Cibolo Green Elementary School PTA CHARTER

C ibolo G reen E lementary School PT A
A PR I L 21, 2010
The meeting was called to order by the President of North East Council of PTAs, Shonna Jones at 6:02pm at Tejeda Middle School.
With no objections, Shonna Jones appointed Tanya Gill to record the minutes of the meeting until a permanent secretary is elected.
Shonna welcomed Cibolo Green Elementary School Principal, Ivonna Gonzales. Dr. Gonzales expressed her gratitude for the work
Purpose of the M eeting - The purpose of this meeting is to organize a Local Unit of the Texas Parent Teacher Association at Cibolo
Green Elementary School.
M eeting A ctions:
M inutes of the Prior Committee M eeting - Rhonda Peterson, temporary secretary confirmed that the minutes of the
Steering Committee Meeting held on March 3, 2010 had been approved and posted.
Recognitions - Shonna thanked the following people for their contribution in organizing and planning for the charter of this
PTA: Ivonna Gonzales (Principal), Monica Pipes (Temporary Chairman), Rhonda Peterson (Temporary Secretary), all members of
the Steering Committee, Nominating Committee, Publicity Committee, Hospitality Committee and Membership Committee.
Shannon Grona was thanked for serving as the Council Liaison.
M eeting Rules - With no bylaws in place yet, Shonna explained we will follow Roberts Rules of Order, Newly Revised as
our parliamentary authority and appointed Shannon Grona as the Temporary Parliamentarian for tonight's meeting. Shonna then
added, each person addressing the chair or the assembly will be asked to give his/her name before speaking for the secretary's
record. Everyone in attendance is entitled to vote on the motion, since there is no membership involved yet. Shonna also requested
that anyone who wishes to speak during discussion of a motion to please keep any discussion to two (2) minutes per person and that
no person speak to the same question more than once until everyone else who wishes to do so has spoken.
Motion to organize ± Christie Busenlehner moved that we organize the Cibolo Green Elementary Parent Teacher
Association as a local PTA of the Texas branch of the Nation Congress of Parents and Teachers. The motion was seconded. There
was no discussion. The motion passed by voice vote.
Presentation and A doption of Bylaws ± Monica Pipes, acting chairman of the Bylaws Committee introduced the other
committee members: Stephanie Nemec, Toni DuBois, Cindy Zagrzecki, and Christie Busenlehner . Monica explained the Bylaws
Committee met on March 9, 2010 at which time the committee reviewed the most recent copy of the suggested "Local Unit Bylaws"
provided from the Texas PTA. The committee then drafted the proposed bylaws for the Cibolo Green Elementary School PTA.
Monica Pipes moved the bylaws be adopted as printed. Since the motion came as a recommendation from the Bylaws
committee, it needed no second. Shonna Jones then presented each Article of the bylaws for acceptance, mentioning any insertions
or additions.
ƒ ARTICLE I: NAME - This article is a starred item; the Bylaws Committee has inserted the name Cibolo Green
Elementary School, Area 7 as the Parent Teacher Association and San Antonio, Texas in the blanks of this article. ƒ ARTICLE II(2): Articles of Organization, ARTICLE III(3): Purposes and ARTICLE IV(4): Basic Policies are
starred items with the name Cibolo Green Elementary School inserted in the blank in Article III.
ƒ ARTICLE V(5): Constituents Organization is a starred item with no changes made.
ƒ ARTICLE VI(6): Relationship with Texas PTA is a starred item with no changes made.
ƒ ARTICLE VII(7): Members and Dues - Sections 1- 9 are starred items. The Bylaws Committee inserted $3.00 as the
local portion of the membership dues in Section 5. ƒ ARTICLE VIII(8): Officers and Their Election is a starred item.
‡ Section 2a has been changed to reflect five (5) vice-presidents and to include the position of Historian.
‡ Section 2b has April as election month;
‡ Section 3a has been changed to reflect five (5) members and two (2) alternates elected to the nominating
‡ Section 3c reporting in April.
ƒ ARTICLE IX(9): Duties of Officers ±
‡ Section 1 is starred.
‡ Section 2b (1±2) is starred with 2b(1) designating that the second vice president be in charge of ways and means.
‡ Section 2c(1-2) is starred with 2c(1) designating that the third vice president is in charge of programs.
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Section 2d (1-2) is starred with 2d(1) designating that the fourth vice president be in charge of volunteers.
Section 2e (1-2) is starred with 2e(1) designating that the fifth vice president be in charge of communications and
2e(2) indicating that this vice president shall preside in the absence of the president (in the designated order).
‡ Section 3, 4 and 5 are starred.
‡ Section 6 is starred ± the bylaws committee selected to have a historian appointed. 6a indicates that the historian
shall collect and preserve documents relating the history of the association. 6b indicates that the historian shall
present a written report to the association as the official history to be adopted at the annual meeting.
ARTICLE X(10): Meetings - Sections 1 and 3 are starred items.
‡ In Section 1a, the months of September, October, December, February, April and May, have been designated as
regular meeting months with five days notice to be given if change of date is needed.
‡ In Section 1b, April is designated as election meeting month.
‡ Section 1c, May is designated as annual meeting month.
‡ Section 3, ten (10) members constitute a quorum.
ARTICLE XI(11): Executive Board ‡ Section 1 The executive board shall consist of the officers of the association, the chairmen of standing committees,
a council delegate and the principal of the school or a representative appointed by him or her.
‡ Section 2 is a starred item.
‡ Section 3c-i is starred.
‡ Section 4 a-c is starred
‡ Section 5b is starred.
ARTICLE XII(12): Special Standing and Committees - Sections 1 through 7 are starred. No changes were made. ARTICLE XIII(13): Council Membership
‡ Section la, North East ISD Council of PTAs and one (1) delegate were inserted in the blanks.
‡ Section 1b was changed to read Delegates and their alternates shall be appointed subject to the approval of the
board by August.
‡ In Section 1c Delegates to NE Council of PTAs shall serve for a term of one year.
‡ In Section 2. This association shall pay annual dues of ($50.00) fifty dollars to the North East Independent School
District Council of PTAs no later than October 15.
ARTICLE XIV(14): State Convention ± section b will read Voting Delegates and their alternates shall be appointed
subject to the approval of the executive board. ARTICLE XV(15): Fiscal Year - This is a starred item. In Section 1, July 1st and June 30th were inserted in the blanks.
ARTICLE XVI(16): Parliamentary Authority - This is a starred item and no changes were made.
ARTICLE XVII(17): Amendments - Sections 1, 2 and 3 are starred items. No changes were made.
Shonna Jones was clear to ask for discussion after each article was reviewed. There was no discussion on any of the above
Monica Pipes, Bylaws Committee Chair, stated that upon recommendation of the Bylaws Committee, I move the adoption of the
bylaws as written.
Shonna Jones restated that since this comes as a recommendation from the Bylaws committee, it needs no second and asked if there
was any discussion? There was no discussion.
Shonna Jones confirmed that the question was on the adoption of these bylaws as written to be the bylaws of the Cibolo Green
Elementary School PTA. The bylaws of the Cibolo Green Elementary School PTA were adopted by voice vote.
Recess for E nrollment - Shonna explained that the meeting would briefly recess to give those in attendance the
opportunity to pay dues of $7.00, to join the PTA and be eligible to vote during the next portion of the business meeting. PTA cards
and blue voting ballots were given to those who joined as new members. Those joining tonight will be Charter Members of the
Cibolo Green Elementary PTA.
The meeting was called back to order by council president Shonna Jones. The chair declared that membership registration was
closed for the evening and the meeting would now proceed with the election of Officers for the 2010-2011 school year. Shannon
Grona, (Council Liaison) read the portion of the Cibolo Green Elementary School PTA Bylaws governing the officers and their
election (Article VIII, Sections 1 and 2). The Chairman of the Membership Committee advised the chair that 123 members were
eligible to vote at this time.
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Report of the Nominating Committee and Election of Officers ± Stacy Husted, Chairman of the Nominating Committee
presented the Nominating Committee report and stated the committee presents the following slate:
PRESIDENT ± Monica Pipes
1st VICE PRESIDENT ± Carin Petrosky
2nd VICE PRESIDENT ± Stacy Husted
4th VICE PRESIDENT ± Grace Perez
5th VICE PRESIDENT- Melinda Cox
TREASURER ± Stephanie nemec
SECRETARY ± Cindy Zagrzecki
Shonna Jones requested the nominees to come forward when their office was presented for vote. The chair then presided
position were stated, Shonna asked for any other nominations. Each position had no other nominations. Each person and
position listed above was then individually approved by voice vote for the 2010-2011 school year. Please note that only
one position was discussed and voted on at a time. The discussion and votes were in the order listed above.
Installation of O fficers ± Shannon Grona performed the installation of the new officers.
Recognitions - Shonna Jones welcomed the newly formed Cibolo Green Elementary PTA to the council and stated we are
1(,6'¶V4th Local Unit in NEISD.
New Business:
Shonna Jones turned the meeting over to Monica Pipes Elementary PTA President. Monica then presided over the following:
M eeting A ctions:
New Business
a. Records Retention Policy
Monica Pipes discussed that in order to operate effectively until Cibolo Green Elementary is officially opened, we need to adopt
Lori Killian moved that all records of the Cibolo Green Elementary PTA will be stored at the home of Monica Pipes until the
elementary school building is opened. Karen Pennington seconded the motion. The motion was adopted by voice vote.
b. Bank A ccount
Monica Pipes stated as one of our first orders of business, we need to open a bank account. Many PTAs in this area use Falcon
Bank as they charge no fees and do not limit free transactions.
Jeny Mauro moved that Cibolo Green Elementary PTA will open a bank account at Falcon Bank. Carin Petrosky seconded the
motion. The motion was adopted by voice vote.
c. M embership M oney
PTA took in money tonight for our membership drive yet we have not yet opened a bank account. The membership money will
be kept in the safe at Tejeda Middle School until the PTA has opened a bank account.
d. School Pak F undraiser
Stacy Husted reported that on Monday April 26, 2010, School Pak would be available for purchase. If purchased prior to June
15, 2010 there will be free delivery. This is a service to parents to get needed school supplies for their children and also can be
a fundraiser for PTA.
Jeny Mauro made a motion for School Pak to be a PTA fundraiser. Grace Perez seconded the motion. The motion was adopted
by voice vote.
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e. T ax F ree Day
Stacy Husted discussed that we will be selling spirit items at the back to school open house which will be held just before school
starts. You will be able to purchase spirit shirts and other items at this time. Our PTA is allowed 2 tax free days per calendar
Stacy proposed that the day of Cibolo Green Elementary back to school open house is one of our designated tax free days for
the 2010 calendar year. Melinda Cox seconded the motion. The motion was adopted by voice vote.
f. Committee C hairs
The elected board will be getting together over the next couple of weeks to lay out the ground work for our newly formed PTA.
Soon we will be looking for PTA members to step up to chair committees such as room rep lead, website, spirit items, bike
rodeo, etc.
We will be having a Committee Informational Session on Tuesday, May 11th at Tejeda at 6:30 p.m. At this time, everyone will
be able to learn more about our committees, sign up to be a committee chair, or sign up to be on one or more of our committees.
Dr. Gonzales will e-blast an email about the meeting. It was asked that we all help spread the word about the meeting as well.
g. Basic Budget
Stephanie Nemec presented a preliminary budget and made a motion to accept the budget as presented. The motion was
seconded by Stacy Husted. The motion was adopted by voice vote. (see attached budget)
A djournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Submitted by:
Cindy Zagrzecki
Approved on _________________
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