PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR WORKSHEET (Fall 2012 Revision) STUDENT IDENTIFICATION Student's Name Student Number Local Address Local Phone Degree Program Catalog Year CCU E-mail Psychology Advisor's Name FIRST YEAR EXPERIENCE UNIV 110 is required of all students who enter as freshman or as transfer students with fewer than 12 credits. Requirement 0: course credits semester grade notes UNIV 110 3 ENGLISH COMPOSITION ENGL 101 and 102 or 211 are required of all students. Grades of C or better are required in these courses. Requirement 1: course credits semester grade notes ENGL 101 3 ENGL 102 or 211 3 COMMUNICATION EMPHASIS Psych majors will receive credit for this core requirement by taking PSYC 202. Grade of C or better required. Requirement 2: course credits semester grade notes PSYC 202 3 MATHEMATICS All Psych majors seeking the BA degree are required to take one math course at the level of college algebra or above. Courses meeting this requirement include MATH 130, 130I, 131, 132, 135, 160, and 161. (MATH 101, 102, 139, 201, 202, and 203 do NOT count towards this requirement.) BS students should see the next box. Requirement 3: course credits semester grade notes Psych majors seeking the BS degree are required to complete 10-12 credit hours of math courses. Courses meeting this requirement include MATH 130, 130I, 131, 132, 135, 160, and 161. (MATH 101, 102, 139, 201, 202, and 203 do NOT count towards this requirement.) PSYC 480/L may be counted provided it is not used towards the psych major. Requirement 4: course credits semester grade notes All Psych majors are required to take PSYC 225/L, STAT 210/L, or CBAD 291. This will meet the Mathematics core requirement as well. PSYC 225/L is strongly recommended. Requirement 5: course credits semester grade(s) notes SCIENCE All Psych majors must meet the core science requirement by completing one of the following WITH lab: ANTH 101/L, ASTR 101/L, BIOL 121/L, BIOL 232/L, CHEM 101/L, CHEM 111/L, GEOL 102/L, GEOL 111/L, MSCI 101/L, MSCI 102/L, MSCI 111/L, PHYS 103/L, PHYS 201/L, PHYS 211/L. (SCI 101/L and BIOL 101/L do NOT count here.) Requirement 6: course credits semester grades notes All Psych majors must complete one additional lab science course, which cannot include either SCI 101/L or BIOL 101/L. Requirement 7: course credits semester grades notes Psych majors seeking the BS degree are required to complete one additional lab science course, which cannot include either SCI 101/L or BIOL 101/L. BA students DO NOT need to meet this requirement. Requirement 8: course credits semester grades notes Page 2 COMPUTER SCIENCE All Psych majors are required to take one Computer Science course. CSCI 105 is usually taken here. Requirement 9: course credits semester grade notes HUMANITIES COURSES All Psych majors must complete two courses from two different disciplines, to be chosen from: ENGL 205, ENGL 231, ENGL 287, ENGL 288, HIST 101, HIST 102, HIST 202, PHIL 101, PHIL 102, or THEA 130. Requirement 10: course credits semester grade notes FOREIGN LANGUAGE All Psych majors must take either a foreign language course at a level of 130 or higher, or must complete six hours of foreign language credits in the same language. Requirement 11: course credits semester grade notes GLOBAL STUDIES AWARENESS All Psych majors must take one course to be chosen from: ANTH 102, CBAD 120, ECON 150, ENGL 275, ENGL 276, ENGL 277, GEOG 121, HIST 111, HIST 112, POLI 101, and RELG 103. Requirement 12: course credits semester grade notes HISTORY OR GOVERNMENT All Psych majors must take either HIST 201 or POLI 201. Requirement 13: course credits semester grade notes HUMAN HEALTH AND BEHAVIOR Psych majors will meet this core requirement by taking PSYC 101. A grade of C or better is required. Requirement 14: course credits semester grade notes PSYC 101 3 CREATIVE EXPRESSION One of the following is required: ARTH 105, ARTH 106, ARTH 107, ARTS 102, ENGL 201, MUS 110, MUS 257, MUS 258, THEA 101, THEA 201. Requirement 15: course credits semester grade notes GENERAL ELECTIVES Sufficient general electives to bring total credits passed to 120 must be completed. Requirement 16: course credits semester grade notes Page 3 REMAINING PSYCHOLOGY REQUIREMENTS The following courses must be passed with grades of C or better to complete the requirements for a Psych major. Research Methods – PSYC 226/L must be completed. Requirement 17: course credits semester grade notes PSYC 226/L 4 Quantitative Methods – PSYC 480/L or PSYC 483/L must be completed. Requirement 18: course credits semester grade notes 4 Applied Research – PSYC 497/L must be completed. Requirement 19: course credits semester grade notes PSYC 497/L 4 History and Systems – PSYC 484 must be completed. Requirement 20: course credits semester grade notes PSYC 484 3 Developmental Psychology – Choose one course from PSYC 302, 420, 421, 423, and 425. Requirement 21: course credits semester grade notes 3 Abnormal or Personality Psychology – Choose one course from PSYC 410, 411, 428, and 440. Requirement 22: course credits semester grade notes 3 Learning or Cognitive Psychology – Choose one course from PSYC 400, 401, and 407. Requirement 23: course credits semester grade notes 3 Biological Psychology – Choose one course from PSYC 415, 450, and 460. Requirement 24: course credits semester grade notes 3 Psychology Electives – Choose at least two (more are permitted) additional psychology courses at the 300-400 level not already completed as one of the above requirements. PSYC 399, 490, 498, and 499 do NOT count here. Requirement 25: course credits semester grade notes COGNATE COURSES OR MINOR All Psych major must complete either an approved minor, or must complete 12 hrs. in approved cognate courses. These courses are generally 300 or 400 level courses not in Psychology but in some discipline related to the student's interests in Psychology. See your advisor for approval of cognate courses. course credits semester grade notes Requirement 26: OR named of approved minor name of minor advisor I, the student, am aware that it is my responsibility to know these requirements, and that successful fulfillment of the requirements for a Psychology major is up to me. Signature of student: