Oil Seeps – the only real Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator Chris Parry, Regional and New Ventures Exploration, E.ON Exploration & Production chris.parry@eon.com “A look at the exploration history of the important oil areas of the world proves conclusively that oil and gas seeps gave the first clues to most oil producing regions. Many great oil fields are the direct result of seepage drilling.” Link (1952). FORCE “Underexplored Plays”, Stavanger, April 8/9th, 2015. Presentation Outline Hydrocarbon Seeps: - Macroseepage, - Microseepage. Onshore hydrocarbon macroseepage detection: - Seeps, - Mud volcanoes. Offshore hydrocarbon seepage detection: - Mud volcanoes, - Pockmarks, - Gravity coring. Summary and Conclusions 2 Exploration Success Rates – Risk Reduction Typical Exploration Failures Charge (30%) Seal (45%) Most wildcat failures are due to the fluid component of the petroleum system: - Hydrocarbon charge or Trap (10%) Reservoir (15%) - Retention Hydrocarbon Seepage: Oil or gas fields emit a continuous stream of light hydrocarbon gases to the earth's surface known as macro- and microseepages. 3 Hydrocarbon Seepage. Macroseepage illustrate the presence of hydrocarbons in a basin but may have travelled long distances, while microseepage travels vertically from charged reservoirs and thus are true Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators. Macroseepage: - large concentrations of migrated hydrocarbons, - visible oil staining and odour, - migrate laterally via porous, permeable damage zones of faults, injectites or vents, - can be detected at the surface. Microseepage: - chemically detectable, - concentrations lower than macroseepage, - no visible hydrocarbons or odour, - migrate vertically via grain boundaries in the rock, - diagenetically altering the rocks through which they pass, - can be detected at the surface. 4 Fant olje i første forsøk I mange av steinprøvene fra de utgående lagene på ØstGrønland kan geologene både se og lukte olje. Her er det Reidun Myklebust i TGS som gleder seg over et «oljefunn». - Det lukter olje! Macroseepage - Oil La Brea Tar Pit Museum (California) “A look at the exploration history of the important oil areas of the world proves conclusively that oil and gas seeps gave the first clues to most oil producing regions. Many great oil fields are the direct result of seepage drilling.” Link (1952). Natural oil seeps such as these in California were exploited by the native Americans (Achomawi and Maidu tribes) who used Asphaltum for face painting, waterproofing boats and baskets and even chewing gum! Oil seep McKittrick area (California) The European immigrants used it to grease their wagon wheels and later the seeps were mined by settlers, and crudely refined oil to pave roads, to burn in oil lamps, and as a lubricant for machinery. In the Middle East, the Dead Sea was exploited from the earliest times. The supply of asphalt was so well known that the Romans called it Lacus Asphaltites: - Genesis 6:14 “make the ark with rooms, and shall cover it inside and out with pitch” USGS: oil seep origins (1907) - Genesis 11:3 “and they used brick for stone, and they used bitumen for mortar“ - Genesis 14:10 “the Valley of Siddim was full of tar pits" - Exodus 2:3 “she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch” 5 Open pit seep mining (1850’s) By the 1850's and 60's some of the early California settlers were mining oil from natural seeps. The oil was mined by digging pits and tunnels at seep sites, and, eventually, by drilling under natural seeps in search of underground oil reservoirs. Prospector mine shaft (1860’s) Most early discoveries of oil in California were found in this way. Top figure: oil prospectors first mined asphaltum by digging open pits where seeps occurred La Brea oil derricks (1910) Middle figure: This mine shaft in the McKittrick asphaltum mine (Kern County) was built in the 1860's with redwood timbers. Oil prospectors were often former gold miners, so they tried to use hardrock mining methods for extracting asphaltum and heavy oil. Lower figure: The Tar Pits in 1910; oil derricks can be seen in the background 6 Macroseepage - Gas Temple of Eternal Fire (Baku), 1860 Mud Volcanoes are low-temperature examples of seepage related geomorphological features and exhibit the most spectacular evidence of subsurface fluid venting, with powerful eruptions sometimes accompanied by flames of up to several hundreds of meters. Vented fluids are a complex mixture of hydrocarbon gases (methane and wet hydrocarbons), hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, petroleum, pore waters and mud. Comprehensive literature of numerous mud volcano provinces demonstrate ovewhelming evidence for role of hydrocarbon gases in their formation (biogenic and thermal methane have different 13C content). Direct evidence of generation, migration and hydrocarbon potential of deeper subsurface sediments. Lokbatan 2010 eruption (Azerbaijan) 7 World’s most active mud volcano Conical mud volcano: basic structure & main elements (simplified after Dimitrov, 2002) Onshore to Offshore 1 BBOR+ Oil field area "smelled of petroleum" Gas bubbles – no associated oil 8 Offshore Macroseepage Active mud volcano fluid leakage (Black Sea) WD 2080m Greinert et al., 2006 Mud Volcanoes are mainly found in active accretionary prisms or compressional settings: vented fluids document subsurface petroleum systems mud flows often contain litho clasts of the underlying geology (Black Sea mud volcanoes have erupted both the Oligo-Miocene Maikop Fm super source rock and several different reservoir rocks). Dredge samples Stock-on-Trent mud volcano, (United Nations Rise, Mediterranean Sea) (adapted and simplified after Dimitrov, 2002) Sandstone Active pockmark fluid leakage (Vestnesa Ridge) Shale Sandstone Bünz et al., 2012 Shale WD 1200m 9 Pockmarks: mainly found in unconsolidated fine-grained siliciclastic setting in a wide range of tectono-stratigraphic settings associated with structural or stratigraphic discontinuities: unconformities, faults, anticlines, diapirs and shallow buried channels.. Offshore Macroseepage Detection Seepage mapping is much more difficult offshore but has been documented off California, the Gulf of Mexico (first described by the Spanish explorers in 16th century), the Labrador Sea, deepwater West Africa (Angola, Nigeria) and the Barents Sea. Surface slick suppresses wind ripple waves Sea surface wind ripple waves Oil coated gas bubbles Current Macroseepage Gas Chimney LEGEND Oil coated gas bubble Pock mark Macroseepage Microseepage Backgroud seepage 10 Seafloor hydrocarbon escape features are pock marks or mud volcanoes: - Gas bubbles with oil film burst at surface Bragg scatter creating an oil ‘pancake’, from wind ripples - Sustained seepage results in ‘pancakes’ coalescing into a slick, which dampens wind Fresnel scatter from oil film ripples and can be observed from space. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is an excellent tool for detecting oil slicks and vessels: - Covers large geographic areas, - Independent of day light, - Sees through cloud and fog. SAR can distinguish between natural occuring seeps versus man-made pollution: - fresh oil is much thicker than the natural film of oil associated with an active oil seep. Natural Oil Seep (click on image for video controls) Courtesy Alan Williams, NPA Satellite Mapping, CGG 11 Natural Oil Seepage Detecting Offshore Oil Seepage Proven low cost, high coverage technique for exploring new basins. Very effective in deep and ultra deep offhsore basins. Reduces exploration risk on source rock presence and maturity. Pollution: Fresh oil is much thicker than the natural film of oil associated with an active oil seep Seismic evidence of hydrocarbon leakage used to design seabed geochemical surveys - Biological build-ups at or near sea floor: - amplitude anomalies, - time pull-ups, - Mechanical disturbance of shallow sediments: - mud volcanoes, - pock marks, - Diagenetic alteration of shallow sediments (Methane Derived Authigenic Carbonates - MDACs): - commonly carbonate precipitation, - Shallow gas, - Gas chimneys, - Hydrocarbon-Related Diagenetic Zones (HRDZs), - Rock property variations due to hydrocarbon presence (DHIs): - bright spots, 13 - flat spots. Offshore Seep Sampling 14 Gravity Piston Coring: Seafloor Geochemistry Gravity piston core samples: - Grid covering prospect and background, - Headspace gas analyses (C1 – C5), - Gas Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy, - TOC/Rock-Eval, - Vitrinite reflectance, - Biostratigraphy - XRD, - Porosity/permeability, - Petrography, - SEM. Microseepage Background LEGEND Core location Pock mark Macroseepage Source rock characteristics revealed by biomarkers (fingerprinting): - Relative abundance oil-prone vs. gas-prone organic matter, - age, - environment of deposition (marine, lacustrine, fluvio-deltaic or hypersaline), - lithology (carbonate vs. shale vs. coal), - thermal maturity during generation. Microseepage Backgroud seepage 15 15 Calibrate basin modeling results. Micro seepage Rate: Keta Dome Gas Storage Reservoir (Iowa) Surface Ethane Anomalies Saint Peter Sandstone (Ordovician) ca 300m below surface) Empty Geochemical Survey Grid July 1988 Charged for winter use October 1988 3 months (90 days) Empty after winter use Winter use January 1989 3 months (90 days) April 1989 4 months (120 days) Vertical movement due to gravity of gas bubbles Migration Type? - Buoyancy, - Effusion (1 m/day), - Dispersion (1 mm/year). Keta Dome microseepage rate: between 2.5 - 3.33 m/day 16 Redrawn and symplified after: Tedesco, (1999) Summary and Conclusions - Most of the world’s major hydrocarbon provinces are characterised by oil seepage. - Offshore, satellite detection of oil seepage can identify prospectivity in new basins or identify regions to explore in areas previously dismissed as nonproductive (due to prevailing paradigms). - Surface geochemical surveying can ground Typical Exploration Failures truth the satellite observations. Results need to be fully integrated into the petroleum system analysis: Charge (30%) Seal (45%) - Seismic interpretation and - Basin modeling. Oil Seeps – the only real Direct Hydrocarbon Indicator! 17 Trap (10%) Reservoir (15%) May the Source be with you! Acknowledgements: E.ON management for support for this presentation, Alan Williams, NPA Satellite Mapping, CGG, Jane Whaley, GeoExpro. Bibliography Bünz, S. & Mienert, J., 2012, Gas hydrate and shallow gas reservoirs in the Barents Sea and on the Svalbard Margins: an unconventional resource or a geohazard? Carsten, H., 2012, Fant olje i første forsøk. Geo365. Dimitrov, L.I., 2002, Mud volcanoes – the most important pathways for degassing deeply buried sediments. Earth Sci. Rev., v.59, 49-76. Greinert, J., Artemov, Y., Egorov, V., De Batist, M., & McGinnis, D., 2006, 1300m high rising bubbles from mud volcanoes at 2080m in the Black Sea: Hydroacoustic characteristics and temporal variability. Earth & Plan. Sci. Letters, v.244, 1-15. Link, W.R., 1952, Significance of Oil and Gas Seeps in World Oil Exploration. AAPG., v.36(8), 1505-1540. Tedesco, S.A., 1999, Anomaly shifts indicate rapid surface seep rates. Oil & Gas Journal, 97 (13). 19