Disorder in Topological Insulators Eugeniu Plamadeala Mentors: Tami Pereg-Barnea, Doron Bergman, Gil Refael Department of Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy California Institute of Technology May 11, 2010 Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 1 / 25 Background Phases and Types of Order Phases There exist many phases of matter and classifying them involves understanding their nature. Landau-Ginzburg theory: phases classified by the symmetries they break New types of order: topological and quantum order. Need more than symmetry to classify Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 2 / 25 Background Phases and Types of Order Topological Order Cannot be described by symmetry breaking, long-range correlation or local order-parameters Instead, characterized by: ground-state degeneracy, quasiparticle statistics and edge states If no broken symmetries, and quantum state is gapped, order is called Topological. Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 3 / 25 Background Topologically Ordered Phases Topological Insulator Bulk ground state is an insulator Edge states: decay exponentially into bulk, can move on the edge Examples: quantum Hall effect, quantum spin Hall effect Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 4 / 25 Background Topologically Ordered Phases The Gap Is Important An insulator is in the most basic state Energy gap between bands prevents low energy excitations Gap alone does not guarantee insulating state Counter-example: The 2D integer quantum Hall state Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 5 / 25 Background Topologically Ordered Phases Z2 Classification of 2D Topological Insulator Consider the surface of a crystal Distinctive property: gapless states on boundary, aka edge states Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 6 / 25 Background Topologically Ordered Phases Z2 Classification of 2D Topological Insulator Consider surface state within bulk energy gap with momentum k in 2D BZ Kramer’s Th: TR-invariance =⇒ k, −k are (energy) degenerate 4 special momenta, Γ1−4 , where k and −k coincide Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 7 / 25 Background Topologically Ordered Phases Z2 Classification of 2D Topological Insulator Between any pair Γa,b , SO interactions lifts degeneracy Two distinct ways to connect these states Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 8 / 25 Background Topologically Ordered Phases The Problem What if the material has disorder? What happens to the ground states? The goal was to understand how different types of disorder affect the phase Which type of disorder is more important How much disorder can a TI resist And what happens to the TI phase when there is too much disorder Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 9 / 25 Approach A 2D TI Model: Graphene Sheets The Model Two well-known models exhibiting the TI phase Graphene sheets + strong SO coupling Mercury telluride (realized experimentally) We chose to study graphene because it’s simpler, typically studied on substrates(automatically disordered). Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 10 / 25 Approach A 2D TI Model: Graphene Sheets Basics: Honeycomb Lattice Start with a tight-binding model on a 2D finite honeycomb lattice wrapped into a cylinder. Hu = U X i H = Hu + HNN + HSO X † =t ci cj + h.c. ci† ci HNN <ij> HSO = iλ X vij ci† cj ij where vij = ẑ · (d̂i × d̂j ) Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 11 / 25 Approach A 2D TI Model: Graphene Sheets Adding Disorder For every energy term, there’s a type of disorder On-site potential disorder, U (if U = const, chemical potential shift) NN link disorder, δt NNN link disorder (SO coupling disorder), δλ Value disorder chosen randomly from uniform distribution Max ofMax − 2 , 2 ν=3 A2 ν=2 a2 ν=1 ν=0 Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) a1 Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 12 / 25 Approach A 2D TI Model: Graphene Sheets Extracting σxy The Topological Insulator state is characterized by quantized Hall conductivity I calculate it by creating a small imbalance in the energy landscape. Ef V Ef +2 Ef V Ef -2 Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 13 / 25 Approach A 2D TI Model: Graphene Sheets Extracting σxy A system is characterized by the set {N, M, t, λ, U, δλ, δt} For each complete phase diagram( σxy vs {U, δλ}) compute 30 points For each point {U, δλ}, compute 15 times, take average For each computation, diagonalize Hamiltonian, extract I vs V ; time 10-50 minutes Total time for one phase diagram: 70-350 computing hours Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 14 / 25 Results Phase Diagrams Phase Diagrams Contour plots: 1 − 1- Σxy Σxy,max σxy σxy (clean) vs. U/λ, δλ/λ for 30 x 33 with Λ = 0.3 1- 5 Σxy Σxy,max 1- for 30 x 33 with Λ = 0.4 Σxy Σxy,max for 30 x 33 with Λ = 0.5 5 3.5 0.5 4 0.5 3.0 2.5 2 Λ 3 2.0 ∆Λ 0.3 Λ ∆Λ Λ 3 0.2 ∆Λ 4 0.3 0.2 0.5 2 1.5 0.1 1.0 1 0.1 1 0.1 0 0.0 0 1 2 3 U 4 5 Λ Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) 6 0.3 0.2 0.5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 U 3 U Λ Λ Disorder in Topological Insulators 0 1 2 4 Caltech, 2010 5 6 15 / 25 Results Phase Diagrams Phase Diagrams 1- Σxy Σxy,max for 50 x 33 with Λ = 0.2 1- Σxy Σxy,max for 50 x 33 with Λ = 0.3 5 7 6 0.5 4 5 3 0.2 0.3 Λ ∆Λ Λ ∆Λ 0.5 4 0.2 3 2 0.3 2 1 1 0.1 0.1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 7 0 1 2 3 U U Λ Λ Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators 4 Caltech, 2010 5 16 / 25 Results Phase Diagrams Phase Diagrams 1- Σxy Σxy,max for 50 x 43 with Λ = 0.2 1- 7 3.0 Λ 0.3 2.0 3 1.5 2 1.0 0.1 1 1 2 3 4 0.1 0.5 0.2 0 0 0.3 2.5 0.2 0.5 ∆Λ Λ 5 ∆Λ for 50 x 43 with Λ = 0.4 3.5 6 4 Σxy Σxy,max 5 6 7 0.0 0 1 2 3 U U Λ Λ Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 4 5 17 / 25 Results Phase Diagrams Phase Diagram Cuts à 1 ò ò ò 2 Π æ ìà ì à ì à æ ì ì ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò Lattice parameters æ æ æ ìì à à æ à à à à ì ì ìàì ì à æ æ ì Σxy ò ì à 0.14 æ æ 30 x 33 with Λ = 0.2 à 30 x 33 with Λ = 0.3 ì 30 x 33 with Λ = 0.4 æ æ à ì à æ æ ò 1 2Π æ 0. 1.6 3.2 4.8 U 6.4 8. Λ 1 ò 2Π æ 0.14 ò ò ò à ìà æ ì ì àì æ à ì ìà ì æ àì ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò ò Lattice parameters æ à ì à æ æ 30 x 33 with Λ = 0.2 à 30 x 33 with Λ = 0.3 ì 30 x 33 with Λ = 0.4 ì ì àì æ Σxy à ì 0.1 æ à æ à æ à æ ò æ ì 1 2Π æ à 0. 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6. ∆Λ Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Λ Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 18 / 25 Results Phase Diagrams The above shows that: Indeed the TI phase is very robust to SO coupling disorder, even more so to on-site potential disorder Results are geometry independent, somewhat λ independent Next natural step: investigate the end phases Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 19 / 25 Results DOS Density of States 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 30 x 33 Λ=0.3, U=0 3 -3 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 30 x 33 Λ=0.3, U=0 Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) 3 0.00 -4 Disorder in Topological Insulators -2 -1 0 1 2 30 x 33 Λ=0.3, U=0 -2 0 2 30 x 33 Λ=0.3, U=0 Caltech, 2010 3 4 20 / 25 Results DOS Density of States 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 30 x 33 Λ=0.3, ∆Λ=0 3 -3 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.00 -2 -1 0 1 2 30 x 33 Λ=0.3, ∆Λ=0 3 0.00 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 30 x 33 Λ=0.3, ∆Λ=0 Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) 3 Disorder in Topological Insulators -3 -2 -1 0 1 30 x 33 ∆Λ=0 2 Caltech, 2010 3 21 / 25 Results DOS Density of States 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 -4 -2 0 2 4 30 x 33 UΛ= 5, ∆ΛΛ= 5 vs. UΛ= 0, ∆ΛΛ= 5 Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 22 / 25 Results DOS The DOS suggests a likely scenario: For moderate U disorder, band insulator For strong U disorder, Anderson insulator Moderate U disorder and strong δλ, dominated by δλ Nothing can be said about strong δλ disorder Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 23 / 25 Results DOS Conclusions Constructed a model of a 2D topological insulator based on graphene Understood its robustness with respect to disorder Gained intuition about disordered phases To clarify end phases, will look at localization and σxx Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 24 / 25 Results DOS Acknowledgements Many thanks to Tami, Doron and Gil for guidance Eugeniu Plamadeala (Caltech) Disorder in Topological Insulators Caltech, 2010 25 / 25