FIRST OSCILLATION RESULTS FROM THE NOVA EXPERIMENT Bruno Zamorano Oxford - 17th November 2015 Why study neutrino oscillations? •Second most abundant particle in the Universe and yet the worst understood •Dark Matter aside, the only measured confirmation of Physics beyond the Standard Model •~20 000 neutrino papers since the discovery of neutrino oscillations •Nobel prize 2015 and Breakthrough prize 2016 ? •Many open questions: CP violation (matter-antimatter asymmetry), mass ordering and mass scale, Dirac or Majorana… •Oscillation parameters are, to our best knowledge, fundamental constants of Nature B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 2 Neutrino oscillations overview ⎛ν e ⎞ ⎛ U e1 U e 2 U e 3 ⎞⎛ν 1 ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ PMNS ν µ ⎟ = ⎜U µ 1 U µ 2 U µ 3 ⎟⎜ν 2 ⎟ ⎜ matrix ⎜ν ⎟ ⎜ U ⎟⎜ν ⎟ U U τ2 τ 3 ⎠⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎝ τ ⎠ ⎝ τ1 Atmospheric Pµe = ! " ∗ ∗ U U U µj µk Uek exp −i j,k ej ∆m2jk L 2E # Oscillations Reactor Solar Osc.max ∆m232 ≃ ∆m231 −−−−→ L/E ≈ 500km/GeV Osc.max ∆m221 = m22−m21 −−−−→ L/E ≈ 15000 km/GeV B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 3 Importance of reactor result θ13: from unknown to best measured sin2 θ13 = 0.0219 ± 0.0012 θ13 ~ 8.5° CP violation ⇐⇒ θ13 ̸= 0 A new door to probing CP violation, the mass ordering and the octant of θ23 B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 4 𝜃13>0 ⇒ 𝜈𝜇→𝜈e increasing mass Importance of reactor result Makes feasible long-baseline measurements of… sin2 θ13 = 0.0219 ± 0.0012 θ13: from unknown to neutrino mass hierarchy via matter effects thatbest modify P(𝜈𝜇→𝜈e) measured 13 to m ; Implications for: 0𝜈𝛽𝛽 data and Majorana nature of 𝜈; approach 𝛽 theoretical frameworks for mass generation, θ13cosmology; ̸quark/lepton = 0 astrophysics; unification; Is the lightest charged lepton associated with the heaviest light neutrino? θ ~ 8.5° CP violation ⇐⇒ A new door to probing CP violation, the mass ordering and the octant of θ23 CP violation Long-baseline neutrino oscillations 𝜈𝜇 disappearance: via dependence of P(𝜈𝜇→𝜈e) on CP phase 𝛿. Amplified by 𝜈/𝜈̅ comparisons. baryon asymmetry through see-saw/leptogenesis; fundamental θ23question octant in the Standard Model (is CP respected by leptons?) 𝜈 3 𝜈e 𝜈3 flavor mixing …to leading order via leading-order factor sin2(𝜃23) experimental data are consistent with unity Is 𝜈 more strongly coupled to 𝜇 or 𝜏 flavor?; (“maximal 3mixing”) frameworks for mass generation, unification 𝜈𝜏 𝜈e ? 𝜈𝜇 𝜈𝜏 𝜈𝜇 2 ) Need a leap in precision on 𝜃23 (and m32 3 𝜈e appearance: 𝜃13>0 ⇒ 𝜈𝜇→𝜈e …plus potentially Makes feasible long-baseline large CPv and Daya Bay reactor experiment: matter effect of… sin2measurements (2𝜃 ) = 0.084 ± 0.005 13 modifications! neutrino mass hierarchychannel, and… Non-zero 𝜃13 opens the long-baseline appearance Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 Mass hierarchy increasing mass Ryan Patterson, Caltech via matter effects that modify P(𝜈𝜇→𝜈e) B. Zamorano experiment 2 the NOvAfor: Ryan Patterson, Caltech - First oscillation results from Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 Implications 0𝜈𝛽𝛽 data and Majorana nature of 𝜈; approach to m ; 5 SUMMARY The NOvA experiment Muon neutrino disappearance Electron neutrino appearance Future sensitivities The NOvA experiment About 150 physicists from 6 countries (list growing…) 2 UK institutions: Sussex (8 people, since 2012) and UCL (6 people, just joined) New collaborators and institutions welcome! B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 7 The NOvA experiment RAMPING UP RAMPING UP NuMI beam • Capable of 700 kW Joao Coelho 4 November 2015 Neutrinos to Far Det. • Reliably running ~470 kW • Capable ofNOvA 700 kW • Record 521 kW for 1 hour Near Det. • Reliably running ~470 kW Hadron • Full power by mid 2016 • 6.4 x 1020 PoT delivered Decay • Record 521 kW for 1 hour NuMI Target Proton2016 • Full power by mid •Capable of running at 700 kW • Reliably running at ~500 kW Accel. • 6.4 x 1020 PoT delivered • World record 521 kW for 1 hour 4 • Full power by mid 2016 •6.4 x 1020 POT delivered B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 8 The NOvA experiment • NuMI Off-Axis νe Appearance, the leading neutrino oscillation experiment in the NuMI beam Ash River • Two totally active scintillator detectors: m • 14 mrad off-axis narrowly peaked muon neutrino flux at 2 GeV, L/E ~ 405 km/ GeV 0k - Near Detector: 300 T, 105 m underground 81 - Far Detector: 14 kT, on surface Fermilab • νµ disappearance channel: θ23, Δm232 • νe appearance channel: mass hierarchy, δCP, θ13, θ23 and octant degeneracy B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 9 The NOvA experiment • NuMI Off-Axis νe Appearance, the leading neutrino oscillation experiment in the NuMI beam • Two highly active scintillator detectors: 15. 6m - Far Detector: 14 kT, on surface - Near Detector: 300 T, 105 m underground • νµ disappearance channel: θ23, Δm232 • νe appearance channel: mass hierarchy, δCP, θ13, θ23 and octant degeneracy m To APD Readout Scintillation Light 15.5m • 14 mrad off-axis narrowly peaked muon neutrino flux at 2 GeV, L/E ~ 405 km/ GeV 4.5 Particle Trajectory Waveshifting Fiber Loop 3.9cm 6.6cm B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 10 The NOvA experiment • NuMI Off-Axis νe Appearance, the leading neutrino oscillation experiment in the NuMI beam • Two highly active scintillator detectors: - Far Detector: 14 kT, on surface - Near Detector: 300 T, 105 m underground • 14 mrad off-axis narrowly peaked muon neutrino flux at 2 GeV, L/E ~ 405 km/ GeV • νµ disappearance channel: θ23, Δm232 • νe appearance channel: mass hierarchy, δCP, θ13, θ23 and octant degeneracy B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment Also: neutrino cross sections at the ND, sterile neutrinos, supernovae… 11 The NOvA experiment Far detector dataset Far Detector data set • During the construction era, we began collecting Physics data with each far detectorthe “diblock” (64 detector soon as it was fully data commissioned During construction era, weplanes) beganascollecting physics with each Far Detector data set andDetector Physics-ready Far “diblock” (64 detector planes) as soon as it was fully During the construction era, we began collecting physics data with each and physics-ready Far size Detector “diblock” (64throughout detector planes)our as soon as itset was fully •commissioned Thus, the FD is not static data commissioned and physics-ready Thus, FD size is not static throughout our data set Thus, FD size is not static throughout our data set 20 POT 20 Protons-on-target data set: Protons-on-target inindata set:3.45×10 3.45×10 POT average) Fraction of detector operational: 79.4% (POT-weighted (POT-weighted average) Fraction of detector operational: 79.4% Full-detector-equivalent exposure: 2.74×1020 POT-equiv Full-detector-equivalent exposure: 2.74×1020 POT-equiv ×××××××× Partial Far Detector during construction (6 diblock example) ×××××××× 22 Ryan-Partial Patterson, Caltech B. Zamorano First oscillation from the NOvA experiment Farresults Detector Full Far Detector (14 diblocks) Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 Full Far Detector 12 The NOvA experiment 1m Proton 1m νμ + n → μ + p • Superb granularity for a detector this scale • Outstanding event identification capability Muon Michel e- νμ Charged Current Proton νe + n → e + p Electron νe Charged Current Proton ν + X → ν + X' π0 (→γγ) Neutral Current 1 radiation length = 38 cm (6 cell depths, 10 cell widths) B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 13 The NOvA experiment Near Detector: 10 𝜇s of readout during NuMI beam pulse (color ⇒ time of hit) Top view Near detector event display Side view Ryan Patterson, Caltech 16 10 µs of readout during NuMI beam pulse B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 14 The NOvA experiment Near Detector: 10 𝜇s of readout during NuMI beam pulse (color ⇒ time of hit) Top view Near detector event display Side view 9.6 µs NuMI pulse Ryan Patterson, Caltech 16 10 µs of readout during NuMI beam pulse B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 15 The NOvA experiment Far Detector Event Display Far detector event display Top view Side view Full 550 usec readout (colors show charge.) Full 550 µs readout (colours show charge) B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 13( 16 The NOvA experiment Far Detector Event Display Top view Side view Zoomed on the 10 usec beam spill window. Zoomed on the 10 µs beam spill window B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 14( 17 The NOvA experiment νµ Colour denotes deposited charge Zoomed on the time slice B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 18 The NOvA experiment NO ν A Preliminary FD data Data (basic monitoring selection) All current data Events / (12 µ s) Background (fit) Beam window 100 150 200 250 300 350 ∆ t from t (µ s) 0 Zoomed on the time slice B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 19 The NOvA experiment νe Colour denotes deposited charge Zoomed on the time slice B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 20 Muon neutrino disappearance Disappearance analysis in a nutshell… Identify contained νµ CC events in both detectors • Measure both energy spectra B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment Infer on the oscillation mechanism from differences between near and far energy spectra 21 Muon neutrino disappearance Disappearance analysis in a nutshell… Identify contained νµ CC events in both detectors • Measure both energy spectra Infer on the oscillation mechanism from differences between near and far energy spectra • Extrapolation •Containment •PID • Calibration • Far / near ratio •NC rejection • Energy scale • Best fit •Cosmic rejection • Hadronic energy • Contours B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment • Systematics 22 Muon neutrino disappearance Signal selection: νµ CC Simulated ν µ CC Simulated Background 6 10 • Muon ID: 4-variable k-nearest neighbours algorithm to identify muons - Track length - dE/dx along track - Scattering along track - Track-only plane fraction ND, 1.66 × 1020 POT Events • First: basic containment cuts: require a buffer of no activity around the event Data 105 104 103 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Muon ID • Keep events with muon-ID >Figure: 0.75 Plot from ⌫µ manuscript. Distribution of the greatest muon identication variable of all reconstructed tracks in selec ND. The shaded region of the simulated distributions represe bin-to-bin fluctuations that are introduced by the systematic (shape-dependent e↵ects). Pure normalization uncertainties h B. Zamorano - First oscillation results fromremoved the NOvA experiment 23 from the error bands shown. Muon neutrino disappearance Good spills Cosmic rejection Data quality Cosmic rej. • From beam timing: a factor 105 reduction Containment Cosmic background NC rejection CC ν µ prediction (max. mixing) • From event topology: 107 E < 5 GeV • Keep events with BDT > 0.535 • Final rate is measured directly using outof-time data 1 10 102 10 3 104 10 5 10 6 107 Number of events in the spill window NOν A Preliminary 20 NOν A 2.74 ×10 POT-equiv. 60 # Events in Final Sample • For the remaining, a boosted decision tree is trained on data without beam - Direction - Position and length - Energy and number of hits in event Out of time data ν µ CC MC All cuts except BDT applied 20 0 0.3 B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment Cut value 40 0.4 0.5 Cosmic Rejection BDT 0.6 0.7 24 Muon neutrino disappearance muon Energy estimation • Hadronic system: Σ Total visible E Eµ Ehad • Reconstructed neutrino energy is the sum of them: Eν = Eµ + Ehad • Energy resolution at beam peak: ~7% Fractional energy resolution • Muon track: length hadronic system NOνA Preliminary 0.15 FD ND Neutrino spectrum 0.10 0.05 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 True Neutrino Energy (GeV) B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 25 Muon neutrino disappearance ×106 Simulated ν µ CC 0.12 Simulated Background Data Kinematic variables in the ND after all cuts Events 0.10 (Sample purity in ND = 98%) ND, 1.66 × 1020 POT 0.08 This ND distribution is used to create the FD prediction 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.00 0 1 2 3 4 5 Reconstructed Neutrino Energy (GeV) 3 Figure: Plot from40⌫×10 µ manuscript. Reconstructed neutrino ene Simulated ν CC the ND. The shaded regions of the simulated distributions rep Simulated Background shape-dependent systematic uncertainties.Data Both data and MC 30 to 1.66 ⇥ 1020 POT exposure. The plot ND, includes the 1.66 × 1020 POTcorrectio energy scale. Simulated ν µ CC 107 µ Simulated Background 6 10 Data ND, 1.66 × 1020 POT 5 Events Events 10 104 3 10 102 20 10 10 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Muon Track cos(θZ) 0.8 1 0 0 B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from of the the NOvA experiment Plot from ⌫µ manuscript. Distributions reconstructed muon 5 10 15 Length of Primary Track (m) 26 Muon neutrino disappearance Far detector prediction • Estimate the underlying true energy distribution of selected ND events • Multiply by expected Far/Near ratio and νµ → νµ oscillation probability • Convert FD true energy distribution into predicted FD reconstructed energy distribution • Systematic uncertainties assessed by varying all MC-based steps B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 27 Muon neutrino disappearance Systematics ×103 Hadronic energy systematic is one with a noticeable effect (although the impact is reduced by ND-to-FD prediction procedure) 100 ND, 1.66 × 1020 POT 80 Events Most of the systematic uncertainties have relatively little influence on the result Simulated ν µ CC Simulated Background Uncalibrated Data Data Tune hadronic energy in ND simulation to achieve better agreement in Eν and Ehad 60 40 Take the full size of this tuning as a systematic uncertainty 20 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Hadronic Energy (GeV) Figure: Plot from ⌫µ manuscript. Distribution of the reconstructed hadron • Hadronic energy (21%, equiv. to 6% in neutrino energy, Ehad, of selected ⌫µand CC tau interactions in(100% the ND in data and simula NC neutrinos each) • energy) The shaded regions of the simulated distributions represent the calibration The and light (Hitrepresen • Multiple uncertainties. solid level blacksysts. circles transportation systematic • Neutrino flux (NA49 + beam shape-dependent fibrecorrection attenuation, effects) data after a 21% Ehad energy, calibration is threshold applied, and the solid gray model) squares represent the data before the correction. • Absolute, relative normalisation (1%, 2%) •Neutrino interactions (GENIE / Intranuke model) • Oscillation parameter uncertainties (current world knowledge) B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 28 Muon neutrino disappearance Some of the selected candidates (zoomed views, not showing the whole detector) Ryan Patterson, Caltech 31 Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 32 Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 Ryan Patterson, Caltech B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 33 Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 Ryan Patterson, Caltech 29 Muon neutrino disappearance 50 In the absence of oscillation, the expectation is 200 events (2 beam bkg., 1.4 cosmic bkg.) of uld nts (bckgrnd subtracted) ted or Ratio with unoscillated spectrum bkgnd gnd) 2 and 𝜃 s well matched by oscillation fit for m32 23 Unoscillated pred. Best fit pred. (systs) 40 Events / 0.25 GeV 33 selected events in the FD Data Backgrounds Best fit pred. (no systs) 1-σ syst. range 30 Normal Hierarchy 20 2.74×10 POT-equiv. Best fit χ2=12.1/16 dof 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 Reconstructed Neutrino Energy (GeV) 5 Figure: Plot from manuscript. The reconstructed ener Clear observation of ⌫νµµ disappearance selected events. The data points show the statistical unce r observation of 𝜈𝜇 disappearance histogram corresponds to the predicted spectrum in the a 37 Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 B. Zamorano - First oscillation results the NOvA experiment 30 Thefromgreen histogram corre- sponds to the best fit predicti uncertainties included in fit via nuisance parameters) Muon neutrino disappearance Oscillation parameters 3.5 Normal Hierarchy, 90% CL Normal Hierarchy Normal hierarchy NOν A 2015 ∆m232 (10-3 ev2) T2K 2014 3 −3 eV2 ∆m232 = 2.35+0.19 × 10 −0.12 MINOS 2014 sin2 θ23 = 0.513 ± 0.106 2.5 Inverted hierarchy −3 eV2 ∆m232 = −2.40+0.12 × 10 −0.18 2 0.3 0.4 0.5 2 0.6 sin θ23 0.7 sin2 θ23 = 0.509+0.103 −0.106 2 from ⌫µ manuscript. The allowed values of sin2 (✓32 ) and m32 normal mass hierarchy. Will slightly changewith withless FCthan correction NOvA measurement already compelling 8% of nominal exposure! B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 31 Electron neutrino appearance Appearance analysis in a nutshell… Identify contained νe CC events in both detectors Use ND candidates to predict beam backgrounds in the FD B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment Interpret any FD excess over predicted backgrounds as νe appearance 32 Electron neutrino appearance Appearance analysis in a nutshell… Identify contained νe CC events in both detectors Use ND candidates to predict beam backgrounds in the FD Interpret any FD excess over predicted backgrounds as νe appearance •Containment •PID • Extrapolation •NC rejection • Far / near ratio •Cosmic rejection • Systematics B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment • Exclusions • Significance 33 Pre-selection Electron neutrino appearance First, basic containment cuts require sufficient distance from the largest reconstructed shower to the walls. Signal pre-selection: νe CC Then, cuts applied to: - shower length • First: basic containment cuts: require - number of hits in event sufficient distance from the largest - calorimetric energy reconstructed shower to the edges applied to • Then, cuts All three related to the “size” length - Shower of the event of know hits inwell event - NumberWe the range of energy - Calorimetric energies any appearing 𝜈e might to have the “size” of the • All three related event (we know well the range of energies any appearing νe might have) Ryan Patterson, Caltech B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 41 Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 34 The 𝜈e neutrino selectors themselves Electron appearance provide a lot of cosmic rejection A Cosmic rejection • Cut events with large transverse momentum (Rejects downward-going cosmic showers) Cosmic rejection • The νe selectors themselves are very efficient atCut rejecting cosmic background events with large Ryan Patterson, Caltech 42 pT/p 1 in 108 rejection • Achieve areconstructed Rejectsbackground; downward-directed 0.06 • Expected cosmic cosmic directly shower using out-ofevents, measured time dataThe 𝜈 selectors themselves e provide a lot of cosmic rejection B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 35 Electron neutrino appearance 43 𝜈e CC event identification νe CC event identification We have developed two independent 𝜈e CC selection algorithms → Very different designs Two independent selection algorithms with very different designs LID: Likelihood identification Color: p.d.f. for dE/dx in each plane (e– assumption) LID: Likelihood Identification dE/dX likelihoods calculated for longitudinal dE/dx likelihoods calculated for longitudinal and transverse slices of leading shower under and transverse slices of leading shower multiple particle hypotheses under multiple particle hypotheses Likelihoods feed an an artificial neural network Likelihoods feed artificial neutral network along and topological info: e.g., alongwith withkinematic kinematic and topological info: energy near vertex, shower angle, vertex-toe.g., energy near vertex, shower angle, shower gap, … vertex-to-shower gap Likelihoods calculated for each red and yellow region B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 43 Ryan Patterson, Caltech 36 Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 Electron neutrino appearance LEM: Library event matching Library Event Matching Spatial pattern ofLEM: energy depositions is Spatial pattern of events energy deposition compared to that of 108 simulated is compared directly to that of ~108 (“library”) Left panels: candidate event, both views Right panels: best-matched library event, both views Middle panels: an intermediate step in calculating the match quality simulated events (“library”) Key properties of the matched library Keybest properties of the best-matched event (e.g., fractionlibrary that are signal events) events (e.g., fractionare that aretree signal are input into a input into a decision toevents) form discriminant decision tree to form discriminant •Identical performance as measured with efficiency, S/√B and sensitivity to oscillation parameters Prior to unblinding, decided to show both results and use LID as primary Ryanoscillation Patterson, results Caltechfrom the NOvA experiment B. Zamorano - First 44 Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 37 Electron neutrino appearance LID and LEM distributions for ND data and simulation •Good agreement over full range Total BKG 0.94 ± 0.09 νe - CC LID and LEM distributions NC νµ - CC ντ - CC Cosmic and simulation (beam) for ND data all preselection cuts applied 0.46 0.35 0.05 0.02 0.06 ± few % depending on osc. param. Good agreement over full range Range of signal predictions • NH, δCP = 3π/2, θ23 = π/4 → 5.6 ± 0.7 • IH, δCP = π/2, θ23 = π/4 → 2.2 ± 0.3 Ryan Patterson, Caltech B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 46 38 Electron neutrino appearance Far detector prediction • ND data are Far translated to FD prediction Detector • background expectation in each NDfar/near data is translated to FD bckgnd energy bin, using ratios from expectation in each energy bin, using simulation Far/Near ratios from simulation (LID selection) FD signal expectation • FD signal expectation is pinnedistopinned the to 𝜈𝜇 CC spectrum ND-selected vµthe- ND-selected CC spectrum Most systematics are assessed via systematics are assessed via ratios variations in the Far/Near • Most variations in the far/near ratios Some FD sample stats: Signal efficiency relative toSignal containment cuts: 35% efficiency relative to containment cuts: 35% Expected overlap in LID/LEM samples of 62% Expected overlap in (Expected differences in LID/LEM which events each 62% samples: technique selects) → Differences in which events each technique selects Ryan Patterson, Caltech B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 48 After all selection, After all 0.7% selection, of NC 0.7% events of NC remain,relative relative toto those events remain, those after containment after containment Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 39 Electron neutrino appearance Far detector selected events Far Detector selected events LID: 6 νe candidates 6 𝜈e candidates 3.3σ significance forLID: νe appearance 3.3𝜎 significance for 𝜈e appearance At right: Calorimetric energy LEM: 11 νe candidates 5.5σ significance for νe appearance (All 6 LID events present LEM: 11 𝜈e candidates in LEM set) 5.5𝜎 significance for 𝜈e appearance (All 6 LID events present in LEM set) Patterson, Caltech B. Zamorano - FirstRyan oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 55 Fermilab JETP, August 6,40201 Electron neutrino appearance LEM selected νe candidates Here comes the sun LID, LEM selected Because B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment LEM selected You never give me your money 41 Electron neutrino appearance LID, LEM selected LEM selected Sun King Mean Mr. Mustard LEM selected LID, LEM selected Polyethylene Pam She came in through the bathroom window B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 42 Electron neutrino appearance LID, LEM selected Golden Slumbers LID, LEM selected Carry that weight LEM selected LID, LEM selected The End Her Majesty B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 43 Electron neutrino appearance FD selection: 6 𝜈e candidates For allowed regions of δCP and θ13 NO𝜈A Preliminary Result using LID selector Result using LID selector For (𝛿CP , sin22𝜃13) allowed regions •Feldman & Cousins procedure applied • Feldman-Cousins procedure applied •Solar oscillation parameters • solar osc. parameters varied varied 2 varied by new NOvA measurement • m32 2 •Δm 32 varied2 by new NOvA result • sin 𝜃23=0.5 • sin2θ23 = 0.5 58 Ryan Patterson, Caltech B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 44 Electron neutrino appearance Result using LID selector Applying global reactor constraint of With θ23 uncertainty LID 2.74×1020 POT equiv. Normal hierarchy 13 = 0.0219 ± 0.0012 • Again, apply Feldman-Cousins to interpret -2ΔlnL • Converted into significance (steps due to discrete nature of counting experiment) Inverted hierarchy Significance 2 sin θ 2σ 90% NOνA Preliminary 3σ 1σ 0 • Using νµ constraint for sin2θ23 0 π/2 π 3π/2 δCP 2π 5σ B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment nificance Inverted hierarchy for δCP ∈[0, 0.9π] is mildly disfavoured4σ (>1σ) 3σ 45 Electron neutrino appearance LEM 2.74×1020 POT equiv. Normal hierarchy FD selection: 11 𝜈e candidates Inverted hierarchy 4σ Significance NOνA Preliminary 5σ 3σ NO𝜈A Preliminary Result using LEM LEM selectorselector Result using Below: With reactor constraint applied 2σ 90% (significance on next page) 1σ 0 π/2 π δCP 3π/2 2π •Inverted hierarchy is disfavoured at 2.2σ NH LID NH LEM for all δCPIH LEM IH LID NO𝜈A Preliminary 0 • NH for δCP ∈[0,π] is mildly disfavoured (>1σ) 61 Ryan Patterson, Caltech B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment Fermilab JETP, August 6, 2015 46 Electron neutrino appearance 0 0 π/2 π 0 2π 3π/2 δCP 1σ 5σ LID/LEM consistency Both prefer normal hierarchy • Both prefer δCP near 3π/2 • Given the expected correlations, the observed event counts yield a reasonable mutual p-Value of 10% C. Backhouse (Caltech) Significance • 4σ 0 π/2 NH LID NH LEM IH LID IH LEM 3σ 2σ 90% 1σ 0 0 π/2 π δCP Throwing θ23 3π/2 2π The specific point IH, δCP = 3π/2 is disfavoured at 1.6σ (LID), 3.2σ (LEM) for sin2θ23 ∈[0.4, 0.6] B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 47 Future sensitivities 3 20 •Measurements in the anti-neutrino channel: CPT tests MINOS result θ = 0.5) 23 Non-maximal mixing (sin T2K latest ν result 2 µ θ = 0.4) 23 2.6 (10 -3 2 eV ) 2.8 2 32 2.4 ∆m • Leading measurement in both Δm232 and sin2θ23 for nominal sensitivity Maximal mixing (sin 2 •Potential to exclude maximal mixing, depending on Nature’s choice 20 NO ν A 18 × 10 FHC PoT + 18 × 10 RHC PoT B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 2.2 2 0.3 0.4 0.5 2 sin θ 0.6 0.7 23 48 Future sensitivities COMBINING MUON AND ELECTRON NEUTRINO ANALYSES Combining$the$vμ$and$ve$Measurements:$$ 36×1020 POT 2 2 sin 2 θ =0.095, sin 2θ =0.95, Normal, θ23>π/4, δCP=3π/2 13 A contours, 3+3 yr23 Example NO Example NOνA contours 0.7 0.7 sin22 13=0.095, sin22 23=0.95, m2>0, 23> /4, =3 /2 0.65 0.65 0.6 0.6 2 sin 2 23 sin θ23 0.55 0.55 Inverted 0.5 0.5 0.45 0.45 m2<0, 1 CL 0.4 Normal 2 m2<0, 2 CL 2 CL Inverted,m1>0, σ CL 0.350.4 0.3 0.35 0 0.2 m2>0, 1 CL True parameters Inverted, 2σ CL 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 / 0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Normal, 1σ CL Normal, 2σ CL 1.6 1.8 2 True parameters δCP / π 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Best case scenario: NOvA simultaneously measures the mass ordering, CP NOvA(obtains(simultaneous(hierarchy,(δ(CP,(and(Θ $ 23 violation and octant information! octant(informa<on!( M.Baird(Y(NOvA(numu(Disappearance( B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 41( 49 Future sensitivities COMBINING MUON AND ELECTRON NEUTRINO ANALYSES Combining$the$vμ$and$ve$Measurements:$$ 36×1020 POT sin22θ13=0.095, sin22θ23=0.95, Normal, θ23>π/4, δCP=π/2 Example NOνA contours Example NO A contours, 3+3 yr 0.7 0.7 sin22 13=0.095, sin22 23=0.95, m2>0, 23> /4, = /2 0.65 0.65 0.6 0.6 23 sin θ23 0.55 0.55 Inverted Normal sin2 2 0.5 0.5 0.45 0.4 0.35 0.45 m2<0, 1 CL m2>0, 1 CL m2<0, 2 CL Inverted, m2>0,1σ 2 CL CL 0.4 Normal, 1σ CL True parameters 0.3 00.350.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Inverted, 2σ CL 1 1.2 1.4 Normal, 2σ CL 1.6 1.8 2 True parameters / 0.3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 δCP / π 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Degenerate(case:((hierarchy(and(δ(informa<on(is( Degenerate case: mass ordering and CP violation are coupled, but the octant coupled,(BUT(Θ23$octant(can(be(resolved(AND(we(can( information is not claim(that(CP(viola<on(is(present.( M.Baird(Y(NOvA(numu(Disappearance( 40( B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 50 Future sensitivities MASS HIERARCHY AND CP-VIOLATION 4 NOνA CPV determination sin22θ13=0.095, sin22θ23=1.00 36×1020 POT Inverted 3.5 Normal 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 δCP / π 3.5 significance of CP violation (σ) significance of hierarchy resolution (σ) NOνA hierarchy resolution 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 3+3 years (νµ +anti-νµ): 2 sigma in about 30% of the δCP range B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment sin22θ13=0.095, sin22θ23=1.00 36×1020 POT Inverted 3 Normal 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 δCP / π 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Only 1.5 sigma in 10% of the range 51 Future sensitivities COMBINATION WITH T2K 36×1020 POT NOνA 4 sin22θ13=0.095, sin22θ23=1.00 + 7×1021 POT T2K Inverted 3.5 Normal 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 δCP / π 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 36×1020 POT NOνA NOνA+T2K CPV determination 3.5 significance of CP violation (σ) significance of hierarchy resolution (σ) NOνA+T2K hierarchy resolution 2 Combining with T2K: At least 1 sigma for the whole δCP range B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment sin22θ13=0.095, sin22θ23=1.00 + 7×1021 POT T2K Inverted 3 Normal 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 δCP / π 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 With T2K: 1.5 sigma in 25% 52 Future sensitivities • Far and near detector completed in August 2014 • The NuMI beam intensity is steadily increasing, setting new records on a weekly basis • First analysis dataset included 7.8% of full exposure (40% of a standard running year) • Other NOvA physics: programme underway - Neutrino cross-sections - Sterile neutrinos, non-standard interactions, CPT tests - Supernova neutrinos - Dark matter and monopole searches - And more… B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 53 Future sensitivities • Far and near detector completed in August 2014 • The NuMI beam intensity is steadily increasing, setting new records on a weekly basis • First analysis dataset included 7.8% of full exposure (40% of a standard running year) With 2.74 x 1020 POT exposure… • Unambiguous νµ disappearance signature • 6.5% measurement of atmospheric mass splitting • Consistent with maximal mixing • νe appearance signal at 3.3σ for primary selector, 5.5σ for secondary selector • Other NOvA physics: programme underway • At max mixing, disfavour IH for δCP ∈ - Neutrino cross-sections [0,0.6π] at 90% with primary selector. - Sterile neutrinos, non-standard Further preference for NH with secondary interactions, CPT tests selector - Supernova neutrinos - Dark matter and monopole searches Much more to come! - And more… B. Zamorano - First oscillation results from the NOvA experiment 54 SUMMARY • Both NOvA detectors are operational and taking high quality data in the NuMI beam SUMMARY • Both NOvA detectors are operational and taking high quality data in the NuMI beam • Compelling measurement of muon neutrino disappearance with 8% of nominal exposure SUMMARY • Both NOvA detectors are operational and taking high quality data in the NuMI beam • Compelling measurement of muon neutrino disappearance with 8% of nominal exposure • NOvA will use both appearance and disappearance channels to provide constraints on δCP, and leading measurements on the mass ordering and the θ23 octant SUMMARY • Both NOvA detectors are operational and taking high quality data in the NuMI beam • Compelling measurement of muon neutrino disappearance with 8% of nominal exposure • NOvA will use both appearance and disappearance channels to provide constraints on δCP, and leading measurements on the mass ordering and the θ23 octant • Full FD with higher beam power: at least 2 x data next summer THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Public live event display: