Aufftfst 27 1895 Il I - c XVV t -- p - - l 4 tu fc-l OBINSBLE - e - KENTTJGKIAN -- SHE -- I rJTttb MBkTm H0LMB about from wt pWntofarftCMcfrb Until December iB9wftn tteigR together vrftk M tenie iWBWii aa ooriotiB and Benjamin F PiteL Minnie was never Career of 4he seen after December 15 Hblmes after ¬ unique unmxnsu jaipitwiiauu Itidianpolis where ward visltod release from Jail of the he secured Chicago Claims PolHre Department el the accomplice At the his BatJafrwtbry allired Pitzel Efldeaco toHavo Secured same time hehad the Minnie Williams to Show Tbat Bo KUleil at Least TefiPeraonj property In Fort Worth transferred to Pitzel under the name of Benton T llSsclal Chicago Letter Lyman He then went to Franklin If the reports of Chicagos Torontos Ind t and there married Miss Georgiana rind Philailelpbiafci polioe oiHcers arc Yoke On January 12 1894 Holmes is even partiallyased ou fact the United reported to have appeared in Fort States has the unenviable distinction of Worth under the name of 0 C Pratt having produoed in the person ofH After beginning the erection of a build ¬ JIL Holmes the shrewdest and most ing on one of tho Williams lots Holmes unprincipled scoundrel and criminal of and Pitzel left for St Louis and thb nineteenth century A mero sum ¬ planned the insurance swindle which mary of the crimes charged against him led to his arrest vvould fill many columns and the story In July 1894 a life insurance policy of the murders said to have boon com for 10000 was Issued by a Philadelphia naltted by him told In the barest out company in favor of Benjamin F Pifc line has caused intense K excitement zch The scheme evolved by Holmes to wherever it has been heard secure this sum was as follows Holmes H H Holmes whose real name is and Pitzel were to get possession of a HermspA Mudgett was born in Gil corpse resembling Pitzel burn it mantonAJfc H in 1800 At tho age of slightly to prevent identification forge proofs of Pitzels death and share the money As a means to this end Holmes was duly appointed guardian for the Pitzel children Alice Howard and Nellie In September 1894 tho charred remains of a man were found in a de¬ serted house at No 1316 Callowhtll street Philadelphia Holmes and Alice Pitzel went to Philadelphia and identi fled tho remains as those of Benjamin F Pitzel The insurance money was paid to J B Howe a St Louis lawyer It is stated that Lawyer Howe received 2500 Mrs Pitzel 300 and Holmes the resa of tho 810000 Alice did not re ¬ turn to St Louis with Holmes who said that ho had left her in good hands On the pretext that ho wished to put them in a good school Hplmes also took n n HOLMES Nellie and Howard from their mother 17 he married dara A Lovering a Ho took Alice and Nellie to Cincinnati New Hampshire girt in 1870 while Detroit and other places and finally to clerking in a store at East Concord N Toronto Canada where at No 10 St Vincent street it Is claimed he killed H he began the study of medicine and a year later entered the medical the girls and burled them in the cellar department of tho University of Tho boy Howard it is stated was Michigan at Ann Arbor Soon after murdered at Indianapolis On July 15 hls arrival in the Michigan city he In ¬ 1895 Detective Frank Geyer of Phila-¬ sured his life heavily and with the as ¬ delphia discovered tne bodies of the sistance of a fellow student succeeded two girls in the cellar of the Toronto They were promptly identi in passing a body in the dissecting cottage room as his own The conspirators fied by their mother On November 17 1594 Holmes was collected the insurance and separated Holmes returning to the east where be arrested in Boston charged with Concontinued his studies 3n 1837 he left spiracy to defraud the Philadelphia in his wife telling her ho was going to surance company The work of the Chicago and from that time until No ¬ detectives caused a belief that the body vember 1894 she knew nothing about Sfound in the Callowhill street house Ills liaings Some time in 1887 Holmes arrived in Chicago and became clerk In a drug store nt No 700 Sixty Enird stroet In i TrlE YfefWrtT f Ml idca u Cant he bought the store aB well as the property at the corner of Sixty third and Wallace streets on which ho erect ed the welding which has since become known ic3 the castle or charnel houseIn the same year he married Miss Myrtle Belknap of Wilmette a suburb of Chicago In the month of September 1839 L 1888 M r-m I f ¬ - Julia CoNNtfMU----TO- p ft VW - K Wti6WJ0 WW EQED VICTIMS uwuafsmY vmww yVwiEWiltlAMi OS UOLMES visited Denver and there met Minnie E Williams an elocutionist at the Fif-¬ teenth Street theater Early in 1893 Miss Williams cameto Chicago and was installed as nqjfmes private secretary She was possessed of property at Fort Worth Texj yalued at 550OQ0- - part of which Holmea afterwards secured either throuhh iorged deeds or undue influence Soou after her arrival at Chicago Minnie eut for her sister Nannie to make her a visit Nannie left her homo hurriedly with instruc- ¬ tions that if she did not return at a certain time her trunk should be sent after her Her trunk was shipped to F Chicagoybut was never takenout of tho attached to - him which aroused Minnies jealousy and led her to Kiu ner sister jxannie fitatedvTiaii Nannie became f wnilnmsdsappearedinuly 1893 One night soon after Nannies murder the castle which had been insured for 00 000 was burned out The insurance companies suspecting arson refused to 6y the lss and for three months tried 4 rf JSi hold of Holmes who dodged 7- - ¬ pfi FIVE snis really MOHE XLIXGED VICTIMS that of Pitzel and that he had been killed by Holmes The discovery of the bodies of the Pitzel vchildren in the Toronto cellar led to a thorough examination of the Holmes castle at Chicago The po ¬ lice department concluded to search thepremises from cellarto attic and ghastly discoveries followed each other in quick succession On July 23 blood- ¬ stained garments were found in the celtex on July 24 parts of a childs skeleton supposed to be that of Pearl Conner were unearthed on July 27 oneMG Cbappcll a somewhat dissii pated mechanic stated to the police that he had articulated four skeletons for Holmestwo of which he produced a few days later On July 29 detectives discovered a secret vat in the basement of the castle This vat Is buried five feet under ground and is twelve f oet In length It was probably used for quick liming theljcdies A vault large enough to hold two persons and supplied with gaspipes is another startling fcatureof the castle 3Chb police theory is that Holmes persuaded his girl victims to enter the vault which Is absolutely sound proof He would then close the door turn on the gas and asphyxiate them After they were dead he would place the bodies In a chemical solution eo as to prevent identification and finally have the skeletons articulated Since Holmes lias been found guilty of the murder of Alice Pitzel by a cor- ¬ oners jury in Toronto he is reported to have made several statements ex- ¬ plaining how he came in possession of tho skeletons articulated for him by He said he procured the Chappell dead bodies for the sole purpose of sell- ¬ ing them to physicians a business which he claims never fails to re- ¬ turn a good profit Polioo officers at Chicago and Philadelphia Holmes is now in jail at the latter place ridicule his explanation Should evidence continue to accumu- ¬ late the states attorney soon hopes to be in a position to prove that Holmes murdered in cold blood Mrs Julia Con- ¬ ner and her daughter Pearl Miss Emeline Cigrand Minnie and Nannie Wiftiams Benjamin F Pitzel and his three children Howard Alice and Nellie To these must be added Miss Emily Van Tassel who was employed In a candy store On Milwaukee avenue Chicago where a man supposed to be Holmes made her acquaintance After he had visited her a few times she too disappeared and has been seen no more Other victims are spoken of but thoten persons mentioned are probably all whoso mysterious disap pearance can bo established It Is a elngularfact that all oi Holmes alleged girl victims were decidedly pretty and p6ssessed of more than ordinary intel ligence ¬ Ml 1n itiKtitittr 61 JU Eleven Teachers Four Music Teachers- Seventfr five Boarding Pupils last year Total Enrollment last yearjfjgjg Complete course in Bookkeeqimgirerithout extra charge Session Beaiaa s SeptiL O ZDTeszt JWt T Catalogues at Hopper Bros or SentBy Mail 4 Je5J Paid Policy Holders since organization - Former N Y Standard New York had a 500000 fire Sun- Surplus Lossespald In Kentucky over 500 were people which by thrown day After second year GUARANTEED CASH SURRENDER ¬ out or work si Sent It to His Moosier in Germany THE OU HOUSE AND THE NEW ONE it is a very active restless roaming little creature not hidden away in a cave bnt going about with ltshouse on its back Often the hermit seems to select a shell on account of Its prettiness some- ¬ times it takes a shell that is too big for it There is a hermit crab now at the New York aquarium that moved awhile ago from a natica shell into a periwinkle shell that was obviously too big the crab could hardly stagger with it and it moved back into the natica But soon it moved once more back into the periwinkle again and it has been there ever since not yet grown up o it but apparently pleased with its big house There is another hermit crab at the aquarium that is housed In a periwinkle shell a small white peri ¬ winkle that is dusted with patches of fine bright velvety green some sort of delicate marine growth a lovely little shell This shell fits its owner who gets about with It gayly and small as it is it is conspicuous among the rest on account of its beauty There is left in the hermits tank at the aquarium a number of spare shells for the convenience and comfort of crabs that may desire to change their quarters and these may serve also to There was accommodate strangers brought to the aquarium the otherday for instance from Gravescnd bay along with a lot of killies a hermit crab This crab was in a worn and broken natica shell the shell had a hole through its top and half its lip was gone a pretty dilapidated sort of a house for a hermit crab to live in It would seem as though it might have found in the sea a better shell than that but it hadnt and the crab was lively and in good condition too But within an hour after it was placed Yn the vtank it had left the old shell and taken one of the spare shells for its own The new shell is a natica like the one It left and a little smaller It is cleaner and brighter but clearly this change was made for the sake of utility rather than of appearance for the benefits to be derived from the new shells tight roof and projecting hood The hermits are not very much given to fighting but occasionally they do fight Two hermits that met in this tank the other day face to face grap pled and struggled with each other at a great rate They were pretty evenly matched in size but one was stronger than the other and the stronger one shook the weaker until the shell on its back rattled against the glass side of the tank like one of those electrical contrivances that are sometimes attached to window panes ¬ ¬ WILL RULE AUSTRIA Archduke Charles LmiU and III Wife Have Charmed tho English The heirs to tho throne of Austria recently visited Queen Victoria and charmed the English population for a Corbett has married again after the courts granting his wife a divorce and saying she could marry but he must not r U TEX UUISVILLE ST LOUIS AS RAILWAY TION Wffii 1 1 No 63 51 Daily Lv Louisville West Point Brnndenbuig 0 80 p m 7 45 a m 7 25 p m 40am 8 01pm 917am Stepheneport Cloverport Hawesvllle Lewisport Owensboro Spotsvllle Ar Henderson 69pm 9 28pm 9 54pm 8J0pni Irvington 0 10 18 p 10 69 p 1145 9 45 10 28 10 50 am 11 16 a m m 111 40 am m 12 22 am pm 108pm 1210 am 180pm No Dally EAST BOUND am am No R C WILCOX T R HANCOCK imilllk WAREHOUS COR MAIN AND FKONT STREETS Dally Tobacco Warehousemen and Commission Merchants X GAITHEB Liberal Advances on Tobacco HAlSTCOCIi Salesman - WEST asTOBAOOOi J Mills m m m m R JAS WEST- Ovrrnsboro Ky A V CO 5 For further Information address H C Moedoe A G P A Louisville Ky or W L All Tobacco Sent Us Covered T R HANCOCK Store 720am 2 55pm 7 48am 816pm 8 80am 400pm 9 18 a m 4 85 p m - 9 87am 459pm NATAITHER 10 05 am 5 24 pm 10 28 n m 5 45 p m 1105 am 6 80pm 11 31 a m 6 58 p m 12 05 p m 7 85 a m 100pm 8 SO am Lv Henderson Spottvllle Owensboro Lewisport Hawesvllle Cloverport Stephensport Irvington Brandenburg West Point Ar Louisville i Hopkinsville Kentucky br Insurance - Liberal Advances on Consignments No Daily BOUND TCTHT b MERCHANTS WAREHOUSEMEN COMMISSION AND GRAIN DEALERS Russellville and Railroad Streets SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY k J - 1665- And Proprietors PL ANTERS Warehouse - HOPKINSVILLE K THE GREAT Trunk Line ough Dctweon the cities o Cincinnati Lexington Louis ville Evansvie St Louis And the cities of Memphis Mont ejom ery Mobile and New Orleans WITHOUT CHANGE Nashville AND SEED ONBIVALED Pullman Palace Cars for Atlanta Savanah ERAGSDADE vV R E m U W est In Pullman Palace Cars rgifiT3 rates receive special EMIGRANTS low road will see agents of this company for rates loutes c or write to O P Atmobe G P T A LouisvilV ECEIVKR W THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY ROUTE TO Louisville Evansville nevolent In appearance with bright blue eves He Is fortunate enough to be much thought of In his native land AND ALL POINTS because he is kind to high and low and takes an indefatigable interest in art commerce and literature mdmmla base Archduchess Mario Therese is also TO somounng oi an Aus a lavonte was a Wales She of princess trian jlemphis Vicksburg Now Orleans young girl when she married her husAND ALU POINTS band who was a widower with four children Sho has dark dreamy eyes and a wistful expression She repreQ sents the sorrow changed empress at Limited Trains and Perfect Service all public functions Sho is a sports woman an artist and capital ridfras Csunectlng at Memphis with through trains to all points in is the empress Cincinnati PI KY - 250 No commission J Bl ALLEN Genl Agt L E DADD BooK keeper U P WAREIELD3a Union Tobacco Warehouse COMMERCE and HITER STS Jonnections are made at Guthrie and Nashville for all points 60 - Special attention to sampling and selling tobacco Liberal advance ¬ ments made on consignments Our charges for selling Tobacco will remaio in Florida JOHN ECHOES ST JOH BOYLE GO t WM U HOPKINSVILLE -- hiB COOPEB- - RAGSDALE COOPER Macon Jackson ¬ ville and points orth East South