Look inside to find
Books, DVDs, and Learning Aids on …
Leading at a Higher Level
Leadership Development
Ethics, Values, and Integrity
Creating High Performing Organizations
Delivering Legendary Service
Team Building
Equip yourself with best practices
in coaching and management.
he Leadership journey can be a very personal journey, with
singular challenges. The Leadership journey can also be a social
journey, shared with others of a similar vision.
When people share their journeys, they harness the energy of their
collective wisdom in ways that allow both the individual and the
organization to reach new heights and levels of performance.
Each journey requires vision and clarity of purpose. It also
requires some essential survival skills and expert guidance.
We’re honored to be part of your journey.
Start your journey
with experienced guides!
Develop Your Leadership Point of View
What Does It Mean to Lead at a Higher Level?
What’s Your Vision? 6
Ethics, Values, and Integrity 7
The Importance of Trust How high performing
is your organization?
Take a complimentary HPO SCORES™ Quiz
online at www.KenBlanchard.com/HPO,
Trust and Performance—Whale Done! 10
The Manager as Coach
Situational Leadership II Introductory Essentials
The Inside-Out Journey
Authentic Leadership
Emotional Intelligence
The One Minute Manager Essentials
Teaming for Performance
DISC Essentials
Motivating People
to help you know what aspects of your organization
need attention and improvement.
Culture Change
Delivering Legendary Service 28
Time for Yourself
Servant Leadership
Finding Positive Role Models—Blanchard Speakers
Public Workshops
Ordering Information
Index by Media Type
Index by Title
Creating Lasting Change
Develop YOUR Leadership Point of View
Do you understand
the source
of your
No matter who you are—a corporate executive, a trainer or manager, a community leader,
a parent, a teacher, a student—you are on a personal leadership journey.
Research has shown that effective leaders have a clear leadership point of view that they are
willing to share with others. Developing a clear leadership point of view starts with knowing your
destination. What’s your mission in life? What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime?
How do you want others to remember you?
Defining your destination is only the beginning. The next step is to reflect on your leadership role
models. Who has had a strong impact on your life and what have you learned from them? Some
of us began our journeys equipped with excellent role models who were able to guide us through
our critical development. Others had to search hard for positive role models and to struggle
through some challenging times. Whom did you admire growing up? Whom do you admire today
to guide your behavior?
Developing your leadership point of view involves identifying your core values and beliefs so that
you can make clear, conscious choices as you lead and motivate others.
Know your leadership point of view, and let that guide your journey.
Good on You,
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
Leading at a Higher Level
Blanchard on Leadership
and Creating High Performing Organizations
The Leader Within
Learning Enough about Yourself to Lead Others
Drea Zigarmi, EdD, Ken Blanchard, PhD, Michael
O’Connor, PhD, and Carl Edeburn, PhD
The Leader Within provides you with powerful
models for understanding leadership itself.
What it means. How it works. What it’s for.
Above all, it helps you find a leadership
approach that works for you. One that fits your
personality and values. One that generates
commitment, joy, and success.
Softcover Book
Ken Blanchard, PhD, Marjorie Blanchard, PhD,
Scott Blanchard, Donald Carew, EdD, Eunice
Parisi-Carew, EdD, Fred Finch, PhD, Susan
Fowler, Laurence Hawkins, PhD, Judd Hoekstra,
Fay Kandarian, EdD, Alan Randolph, PhD, Jesse
Stoner, EdD, Drea Zigarmi, EdD, and Patricia
Zigarmi, EdD
Ken Blanchard and the founding associates
and consulting partners of The Ken
Blanchard Companies® have spent more
than 25 years helping good leaders and
organizations become great—and stay
great. Now, for the first time, they have
brought together everything they have
learned about outstanding leadership.
Your Leadership Legacy
The Difference You Make in People’s Lives
Marta Brooks, Julie Stark, and Sarah Caverhill
Through an insightful parable, Your
Leadership Legacy shows how to create a
positive, empowering legacy that will endure
and inspire. You will learn that, as a leader,
the legacy you live is the legacy you leave.
Three Leadership Imperatives—dare to be a
person, not a position; dare to connect; and
dare to drive the dream—will guide you in
creating a positive and lasting legacy.
Hardcover Book
For more information on the book,
see page 4.
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 What does it mean
to Lead at a Higher Level?
en Blanchard and his coauthors define it as
the process of achieving worthwhile results
while acting with respect, care, and fairness
for the well-being of all involved. Effective leadership
requires you to define who you are (your purpose),
where you’re going (your preferred picture of the
future), and what will drive your journey (your values).
Visit www.LeadingAtAHigherLevel.com
Hardcover Book
Softcover Book
(UK Edition)
Hear Ken talk about the book.
Read the introduction and first chapter.
Take the HPO SCORES™ quiz
and much more!
“Leadership is the capacity to influence others
by unleashing their power and potential
to impact the greater good.”
—Ken Blanchard, Founder and Chief Spiritual Officer
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
Leading at a Higher Level explains how to create targets
and goals so that you are recognized for who you are,
where you’re going, and the values that guide your
journeys. Effective leadership is needed at work, at home,
and in the community. The book provides techniques
for leading yourself, individuals, teams, and entire
organizations, giving you the ability to truly empower your
people and unleash their incredible potential.
This book also helps corporate leaders understand what
it means to be a high performing organization. It helps
you as a business and community leader focus on the
question, “Is your organization high performing?”
“Leading at a Higher Level
translates decades of research
and 25 years of global
experience into simple, practical,
and powerful strategies to equip
leaders at every level to build
organizations that produce
bottom-line results. At Nissan,
we have made these principles
a core part of our leadership
philosophy, better equipping
our managers to bring out the
great energies and talents of our
—Jim Irvine, Manager,
Organizational Learning, Talent
Management—Human Resources
“If you want to have a great
company, you don’t have a choice
but to lead at a higher level.
When you do that, you excite
your people, they take care of
your customers, and your cash
register goes ka-ching.”
—Horst Schulze, President/CEO,
The West Paces Hotel Group, LLC;
Founder and former President/COO,
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
Leading at a Higher Level means
> Values-driven and
principled leadership
Creating meaning and excitement for the work
Connecting what people do to where the organization
is going
> Leaders who earn the
they serve
trust and respect of the people
Collaboration and involvement in decisions,
garnering people’s commitment
> Directing
energy and resources to human skills
and interaction as well as technological advancement
“At Southwest Airlines, we have
always strived to lead at a higher
level. We truly believe that profit is
the applause you get for taking care of
your internal and external customers.
We have always insisted upon a
happy, carefree, team-spirited—yes,
even fun—working environment,
which we think results in motivated
employees who will do the right
thing for their internal and external
Reading this book will make a positive
difference in your organization.”
—Colleen C. Barrett, President,
Southwest Airlines
“Leading at a higher level is
a must today if leaders are to
rebuild trust and credibility,
as we are doing at Tyco.
This book will teach you how.”
—Eric Pillmore,
Senior Vice President
of Corporate Governance,
Tyco International
This is “win-win-win-win ....” That’s a
rough description of the philosophy of
Ken Blanchard, the founder of San Diego,
Calif.-based Ken Blanchard Companies.
Blanchard maintains that by operating
“at a higher level,” a leader achieves solid
results by “acting with respect, care, and
fairness for the well-being of all involved.”
Higher-level leaders, we are told, are
focused not on the bottom line, but on
three bottom lines: “being the provider
of choice, the employer of choice, and the
investment of choice.” This book is for
people who are interested in operating
companies successfully….”
—National Post, 22 November 2006
Leading at a Higher Level
Ken Blanchard
Marjorie Blanchard
Scott Blanchard
Donald Carew
Eunice Parisi-Carew
Fred Finch
Susan Fowler
Laurence Hawkins
Judd Hoekstra
Fay Kandarian
Alan Randolph
Jesse Stoner
Drea Zigarmi
Patricia Zigarmi
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 What’s Your Vision?
“Vision is knowing who you are,
where you’re going,
and what will guide your journey.”
nleashing the power of vision in your company to
effectively guide your people’s daily actions requires
focus on three main elements: significant purpose, clear values,
and a picture of the future.
Creating Your Organization’s Future: Full Steam Ahead!
Unleash the Power of Vision in Your Company and Your Life.
Ken Blanchard and Jesse Stoner, a top consulting partner of
The Ken Blanchard Companies, show you how to create a vision
for your organization and for your own life. They offer numerous
examples of effective visions and show exactly how to create an
enduring vision that guides people on a daily basis.
Creating Your Organization’s Future (CYOF) is a one- or two-day
program that assists a leader in creating a vision for a department
or organization and identifying the strategies to make it a reality.
—Jesse Stoner, Consulting Partner
Full Steam Ahead!
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Jesse Stoner, EdD
The lessons of Full Steam Ahead! are revealed through the
inspirational story of two people, who together discover
the three elements of a compelling vision: significant
purpose, clear values, and a picture of the future.
Softcover Book
Audio on CD
Creating Your Organization’s Future:
Full Steam Ahead! Field Guide
Designed for facilitators, this guide includes
everything needed in order to successfully
facilitate the process. It includes sample
agendas, presentation notes, and detailed
descriptions of all activities.
Field Guide 15384
Creating Your Organization’s Future:
Full Steam Ahead! Participant Kit
During the CYOF process, participants
1. Develop a Shared Vision
The kit includes the following: Full Steam Ahead! book,
participant journal with activity and discussion directions,
and the booklet From Vision to Reality.
2. Anchor the Vision to Reality
Participant Kit 3. Develop Strategies to Move
Aligned Thinking
4. Plan for Involvement
5. Make a Personal Commitment
Jim Steffen
Aligned Thinking outlines a simple, effective strategy to
help overwhelmed people—all of those who have too
much to do and too many obligations—understand their
priorities, both at work and at home.
Hardcover Book
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
Ethics, Values, and Integrity
define how you live your leadership journey.
They are the essence of who you are.
They lay the foundation for the legacy you create.
The Power of Ethical Management
Integrity Pays! You Don’t Have to Cheat to Win
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Michael O’Connor, PhD
Scandal after scandal topping our headlines has brought to light
the tragic consequences of questionable ethics in leadership.
Now more than ever, leaders at all levels need to learn how to
use the “Three-Step Ethics Check” to evaluate any action or
decision and the “Five P’s” of ethical behavior to clarify their
purpose. This is truly “bottom-line” ethics for the leader faced
with the new workforce that demands ethical, character-driven
role models.
By committing to a common purpose
and a set of values, any organization can
join the ranks of the Fortunate
500. This list is defined, not by the
size or volume or profits, but by
the quality of service available to
customers and the quality of life
accessible to employees.
In this story, an amazing new pill heightens
one leader’s powers but contains the wrong
ingredients, stimulating him in an obsessive
and shortsighted direction with
disastrous results. In contrast, the
Effective Leader, working without
the pill, earns his team’s respect
through integrity, partnership, and
affirmation—the core values of The
Leadership Pill.
Softcover Book 15659
The Leadership Pill , THE MOVIE
Preferred Leader Assessment
The Leadership Pill, THE MOVIE takes you behind
the scenes and follows a “real-life” director and
a newly formed troupe of actors as they create a
“Leadership Pill” movie.
This is an accurate assessment of the core values of The
Leadership Pill. Receive immediate results plus 6 months
of e-learning, an electronic goal-tracking system, access to
Blanchard training videos, Hollywood movies, historical
examples, and the wisdom of Ken
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Marc Muchnick, PhD
Hardcover Book
Audio on CD
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Norman Vincent Peale, DD
Hardcover Book The Leadership Pill
Managing by Values
(Length: 22 minutes)
Preview Call for details
Rental DVD
Purchase DVD
(Purchase includes DVD, Leader
Guide with Participant Workbook,
and one Leadership Pill book.)
Participant Workbook 15833
(Pack of 10)
Self Assessment
(does not include e-learning features)
Self Assessment
Multi-rater Assessment
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 Dealing with Conflict
The Importance of Trust
Conflict shifts the focus away from work and the basic
goals of the team, department, and organization—
negatively impacting productivity, and ultimately,
the bottom line.
Employees faced with the flattening of the organization
are more vulnerable to conflict than ever. As employees
are asked to become more self-directed, to contribute
their opinions and communicate with a greater variety
of people, they need ready access to their own conflict
management skills.
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict
Mode Instrument
Facilitator’s Guide
for Workshop
“It is not possible
to share power
without believing
that people can
and will manage
power and
decision making
—Scott Blanchard, Executive Vice
President, Client Solutions
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
“Trust is the foundation of a good
relationship. Once trust is lost, it is
very difficult to rebuild.”
—Cynthia Olmstead, Founder and President, TrustWorks! Group, Inc.
xperts agree that trust is the critical ingredient in effective relationships, yet
many people are not aware of how their actions
Leader as Trust Builder™
influence trust or what they can do to be
The focus of this workshop is on helping managers
and supervisors learn how their behaviors
influence trust. The workshop can be completed
in 3 /2 hours.
The TrustWorks! Learning Programs provide
a positive, behavioral approach to developing
individual, team, leader, and organizational trust.
The TrustWorks! programs are based on four
• Able—Demonstrate Competence
• Believable—Act with Integrity
• Connected—Care about Others
• Dependable—Maintain Reliability
Facilitator Kit 16135
(Includes Facilitator Guide, 1 Participant Kit, 4 Card Decks,
and a presentation to support the program on CD)
Participant Kit (Pack of 10)
(Includes 10 Participant Workbooks, 10 Assessments, 10
Trust Nugget™ Pouches and 10 Trust Jogger™ note pads)
Call for discount information.
Myself as a Trust Builder™
This workshop focuses on helping individuals see
themselves as trust builders. The workshop can be
completed in 2 /2 hours.
Facilitator Kit 16129
(Includes Facilitator Guide, 1 Participant Kit, and a
presentation to support the program on CD)
Participant Kit (pack of 10)
(Includes 10 Participant Workbooks, 10 Self-assessments,
10 Trust Nugget™ Pouches, and 10 Trust Jogger™
note pads)
Call for discount information.
TrustWorks! Support Tools
Trust Nugget™ Pouches
Trust Stones
Call for discount information.
TrustWorks!® is a registered trademark of TrustWorks Associates.
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 Coaching for Performance
Trust and Performance
Whale Done!
Having fun in the workplace and channeling
positive attitudes and energy in order to make
great things happen is critical. But how do you
make it a reality in your organization?
It starts with an environment where employees
know they are respected, valued, and trusted.
So, what does this have to do with killer
whales? If you’ve had the pleasure of seeing
Shamu and company perform their incredible
acrobatic feats, you’ve gotten a glimpse of the
kind of results that are possible when trusting
relationships are nurtured.
Whale Done!
The Power of Positive Relationships
Ken Blanchard PhD, Thad Lacinak, Chuck Tompkins, and Jim Ballard
In this moving and inspirational book, Blanchard explains
that both whales and people perform better when you
accentuate the positive.
Hardcover Book Audio on CD Softcover Book
15391 (UK Edition)
Whale Done! Video Complete Program
Ken Blanchard takes you in the water and behind the
scenes with the trainers who are responsible for the magic
that happens day in and day out at SeaWorld parks across
America. It’s all about trusting relationships, admiration,
and respect.
(Length: 36 minutes)
Preview Rental DVD
Purchase DVD
Call for details
(Purchase DVD includes: Whale Done!, Whale Done! in Action,
Accentuate the Positive meeting opener, and interviews from content
experts, including Ken Blanchard. It also includes a leader guide,
10 participant workbooks, 10 lapel pins, and one plush whale.)
Whale Done! Participant Workbook
Designed to enhance the learning experience
and increase retention for viewers of the video
program, the workbook is highly recommended.
“Wake up and say something positive
when everything is going well!”
—Ken Blanchard, Founder
and Chief Spiritual Officer
Workbook 15283 (pack of 10)
Accentuate the Positive Video
The enchanting animals of SeaWorld
entertain managers and employees alike in
a short, whimsical program. Enhanced with
plenty of personality and memorable music,
this video is great for breaks, transitions,
and the perfect prelude or ending to the
Whale Done! training experience!
(Length: 3 minutes)
Purchase DVD
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
Whale Done! Video
Some clients only need the first video, Whale Done! for their training
purposes. This video comes with a discussion guide—a 12-page guide to
facilitate dialogue on the power of positive relationships and the impact
relationships have on achieving results.
(Length: 21 minutes)
Purchase DVD
(Purchase includes DVD and Whale Done! Discussion Guide.)
Whale Done! Plush Whales
Working with People
Using the Whale Done!® Techniques
Great for gifts and rewards, these eight-inch plush killer
whale characters make perfect office decorations to remind
people to live the Whale Done! philosophy every day.
Plush Whales Whale Done! Lapel Pins
Pins 16231 (Pack of 10)
Whale Done! Poster
Enhance classroom training with this captivating poster
that highlights the Three Keys of Positive Relationships.
Poster 15967
Catch people doing things right with these
appreciation cards.
15401 (pack of 40)
Whale Done! Pens
This fun “whale tail” black ink pen makes a
great gift or prize for anyone learning, practicing,
or executing the Whale Done! approach in the workplace.
Pens 15470 (pack of 10)
Whale Done! Stickers
Applaud efforts by awarding coworkers, managers,
and employees who have caught the Whale Done!
approach with this delightful sticker!
Stickers (roll of 100)
“Results are the only things that count in many organizations.
Why should bosses give someone encouragement for doing something
‘almost right’?”
“If you wait to recognize somebody until they do something exactly
right, you might wait forever. It is like teaching a kid to walk. Results
are made up of a whole series of ‘approximately right’ behaviors.”
Whale Done! Praising Cards
Cards A.
“Because the techniques the trainers at SeaWorld use with whales
are based on the skills and techniques that motivate people. You
don’t have to yell at people. You don’t have to focus on the negative.”
These one-inch lapel pins are perfect
for gifts and rewards!
“Why should people believe the Whale Done! approach will work
with people?”
“How do companies keep Whale Done! from just being another
‘motivational theme of the month’?”
“By focusing on it. Most organizations spend all their time looking for
the next new management concept and they never follow up what
they just taught their people.”
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 11
The Manager as Coach
The Ken Blanchard Companies is one of the
early pioneers of a burgeoning industry called
executive coaching. What does it mean to
coach? What is the value of being coached?
We spoke with Scott Blanchard, founder
of Coaching.com and now Executive Vice
President, Client Solutions, and he had this
to say.
Why are companies everywhere
looking to give their managers
coaching skills?
The coaching
interaction is a form
of self-discovery.
Managers are
increasingly needing to work with their direct
reports, to motivate and partner rather than
to command and manage as in the traditional
superior-subordinate dynamic. Managers
need to develop their people, to bring out
the potential in them. Coaching can be a
productive way for managers to engage with
direct reports to reveal development paths
and action plans for maximizing the potential
inherent to the individual.
How do managers become
Master certified coaches
(MCCs) require years of
formal training, practice,
and certification under
the supervision of experienced coaches. Some
of our master coaches have distilled their
key learnings into Coaching Essentials for
Leaders. It is a two-day program with pre- and
postwork. Managers who incorporate these
skill sets into their daily interactions report
more confidence, more positive relationships
with their direct reports, and often more
productive problem solving in difficult work
Do you need a “coaching culture”
in order for coaching to succeed?
Coaching can be very
successful in one-to-one
situations. Individuals
have experienced a lot
of value by seeking executive coaching either
with or without the endorsement of their
companies. With that said, teaching whole
organizations to adopt coaching is a very
powerful sustainability tool combined with any
training program. We have seen it work well
as a follow-up to Situational Leadership® II
training, and it is an effective way to help the
formal learning “stick.”
Ask about Blanchard’s Coaching Services and
our Coaching Essentials for Leaders program.
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
Hardcover Book 17015
Coaching In Organizations
Best Coaching Practices from The Ken
Blanchard Companies
Madeleine Homan and Linda J. Miller
Coaching in Organizations
provides an in-depth examination of how organizations use
the many forms of coaching. Based on more than 15 years of
experience coaching in organizations, including 5 years working
together at The Ken Blanchard Companies, the authors provide
options for coaching; hands-on, practical ideas; and pitfalls to be
aware of; as well as best practices.
With Coaching in Organizations, your business can:
1.Learn how to establish a top-quality “coaching climate.”
2.Support learning, achieve strategic objectives, and build up
leadership development.
3.Look at internal and external coaching and the roles and
competencies of each.
4.Put the right elements to work to get the most from your
coaching program.
5.Develop a coaching program that creates sustainability and
ensures a real return on your organization’s invested training
Written by two master certified business coaches and leaders in
the business coaching field, Coaching in Organizations equips
human resource and organizational development professionals,
as well as beginning to expert coaches, with the tools and
methodologies they need to help clients become more effective
leaders within their organizations.
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
“Coaching happens unexpectedly.
It turns challenging times into
teachable moments.”
