220 383 Jr Yr Writing: 8 credits of science courses: BIOL 100, 101; CHEM 111/2, 121/2; GEO 101 with lab; or PHY 151, 152 (or 181, 182) Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Mixing two depts. is OK (e.g., Chem and Bio). In general, we require courses that 1) count towards the majors of the sponsoring dept, 2) include a lab, 3) are 4 credits of work. Univ. and GenEd requirements should be checked on SPIRE. This form is for guidance only. It does not represent official policy. The College has waived the Foreign Language Requirement for the BS degree (not the BA); ignore warnings on Spire. Revised March 22, 2012 GENCOMPSCI 377 Networking Software Systems Programming Lang. & Compilers Theory of Computation Search & Data Mining prereq: 250 Term: Grade: Term: Grade: 287 can substitute for 220. For students graduating by May 2012: 201 can substitute for 230 only if 377 is taken as well; CS383 can substitute for 240 if a CS elective replaces 383. Linear Algebra • All numbers refer to CS courses • Only 3 credits of 499Y/T/P and Indp. Studies count towards the degree, and requires approval. • ☨Graduate level courses (600 and higher) often have twice the workload of undergraduate courses. Proceed with caution! Software Engineering • Four required courses: _______311 Algorithms _______320 Software Engineering _______520 SE-Synthesis _______521 SE-Analysis & Evaluation • Any two courses from the following: _______325 Usability _______365 Digital Forensics _______377 Operating Systems _______401 Formal Lang.Theory _______410 Compilers _______445 Information Systems _______453 Computer Networks _______460 Intro to Security _______513 Logic in CS _______529 SE Project Management _______575 Comb. & Graph Theory _______499Y or 496 (see note) Robotics, Vision, & Graphics Security & Privacy • Five required courses: _______311 Algorithms _______320 Software Engineering _______370 Computer Vision _______403 Introduction to Robotics _______473 Computer Graphics • Any one course from the following: _______474 Adv. Image Synthesis _______503 Embedded Systems _______603 Robotics☨ _______617 Comp. Geometry☨ • Three required courses: _______311 Algorithms _______377 Operating Systems _______460 Introduction to Security • Any one course from the following: _______348 Knowledge Discovery _______445 Information Systems _______453 Computer Networks • Any two courses from the following: _______365 Digital Forensics _______466 Applied Cryptography _______660 Adv. Info Assurance☨ • Two CS electives ≥ 300: 1. ________ 2. _________ • Two CS electives ≥ 300: 1. ________ 2. _________ Theory of Computation! • Three required courses: _______311 Algorithms _______320 Software Engineering _______401 Formal Lang Theory • Any one course from the following: _______377 Operating Systems _______445 Information Systems _______453 Computer Networks _______535 Architecture (or 391IB) • Two CS electives ≥ 300: 1. ________ 2. _________ • Any two courses from the following: _______513 Logic in CS _______575 Comb. & Graph Theory _______601 Computation Theory ☨ _______611 Advanced Algorithms☨ _______499Y or 496 (see note) _______MATH 411 Int. Abstract Alg. I Artificial Intelligence • Two CS electives ≥ 300: 1. ________ 2. _________ • Three required courses: _______311 Algorithms _______320 Software Engineering _______383 Artificial Intelligence • Any two courses from the following: _______370 Computer Vision _______403 Robotics _______503 Embedded Systems _______585 Natural Lang. Processing _______589 Machine Learning _______683 Advanced AI☨ • Three CS electives ≥ 300: 1. ________ 2. ______ 3. _______ Note: At least 3 of the 8 track courses must be ≥ 400 level Search & Data Mining! • Six required courses: _______311 Algorithms _______320 Software Engineering _______348 Knowledge Discovery _______445 Information Systems _______446 Search Engines _______585 Natural Lang. Processing • Two CS electives ≥ 300: 1. ________ 2. _________ Computer Architecture! Four required courses: _______311 Algorithms _______320 Software Engineering _______535 Architecture _______635 Modern Architecture Any two courses from the following: _______377 Operating Systems _______401 Formal Language Theory _______410 Compilers _______445 Information Systems _______453 Computer Networks _______520 SE-Synthesis I _______530 Programming Languages _______610 Compiler Techniques☨ _______653 Adv. Comp. Networks☨ _______677 Adv. OS☨ _______499Y or 496 (see note) _______ECE 353 Digital Logic I _______ECE 354 Digital Logic II _______ECE 558 Architecture • Two CS electives ≥ 300, one specifically not listed above 1. ________ 2. _________ Networking! • Four required courses: _______311 Algorithms _______377 Operating Systems _______453 Computer Networks _______491G Networking Lab • Any two courses from the following: _______320 Software Engineering _______445 Information Systems _______460 Introduction to Security _______466 Applied Cryptography _______653 Adv. Comp Networks☨ • Two CS electives ≥ 300: 1. ________ 2. _________ Software Systems! • Four required courses: _______311 Algorithms _______320 Software Engineering _______377 Operating Systems _______445 Information Systems • Any two courses from the following: _______325 Usability _______453 Computer Networks _______460 Introduction to Security _______466 Applied Cryptography _______535 Architecture (or 391IB) _______677 Operating Systems☨ • Two CS electives ≥ 300: 1. ________ 2. _________ Programming Languages & Compilers! • Four required courses: _______311 Algorithms _______377 Operating Systems _______410 Compilers _______530 Programming Languages • Any two courses from the following: _______320 Software Engineering _______445 Information Systems _______535 Architecture (or 391IB) _______499Y or 496 (see note) • Two CS electives ≥ 300: 1. ________ 2. _________ March 22, 2012 Below are requirements for subplans, which can be completed instead of GenCmpSci (front). Pick only one! BA-CMPSCI Tracking Form for departmental requirements Name: _____________________ ID#: ____________ Advisor: Two introductory CS courses 121 Problem Solving Term: Grade: ________ Three math courses Data 187 Structures M131 Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Calc I M132 Calc II Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Math 127-128 can substitute for Math 131-132, but it is not preferred as some CS cores expect M131 or M132. The third course can be: RE211, RE212, Stat240, Stat501, Stat515, any Math Dept course 200-level+, or a course approved by CS dept. Some choices aren’t applicable to the BS. Core CS courses (complete only three) 1. 2. 3. Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Term: Grade: The courses must be chosen from the following list: •! CS220 Programming Methodology •! CS240 Reasoning About Uncertainty (M132 prereq) •! CS250 Introduction to Computation (M131 prereq) •! CS291SP Computer Systems Principles Your completed cores determines which CS electives you qualify for. Note that completion of CS121, CS187, and three CS cores from the list above completes the CS minor. Five CS electives (electives have at least one core as a prereq) 1. 2. 3. Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Term: Grade: 4. 5. Term: Grade: Term: Grade: CS courses only, 300-level or higher, and not CS305. Courses numbered x90– x99 require approval to count towards degree. Graduate level courses (600 and higher) often have twice the workload of undergraduate courses. Proceed with caution! Junior Year Writing 305 Term: Grade: Social Issues GPA _____ Min. 2.0 cumulative GPA in courses applied to major. No courses applied to degree can be pass/fail Four-course Outside Concentration Concentration Area: _______________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Term: Grade: Non-CS courses approved by the CS dept as forming a focused study in another discipline, typically 200-level+ and may have prereqs in another dept. With UPD approval, at most one course in the concentration may be a sixth CS 300-level+ elective or the fourth course in the 200-level CS core (above). These courses can be applied toward a minor or major degree from another department. University, General Education and Foreign Language requirements should be checked on SPIRE. This form is for guidance only and does not represent official policy. Language Check box if complete. Study of a foreign language is required for all BA degrees by the College of Natural Sciences. Revised October 26, 2011 UMass Amherst Computer Science - BS requirements CC course equivalencies UMA Course # description Bunker Hill CC cr Course # description cr Intro CS 121 187 Intro to Problem Solving (Java) Programming with Data Structures 4 CIT239 4 CIT285 CIT242 Intro to JAVA Advanced JAVA Data Structures 4 3 3 Calculus I Calculus II Multivariate Calculus/Statistics I Introduction to Linear Algebra 4 MAT281 4 MAT282 4 MAT283/284 4 Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III 4 4 8 220 Programming Methodology 4 250 Intro to Computation 4 230 240 Computer Systems Principles Reasoning about Uncertainty 4 4 Math M131 M132 M233/S515 M235 Core CS What's left and approximate timeframe to finish the CS major- depends on workload and individual student General Science ***Advise to take Discrete math @MassBay CC? 12 cs courses and 1 math 8 credits required Please contact Professor Robert Moll if you have any questions or need more information. Phone: (413) 545-4315 Community College Connection The University of Massachusetts Amherst Undergraduate Admissions Office 37 Mather Drive Amherst, MA 01003 413-545-0222 The UMass Amherst Community College Connection (UMCCC) is designed for community college graduates who participated in Joint Admissions or MassTransfer programs at Massachusetts community colleges. Benefits of the program include: ● Priority review of your application for admission ● Priority review of your transfer credits ● Priority financial aid consideration ● Eligibility for special scholarships ● Waiver of tuition (with graduation GPA of 3.0 or higher) ● Housing in the Fall UMCCC Residential Transfer Program (Housing in the UMCCC Residential Transfer Program is on a space-available basis for the Spring; however, there are a greater number of spaces available overall for students entering in Spring.) ● Fall course registration before all other new students (Given smaller numbers and a more condensed registration period, all new students register together for Spring courses.) For more information: