Content EMBEDDED S YSTEMS EC 6011 Automated Monitoring and Control System for Shrimp Farms based on Embedded System and Wireless Sensor Network Nguyen Tang Kha Duy, Nguyen Dinh Tu, Tra Hoang Son, and Luong Hong Duy Khanh………………………………………………………………………………..…………... EC 7024 A Simple Statically Reconfigurable Processor Architecture Azmath Moosa, Mohammed Aneesh…………………………………………………………. EC 7076 1089 DSP Implementation of Weil and Sidel’nikov Binary Pseudo Random Noise Codes Dundi Ajay, Sudha K L, Rajagopal A …… …………………….…………………………... EC 9022 1085 Design and Implementation of an SMS Based Home Security System Biplav Choudhury, Tameem S Choudhur, Aniket Pramani K, Wasim Arif, Mehedi J………………………………………………………………………….. EC 9013 1081 Automated Traffic Signal for Hassle Free Movement of Ambulance Vasuki Shankar, Ruthvik Gautham, Vedaprakashvarma………………….……………… EC9012 1077 Raspberry Pi controlled SMS-Update Notification (SUN) System Patchava Vamsikrishna , Sonti Dinesh Kumar , Shaik Riyaz Hussain , Rama Naidu K………………………………………………………………………………….. EC 9008 1071 1095 ARM Based Remote Monitoring and Control System for Environmental Parameters in Greenhouse Nagesh Kumar D N……………………………………………………………………………. 1099 COMPUTER C OMMUNICATION EC 3005 Offline Context Aware Computing in Smart Devices for Intelligent Reminders Vishal Gaurav, Virendra Kumar Shrivastava, …………..………………………………… EC 6010 Advanced Fuel Level Tracking System Using Telematic Unit Dhivyasri G, RajeswariMariappan ……………………..…………………………………. EC 7017 1118 ROI Based Near Lossless Hybrid Image Compression Technique Kuldip K Ade , Raghunadh M V………………………...……………………………………. EC 7028 1112 Amplitude-only Null Positioning in Circular Arrays using Genetic Algorithm Sameer Chakravarthy V V S S, Mallikarjuna Rao P………………………………………. EC 7018 1105 1123 An Improved LSB Based Image Steganography Technique for RGB Images Amritpal Singh, Harpal Singh……………………………………………………………….. 1128 i | ICECCT 2015 VOLUME III Content EC 7029 Fusion Approach on Keystroke Dynamics to Enhance the Performance of Password Authentication Ramu Thanganayagam, Arivoli Thangadurai………………..…………………………..… EC 7035 A Novel Approach for Human Computer Interface Based on Eye Movements for Disabled People Deepika S S, Murugesan G…………………………………………….……………………... EC 7058 1142 Segmentation of Continuous Speech for Broad Phonetic Engine Dheekshitha G, Jubin James Thennattil, Leena Mary…………………….………………. LEC 004 1139 Mitigation of Noise and Interference in ECG Signals with Savitzky-Golay Least Squares Polynomials and Discrete Wavelet Transform Nasreen Suldana ,Yedukondalu Kamatham……………………….……………………….. EC 7094 1132 1147 A Comparative Analysis of Face Annotation Schemes For Web Facial Images in Social Networks Nandhagopal C, Priyanka K…….……………………………………………………..…… 1152 MEDICAL ELECTRONICS EE 6008 Effectiveness of FM CW Jammer Parameter on Break-Lock Condition of Phase Locked Loop in Monopulse Receiver Harikrishna Paik , Sastry N N, SantiPrabha I.…………………………………………….. EE 8008 Predictive Analytics on Electronic Health Records (EHRs) using Hadoop and Hive Haritha Chennamsetty, Suresh Chalasani, Derek Riley………………………………….. EE 8025 A real time approach for QRS detection of ECG signal intrusion detection technique 1188 A Low Power Low Noise Amplifier for Biomedical Applications Deepansh Dubey, Anu Gupta ……………………………………………………………… EE 9048 1182 Low Cost Solution to Remotely Refresh Display Devices using LED Mohit Parihar, Venkatesh G………………………………………………………………… EE 9045 1174 Lyapunov Based Approach for Target Tracking Control of a Mobile Robot Fathima M.Kasim, Jisha V R………………………………………..……………………….. EE 9034 1168 using network Chinmay Chandrakar, Monisha Sharma……………………………………………………. EE 8040 1163 An Algorithm for ECG Analysis of Arrhythmia Detection Amtul Salam K, Srilakshmi G. ………………………………………………………………. EE 8038 1157 1193 Need for Development of Dietary Assessment Device for Free Living Environment-A Survey Karthick K, Sudha Ramasamy, Prabhu Ramanathan…………………………………….. 1200 ii | ICECCT 2015 VOLUME III Content EE 9061 Measurement of Dielectric Properties of Ringer Lactate solution with respect to D-glucose Satish, Sarul Malik, Kushal Sen, Sneh Anand……………………………………………… 1207 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS EC 1007 Phase Noise Mitigation Techniques in OFDM System: A Survey Mehraj Din Mir, Avtar Singh Buttar ………………………………………...……………… EC 3015 Design of Biometric Authentication Technique for MANET Based Emergency Response System Srividya R, Ramesh B …..…………………………………………………………………….. EC 7037 EC 7097 1211 1215 Mu-Law Companded PTS for PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems Chidurala Anjaiah, Hari Krishna Prasad P ……………………………………………… 1220 Bit Error Rate Minimization in OFDM-MIMO System Maninder Singh, Hardeep Singh Saini, Dinesh Arora………………………...… 1224 VERY LARGE SCALE INTEGRATION (VLSI) EC 1010 Comparative Analysis of GaN based MOS-HEMT Devices for RF Applications Juktajiban Panda, Kanjalochan Jena, Trupti Ranjan Lenka…………………………….. EC 4016 Optimal Peak Power Ordering (OPPO) in ZF-SIC for IEEE 802.11ac Industrial Standard Syed Moinuddin Bokhari B, Karthika S, Bhagyaveni M A……………………………..… EC 6023 1234 Novel Method for Design and Implementation of Low Power FPGA based RFID System Neelappa M, Kurahatti N G…………………………………………………………….…….. EC 7016 1231 1239 CMOS Current Reference with Temperature Compensation Vedavyas Jahagirdar, Rakesh hirur……………………………………...……………………...… 1245 EC 7027 Design of Carry Select Adder for Low-Power and High Speed VLSI Applications Vinod Kumar Naik Moode, Mohammed Aneesh Y……………………………………...… EC 7046 Design of Ultra Low power Flip Flops in Sub-Threshold Region for Biomedical Applications in 45nm, 32nm and 22nm Technologies Shrikant Bhutada, Abhijit Asati, Anuj Dubey…………………………...………………..… EC 7065 1250 1254 A Comparative Analysis of 6T, 7T, 8T and 9T SRAM Cells in 90nm Technology Premalatha C, Sarika K, Mahesh Kannan P.…………………………………………….. 1259 iii | ICECCT 2015 VOLUME III Content EC 7088 EC 7100 EC 8003 Analysis of Discrete Conduction Spectrum of Quantum Dots in Single Electron Transistors Kiran Susan Pavu, Jobymol Jacob ………………………………………………………... 1264 Circuital Approach to Design FSS Spatial Filter Suganya S S, SureshKumar T R.……………………………………………………………. 1268 Cyclic Combinational Gate Diffusion Input (CCGDI) Technique- A New Approach of Low Power Digital Combinational Circuit Design Biswarup Mukherjee, Biplab Roy, Arindam Biswas, Aniruddha Ghosal….……………. EC 8006 Power Reduction Strategies for DRAM used in Data Centric Applications Shobha Sharma, Reshma Sinha, Shuchita Kaila ………………………………………… EC 8017 1317 High Speed Multiply-Accumulator Coprocessor Realized for Digital Filters Rahul Narasimhan A, Siva Subramaniyan R. …………………………….……………….. EC 9006 1312 Efficient Architecture for Real Time Implementation of Hilbert Transform in FPGA Amalin Prince A, Prakhar K Verma, Jayakumar C, Daniel Raju…………………….. EC 9005 1304 A 3-10 GHz Low Power, Low Noise Amplifier with 90nm, 1.2V Standard CMOS Technology Ramana Reddy M, Murthy Sharm N S, Chandra Sekhar P………………………………. EC 8040 1300 Comparative Analysis of Sense Amplifiers for SRAM in 65nm CMOS Technology Nidhi Chandoke, Neha Chitkara, Anuj Grover……………………………………..……… EC 8033 1294 Engineering Design of Lab View Based Prototype Software Development for 45.6 MHz, 100kW ICRH DAC Aniruddh Mali, Ramesh Joshi, Jadav H M, Kulkarni S V, Krupa Mehta ….…………... EC 8030 1289 Implementation of 64-Bit Kogge Stone Carry Select Adder with ZFC for Efficient Area Tapasvi B, Bala Sinduri K, Lakshmi B G S S B, Udaya Kumar N…………………………... EC 8027 1284 An Asynchronous Double Precision Floating Point Multiplier Suma Nair, Sudarshan T S B,……………………………………………………….......…… EC 8023 1280 Introducing the Yasser-map as an Improvement of the Karnaugh-map for Solving Logical Problems Yasser S Abdalla……………………………………………………………………………….. EC 8022 1273 1323 A Novel Approach on Variable and Constant Phase to Voltage Converter Circuit Arijit Mallick,Souradeep Dutta, Abhimanyu Acharya,Shubhankar Bandyopadhyay … 1327 iv | ICECCT 2015 V OLUME III Content WIRELESS SENSOR N ETWORKS EC 1027 Performance Enhancement of Heterogeneous LTE Networks using Amplify and Forward Relaying with MRC Combining Mugelan R K, Anusiya M, Bhagyaveni M A………………………………………………… EC 3010 A Novel Protocol Design in Hybrid Networks of Visible Light Communication and OFDMA System Aarthi H, Komala James……………………………………………………………………… EC 3016 1389 QoS Aware Multicast Framework based on WayPoint Routing for Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks Narayana Rao Appini, Subba Rao Ch D V ………………………………………………… EC 7066 1382 Rectenna Design for RF Energy Harvesting in Wireless Sensor Networks Indumathi G, Karthika Kandasamy…………………………………………………………. EC6022 1378 AODV Based Secure Routing Algorithm against Sinkhole Attack in Wirelesses Sensor Networks Vandana V Salve Leena Ragha, Nilesh Marathe .......................................................... EC 6009 1373 A Study on Secure Intrusion Detection System in Wireless MANETS to Increase the Performance of EAACK Gowthaman G,Komarasamy G……………………………………………………………… EC 6008 1368 Jellyfish Attack in MANETS: A Review Simranpreet Kaur, Rupinderdeep kaur A K Verma …………………………… EC 6004 1361 Survey on Simulation Tools for Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Gibson Chengetanai, Grant Blaise O’Reilly ………………………………………………. EC 5012a 1356 Wireless LAN Frame Collision Control using Collision Type Information Yuki Baba, Akira Matsumoto, Peng Shao, Peter Davis…………………………………… EC 5010 1348 Secrecy Rate Evaluation of Wireless Channel in the Presence of Eavesdroppers Prema G, Sowmini R, ………………………………………………………………………… EC 4015 1342 Impact of Robust Channel Estimation for High Mobility Systems Lenin S B, Malarkkan S………………………………………………………………………. EC4014 1337 Wireless Fingerprint Attendance Management System Maddu Kamaraju , Penta Anil Kumar………………………………………………………. EC 4009 1333 1393 Combined ZIG-BEE & GSM approach for AMR in Harmonic Monitoring and Assessment on Smartphone Dipti Yeolekar,Kulkarni H, Bharadwaj D G……………………………………………… 1402 v | ICECCT 2015 VOLUME III Content EC 7068 Network Embedding on Planar Octahedron Networks Simon Raj F, George A………………………………………………………………………... EC 7075 Piezoelectric Energy Powered Remote Listening Device: A Proposed Application Bharat M Kambalur, Anoop K……………………………………………………………….. EC 7107 1414 Improvement of a Secure and Distributed Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Protocol Shribala N, Srihari P, Jinaga B C………………………………………………………….. EC 9019 1408 1417 Discerning Flooding Attack from Flash Crowd ased on Traffic Patterns using Entropy Detection Method Swaroopa Rani T, Sindhura V, RamaKoteswara Rao G, Pranathi K………………… 1422 MOBILE AND B ROADBAND C OMMUNICATION EC1003 Design and Analysis of a Wideband LNTA with Noise Cancellation Mechanism Mudasir Bashir, Anil Bhardwaj……………………………………………………………… EC1004 A Current Driven Wideband Low Noise 2X Sub harmonic Mixer in 0.18-µm CMOS Technology Mudasir Bashir, Anil Bhardwaj …………………………………..…………………………. EC 1006 1456 Design of Dual-Element Multi-Band MIMO Antenna for LTE-A, GPS and IEEE 802.11af Applications Swagath Babu M, Rajesh A, Nakkeeran R, Idayachandran G…………………………. EC 1029 1451 Design of a Reconfigurable Antenna for Cognitive Radio Arivazhagan S, Ahila Priyadharshini R, Shanthi Devi V ……………………………… EC 1028 1446 Suspended Rectangular and Circular Broadband Patch Antennas for Circular Polarization Ajit Kumar, Veeresh G Kasabegoudar…………………………………………….………... EC 1025 1439 Spectrum Sensing Algorithms in Cognitive Radio: A Survey Meenakshi Sansoy, Avtar S Buttar………………………………………………………...... EC 1018 1433 Transition from Analog to Digital Television: A Much Awaited Change in India Swastik gupta, Mradul Tiwari, Abhay Deep , Himanshu Garg, Alok KumarYadav, Alka Gupta ……………………………………………………………………………………… EC 1014 1428 1461 Spectrum Sensing in Multipath Fading channels using Cosine Modulated Filter Bank for Cognitive Radio Applications Dara Sudha Rani, S Chris Prema, Maneesha K …………………………………………... 1465 vi | ICECCT 2015 V OLUME III Content EC 2001 Design of Slotted Microstrip Patch Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth in CBand Applications Chandan Singha Roy, Priram Singha Roy………………………………………………….. EC 4017 Design of Microstrip Antenna for Wireless Communication with Compact Size Subhrakanta Behera, Debaprasad Barad…………………………………………………... EC 5002 EC 8016 EC 7066a Sharanya Shashidhar, Sourabha K R, Santhosh S,Virani Nafeez, Sunil M P …………. 1507 Design of a Novel 4Gb/s One Bit Full Adder in 0.13µm CMOS Technology Yasser S Abdalla………………………………………………………………………………. 1513 Design and Analysis of Microwave Stepped Impedance Low Pass Filter for Bluetooth Application 1516 Generalized Error Diffusion Method for Halftoning Yumnam Kirani Singh………………………………………………………………………… EC 1011 1503 Design and Fabrication of A Low-Cost Single Board Portable GPS Data Logger Avishek Das, Avisankar Roy, Kushal Roy, Amit Bhattacharyya, Dibyendu Chowdhury, Suman Paul……………………………………………………………………… CS 7042 1499 A Cost Effective Static Linearity Testing Scheme for ADCs Aadil Rafeeque K P, Alibha Sahu……………………………………………………………. EC 9017 1493 CPW Feed Circular Monopole Antenna for UWB Applications with Notch Characteristics Balaji M, Joseph K O, Vivek ram …………………………………………………………… EC 7085 1486 Micro Level Analysis of AQM's in Multi-Hop Wireless Environment Monisha N, Joseph Auxilius Jude M, Murugesan G …………………………………….... EC 7072 1481 Review of Unstructured Architecture for Voice and Data Services in Mobile Communication Aarti R Salunke, Arun N Gaikwad…………………………………………………………… EC 7060 1477 MIMO System Performance using Various Modulations under Different Channels with STBC, ZF and MRC Anitha M, Siva Priya R, Raja Lakshmi M, Vijayalakshmi S……………………………… EC 7026 1473 An Optimized Method of Buffer Status Reporting for Uplink Data in LTE Aby K Abraham………………………………………………………………………………… EC 7021 1469 1519 Dynamic Decision Rule for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks Ningrinla Marchang, Roshni Rajkumari, Suchismita Bhattacharjee Brahmachary, Amar Taggu…………………………………………………………………………………….. 1525 vii | ICECCT 2015 VOLUME III Content EC 3003 Effect of Timing Misalignment Jitter Induced by Polarization Mode Dispersion in a Dispersion- Managed Optical Transmission Link using DPSK Modulation Somnath Chandra, Raman Jee, ……………………………………………………………… EC 5003 Energy Aware Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks using Ns-2 Gyanappa Walikar, Rajashekar C Biradar………………………………………………. EC 6024 1530 1536 Cross-Layer Dual-Hop Energy Model for 802.15.4 Networks in a BeaconEnabled Mode Sankalita Biswas, Debjani Goswami, Aniruddha Chandra,Sanjay Dhar Roy………… 1543 EC7063 Performance Evaluation of ECG Compression Techniques Goutam Kumar Sahoo, Samit Ari, Sarat Kumar Patra………………………………….... EC 8010 High Performance CMOS Transconductance Amplifier Low Power/Low Voltage Operational Indu Prabha Singh, Meeti Dehran, Kalyan Singh…………………………...…………….. EC 8031 1552 Dynamic Power Reduction through Clock Gating Technique for Low Power Memory Applications Srivatsava G S R, Pooran Singh, Siddharth Gaggar, Santosh Kumar Vishvakarma…. EE 9016 1547 1556 Performance Analysis of Path Planning Techniques for Autonomous Mobile Robots Shyba Zaheer, Jayaraju M, Tauseef Gulrez………………………………………………… 1562 viii | ICECCT 2015 V OLUME III