Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. Background Scientific revolutions are often heralded by two events. The first is a long period during which large amounts of data are gathered that cannot be accommodated within traditional conceptual frameworks. The second is a period of substantial influx of ideas and methodologies from other fields. Both are taking place in biology today. The last revolution in biology happened not so long ago: Roughly in the 1950s, and with much help from physicists and chemists, Molecular Biology emerged, bringing fresh perspectives on the connections betweens genes, proteins, and cellular behavior, and re-orienting a large part of biological research toward the genetic and biochemical level. A legacy of molecular biology—the cataloguing of DNA sequences of human, animal and plant genomes—has now given us a comprehensive view of the basic components of life and how they interact with each other. The results have been at once exhilarating and terrifying. Able for the first time to interrogate living systems in a comprehensive way, we biologists find increasing frustration in our inability to fit life into neat, linear pathways that do well-defined jobs. We have been forced to confront the fact that the building blocks of life are interconnected through vast layers of structural and functional interaction, wherein every input triggers hundreds or thousands of outputs. Complexity, of course, is not new in biology. In the molecular biology tradition, one strives to reduce complexity by focusing on identifying underlying physical and chemical mechanisms. Yet the “new” complexity in biology does not stem from a lack of mechanistic information. In fact, it is in areas in which we possess the most mechanistic knowledge that our lack of real understanding has become most obvious. What so often eludes us is not how molecules and assemblies work in isolation, but how they work together in useful networks. The term “useful” is appropriate here because natural selection drives biological entities toward an organization that fulfills purposes (survival, reproduction, etc.). Indeed, biological entities give the undeniable impression of having been “designed” (without, incidentally, any need for a designer). There is a growing awareness among biologists that the notion of design principles can provide an organizational scheme by which biological complexity may be understood. Fundamentally, this is a view of biology not just as physics or chemistry, but as engineering: networks of components and devices built to carry out defined tasks reliably and efficiently in a less than fully predictable environment. To understand and explain biology, according to this view, we must parse it into systems, high-level entities defined by the tasks they perform. Such a holistic, top-down, engineering approach to biology is not exactly new (it is a mainstay of physiology, for example), but it is such a departure from the reductionist/mechanist program of molecular biology that it has recently acquired a name: Systems Biology. Arguably, it is the Systems Biology revolution that is now upon us. Defining Systems Biology In recent years, many high profile articles about Systems Biology have appeared in the biological literature. International meetings have sprung up and have become annual events. Graduate training programs have been organized around the world. There are even new academic departments (most notably at Harvard) and institutes (in Seattle and Japan, for example) of Systems Biology. Curiously, there is little consensus on what the boundaries of Systems Biology actually are (the same could have been said about Molecular Biology during its formative years). Yet, as Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart once remarked about obscenity, we may not be able to define it, but we “know it when [we] see it”. In the case of Systems Biology, what we see are combinations of the following four features: (1) Dynamics and modeling. Math, physics, chemistry, engineering, and computer science have developed sophisticated tools for analyzing and modeling complex, dynamical systems. Until recently, only a small fraction of biologists ever used such tools. The drive to understand complex, large-scale biological organization is rapidly changing this. As a result, we are seeing an influx of practitioners from each of these fields into biology, and a dramatic increase in the amount of modeling and computation in the biological literature. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 16 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. (2) Quantitative experimentation. Experimental biologists are fond of telling their graduate students that any effect less than two-fold in magnitude is not worth studying. This view (which would horrify a physicist) illustrates the leanings of most present-day biologists toward qualitative, rather than quantitative, explanations of phenomena. Yet only through the collection of reasonably precise, quantitative data can modeling, analysis and computation be exploited to their full potential. Accordingly, a push for more quantitative experimentation has become a hallmark of Systems Biology. (3) Control engineering. Nobody understands design principles better than engineers. Within engineering, the field of control offers a conceptual framework that is especially appropriate for understanding biology, as well as an extremely powerful set of modeling, analysis, and optimization tools. (4) Informatics and statistics. Complexity arises in biology from two sources: intricacy (small numbers of elements with complicated interconnections) and massiveness (enormous numbers of elements). The massiveness problem is acutely felt by molecular biologists, who are forced to interact with an ever growing number of massive, genome-wide data sets (sequences, gene maps, expression data sets, alignments, etc.). The need to manage (store, search, mine, update) massive data sets has drawn large number of computer scientists to the informatics side of Systems Biology. The need to explore such data sets in the context of multiple sources of variation and uncertainty has required the active participation of statisticians as well. Systems Biology and Developmental Biology—New Partners or Old Friends? Systems Biologists are currently taking aim at diverse topics in biological and biomedical research, such as metabolism, signaling networks, gene regulation, genome evolution, cancer, and infectious disease. Of the 9 National Centers for Systems B i o l o g y that are supported by the NIH/NIGMS (, three have a strong focus on Developmental Biology: one at Friday Harbor/University of Washington, one at Duke, and one here at the University of California, Irvine (about which more will be said below). Questions within Developmental Biology that are being approached from the Systems perspective include many of the most fundamental and longstanding in the field: morphogenesis and pattern formation; growth control; cell differentiation; stem cell dynamics; cell migration and guidance; gene regulatory networks; and the origins of complex traits. Although Systems Biology is certainly opening up new avenues for addressing these questions, in many cases it is more accurate to say that Systems Biology has re-invigorated modes of inquiry that have long been a part of developmental biology. In morphogenesis, for example, the mathematical and computational approaches of Systems Biologists (e.g. 1, 2-6) owe much to the early modeling work of Wolpert, Gierer and Meinhardt (7-9). The gene regulatory network (GRN) approach to development also predates Systems Biology (10, 11). Perhaps this is not surprising, when one considers that the long intellectual traditions of Developmental Biology have always been far less constrained by reductionist/mechanist leanings than those of Molecular Biology. Basic concepts of embryology like competence, regulation, determination, are all systemoriented. Waddington’s introduction of the notion of “canalization” of phenotype (12) long antedates the modern Systems Biologist’s pre-occupation with bistability and “attractor states” (which amount to much the same thing). To this day, experimental observations in Developmental Biology are frequently interpreted with reference to the control of processes for the sake of achieving goals. In fact, one of the first scientists to articulate a true Systems Biology view was a Developmental Biologist. Paul Weiss (1898-1989), one of the early presidents of the Society for Developmental Biology, argued as early as the 1920s against excessively reductionistic thinking in biology, ultimately stating, "It is an urgent task for the future to raise man's sights, his thinking and his acting, from his preoccupation with segregated things, phenomena, and processes to greater familiarity and concern with their natural connectedness, to the 'total context'" (13). His prescient statement in 1950 that “the complex engineering performances of technology are a much more pertinent model of the nature of morphogenesis than are the more elementary phenomena dealt with in basic physics and chemistry,” strikingly prefigures the dominance of engineering concepts, such as robustness and control, in modern Systems Biology (14) Paving the Way for Change PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 17 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. Despite historical links to Developmental Biology, many Systems Biologists understandably direct their attention on the simplest organisms—bacteria and yeast—in which systems-level questions can be posed. Technological advances are changing this, however. For Developmental Biology, the most important breakthroughs are those that facilitate the study of systems that are spatially dynamic, i.e. in which processes vary in space as well as time. For example, advances in imaging are facilitating real-time, quantitative measurement of cellular and subcellular information in two and three dimensions. Advances in computation and mathematics are facilitating the simulation and analysis of systems of partial differential equations, which are generally needed to describe spatially dynamic events. As a result, Developmental Biologists are in a far better position to incorporate Systems Biological approaches into their work than was true just a few years ago. Yet new technology alone will not bring such a change about. This is because the skills needed to design, execute and interpret Systems Biological investigations borrow heavily from fields like Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering, and Physics, in which most Developmental Biologists have little or no training. And to most of the scientists in these fields, the skills (and even the vocabulary) of Developmental Biology are equally foreign. Clearly, there is an acute need for cross-training. The proposed training program represents one of several approaches that the University of California, Irvine is taking to accomplish this goal. The program draws much of its strength from the fact that the Developmental Biology community and Systems Biology community at UCI are both substantial, highly reputed, and already interacting productively with each other. Developmental Biology at UCI The UCI Developmental Biology Center (DBC) was established as the Center for Pathobiology in 1968, under the Directorship of Dr. Edward A. Steinhaus. With the transfer of the directorship to Dr. Howard A. Schneiderman in 1969, the focus of the unit shifted to analysis of the mechanisms controlling animal development, which continues today. The DBC has been home to major advances in Developmental Biology over the years, including many contributions to the fields of pattern formation and limb regeneration. The current director of the DBC is Dr. J. Lawrence Marsh, also a trainer on this proposal. The goal of the research conducted in the DBC is to understand the normal processes Fig. 1. Research Themes of the Developmental Biology Center of development and homeostasis. Abnormal development during embryogenesis is a common cause of birth defects, while abnormal homeostasis is commonly associated with cancer or degenerative disease. The faculty in the DBC use a wide range of experimental approaches to understand development (Fig. 1). The Center facilitates research by providing access to state of the art instrumentation and by fostering events that spur the development of interdisciplinary research. The center currently provides confocal microscopy, image analysis, flow cytometry and cell sorting, surface plasmon resonance molecular interaction equipment and robotics. The center also sponsors symposia, seminars and other gatherings to discuss both science itself and implications of the science. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 18 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. Systems Biology at UCI Although the emergence of Systems Biology has been a global phenomenon, a handful of academic institutions have been at the forefront. At UCI, with its strong tradition of multi-disciplinary collaboration and receptiveness to grass-roots research initiatives, a number of convergent efforts have helped secure a position among these leaders. The first attempt to organize Systems Biology at UCI was spearheaded by noted Developmental Biologist (and now-Vice Chancellor for Research) Susan Bryant, who developed a proposal for a California Institute of Systems Biology, in response to the governor’s call for Institutes for Science and Innovation in 2000. Although the proposal was not funded, it helped prompt the incorporation of the Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics (IGB; as an organized research unit (ORU). The mission of IGB, which focuses on the interface between computer science and biology, is to promote interdisciplinary programs, foster innovative basic and applied research in biomedical informatics and computational biology, educate the next generation of computational biologists, and support the public service and technology transfer mission of the University. IGB is organized around seven areas of research and teaching: Biomedical Engineering; Chemical Biology; Functional Genomics; Human Genomics; and Evolutionary Genomics; Structural Genomics and Synthetic Biology; and Systems Biology. The IGB provides an administrative home and resources for many interdisciplinary activities, such as summer training, seminars, symposia, workshops and meetings, and seed funding for innovative research projects. IGB faculty have been successful at attracting grant funding for interdisciplinary research administered by the Institute and through other campus departments. IGB also administers a large NIH-sponsored Bioinformatics Training Grant (BIT). As mentioned earlier, bioinformatics can be viewed as one of four major components of Systems Biology. In 2001, a second center, the Center for Complex Biological Systems (CCBS; was organized to foster interactions among researchers focusing on the other three components. CCBS, which is directed by Dr. Arthur Lander, initially came together to apply for a $450,000 NIH planning grant in Complex Biological Systems research, which it received in 2002. These funds were used to support infrastructure development and collaborations that led to several large research awards to teams of biologists and mathematicians doing Systems Biology. CCBS also developed a proposal for a new “gateway” Ph.D. program, entitled Mathematical and Computational Biology (MCB;, which welcomed its first class of students in Fall 2007. This program combines training efforts from 9 departments in 5 schools, and provides an avenue by which students from a variety of undergraduate backgrounds (math, physics, chemistry, engineering, computer science, biology) can enter Systems Biology. Having just completed admissions for its second year, MCB is attracting a strong, new applicant pool to UCI. CCBS also developed a proposal in response to a joint call by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) and the NIH for new training programs at the interface between biology and more quantitative scientific disciplines. This $1M grant was funded at the start of 2006—UCI was one of only ten institutions chosen nationally—and has been supporting the further development of MCB, with the eventual goal of evolving it into a degree-granting interdisciplinary studies graduate program to be known as Mathematical, Computational and Systems Biology, or MCSB (the distinction between “gateway” and degree-granting program is explained in detail later in this proposal). In early 2006, CCBS successfully lobbied to co-organize and co-sponsor, with Caltech, the Eighth International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB2007;, which was held at the Long Beach Convention Center in October. ICSB is the oldest and most prestigious Systems Biology meeting, and UCI sponsorship brought great visibility to the campus. In August 2007, CCBS received a $14.5M P50 Center grant from the NIGMS, which designated UCI as one of 9 National Centers for Systems Biology. This five-year grant provides support for research projects, infrastructure development, seminars and workshops, as well as some support for graduate training in Systems Biology. The overarching theme of the grant is Spatial Dynamics, and two of the three major PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 19 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. research projects funded by the grant deal explicitly with animal development (most notably in the contexts of pattern formation, growth, and tissue morphogenesis). At present, 54 faculty are affiliated with CCBS. Since 2003, CCBS has sponsored annual off-site retreats devoted to Systems Biology research and education. This spring, over 70 faculty, postdocs and students attended the two and a half day event. A highlight of the event is a competition for new research collaborations, the winners of which are given $10,000 in seed money to initiate the work. Entries are solicited from the students, who only learn of the competition’s theme area when they arrive at the retreat, and must come up with the ideas for collaborations before the retreat ends. Entries this year included several in the field of Developmental Biology, including: “Spatiotemporal Regulation of Epidermal Development”, a new collaboration between a biology lab and a mathematics group. “Generating a robust and sensitive transcriptional response to the Dpp morphogen gradient: Bioinformatic and functional analysis of overrepresented sequences in the brk promotor,” a collaboration between a biology lab and a computer science lab. “Computational Modeling of Taste Papillae Patterning Using the Classic Turning-Meinhardt Model,” a new collaboration between a biology lab and a mathematics group “A domain growth model of how Dpp gradient controls the wing disc growth, considering mechanical stress,” a new collaboration between a biology lab, a math group, and a biomedical engineering lab. “Analysis of the TGF-beta/Notch Signaling Interaction using a Systems Biology Approach,” a collaboration between a biology lab and a computer science lab. Most recently, CCBS has been playing an active role in bringing new faculty in Systems Biology to UCI. In 2007, following a campus-wide competition, CCBS was allocated seven faculty positions to fill in Systems Biology (over three years). To coordinate the recruitment of these individuals—whose appointments would ultimately be in departments throughout the schools of Biological Science, Physical Sciences, Engineering, Information & Computer Science, and Medicine—CCBS convened a Systems Biology Council, with representation from multiple departments and research units. The first year of searches is currently concluding, and 3 offers have been made. At least one of these individuals focuses on the Systems Biology of Development, and would likely be added, after his arrival, as a trainer to this Fig. 2. Participants at the 2008 CCBS retreat program. Research in Systems Biology of Development at UCI Given UCI’s long history in Developmental Biology, it is not surprising that a substantial fraction of the Systems Biology research at UCI is focused on Development. Several themes stand out in particular: Pattern formation: Much research is being conducted on how morphogen gradients form, how they act, and how they are able to perform robustly. At present the work focuses on fruitfly embryos and larvae; zebrafish embryos; mouse brain, tongue and olfactory epithelium. Gradient systems studied include those formed by BMPs, Wnts, Fgfs and retinoids. Much of the work involves the development of mathematical models of morphogen transport and signaling that incorporate the complexity revealed by genetic experiments. Among the program trainers involved in this work are Arora, Blumberg, Calof, Cho, Cramer, Fowlkes, Gross, Lander, Marsh, Mjolsness, Monuki, Nie, Schilling, Wan, Warrior, and Yu. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 20 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. Growth control and tissue morphogenesis: Several projects focus on the role of feedback interactions in the control of tissue growth, including the effects of spatial inhomogeneity on such feedback. Also studied is the coupling between morphogen gradients and growth. Systems studied include mouse skin, brain and olfactory epithelium, and Arabidopsis shoot and root growth. Among the program trainers involved in this work are Calof, Dai, Lander, Mjolsness, Nie, Wan and Yu. Gene regulatory networks in differentiation: Projects in several groups focus on the elucidation of largescale gene regulatory networks that control development. GRNs in early amphibian patterning are being elucidated by Cho and Blumberg, whereas Xie is computationally defining mammalian genomic elements that control regulatory interactions. Stem Cells: UCI has a thriving Stem Cell Research Center (, supported in part by the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, which just awarded $27M toward the construction of a new 61,000 sq. ft. building, and directed by trainer Peter Donovan. Systems Biological studies on stem cells are focusing both on issues of proliferative dynamics (Calof, Dai and Lander), and genetic and epigenetic regulation of gene networks (Yokomori, Cho, Bardwell, Donovan). Biological Modeling: UCI has become a hotbed of developmental modeling, in part because of the openness of mathematicians, computer scientists and physicists to collaboration. Areas of strength include ordinary and partial differential equation models of reaction diffusion systems (Nie, Wan); adaptive threedimensional modeling of tissue growth and movement (Lowengrub); and discrete, stochastic modeling of tissues (Mjolsness and Yu) Birth Defects and Pediatric Medicine: Several systems biology projects focus directly on human development and child health. Lander, Calof and Schilling work together on a component of an NICHD P01 on Cornelia de Lange Syndrome, which is now known to be caused by decreases in the level of a key chromatin structural complex that has been studied for several years by Yokomori, who recently joined the collaboration. Because genome-wide effects are at the heart of this syndrome, Xie has also joined in to lend a bioinformatics approach. Huang researches the gene regulatory networks underlying congenital heart defects, and Monuki uses is currently using modeling to elucidate patterning defects underlying holoprosencephaly and other craniofacial anomalies. Cooper has long studied the effects of lung immaturity (as occurs with premature birth) on the later health of children, which has led him to focus on the gene regulatory networks that are activated in neutrophils following exercise, and how these regulatory interactions differ in children vs. adults. The above descriptions make clear that Systems Biology of Development is already a major research focus at UCI. The proposed training program does not, therefore, rest on assumptions about new research directions emerging. Nevertheless, the likelihood that this training program will foster further expansion of research in the Systems Biology of Development at UCI is certainly high, given that it will strengthen the qualifications of trainees who might do such research. Existing Graduate Training Mechanisms at UCI Venues for Ph.D. training in biological and biomedical research vary enormously among U.S. universities, covering the spectrum from “old-style” department-centered graduate programs to huge pan-Campus umbrella programs. One end of the extreme tends to provide greater educational coherence and personal attention; the other tends to offer wider choice and opportunity for students to find out what they are interested in. As both approaches have their merits, it is not surprising that UCI currently houses a patchwork of departmental and interdepartmental programs, each with its own idiosyncrasies. This does not pose many problems for the trainees (indeed, one could argue it gives them the benefit of many options), but it does complicate the process of explaining how interdisciplinary training programs, such as the one proposed here, articulate with existing Ph.D. training venues. The following “primer” on UCI training mechanisms is intended to help: Entry points: Departments vs. Gateways. Ph.D. trainees are admitted to UCI either by Departments or Gateway programs. A Gateway program is a 1-year program that is collectively managed by a group of departments. At the end of the gateway year, trainees become identified with thesis advisors and PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 21 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. automatically join the Departmental Ph.D. program to which their advisor belongs. Gateways allow students to begin their Ph.D. training with a series of rotations in the laboratories of advisors in many different departments. They provide common basic training for a group of students who will undertake somewhat related research projects. There are currently three gateway programs (see Table 1). The MBGB gateway ( This is a large program managed by seven departments in Biological Sciences and the School of Medicine. It takes in 55-60 students per year, and has 138 faculty trainers. The acronym stands for Molecular Biology, Genetics and Biochemistry, which are topics considered most basic to the curriculum. At present, the majority of students who study Developmental Biology enter UCI through this Gateway, and end up in departments such as Developmental and Cell Biology, Biological Chemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, or Anatomy and Neurobiology. The INP gateway ( This newer, smaller gateway program is focused on Neuroscience (the acronym stands for Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program). It enrolls 5-10 students a year, and they may join virtually any department on campus, including Neurobiology and Behavior, which does not participate in the MBGB gateway. As developmental neurobiology is only one of many areas in which UCI neuroscience is strong, a minority of INP students end up studying development. The MCB gateway ( The newest gateway at UCI, this one is focused on Systems Biology (the acronym stands for Mathematical and Computational Biology). Unlike the other gateway programs, it accepts students from many different backgrounds, and is designed so that students may join both biology and non-biology departments (the latter being Physics, Biomedical Engineering, Math, Computer Science) for their Ph.D. work. About 50 faculty participate in this program, which just admitted its second class of students for fall 2009. The first class (7 students) is currently in the process of completing the gateway year, so there are no statistical data on the areas into which these students will go. However, given that many of the MCB trainers work on the Systems Biology of Development, we expect that a substantial fraction of the students who receive support from the proposed training program will have come through the MCB gateway. As stated earlier, there are plans to eventually develop the MCB gateway program into a free-standing, degree-granting interdisciplinary program. In