—Madeleine Homan, Vice President of Coaching Services, and
Scott Blanchard, Executive Vice President, Client Solutions
The Little Book of
Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest
Ken Blanchard, PhD,
and Don Shula
The Coaching Secrets Top Executives Depend On
Scott Blanchard and Madeleine Homan
Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest is a powerful tool that will show you how to
take full advantage of–Leverage!–your strengths and most positive qualities,
while at the same time discarding or getting around–Ditch!–whatever gets in
your way.
The three-part process begins
with a twenty-five-question selfassessment, then moves on to the
Three Perspectives–major life queries
that focus on how you are perceived,
your own self-image, and self-imposed
limitations. The final step, the Seven
Leverage Points, offers fresh insight
into the choices you make and how you
conduct yourself in business and in life.
You will find immediately applicable
tools to appraise and manage your work
environment and personal gifts. You
will be guided to make tiny but crucial
shifts in getting needs met and drawing
Hardcover Book
Audio on CD
For more than 30
years, renowned
business consultant
and best-selling author
Ken Blanchard and
legendary NFL football
coach Don Shula have
motivated teams to peak
performance. In their
classic, authoritative work
on coaching, Everyone’s
a Coach, they distill their
rich collective experience
to its key elements
and share their secrets
for inspiring others to
Now, back by popular
demand, The Little Book
of Coaching captures the
essence of their classic
in this indispensable
motivational gem—a gift
to their readers and fans.
Hardcover Book 14419
Softcover Book
(UK Edition)
Formula 2 + 2
Douglas B. Allen
and Dwight W. Allen
Everyone’s a Coach
Don Shula, the most
successful coach in
NFL history, teams up
with Ken Blanchard
to share their secrets
for inspiring others to
greatness. At the heart of
their theory is a simple
acronym, COACH, that
describes the qualities of
an effective leader. Don
Shula describes how the
coaching concept works
on the football field, and
Ken Blanchard shows us
how to apply that concept
to leadership situations in
the workplace.
Even the best managers
often view employee
coaching and feedback
as necessary evils,
tasks to be done with
little enthusiasm and
as rarely as possible.
This book provides
managers with a simple
yet powerful approach to
revolutionizing feedback
conversations and
making them a regular
and even welcome part
of their duties. It is based
on the assertion that
feedback is most effective
when motivated by a
spirit of helpfulness and
a sincere desire to help
employees succeed.
Softcover Book Hardcover Book Ken Blanchard, PhD,
and Don Shula
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 13
Situational Leadership® II
Introductory Essentials
High Directive
High Supportive
High Supportive
Low Directive
Call today to speak with a sales consultant about program options.
Situational Leadership II creates a new business
language where managers direct, support, and
coach employees in a way that fosters confidence
and competence—helping people become more
skillful, adaptable, and open to new challenges!
The products listed below are intended as an introduction to our expanded offerings for SLII®
training. For maximum impact, our process can be delivered on-site by one of our facilitators
or by your own in-house trainer who has completed our Training for Trainers process.
Introduction to Situational Leadership II
There is no one best leadership style.
Delivery Options
Low Supportive
Low Directive
High Directive
Low Supportive
The most effective leaders realize there is no one
best leadership style and use a combination of four styles—Directing,
Coaching, Supporting, and Delegating. They learn why tailoring
management styles to individual employees is so important; why
knowing when to delegate, support, or direct is critical; and how
to consistently identify the correct leadership styles that enhance
motivation on all levels.
The Introduction to Situational Leadership® II
program teaches an overview of SLII® theory in two
or three hours, and focuses primarily on the first
two skills of a Situational Leader: Diagnosis and
Flexibility. To learn more about the third skill of a
Situational Leader—Partnering for Performance—
and to experience in-depth skill building training
that is facilitated in the full program, contact The Ken
Blanchard Companies.
Introduction to Situational Leadership II
Facilitator Kit
The facilitator kit includes the Introduction to SLII®
Leader Guide and provides activities and information
on how to facilitate the program. Also included are the
SLII® PowerPoint presentation to support the program content, and the Development Level
Needs Card Sort game—an interactive activity that helps participants practice diagnosing
development levels. The Card Sort activity includes 4 packs of cards for 20 participants.
Situational Leadership II allows managers to
Facilitator Kit • Diagnose the development levels of their employees and choose
the appropriate leadership style
(Kit is not available for purchase on estore. Please call to order.)
• Open up communication within their organization to increase
the frequency and quality of conversations about performance
and development
• Create a communication model for all levels of the organization
that supports culture change
Many of our SLII materials are translated into other languages.
Contact us for translation and global fulfillment capabilities.
Introduction to Situational Leadership II
Participant Workbook with the Leader Behavior Analysis II (LBAII )
Designed to be used in conjunction with the activities in the Introduction to Situational
Leadership® II Facilitator Kit, each participant workbook includes exercises, reference
information, and a copy of the Leader Behavior Analysis II® (LBAII®).
The LBAII instrument measures a manager’s ability to diagnose the
development level of an individual and use the correct SLII® leadership
style for that individual. Participant workbooks are not sold separately
from an initial purchase of the Introduction to Situational Leadership® II
Facilitator Kit.
Workbook Kit 16053 (Pack of 10)
(LBAII Self and 360˚ Assessments available in Web-based and paper format)
(Kit is not available for purchase on estore. Please call to order.)
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
SLII : The Context Video
Leadership and the One Minute Manager
The Context provides an introduction to the Situational Leadership® II Model, and
briefly describes the development levels, leadership styles, and Directive and Supportive
Behaviors. (Length: 15 minutes) (Video is not available for purchase on estore. Please call to order.)
This remarkable, easy-to-follow book teaches managers the art
of Situational Leadership® II through a parable format.
Rental DVD
Call for details
Purchase DVD
Ken Blanchard, PhD, Pat Zigarmi, EdD, and Drea Zigarmi, EdD
Hardcover Book
Softcover Book
13119 (UK Edition)
(Purchase includes DVD)
Teach your managers Situational Leadership® II through Hollywood movie clips and
entertaining examples from master teacher and storyteller Ken Blanchard. (Length: 40 minutes)
Preview Rental DVD
Call for details
16106 Purchase DVD
Situational Leadership II (SLII )
Building the Model Poster
Leadership and the One Minute Manager Video
Reinforce the Situational Leadership® II Model by having participants
actively build the components of the model themselves.
(Purchase includes DVD, the leader guide, and the participant workbook)
(LBAII Self and 360˚ Assessments available in web-based and paper format)
(Poster is not available for purchase on the estore. Please call to order.)
Participant Workbook
Situational Leadership II Poster
SLII : Matching Leadership Style to the Situation Video
Using Situational Leadership® II and entertaining vignettes, participants learn how
to match the correct leadership style to development level, and how oversupervision
and undersupervision, or mismatch in leadership style, can have a disastrous effect on
productivity and morale. (Length: 38 minutes) (Video is not available for purchase on estore. Please call to order.)
Rental DVD
Call for details
16516 Purchase DVD
(Poster is not available for purchase on the estore.
Please call to order.)
This video case study clearly depicts the impact that ineffective leadership has on
communication and teamwork. Your managers learn how inappropriate leadership styles
greatly influence employees’ performance and commitment. (Length: 25 minutes) (Video is not available
for purchase on estore. Please call to order.)
Two teams of any size compete against each other to
develop their diagnostic and matching skills. Each team
uses SLII® concepts to analyze and diagnose various
true-to-life management situations and decide on the
appropriate leadership style.
Game Purchase DVD
(Purchase includes DVD and leader guide)
SLII : The Bob Knowlton Story Video
Call for details
16674 Rolled Poster
Folded Poster
Situational Leadership II and One Minute
Manager Game
(Purchase includes DVD and leader guide)
Rental DVD
Enhance classroom training with this colorful 26'' x 40'' poster
and help reinforce the SLII® Model.
(Game is not available for
purchase on the estore. Please
call to order.)
“Leadership is not something you do to people.
It’s something you do with people.”
—Drea Zigarmi, Founding Associate, and Pat Zigrami, Founding Associate
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 15
The Inside-Out Journey
magine an organization full of self-leaders. Individuals who are
accountable for their performance
and development. Individuals who
are also well attuned to the needs
of the organization, and whose
contributions enhance the overall
performance of the company. Selfleaders are motivated. They make
choices that are aligned with their
values. They understand their points
of power.
Self Leadership and The One Minute Manager
Ken Blanchard, PhD, Susan Fowler, and Laurence Hawkins, PhD
This long-awaited follow-up to Leadership and the One Minute Manager
illustrates the principles of The Ken Blanchard Companies’ popular
training program Situational Self Leadership.
Leadership and the One Minute Manager taught managers how to develop
their employees by applying the three skills of Situational Leadership® II
(SLII®). With Self Leadership and The One Minute Manager, the
employees—not just the manager—can determine their own development level.
Then, by taking initiative to ask their manager for the appropriate leadership
style needed, they ultimately empower themselves, reduce frustration, and
dramatically increase productivity.
Hardcover Book
Softcover Book
16608 (UK Edition)
Empowerment: Achieving Peak Performance
through Self Leadership
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Susan Fowler
Twenty years ago, leadership meant power. Today, the key to leadership
is empowerment. While leaders have been practicing the fine art of
letting go, the “empowered” have not mastered self leadership—how to
grab hold and run with the ball.
Empowerment is based on research from one of the most powerful training
programs offered by The Ken Blanchard Companies—Situational Self Leadership.
Employees learn to accept responsibility for their own growth and progress; they
come to terms with their ability to guide themselves in today’s work environment
where reaction time and teaming are vital to business success.
Situational Self Leadership
The Situational Self Leadership program gives individual contributors strategies
for gaining more satisfaction from their work, and challenging their notion of
leadership. When employees discover what motivates them and what builds their
confidence, knowledge, and skills, they can make the leap to peak performance.
This program is the perfect complement to Situational Leadership® II.
Call today to speak with a sales consultant about program options.
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
“Don’t buy
into the
that position
power is the
only power
that works.”
—Susan Fowler,
Consulting Partner, and
Laurence Hawkins, Cofounder
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
Know Can Do!
Put Your Know-How
into Action
Ken Blanchard,
Paul J. Meyer, and
Dick Ruhe
knowledge is
only the first
step in making a
life change, but
it’s not enough.
Lasting change
requires a change in attitude, and in daily
Know Can Do! explores why people have such
a hard time applying their knowledge. In other
words, why they don’t do what they know they
should do.
This entertaining fable teaches learners how to
adjust their brain’s filtering system and learn up
to 100 times more than before; how to ignite
creativity and resourcefulness with “Green Light
Thinking”; and how to master learning using
“spaced repetition.”
One of the most common pitfalls of our
postmodern world is that we continually learn
new skills, rather than developing strategies to
master the skills we already know.
Know Can Do! shows us how to finally put all this
abundant “know-how” into action!
Hardcover Book
“Ken Blanchard invented the art of business fables, and he and
his co-authors have written another winner. This is a wonderful
mix of practicality and entertainment. A quick, must read
for anyone with an inkling for going out on their own, and
probably just as relevant for readers interested in personal and
professional improvement.”
–Patrick Lencioni, president, The Table Group; author,
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team.
The One Minute Entrepreneur
The Secret to Creating and Sustaining a Successful Business
Ken Blanchard, Don Hutson & Ethan Willis
Mega-bestselling author Ken Blanchard and celebrated business
leaders Don Hutson and Ethan Willis present an inspiring story
that reveals the secrets to becoming a successful entrepreneur.
In The One Minute Entrepreneur, Ken Blanchard (coauthor of
the #1 bestselling business classic The One Minute Manager),
Don Hutson, CEO of U.S. Learning, and Ethan Willis, CEO
of Prosper Learning, tell the inspiring story of one man’s
challenges in creating his own business. Through a powerful and
engaging narrative, we confront many of the typical problems all
entrepreneurs face in starting up their business, from finding new
sources of revenue to securing the commitment of their people
and the loyalty of their customers. More important, we learn the
secrets to becoming a successful entrepreneur, including how to
build a firm foundation, how to ensure a steady cash flow, and how
to create legendary service. In addition, the book offers invaluable
advice, delivered through One Minute Insights, from such
entrepreneurs and thinkers as Sheldon Bowles, Peter Drucker,
Michael Gerber, and Charlie “Tremendous” Jones.
Today, in the midst of the largest entrepreneurial surge in U.S.
history, four out of five small businesses continue to fail. The
One Minute Entrepreneur offers businesspeople and would-be
entrepreneurs a treasure trove of wisdom on how to think, act,
and succeed in creating and sustaining a business, no matter what
their industry.
Hardcover Book 16671
Softcover Book 17115 (UK Edition)
Audio on CD 17113
Visit www.kenblanchard.com/entrepreneur
to learn more about the book, read the first
chapter and experience audio and video from
Ken Blanchard discussing the book!
Also, learn about managing innovative
employees, or what we call “intrapreneurs.”
“Ken Blanchard, the master storyteller and brilliant
consultant/trainer, focuses his unique wisdom and
keen insights on helping entrepreneurs achieve
enduring success. Another grand slam!”
—Stephen R. Covey, author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective
People and The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 17
The Ken Blanchard Companies
now offers the TalentSmart Suite
of emotional intelligence offerings.
Emotional Intelligence Appraisal™
Test all four EQ skills quickly and accurately. Results include a
complete e-learning program customized to your unique profile.
(Online version only)
Online Assessment
Booklet Assessment
In the last decade,
groundbreaking research
has shown that emotional
intelligence is an essential
characteristic of leaders and
critical to job performance.
In fact, EQ may be even more
important than IQ, because it
involves both self-understanding
and the ability to read and
respond to others effectively.
This quick and complete guide to the
world of emotional intelligence features
TalentSmart’s landmark research on
more than 500,000 people worldwide.
Hardcover Book
Emotional Intelligence Appraisal™—360º
Take a complete 360° assessment where you control the process.
It’s a snap, and you get the results and e-learning at the click
of a button.
No more boring training videos!
Teach EQ to your group using
Hollywood movies, TV, and
historical events that bring the
four skills to life.
Online 360° Assessment 16679 (Multirater version)
No certification is required to use TalentSmart assessments.
Emotional Intelligence PowerPoint
This complete 26-slide presentation on EQ features Hollywood
movies and real-world events that play right from your slides!
PowerPoint ®
Improve your
Emotional Intelligence
The Emotional Intelligence
Quick Book
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
(Length: 29 minutes, including
4 bonus scenes)
Purchase DVD
Call for discount information.
(Purchase includes leader materials, reproducible
participant materials, and one signed Emotional
Intelligence Quick Book)
Due to licensing restrictions with the Hollywood
content in BRAINS!, we do not offer preview copies. If you order
the movie and are not completely satisfied, you may return it
for a full refund within 7 days.
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
“Empowerment means you have the
freedom to act; it also means you are
accountable for results.”
—Alan Randolph, Consulting Partner
Building the Latino
Success Stories for the Next
Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute
Frank Carbajal and
Humberto Medina
Ken Blanchard, PhD, John P. Carlos, and Alan Randolph, PhD
Empower your workforce by moving from a command-and-control mind-set
to a supportive, responsible environment. Ken Blanchard, John P. Carlos,
and Alan Randolph describe how to build ownership and trust by using
three keys to making empowerment work in any organization.
• Share information with everyone
• Create autonomy through boundaries
• Replace old hierarchies with self-managed teams
Softcover Book 10809
The 3 Keys to Empowerment
Ken Blanchard, PhD, John P. Carlos, and Alan Randolph, PhD
“A great handbook for leaders trying to change their culture
from one of entitlement to one of empowerment.”
—Ken Blanchard
Written in an easily accessible Q and A format, this book closely examines
and expands on the three keys to empowerment originally presented in
The New York Times best-seller Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute. It
outlines the promises and challenges of each stage of the journey, providing
managers with advice, effective activities, and action tools that help them
create a culture of empowerment.
Softcover Book
In Building the Latino
Future, you’ll discover
the inspiring stories
of dozens of Latino
men and women who,
despite humble beginnings, meager resources, and
limited opportunities, beat the odds and rose to
become leaders in their professions.
From actor and activist Edward James Olmos,
you’ll learn the value of self-discipline and focusing
on your goal. Henry Cisneros, former Secretary of
Housing in the Clinton administration, shows you
how to find opportunity in your own community.
And NFL quarterback Jeff Garcia presents a shining
example of how perseverance pays off.
This fascinating look into the lives of Latinos goes
beyond biography to provide a future framework for
you to use in building your own exciting career.
Hardcover Book 17016
comes from self-knowledge.
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 19
The One Minute Manager
The World’s Most Popular
Management Method
For more than 25 years, millions of managers in
Global 1000 companies and small businesses have
followed The One Minute Manager’s techniques,
thus increasing their productivity, job satisfaction,
and personal prosperity. These very real results
were achieved through learning the management
techniques that spell profitability for the organization
and its employees.
That’s why The One Minute Manager book has
continued to appear on business best-seller lists
for more than two decades and has become an
international sensation.
The One Minute Manager reveals three fundamental
• One Minute Goal Setting—Understand
the importance of clear goals
• One Minute Praisings—Learn how
to help people reach their potential
• One Minute Reprimanding—Learn how
to correct poor performance and keep people
on track
The One Minute Manager
Kenneth Blanchard, PhD,
and Spencer Johnson, MD
Discover why this book of timeless truths started
a management revolution that continues today!
Hardcover Book
Audio on CD
Softcover Book
10207 (UK Edition)
The Story of a New
One Minute Manager Video
Meet Melissa, a modern-day manager who enlists
the help of a veteran “One Minute Manager”
to teach her timeless management skills and a
valuable lesson—that time and technology can
change, but basic human nature cannot.
(Length: 22 minutes)
Preview Rental DVD
Purchase DVD
Call for details
(Purchase includes DVD, Leader Guide,
and Participant Workbook)
The Story of a New One Minute
Participant Workbook
Designed to be used in conjunction with the
video in a half-day or full-day workshop, this
guide is ideal for skill development, action
planning, and providing the viewer with a tool
to reference back on the job.
Participant Workbook 13145
Call for discount information.
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
Goal Setting, Praising, and
Reprimand Planning Guides
The One Minute Manager Meets the
These valuable tools
help managers identify
and prioritize goals,
set performance
standards, design
action plans, follow
through to ensure that
behavior and goals
match, and develop
plans for delivering
effective praisings and
OMM Goal Setting—Self OMM Goal Setting—Other OMM Praising Planning Guide OMM Reprimand Planning Guide Ken Blanchard, PhD, William Oncken, Jr.,
and Hal Burrows
If you are overwhelmed by monkeys—projects
and problems that don’t belong to you—
then you need this book. Learn the three
impositions on your time, four rules for caring
for and feeding monkeys, and two monkey
insurance policies that will lead to your success
in making the next move.
Putting the One Minute Manager
to Work
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Bob Lorber, PhD
Putting the One Minute Manager to Work
turns the three secrets of The One Minute
Manager into day-to-day
skills and shows how they
work in real-life situations. By
going straight to boardrooms
and assembly lines for their
examples, the authors put the
concept into working systems
that directly affect a company’s
bottom line.
Hardcover Book Softcover Book
16203 (UK Edition)
Softcover Book Softcover Book 12012
16252 (UK Edition)
The 4th Secret of the One Minute
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Margret McBride
With The One Minute Manager, Ken Blanchard
and coauthor Spencer Johnson forever
changed the way we approach management
by introducing their Three Secrets: One
Minute Goals, One Minute Praisings and One
Minute Reprimands. Now Blanchard, along
with coauthor Margret McBride, present the
4th Secret: how to accept that we have made
a wrong decision and how to correct it by
making a meaningful apology.
Hardcover Book
“One Minute
doesn’t mean
that you can
learn to manage
in a minute.
It means that
you need to take
an extra minute
to work with
your people.”
—Ken Blanchard
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 21
Teaming for Performance
ollaboration and teamwork have become
key success factors for organizations.
Teams have become a strategic vehicle for
getting work accomplished in organizations,
and for moving organizations into the future.
Teams are the hard-core units of production.
And they also provide a sense of worth,
connection, and meaning to the people involved
with them.
Situational Team Leadership
Situational Team Leadership is an interactive program focusing on
the development of team leadership skills. It uses real work issues
as the foundation for the training and provides participants with
knowledge and tools for immediate on-the-job application.
Learn strategies and processes to accelerate your team toward
higher performance.
Increase your team’s chances for success
Empower team members to work effectively together
Target strategies for effective teamwork
Enhance team relationships and communication
Improve productivity and morale
Call today to speak with a sales consultant about program options.
“The most important function of a
team leader is to help the group move
through the stages of development.”
—Don Carew, Founding Associate, and Eunice Parisi-Carew, Founding Associate
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
Virtual Teams Handbook
Team Charter
Team leaders and team members must deal with
the special challenges that confront today’s virtual
teams. This guide provides strategies for dealing
with trust, attentiveness, getting virtual teams off
to the right start, communication challenges, and
troubleshooting. Twenty-six virtual team tools
are provided in the guide and also on a CD. The
handbook includes team-building activities and
guidance on how to use technology effectively.
The Team Charter is a set of agreements
that clearly states what the team wants to
accomplish, why it is important, and how
the team will work together throughout
its life cycle. The process includes a stepby-step set of instructions for facilitating
a team chartering classroom or virtual
session and is conducted with the aid
of worksheets. The package includes
Leader Guide, PPT visuals, interactive
Team Charter Template, PDF Team Charter
Worksheets, Interactive Word® Worksheets,
and package of 10 worksheets.
Handbook 15158 Call for Discount Information.
The One Minute Manager
Builds High Performing Teams
Ken Blanchard, PhD, Don Carew, EdD, and Eunice Parisi-Carew, EdD
Best-selling authors Ken Blanchard, Don Carew, and
Eunice Parisi-Carew explain how all groups move
through four stages of development—Orientation,
Dissatisfaction, Integration, and Production—on their
way to becoming a high performing team. They show
how a manager can help any group become fully effective
sooner and with much less stress.
Hardcover Book Softcover Book
10310 (UK Edition)
High Five!
Ken Blanchard, PhD, Sheldon Bowles, Don Carew, EdD,
and Eunice Parisi-Carew, EdD
Blanchard and Bowles team up with Blanchard team
experts Don Carew and Eunice Parisi-Carew to produce
the fourth book in their series—an emotional, engaging
parable outlining successful team building and the value
and power of teamwork. High Five! The Magic of Working
Together is a must read. Regrettably, only small pockets
of most organizations truly contain high performing
teams. Blanchard and Bowles believe that all your teams
should be winners. Don’t you?
Hardcover Book Audio on CD Softcover Book
16200 (UK Edition)
Team Charter Leader Package
Additional Team Charter Worksheets
Go Team!
Ken Blanchard, PhD, Alan Randolph, PhD,
and Peter Grazier
Go Team! outlines a three-step process to
becoming a Next-Level Team: one which
uses all team members’ ideas and motivation
more effectively, makes better use of team
members’ and team leaders’ time, and
generates benefits for individual members,
the team, and the organization. This book
provides practical instruction for creating
teams that soar above the ordinary!
Softcover Book 16665
High Performance Meetings Kit
This is a surefire way to enhance the effectiveness
of your meetings. This incredibly easy-to-use kit contains
a comprehensive collection of tools, techniques, aids,
guidelines, and strategies to gain optimal contribution
from everyone in attendance.
High Performance Meetings Kit 10122
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 23
DISC Essentials
DiSC Classic Profile
he ability to create rapport with people is
a fundamental skill in sales, management,
personal relationships, and everyday life.
It allows you to create personal chemistry and
productive relationships.
In order to do this, you do not have to change
your personality. You simply have to understand
what drives people and recognize your options
for effectively dealing with them.
The DiSC Model provides nonjudgmental
language for exploring behavioral issues across
four primary dimensions:
• Dominance: Direct and Decisive. D’s are
strong-willed, strong-minded people who
like accepting challenges, taking action, and
getting immediate results.
• Influence: Optimistic and Outgoing. I’s are
“people people” who like participating on
teams, sharing ideas, and energizing and
entertaining others.
• Steadiness: Sympathetic and Cooperative.
S’s are helpful people who like working
behind the scenes, performing in consistent
and predictable ways, and being good
• Conscientiousness: Concerned and Correct.
C’s are sticklers for quality and like planning
ahead, employing systematic approaches,
and checking and rechecking for accuracy.
DISC Profile
The DISC Profile will describe your overall
behavioral style including your strengths and
struggles, needs and motivations, work style
tendencies, and communication preferences.
There is also a complete section on application
including identifying another person’s style,
behavioral adaptability, handling tension
among the styles, and even action plans for
each of the four primary styles.
Drs. Michael O’Connor, Tony Alessandra,
and Drea Zigarmi teamed up with Blanchard
to create the latest cutting-edge DISC
This is a complete 360° assessment where you
control the process. It’s a snap, and you get the
results and e-learning at the click of a button.
No certification is required to use the DISC Profile
Online 360˚ Assessment 15469
(Profile is not available for purchase on the
estore. Please call to order.)
Every day, organizations use the DiSC Classic
Profile (formerly the Personal Profile System®
2800 Series) to establish a common language,
paving the way for successful training and
coaching applications. Detailed, personalized
information helps people apply DiSC learning
to specific business situations, including sales,
leadership development, customer service, and
conflict resolution.
Self Assessment Booklet 10016
Everything DiSC Facilitation
Built on a series of Insight Modules,
the system helps you facilitate specific
outcomes using a broad range of DiSCbased reports and tools. Mix and match
Insight Modules to develop custom
solutions, or use the included Course
Outlines to address common workplace
issues. Full- and half-day Course
Outlines included.
Facilitation System ®
Everything DiSC DVD
The Everything DiSC DVD is the video companion
to the Everything DiSC Facilitation System.
However, it can also be easily incorporated into
your existing DiSC training. The Everything DiSC
DVD includes closed captioning and provides
over one hour of new training video in 68
individually selectable segments.
Preview Purchase DVD
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
(Includes the Everything DiSC DVD)
Call for details
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
“Many problems in life stem not
from making mistakes, but from
not learning from our mistakes.”
—Ken Blanchard
Learning about yourself and knowing how
to get along with others effectively demands
an understanding of different personality
types and communication needs. This kind of
understanding helps individuals interact more
effectively—not only in the workplace but in all
dimensions of life.
“We have to stop always looking
for the next new management
concept and follow up on the one
we just taught people.”
—Dick Ruhe, Consulting Partner
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 25
Gung Ho! is the charming story of Andy
Gung Ho!
Longclaw, a Native American mentor who
Turn on the People in Any Organization
helps a newly appointed manager of Walton
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Sheldon Bowles
Works II, Peggy Sinclair, turn around the
The runaway #1 national best-seller, Gung Ho!® is a wonderful business
book that is packed with valuable information as well as a compelling,
page-turning story.
desperately failing factory.
The Three Secrets of Gung Ho!
Spirit of the Squirrel provides the vehicle to
communicate your mission statement, vision,
and values—and shows how they relate to
your employees’ professional and personal
Way of the Beaver is the key to proper
implementation of your training programs,
whether they are performance management,
empowerment, sales, information technology,
or customer service initiatives.
Gift of the Goose encourages both you
and your employees to catch each other
doing things right—the fuel that ignites and
sustains the Spirit of the Squirrel and the Way
of the Beaver.
Use Gung Ho!’s framework to deliver, sustain,
and ensure that the corporate training dollars
you spend today will achieve real impact and
bottom-line results tomorrow.
Hardcover Book
Audio on CD
Softcover Book
16072 (UK Edition)
Gung Ho! The Dramatic Video
An adaptation of the book brought to life
in a high quality, compelling dramatic story.
(Length: 28 minutes—narrative version)
Rental DVD
Purchase DVD
Call for details
(Purchase includes DVD, Leader Guide, Participant
Workbook, and hardcover book.)
Participant Workbook 10113 (pack of 10)
Gung Ho! Succeeding
in a Changing World Video
Watch as Ken Blanchard shares how some
organizations have begun to implement
Gung Ho!® within their cultures.
Rental DVD
Purchase DVD
Call for details
(Purchase includes DVD, Leader Guide, Participant
Workbook, and hardcover book.)
Participant Workbook 10844 (pack of 10)
“Marksmen will tell you that if you’re
going to aim for a target, you should
go for the bull’s-eye.”
—Fay Kandarian, Consulting Partner
Gung Ho! Poster
Enhance learning with this full-color 26'' x 40''
poster that illustrates all three principles.
Poster Gung Ho! Lapel Pin
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
Why Organizational
Change Efforts Fail
is more about
the journey
of change
the destination.”
Among the top 15 reasons why organizational
change efforts typically fail are 1 People leading the change think that
announcing the change is the same as
implementing it.
2 People’s concerns with change are not
surfaced or addressed.
3 Those being asked to change are not involved
in the planning of the change.
4 Leaders lose focus or fail to prioritize, causing
“death by 1,000 initiatives.”
5 Those leading the change aren’t credible—
they undercommunicate, give mixed
messages, and do not model the behaviors
the change requires.
—Pat Zigarmi, Cofounder, and
Judd Hoekstra, Client Partner
Leading People
Through Change
The Ken Blanchard Companies
provides differentiated expertise
in the process of implementing
change. We do so by providing
a model for leading change that
addresses the most common
reasons that change fails.
At the heart of our Leading
Change training program is the
core belief that the best way to
implement change is to increase
the level of influence and
involvement from the people
being asked to change.
Call today to speak with a sales consultant about program options.
Discover the other
top 10 reasons why
change efforts fail and
how to overcome these
common obstacles
by tapping into
Blanchard organizational
at a Higher Level
Zap the Gaps!
Ken Blanchard, Dana Robinson, and James Robinson
Zap the Gaps! is about identifying gaps and their causes. Gaps
cost companies billions of dollars, and this book aims to give
you a better understanding of how to dig for the right solutions
and close the gaps between what your company is hoping to be,
and what it is right now.
The GAPS approach finds and resolves the root causes of many
common business problems: (G)o for the Shoulds, (A)nalyze
the Is, (P)in Down the Causes, and (S)elect the Right Solutions.
Hardcover Book
Audio on CD
Culture Change
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 27
Legendary Service
Customer Mania!
Ken Blanchard, PhD, Jim Ballard,
and Fred Finch, PhD
Legendary Service
Business leaders are finally
realizing that the only thing your
competition can’t steal from you is
the relationship your people have
with your customers. People want
to do business with companies
whose people care about
them. That is your competitive
Legendary Service®, a new
customer service program from
The Ken Blanchard Companies,
inspires managers and employees
to deliver this extraordinary
customer service.
Call today to speak with a sales
consultant about program options.
Customer service is the
single most pressing problem
for business managers and
people in any service or sales
operation, especially at the
retail level. By drawing on
examples from the world’s
largest restaurant company,
Yum! Brands, Inc.—owner
of KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza
Hut, Long John Silver’s, and
A&W Restaurants, Inc.—the
authors explain how any
company, large or small, can
develop a unified, people-first,
customer-oriented culture.
Hardcover Book
Audio on CD
Softcover Book
(UK Edition)
Raving Fans
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Sheldon Bowles
The Simple Truths
of Service
Topping best-seller lists everywhere,
Raving Fans® is written in the
parable style of Gung Ho! and The
One Minute Manager. It uses a
brilliantly simple and charming
story to teach how to define
a service vision, learn what a
customer really wants, institute
effective systems, and make
stunning customer service a
competitive advantage—not just
another “flavor of the month”
Ken Blanchard, PhD,
and Barbara Glanz
This book is required reading for
organizations around the world and
a necessity for those who commit to
service excellence as a key business
Hardcover Book
Hardcover Book
Audio on CD Softcover Book
The Simple Truths of Service
tells a story about creating
memories, building
relationships, using your
unique gifts, and caring
for people. It is a book full
of simple yet powerful
truths about what happens
to customer loyalty when
people serve their clients
from their heart.
Johnny the Bagger Video
This inspiring video program features
the true story of “Johnny,” a young
man with Down syndrome who made
a positive choice about his personal
responsibility to provide “from-theheart” service and changed the culture
of an entire organization.
Employees learn to take personal
responsibility for creating a positive,
memorable experience for internal
or external customers—the kind
of experience needed to generate
customer loyalty, improve employee
retention, and strengthen team morale.
Purchase DVD
Call for details
(Purchase includes DVD with Service
from the Heart video and bonus materials,
Facilitator Guide and Resources, online
program resources, the Signature Pack, and
10 Applied Learning Workbooks)
15351 (UK Edition)
“We not only listen and respond to the voice
of the customer, we are obsessed to go the extra mile
to make our customers happy.”
The Signature Pack16629
Applied Learning Workbooks 16628
(pack of 10)
Service from the Heart Video16631
—Fred Finch, Founding Associate, and Jim Ballard, Consulting Partner
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
“Professionals waste up to a month per year on email—
costing their companies billions in missed opportunities.”
—Vicki Halsey, PhD, Vice President of Applied Learning
“Spinning your
wheels on email?
Get a life!”
The Hamster Revolution
How to Manage Your Email Before It Manages You
Mike Song, Vicki Halsey, PhD, and Tim Burress
Professionals waste up to a month per year
on email—costing their companies billions in
missed opportunities. The good news? Hope
and help are here.
Meet Harold, an HR director so overwhelmed by
email he feels like a hamster on a wheel. Just in
time, Harold meets a coach—a leading expert
on email efficiency and etiquette with a simple
system that helps Harold get fewer emails, write
better messages, and find information faster.
Includes a landmark case study that shows how
2,000 Capital One associates cut their email
time 23% and improved their overall email
quality 52%. Learn how you too can reduce your
email to gain more time and achieve greater
Hardcover Book
Email Efficiency and Etiquette
Online Program
The Referral of a Lifetime
Become an email expert with this 45-minute online
Email Efficiency and Etiquette Program, based on
The Hamster Revolution. Learn to manage your email
before it manages you by:
Nobody likes cold calls. And nobody really
needs to make them. This book teaches a
step-by-step system that allows anyone to
generate a steady stream of new business
through consistent referrals and, at the
same time, maximize business with
existing customers.
• Cutting email processing time by 20%
• Writing clear, concise, and actionable emails
• Helping your teammates become email experts
This course includes a free printout of best practices,
personal stats, tools, official completion certificate,
and provides invaluable time-saving Outlook® or
Lotus Notes® technical tips.
Online Program
(Program is not available for purchase on the estore.
Please call to order.)
“It’s easy to confuse quantity and quality when
it comes to email—just like relationships! Read
this book and begin forging quality connections
with your colleagues.”
Tim Templeton
Using an entertaining fictional story to
emphasize the importance of “putting
the relationship first,” The Referral of a
Lifetime fulfills the desire to practice the
golden rule in business and to be accepted
as a professional who has integrity and
Softcover Book 16701
Big Bucks!
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Sheldon Bowles
“A fun read and smart solution to the serious
problem of email overload.”
Big Bucks! shares the four secrets
every successful money maker should
know: how to discover the source of
moneymaking energy and drive; how to
focus power effectively; how to create
focus for spectacular financial success;
and how to develop perpetual prosperity.
—Marcus Buckingham, author of
First, Break All the Rules and Now, Discover Your Strengths
Hardcover Book 13307
Softcover Book
14453 (UK Edition)
—Keith Ferrazzi, author of
Never Eat Alone
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 29
Time for Yourself
The On-Time, On-Target Manager
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Steve Gottry
Bob is a typical middle manager who puts things off to
the last minute. As a result, he misses deadlines and
accomplishes meaningless tasks before getting to the
really important things. Like many professionals, Bob
rationalizes, justifies, and eventually learns to deal
with the three negative side effects of procrastination:
lateness, poor work quality, and stress to himself and
The One Minute Manager
Balances Work and Life
A Healthy Lifestyle Is the Key to Success
Ken Blanchard, PhD, D.W. Edington, PhD,
and Margie Blanchard, PhD
“Early in life, people give up
their health to gain wealth.
In later life, they give up
some of their wealth to regain
—Margie Blanchard, Cofounder
This book examines wellness from
a personal and organizational
perspective with practical
strategies for achieving
balance, maintaining a healthy
level of fitness, strengthening
relationships, and much more.
Softcover Book 10001
Hardcover Book
Audio on CD
Softcover Book
The One Minute Golfer
Ken Blanchard, PhD
Ken Blanchard explains how to take the same
methods that are effective in business and adapt them
with astonishing success to the self-management and
mental aspects of your own golf game.
Softcover Book
Softcover Book
16198 (UK Edition)
Time Mastery Profile
If you could reduce wasted time by five minutes
every hour, your productivity would jump 8.3%. The
Time Mastery Profile is a complete assessment tool
that helps you set priorities and manage time more
effectively by evaluating your effectiveness in 12
critical areas.
Time Mastery Profile Facilitator Kit
This kit includes one facilitator manual, a fully
scripted seminar, PowerPoint presentation, research,
technical background, and two Time Mastery Profiles.
Facilitator Kit 30
16197 (UK Edition)
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
Letter from Ken Blanchard,
Chief Spiritual Officer,
The Ken Blanchard Companies
We all have two selves: the task-oriented self who’s
used to getting jobs done, and an inner self who’s
thoughtful and reflective. It’s obvious which one
wakes up first in the morning. The alarm goes off
and we jump out of bed into our task-oriented self.
We try to eat while we’re washing, then jump into
our cars and talk on our cell phones while we’re
driving. We go to one meeting after another, perhaps
ending the day with a dinner meeting and arriving
home late at night, exhausted. We often fall into bed
without even enough energy to say good night to the
person who might be lying next to us. The next day
the alarm goes off and we’re at it again. Pretty soon
we’re in a rat race.
As Lily Tomlin said, “Even if you win the rat race,
you’re still a rat.”
The best way to break this pattern is to enter the
day slowly through meditation, prayer, reading
inspiring thoughts, or taking a quiet walk—all ways
to reconnect with our energy source and fully come
alive. This is how we recognize that life doesn’t circle
around us.
To reduce your stress and keep your ego in check,
take time for yourself.
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
The Mulligan
The Servant Leader
Kenneth Blanchard, PhD,
and Phil Hodges
Wally Armstrong and Ken Blanchard, PhD
Paul McAllister was a driven man.
Ivy League educated and the founder
of a multimillion dollar business,
Paul was a success in everything but
life—and golf. It took only one ProAm afternoon, one short putt, and
one airborne putter to send his world
flying in a different direction: a mulligan!
Golf’s gracious do-over, a mulligan, is the beginning of
Paul’s own second chance. Guided by the wisdom and
advice of an Old Pro, Paul learns about priorities, about
self-confidence, and about playing a good game both on
and off the course.
Hardcover Book 16672
Ken Blanchard, PhD, and Phil Hodges
Where can you find a leadership
model that can transform your life?
Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges have
learned the answer to that question.
In Lead Like Jesus, you will discover
the four key areas and how they
can direct you toward becoming the
incredible leader you aim to be.
The four areas include:
• Heart—What is your motivation as a leader?
• Head—What are your beliefs and viewpoints about
• Hands—Do you set clear goals, measure performance,
and follow up with those you lead?
• Habits—How do you refresh and renew yourself as a
Hardcover Book Ken Blanchard, PhD, and James A. Francis
Ken Blanchard and Phil Hodges
have crafted this wonderful
compilation of the key principles
from their Center for FaithWalk
Leadership curriculum. This
book is meant to take God out
of the spiritual compartment of your private
life and give Him free reign in all your daily
activities and relationships, especially your
leadership roles.
First published in 1926 by James A.
Francis, this essay about the powerful
impact of the life of one humble
man—Jesus—has become a classic.
After hearing it for the first time years
ago at the Crystal Cathedral in Southern California,
Ken Blanchard found himself thinking and reflecting
on it often. Ken’s thought-provoking introduction and
reflections on the essay, accompanied by stunning
landscape photographs, will inspire readers to make the
most of their own solitary lives.
Hardcover Book Hardcover Book 15336
Leadership by the Book
Ken Blanchard, PhD, Bill Hybels,
and Phil Hodges
Lead Like Jesus
One Solitary Life
16074 It Takes Less Than One Minute
to Suit Up for the Lord
Ken Blanchard, PhD
Leadership by the Book draws on
the model and messages of Jesus
as the source of practical lessons
in effective leadership. Recounting
the story of a teacher, a minister,
and a marketplace leader who
support one another in their leadership
challenges, this extraordinary book offers
unexpected and exceptional answers to some
of the toughest leadership issues today.
Ken Blanchard wanted to give something
very special to his family and friends one
Christmas. So he sat down and wrote
about the most important thing in his
life: his journey to God. It Takes Less Than
One Minute to Suit Up for the Lord is more than simply
an account of a journey to faith. For, as Ken will tell you,
the journey is not complete. Sustained growth requires
Hardcover Book
Softcover Book
12867 16044
“Commitment ... not announcements,
make the difference.”
—Margie Blanchard, Cofounder
16445 United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 31
Servant Leadership
The Secret
People who want to be great leaders
must embrace an attitude of service to
By using the SERVE Model outlined
in The Secret we uncover what great
leaders already know and what needs
to be done to truly inspire and motivate
The five fundamentals of the SERVE
Model are:
See the Future
Engage and Develop Others
Reinvent Continuously
Value Results and Relationships
Embody the Values
The Secret
What Great Leaders Know—and Do
In this revealing business fable you meet Debbie Brewster, a recently
promoted and struggling manager. In an attempt to save her career she
enrolls in a new mentoring program offered by her company and learns
the secret of all great leaders.
Softcover Book
Audio on CD
The Secret
Learning Program
Facilitator Kit
The Serving Leader
The Secret learning
program is designed as
a half-day workshop
to teach the concepts
of the SERVE Model.
The program includes
a DVD video of Ken
Blanchard and Mark
Miller discussing the key
concepts, a PowerPoint
presentation, and a
complete facilitator guide.
Facilitator Kit
Ken Jennings and
John Stahl-Wert
Participant Kit
Designed to fully support
The Secret Facilitator
Guide, the participant
kit includes The Secret
Participant Workbook
and a copy of The Secret
softcover book.
Participant Kit
(pack of 10)
This book offers a
practical “action
approach” to servant
leadership, an ageless
truth first presented 30
years ago.
The five lessons The
Serving Leader teaches—
upend the pyramid, raise
the bar, blaze the trail,
build on strength, and
run to great purpose—
can be applied equally to
life and work.
Softcover Book
“Poor leadership results not from conscious malice,
but from inadequate leadership knowledge, values, and behaviors.”
—Drea Zigarmi, Founding Associate
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
The Heart of a Leader
Ken Blanchard, PhD
Expanded and Revised
The Heart of a Leader
contains unique
and introspective
commentary by Ken
Blanchard on his alltime favorite quotes,
coined himself and by
other leaders including
Abraham Lincoln,
Winston Churchill,
Eleanor Roosevelt, and
Norman Vincent Peale.
The Heart of a Leader
The Generosity
Ken Blanchard, PhD,
and S. Truett Cathy
The book begins with Ken
Blanchard sharing that
in school he was deeply
motivated by the sayings
covering his locker room
wall—classics such as,
“Quitters never win, and
winners never quit.” As a
result, he found himself
using them frequently to
help people remember
key points of leadership.
An individual who gives
something may have
to forego a personal
pleasure, such as buying
a new computer system
or season tickets to a
favorite sporting event.
A family may have to
pass up two extra days
of vacation. The flip
side is that giving has
tremendous rewards.
These rewards become
evident in a variety of
relational, financial, and
Hardcover Book
Hardcover Book
A unique format of quotes
from the book The Heart
of a Leader and set to
stunning images and
captivating music, this
video is a great way to
open or close a meeting
or training session to
motivate and inspire
people to lead with
character and heart.
Thoroughly challenging
and completely inspiring,
this outstanding film will
encourage you and your
employees to develop the
courageous heart of a true
Purchase DVD
Words to Lead By
This video is perfect
for any group trying to
develop leadership skills
among team members.
It is affordable, succinct,
and inspirational, and
contains thoughts and
phrases by some of
history’s most successful
leaders and mentors.
Purchase DVD
“Dare to be
a person,
not a position.”
—Marta Brooks, Consulting Partner,
and Sarah Caverhill,
Eastern Region Sales Leader
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 33
Blanchard Speakers
ome of us are fortunate to have
an abundance of positive role
models in our lives. Others of
us struggle to identify those positive
influences. In a world challenged by a
leadership crisis, it’s no wonder that
Ken Blanchard
Chuck Tompkins
Kevin Freiberg
Leadership, Employee Engagement,
Customer Loyalty, Teams,
Organizational Change
Motivation, Inspiration, Leadership,
Employee Engagement
Leadership, Customer Loyalty,
Organizational Change
Margie Blanchard
Cynthia Olmstead
Linda Miller
Coaching, Leadership
Leadership, Personal Excellence
Individual, Leader, and Team
Trust Building
Scott Blanchard
Dev Ogle
Coaching, Leadership
Coaching, Leadership
Leadership, Customer Loyalty,
Organizational Change, Teams
Alan Randolph
Employment Engagement, Project
Management, Organizational Change,
Ann Phillips
Dick Ruhe
Leadership, Customer Loyalty,
Teams, Quality, Organizational
Don Shula
both public leaders as well corporate
Leadership, Employee Engagement,
Customer Loyalty, Teams,
Organizational Change
Barbara Glanz
Harry Paul
Customer Loyalty, Personal Excellence
Personal Excellence, Organizational
many of us feel disappointment with
We can make a difference. You can
make a difference. By bringing more
positive role models of leadership into
your life, your family, your organization,
and your community, you are helping to
create momentum for propagating more
positive images of leadership in our
Let’s give the world an alternative. Be an
alternative leadership role model.
Betsy Myers
Leadership, Women in Leadership
Bill George
Motivation, Inspiration, Coaching,
Humberto Medina
Organizational Change, Teams,
Customer Loyalty
Jackie Freiberg
Cathy Huett
Customer Loyalty, Leadership,
Organizational Change
Leadership, Customer Loyalty, Teams,
Organizational Change, Personal
Chris Edmonds
Leadership, Empowerment, Customer
Loyalty, Teams, Personal Excellence,
Organizational Change
Jason Arnold
Personal Excellence, Leadership
Kathy Cuff
Leadership, Customer Loyalty,
Teams, Personal Excellence,
Employee Engagement
Madeleine Homan
Marc Muchnick
Leadership, Personal Excellence
Marcus Buckingham
Leadership, Personal Excellence,
Employee Engagement
Mark Miller
Mark Paskowitz
Leadership, Coaching, Personal
Excellence, Teams, Customer Loyalty,
Organizational Change
Marta Brooks
Matt Weinstein
Employee Engagement, Motivation
and Inspiration, Teams
Pat Zigarmi
Leadership, Organizational Change,
Customer Loyalty, Employee
Patrick Lencioni
Teams, Leadership, Personal
Finding Positive Role Models
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
Peter Sims
Phil Reynolds
Leadership, Employee Engagement, Teams,
Personal Excellence
Ray Snyder
Leadership, Customer Loyalty, Organizational
Change, Teams
Richard Whiteley
Leadership, Customer Loyalty, Personal
Sarah Caverhill
Sheldon Bowles
Customer Loyalty, Teams, Organizational
Susan Fowler
Personal Excellence, Empowerment, Employee
Thad Lacinak
Personal Excellence, Motivation, Inspiration,
Leadership, Employee Engagement
Tim Sanders
Personal Excellence, Employee Engagement,
Vicki Halsey
Leadership, Employee Engagement, Teams,
Customer Loyalty, Organizational Change,
Personal Excellence
Thousands of executives are
making a leadership difference. Help us ignite a movement to make a difference. Join the Blanchard community of leaders
by subscribing to Ignite!, our free monthly e-newsletter.
Visit www.kenblanchard.com/ignite
Searching for an energizing opening for your next industry conference or an
inspirational closing for your upcoming managers’ retreat?
Blanchard speakers deliver a powerful, impactful, and inspirational keynote
experience, guaranteed to wow even the most skeptical audience and make your
event a memorable success.
Not only are Blanchard speakers hand-selected and mentored by Ken Blanchard
himself, many are coauthors of Ken Blanchard’s best-selling books and
codevelopers of the The Ken Blanchard Companies’ world-renowned training
programs. Because many of our topics and speakers are “Blanchard Exclusives,”
we excel at providing a keynote experience you won’t be able to replicate
anywhere else.
Each of our speakers takes the time to study your organization’s unique
challenges and tailor the message for maximum impact. They’ll leave you and
your audience with a lasting impression of what it takes to improve performance,
think differently, and embrace your most important initiatives.
Our team is here for you every step of the way, from choosing an appropriate
speaker for your event and budget, to logistics and delivering materials.
Blanchard Speakers 800 728-6052 / +44 (0) 1483 456300 UK
View videos at www.kenblanchard.com/speakers
The Ken Blanchard Companies was founded to unleash the potential and power of individuals
and organizations around the world. We deliver results by working with people.
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 35
Learn from People.
Learn with People.
Develop Core Leadership Skills
by Attending a Blanchard
Public Workshop
here is no substitute for interacting with a
knowledgeable facilitator and a peer group of
interested professionals in a small-class setting.
People come to Public Workshops for basic immersion
in core leadership skills, or to hone their management
and communication skills. It is an opportunity to learn
with a peer group, to experience each other’s daily
management challenges.
Facilitated by experienced trainers, these public
workshops are a great introduction to core management
concepts and skills. They bring together managers
from many different sectors—corporate, nonprofit,
manufacturing, service—forming a safe peer group with
whom you can practice your new skills.
Public Workshops are held in many cities in North
America and the United Kingdom. Class schedules vary.
Class sizes are limited to 25 participants.
a Public Workshop
Near You!
Call 800 728-6000 US
Programs and Topics
Situational Leadership II teaches managers how to identify the needs of their
employees and then tailor their management style to each situation.
Situational Frontline Leadership teaches people how to work with others oneon-one, using the core principles of Situational Leadership® II, specifically targeted toward
frontline supervisors and managers with an emphasis on basic management skills.
Situational Self Leadership is based on Situational Leadership® II and offers three
steps for evolving from a responsive to a responsible employee and managing projects and
relationships more effectively.
Situational Team Leadership teaches skills to assist individuals and organizations
in moving to a team-based culture.
Coaching Essentials for Leaders is a skills-based training program that focuses
on helping leaders learn coaching skills and applying new behaviors to help develop their
employees, colleagues, and teams.
Leading People through Change teaches people how to identify and address
the typical questions that employees raise during a change, as well as how to use the
appropriate change strategy and corresponding behaviors to resolve concerns.
DISCovering Self and Others helps people identify and understand their behavior
patterns and patterns in others so that they can communicate more effectively. Based on
the well-known DISC Model.
Whale Done! The Power of Positive Relationships teaches people how to
improve their relationships at work in order to become more productive and to achieve
better results through the power of positive relationships.
+44 (0) 1483 456300 UK
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
“A live setting with peers is a great opportunity to
network, and allows you to learn from the diverse
experience brought by each participant.”
–Cathy Huett, Consulting Partner
Continuing Education
Many Blanchard workshops qualify for academic credits.
Training for Trainers
Several times a year, Blanchard offers specialized workshops for professional trainers to become
skilled in delivering specific programs. These Training for Trainers sessions teach facilitators
and trainers the skills they need and provide a safe learning environment to practice delivering
programs for your organization.
On-site Training and Consulting
Blanchard organizational development experts can design on-site training solutions that meet the
strategic needs of your organization. Often, classroom learning is part of a deeper organizational
change initiative or a large-scale employee development initiative. The curriculum spans a broad
range of leadership capacity and best practices. Training designs and development emphases are
identified and adapted to your organization’s culture and unique situation. Speak with a Blanchard
representative, who can guide you through the possibilities.
Ask to see our client success stories and you’ll understand how we value both people and results.
We care about making a leadership difference.
To register, please call
888 637-8729 from within the U.S.,
+44 (0) 1483 456300 within the United Kingdom
or +1 760 489-5005 from anywhere.
Email LearningCenter@kenblanchard.com
Visit www.kenblanchard.com/workshops/
“Firms that consistently
invest in training
outperform their
competition in both good
and bad times.”
—Scott Blanchard,
Executive Vice President,
Client Solutions
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 37
Ordering Information
If it is necessary to return a (non-video) purchase,
you must return the item in its original condition
within 60 days of the original invoice date. To ensure
proper credit, contact your Product and Keynote
Specialist and obtain a Return Authorization Number
prior to shipping. The number should be prominently
affixed to the outside of the package. Upon receipt,
Blanchard will issue a credit. A 20 percent restocking
fee may apply.
All prices are subject to change without notice.
Shipping charges and a handling fee of two percent
of product sales are added to each bill. When placing
orders, ask for the most current pricing and confirm
any special offers that might be in effect. Local taxes
will be assessed where applicable.
Quantity Discounts
Blanchard offers quantity discounts on several videos,
books, audios, and support materials. Please reference
the appropriate pricing sheet for this catalog or call for
Payment Terms
Prepayment is required on all orders unless
preapproved credit terms have been arranged.
Copyright, Use, and Purchase Conditions
All products and materials in this catalog are covered
by international copyright law under the Berne and
Pan-American Copyright conventions. These materials
may not be resold, rented, loaned, or circulated
outside the purchaser’s organization for profit or
gain. Under penalty of law, no part of these materials
may be duplicated or reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise—without the prior written consent of The
Ken Blanchard Companies.
DVD Video Terms and Conditions
We are unable to accept purchased DVD videos for a
refund or return. We recommend that you preview
videos or DVDs before purchasing them.
Previews and Rentals
by Media Type
Preview DVDs are not required to be returned. Rental
DVD videos must be returned within 15 days of
receiving your shipment.
DVD Video Extension of Time
If a DVD rental cannot be returned within the time
frame set forth, please call your sales representative.
Late or Nonreturned Rental DVD Videos
If an extension is not obtained from your salesperson
and a Rental DVD video is returned more than 30
days past the original date, you will be billed for the
full purchase price.
Purchasing Rental DVD Videos
If you rent a DVD video and then purchase it within
60 days, the purchase price will reflect a reduction for
the amount of the rental fee.
Lost or Damaged Products
Customers are responsible for any product and will be
liable for the full list price for any product that is lost,
stolen, or damaged.
Preview and Rental Returns of DVD Videos
Preview DVDs are not required to be returned. For
rental DVDs, it is not necessary to contact us to obtain
a Return Authorization Number. Ship it back to us
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Ken Blanchard Companies Fulfillment Center, 118
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Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
DiSC Classic Profile DISC, DISC Profile Emotional Intelligence Appraisal™ Preferred Leader Assessment Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Time Mastery Profile ®
Customer Mania! Full Steam Ahead! Gung Ho! Leadership Pill, The Leverage Your Best, Ditch The Rest On-Time, On-Target Manager, The Raving Fans Secret, The Whale Done! Zap the Gaps!
3 Keys to Empowerment, The The 4th Secret of the One Minute Manager, The
Aligned Thinking Big Bucks! Building the Latino Future
Coaching in Organizations
Customer Mania! Emotional Intelligence Quick Book, The Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute Empowerment: Achieving Peak Performance
through Self Leadership Everyone’s a Coach Formula 2 + 2 Full Steam Ahead! Generosity Factor, The Go Team! Gung Ho! Hamster Revolution, The Heart of a Leader, The High Five! It Takes Less than One Minute to Suit Up
for the Lord Know Can Do! Lead Like Jesus ®
Leader Within, The Leadership and the One Minute Manager Leadership by the Book Leadership Pill, The Leading at a Higher Level Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest Little Book of Coaching, The Managing by Values Mulligan, The On-Time, On-Target Manager, The One Minute Entrepreneur, The One Minute Golfer, The One Minute Manager , The One Minute Manager
Balances Work and Life, The One Minute Manager
Builds High Performing Teams, The One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey, The One Solitary Life Power of Ethical Management, The Putting the One Minute Manager to Work Raving Fans Referral of a Lifetime, The Secret, The Self Leadership and The One Minute Manager Servant Leader, The Serving Leader, The Simple Truths of Service, The True North Whale Done! Your Leadership Legacy Zap the Gaps! ®
Learning Aids
Emotional Intelligence PowerPoint Gung Ho! Lapel Pin Gung Ho! Poster High Performance Meetings Kit SLII Building the Model Poster SLII Game SLII Poster Team Charter Kit TrustWorks! Support Tools Virtual Teams Handbook Whale Done! Lapel Pins Whale Done! Pens ®
Whale Done!
Whale Done!
Whale Done!
Whale Done!
Poster Praising Cards Stickers Stuffed Whales 11
Learning Programs
Creating Your Organization’s Future:
Full Steam Ahead! Change, Leading People Through Change Customer Service, Legendary Service DiSC , Everything DiSC Email Efficiency and Etiquette Everything DiSC Facilitation System Introduction to Situational Leadership II Leading Change Legendary Service One Minute Manager Magic of Situational Self Leadership, The Secret, The Situational Leadership II (SLII ) Situational Self Leadership Situational Team Leadership Time Mastery TrustWorks! Whale Done! 6
Video DVDs
Accentuate the Positive Bob Knowlton Story, The BRAINS! Context, The
Everything DiSC Emotional Intelligence, BRAINS! DiSC , Everything DiSC Gung Ho! Succeeding in a Changing World Gung Ho! The Dramatic Heart of a Leader, The Johnny the Bagger Leadership and the One Minute Manager Leadership Pill, THE MOVIE Matching Leadership Style to the Situation Story of a New One Minute Manager, The Whale Done! Words to Lead By 10
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 39
by Title
3 Keys to Empowerment,The 19
High Performance Meetings Kit 4th Secret of the One Minute Manager
Introduction to Situational Leadership II 14
Accentuate the Positive
It Takes Less than One Minute to Suit Up
for the Lord 31
Aligned Thinking
Big Bucks! 29
Johnny the Bagger Bob Knowlton Story, The 15
Know Can Do! Building the Latino Future
Leader as Trust Builder™ 9
Leader Within, The 3
Coaching in Organizations
Leadership and the One Minute Manager 15
Context, The
Leadership by the Book 31
Creating Your Organization’s Future:
Full Steam Ahead 6
Customer Mania! 28
DiSC Classic Profile 24
Email Efficiency and Etiquette 29
Leadership Pill, The 7
Leading at a Higher Level 3
Leading People Through Change
Lead Like Jesus 27
Emotional Intelligence 18
Legendary Service Emotional Intelligence Quick Book, The 18
Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest 13
Empowerment: Achieving Peak Performance
through Self Leadership 16
Little Book of Coaching, The 13
Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute 19
Magic of Situational Self Leadership, The 16
Everyone’s a Coach 13
Everything DiSC
Formula 2 + 2 Full Steam Ahead! 24
Generosity Factor, The 33
Go Team! 23
Managing by Values ®
Matching Leadership Style to the Situation 15
Mulligan, The 31
Myself as a Trust Builder™ 9
One Minute Entrepreneur, The 21
One Minute Golfer, The 30
Gung Ho! 26
One Minute Manager ,The Hamster Revolution, The 29
Heart of a Leader, The 33
One Minute Manager
Balances Work and Life, The
High Five! 23
One Minute Manager
Builds High Performing Teams, The 23
Pricing information and ordering online: www.kenblanchard.com/estore
One Minute Manager Meets the Monkey, The One Solitary Life Online DISC Profile 21
On-Time, On-Target Manager, The Power of Ethical Management, The Preferred Leader Assessment Putting the One Minute Manager to Work Raving Fans Referral of a Lifetime, The Secret, The Self Leadership and The One Minute Manager Servant Leader, The Serving Leader, The Simple Truths of Service, The Situational Leadership II (SLII ) Situational Self Leadership (SSL) Situational Team Leadership SLII Story of a New One Minute Manager, The Team Charter Kit Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument Time Mastery Profile True North TrustWorks! Virtual Teams Handbook Whale Done! Words to Lead By Your Leadership Legacy Zap the Gaps! 30
© 2008 The Ken Blanchard Companies. All rights reserved. Do not duplicate. MK0068
Lasting Change
Behavioral change in a single individual requires not only desire, motivation, and cognitive understanding
it requires a variety of learning support. How many times have you resolved to turn over a new leaf?
Creating lasting change in a whole organization can be even harder. Influencing shifts in organizational
culture often requires the collective energy of many individuals coming together. That’s where the personal
journey and the organizational journey come together again.
With more than a quarter century in business and thousands of successful clients worldwide, The Ken
Blanchard Companies® is a trusted expert in organizational challenges.
Solving Complex Issues
Manage organizational change—Change
initiatives require strategy, process, and
communications. Reorganizations, new
executive appointments, mergers, acquisitions,
and downsizing are all opportunities for
change management. The Blanchard® change
management expertise sustains momentum and
commitment throughout the change initiative.
Clarify mission, vision, and values—Blanchard’s
visioning process assists organizations in defining,
clarifying, and communicating a compelling
mission, vision, and values to guide actions and
Break through silos and improve collaboration—
Blanchard boosts productivity and efficiency
by improving individual accountability and
teamwork. Blanchard’s team-building processes
enable teams—even virtual and cross-functional
teams—to ramp up faster, communicate more
effectively, and move to peak performance.
Printed on recycled paper
Reduce turnover and improve retention of key
talent—Blanchard has partnered with organizations
around the world to stem turnover by developing
leaders and workplaces that enable people to thrive.
Our programs build leadership effectiveness, and
develop bench strength, succession planning, and
talent management.
Improve workforce morale—Blanchard creates
cultures that encourage employees to take
responsibility, drive improvements and innovation,
and promote cost-savings.
“Follow-up needs to be
done as systematically as
the training—
that’s the key to success.”
—Scott Blanchard,
Executive Vice President,
Client Solutions
Create service excellence—Blanchard believes
that customer satisfaction is not good enough. Our
processes create customer-focused cultures that
lead to repeat business, rave reviews, and customer
Our training materials are here to support your
training goals. Our people are here to facilitate
lasting change. Work with a Blanchard Consulting
Partner and experience why we make the leadership
United States: 800 728-6052 • Canada: 800 665-5023 • United Kingdom: +44 (0) 1483 456300 41
Low Supportive
Low Directive
“Spinning your
wheels on email?
Get a life!”
High Directive
High Supportive
High Supportive
Low Directive
High Directive
Low Supportive
Introduction to Situational
Leadership II Training
The One Minute
The Secret to Creating and
Sustaining a Successful Business
The Simple Truths
of Service Book and
Johnny the Bagger
See page 28
See page 17
See page 29
See page 14
Human Resources/Training or:
United States:
800 728-6052
800 665-5023
United Kingdom:
+44 (0) 1483 456300
Printed on recycled paper
Email Efficiency and Etiquette
Online Program
based on the book,
The Hamster Revolution