and CnAKLES LOUIS OF AUSTRIA- - VALUES on life and endowment policies INCONTE6TIBLE CASH LOANS made on assignable policies In case of lapso no FORFEITURE policy Is continued In force FOR FULL AMOUNT by the reserve orlf pre- ¬ ferred to the purchase of a paid up pollcv No restrictions as to RESIDENCE or OCCUPA- ¬ druggist wonder Archduke Charles Lonis is the eldest brother of the Austrian emperor and is an ideal gontleman dignified and be- - 18796431663 67283 80000 - I THE BEST CONTRACT EVER OFFERED Mr Jacob Bsbensen who is in the employ of the Chioago Lumber Co Call or write for sample policy at your age and on plan desired at Des Moines Iowa Bays I have FW SMITH - CO State Agents 542 West Main street Louisville Ky just sent some medicine back to my CALLIS WALLACE Local Agents mother in the old country that I HOPKINVILLE KENTUCKY know from personal use tb be the best in the world for rheumatism having used it in my family for several years JOHN N MILL-It is called Chamberlains Pain Balm W G WHEELER Bookkeepe It alwajs does the work 50 cent bottles for sole by R C Hardwick ¬ JLBCHDUKE U Homeric laughter is classical name for unquenchable mirth It is the sort of laughing which those persons -- Insure 1895 1845 in the Old Reliable indulge in who have take5h Ramons Tonic Liver Pills and changed a sal- ¬ GO low complexion bright eyes and rosy MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE cheeks Ask all your druggist for a OF NEWARK NEW JERSEY AMZI DODD President free sample dose For sale bv R C Hardwick Total Assets January 1st 1895 i 6528J0 -- iL Conner was employed by Holmes to take charge of the jewelry branch of his business and Mr and Mrs Conner and their daughter Pearl were persuaded ioMpccupy apartments in the mysterious cdfctle In 1891 Conner bought the store of Holmes but soon afterward had trouble with the latter over his avife In Mareh the couple EeparatedVand Mrs Conner was made bookkeeper by Holmes who had re ¬ sumed management of the store On the evening of December 8 111891 Mrs Julia Conner and little Pearl disap- ¬ peared and have not since been seen tallve Shortly afterward in May 1893 Miss JJmeline Cigrand a hand ¬ some young lady from Indiana accept- ed a position as stenographer in the castle 3n December she informed her friends that she was to be married to a Mr Phelps whom she represented as a rich man Then she dropped out of sight completely not even calling for hen wedding outfit which remained in the hands of thedreesmaker About this time Holmes who liad as ¬ sumed flthe name of Harry Gordon Mr Johh H Tarver Dnlton 6a says Jiine 5th 95 This is to ceir ify that I have U6ed Royal Germe tuer in my family for tho last five years for various complaints viz Indigestion bowol troubles and general debility and find it all that it claims to be In fact I would ndt be without it in my house If you would know the value of this great remedy in the family send to the Atlanta Chemical Co Atlanta Ga1 for 48 page book free New large bottle 108 doses SI orjsale by C Hardwick v Geo P Root music composer of Chicago is dead Xat He The hermit crab has up shell except upon the front portion of ita body and upon Its claws When unprotected It Is liable to be Bttacked and eaten by fish and even by Its own kind and 60 tho very first thing It does In life after It Is able to get about at all is to find a shell to live in An exceedingly Braall shell says the New York Sun will do for it at firstf It may bo a tiny snail shell not more than a quarter of an Inch in length The crab moves from time to time as it grows bigger into larger and larger shells until at full growth it may require a shell four or five inches in diameter Tho hermit is such only so far as its habit of hiding its body In a shell goes and that is a llabit arising fromnecessity otherwise ¬ ¬ a Uo to mtt Always Do It Gfst Tried PobYeaks RAB rp Clarksville CO UNION Tennesse - i HOUSE j Liberal advance made on Con signments Free Storage Planters Correspondence So to--- I licited Prompt and Careful Attention to All Business Entrusted to Us T C HANBERY M F SHRYER PEOPLES WAREHOU SE HANBERY SHRYER ProPs Railroad Street Betweon Tenth and Eleventh - 23Zop3sInSTrille IEPstv t Careful attention given to sntnpl ami selling all tobacco consigned to Good quarters for teame us Liberal advances o t in store and teamsters xVll tobacco Insured uuless otherwise instructed ¬ ¬ ¬ SOUTH Arkansas and Texas Patents for Fnoqmutio bhocs There are said to bo no less than nine Tickets and all Information will be patents filed at the patent office for Rates furnished ou application to your nearest pneumatic shoes In course of time it ticket agent may be something more than a figure T B LYNOH of speech to vyajk on air Ueneral Passenger Agent Louisville Ky staToLislxed 1869 MU1TIT Jt 00 Tobacco Commission Merchants CENTRAL WAREHOUSE SIopQsirLs ville rPr5i jurr