that event, it would effectively function like a departmental program, i.e. students’ curricular requirements would be set by the program throughout their entire period of training. Departments that mainly accept students directly: The departments of Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering participate in the MCB gateway, but most students join these departments directly. The department of Neurobiology and Behavior participates in the INP gateway, but most of their students join the department directly. The remaining departments relevant to this proposal (Developmental and Cell Biology, Biological Chemistry, Anatomy and Neurobiology, and Pathology) ONLY admit students through one of the gateway programs. Multidepartmental training programs. Because students receive their degrees from departments, they must fulfill curricular requirements that are department-specific. For those students who enter via gateways, the specifics of how the mandated courses of the gateway year articulate with department requirements (e.g. substituting for required or elective courses) are always pre-negotiated and made clear to the gateway program students. In this way, every student knows at the outset what is required to graduate. For students entering biology departments, gateway-year training usually constitutes the majority of didactic class work they will take. In departments such as Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering, substantial course loads are the norm through the second or even third year of graduate school. In addition to needing to fulfill departmental requirements, many advanced students also come to join training programs that cross departmental boundaries. Such programs are often supported by NIH T32, NSF IGERT, or other training grant mechanisms (Table 3). They enable students to receive focused training within a field relevant to their thesis work. As a condition of accepting training grant support, students agree to take on additional curricular requirements. Such courses typically count toward “elective” credit in their PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 22 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. departments. The proposed training program in Systems Biology of Development would operate in a similar manner. It would not duplicate any existing training program at UCI, but would definitely benefit from the existence of courses at UCI that were originally created to serve the needs of training programs in areas such as Bioinformatics (the BIT training program), Developmental Biology, and Stem Cell Research. Program Plan The experience at UCI is that Systems Biology is less an interdisciplinary endeavor than a multidisciplinary one. In other words, successful research emerges from teamwork between biologists who do experiments, mathematicians who build and analyze models, computer scientists who carry out high level data analysis, physicists who develop new theory, etc. This is quite a different approach to science than many of us in biology are used to. How does one train for such a field? Our approach to this question is guided by the conviction that training should not seek a homogeneous end product. It is simply impractical to try to turn every trainee into someone who is simultaneously a top notch experimental biologist, mathematician, physicist, engineer, and computer scientist. Rather, we must start with students who are already heterogeneous in disciplinary orientation, and provide them with the cross-training they need so that they can work effectively together in teams. For trainees who have started down the path of experimental biology research, we need to give them an appreciation for Systems approaches, and the skills to lead teams of modelers, engineers, data miners, etc. For trainees who have started down the path to research in math, computer science, or engineering, we need to teach them the vocabulary and philosophy of biology, and an appreciation of the technical possibilities and limitations of experimental work. From this two things follow: First, we must include among our trainees students who are enrolled in Ph.D. programs in a variety of disciplines, not just those of experimental biology. Second, we must provide a program curriculum that is, at least to some extent, tailored to individual needs. The need to fulfill these objectives brings to the fore a third, equally important one: We must incorporate elements into our training program that foster interaction and community among the trainees, so that they feel that they are part of a coherent group. The program plan has been devised with an eye toward meeting these objectives. a. Program Administration The program director, Dr. Arthur Lander, will oversee the administration of the training program as a whole. Dr. Lander has exceptional scientific and administrative expertise relevant to this program: Originally trained as a neurobiologist and developmental biologist, his research has focused increasingly on the Systems Biology of morphogenesis, growth, and birth defects. He has 10 years of experience as director of a T32 training grant in Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience (from which he recently stepped down), as well as 8 years of service as the Chair of Developmental and Cell Biology (which includes membership on the steering committee for the MBGB gateway program). He served on the committee that founded the INP gateway program, and headed the committee that founded the MCB gateway program. He is the director of UCI’s NIH National Center for Systems Biology, and also serves as the program director of a three-year planning grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to foster the growth of the MCB program. He has a long-standing interest in graduate education and the needs of graduate students, and served for 8 years on the Education Committee of the American Society for Cell Biology. Dr. Lander has also served as chair of an NIH Developmental Biology study section, and member of an NICHD branch review panel. Dr. Lander will devote 10% of his academic-year effort to his duties as program director. As program director, Dr. Lander will chair a steering committee that includes three other program faculty. The job of the steering committee will be to solicit and select trainees; identify and assign trainee mentors and co-mentors; and carry out program assessment. The committee will have the authority to add or remove training faculty when justified, approve exceptions to training program policies when appropriate, and consider revisions to the program curriculum. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 23 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. Members of the steering committee will be Dr. Frederic Wan, Dr. Thomas Schilling, and Dr. Dan Cooper, who collectively add considerable experience in administration and graduate education. Dr. Wan is a mathematician and mathematical biologist, who has previously served as Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of Graduate Studies, and currently serves as the director of the MCB Gateway program. He thus brings wealth of administrative experience to the program, and provides a strong link between the program and the MCB gateway. Dr. Schilling is a developmental biologist, whose recent explorations of morphogenesis of the zebrafish hindbrain have introduced a strong strain of mathematical modeling into his work. He has served for many years as graduate advisor for the Department of Developmental and Cell Biology, and thus helps strengthen the ties of the program to one of the major participating departments. Dr. Cooper is Professor of Pediatrics and Biomedical Engineering, Chief of Pediatric Pulmonology, and director of the UCI Institute for Clinical and Translational Science. He has recently begun to use to tools of Systems Biology to investigate the gene regulatory networks underlying responses to exercise and stress. He is currently in the process of establishing, with the assistance of CCBS and strong community support, a new center for the Systems Biology of Pediatrics. He has a strong interest in promoting translational research, and current serves as Vice Dean of Clinical Translational Science for the UCI College of Health Science (which includes Medicine, Epidemiology, Nursing, and Pharmaceutical Sciences). His inclusion on the steering committee builds important bridges to Pediatrics, and helps promote the view that Systems Biology does not stop in the laboratory, but goes all the way from bench to bedside. Administrative Support for the graduate program will be provided by the Center for Complex Biological Systems. One of the two administrative personnel in the center is already devoted specifically to matters of graduate education. b. Program Faculty Of the 26 program faculty named in Table 2, 11 are Full professors, 8 are Associate professors, and 7 are Assistant Professors (one Assistant and one Associate Professor are slated for promotion this summer). With the exception of a few of the Assistant Professors who are relatively new to UCI and therefore do not have extensive training or funding records, all of the program faculty have a significant history of training and adequate grant funding to support the research of trainees (Tables 45). The characteristic that unites this diverse group of faculty—they represent 10 departments and 5 schools (Biological Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Physical Sciences and Information & Computer Science)—is that each can provide an Figure 3 Collaborations among training faculty. Collaborations appropriate training environment for a that have already resulted in publications are indicated with red lines. Ph.D. thesis that combines Systems Biology and Developmental Biology. As discussed earlier, many of them—including appointees in both biology and non-biology departments—are already doing just this. Others are engaged in interdisciplinary research collaborations that are driving their research towards Systems Developmental Biology. Indeed, one of the PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 24 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): great strengths of UCI is the welcoming attitude toward interdisciplinary collaboration, an attitude that has certainly helped foster the growth of Systems Biology. Figure 3 graphically depicts the recent and existing collaborations among the training faculty in Table 2. Red lines correspond to collaborations that have led to joint publications; blue lines are those that have not yet done so. Note the central positions occupied by the faculty in mathematics, computer science and physics (shown in green). Many of these collaborations have been formalized through joint research grants, including joint R01s involving Nie, Wan, Warrior and Lander; Bardwell, Nie and Yi; and Calof, Schilling and Lander; as well as research components of UCI’s National Center for Systems Biology (P50) grant that feature Bardwell, Calof, Cho, Gross, Lander, Lowengrub, Marsh, Mjolsness, Nie, Schilling, Wan, Yi and Yu. Other evidence of the interdisciplinarity of the training faculty can be seen in their membership in relevant research units—CCBS, the Institute for Genomic and Bioinformatics, the Developmental Biology Center, the Center for Mathematical and Computational Biology, and the Stem Cell Research Center. (Figure 4) Lander, Arthur D. Figure 4. Membership of program faculty in Research Units. CCBS, Center for Complex Biological Systems; IGB, Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics; DBC, Developmental Biology Center, CMCB, Center for Mathematical and Computational Biology, ICAM, Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter. In addition to the faculty trainers listed in Table 2, there are a substantial number of established faculty at UCI who are either Developmental Biologists that have not yet begun to make forays into Systems Biology, or Systems Biologists who have not yet ventured into Development. Several of these individuals contribute to teaching the courses that are part of this training program. As their research programs evolve, some of these individuals could be added as trainers to this program: Pierre Baldi Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Emiliana Borrelli Dopaminergic system and glia in CNS development Peter Bryant Cancer genetics and stem cells Jorge Busciglio Cellular and molecular pathways in Down syndrome and Alzheimer's disease Susana Cohen-Corey Synapse formation in the developing nervous system Christopher Hughes Blood vessel development Natalia Komarova Mathematical biology Tony Long Quantitative and population genetics Ulrike Luderer Reproductive toxicology, developmental toxicology Grant MacGregor Molecular basis of mammalian spermatogenesis Matthew McHenry Biomechanics, Locomotion, Sensory Biology Ronald Meyer Neural regeneration Diane O’Dowd Development of synaptic connectivity PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 25 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. Natasa Przulj, Graph theory, mathematical modeling, and computational techniques Jose Ranz Functional and comparative genomics Robert Reed Evolution and development; butterfly wing patterns Martin Smith Molecular and cell biology of synapse formation and plasticity Georg Striedter Evolutionary Developmental Neurobiology Leslie Thompson, Human Genetic Disorders Kevin Thornton Genome evolution, gene duplication, population genetics Douglas Wallace Mitochondria, Aging and Disease Marian Waterman, Regulation of gene expression by LEF/TCF factors and beta-catenin Dominik Wodarz, Mathematical & Computational Biology c. Proposed Training. The key components of the training program are didactic courses, discussion-based courses, dual mentoring, and participation in community-building and career-preparatory activities. Trainees will be selected from students who have completed at least one year of Ph.D. training, have passed any qualifying or preliminary exams in their home department, and have committed to thesis research in the area of Developmental Biology or Systems Biology, with a primary mentor who is a member of the training faculty listed in Table 2. Generally, trainees will be selected who are at least two years from completing their degrees, as the training activities of the program extend over two years. Likewise, it is expected that most appointments for training grant support will be two years in duration (with the second year contingent on continued academic good standing and suitable progress). Accordingly, the 10 positions requested here will typically support five new trainees each year. Trainees will be selected as described in section “e” (Trainee Candidates), below. Once selected, trainees and their advisors would be asked to provide assurance of intent to complete the requirements of the training program. Those requirements will vary somewhat, dependent upon the preparation of the student. The description of program activities below is divided into two sections: activities common to all trainees, and activities that vary depending on a trainee’s background. 1. Program activities common to all trainees (i) Courses “Systems Developmental Biology” (Winter). This one-quarter (10 week) graduate lecture course, to be organized by program director Lander, is being developed primarily for this training program. It is an outgrowth of an existing MCB core course “Systems Cell Biology (DC232;” in which Dr. Lander currently teaches a three and a half week module on Development. Next Winter (Jan-Mar ’09), when two of the other lecturers in Systems Cell Biology will be on sabbatical, Dr. Lander will expand the Developmental Biology section to approximately 6 weeks, and when those faculty return for the 2009-2010 academic year, the course will split into two: a Systems Cell Biology course that is solely cell biology, and a new “Systems Developmental Biology” course. This new course will focus on Systems Biology approaches to major themes in Developmental Biology. Background on experimental, computational or mathematical methods required to understand such approaches will be taught as well. The goal of the course is to specifically acquaint trainees with the interface between Systems Biology and Developmental Biology. A second goal is to build cohesion among the trainees, by helping them define a common field of knowledge and interest. Topics to be covered include those listed below Notice that the course is organized around processes and strategies, rather than by organism, developmental stage, germ layer, or organ system. Mathematica Basics Sex Determination—introduction to positive feedback in cell differentiation Cell Differentiation—gene regulatory network motif approaches Cell Differentiation—global controls on gene expression PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 26 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. Cell Differentation—Notch signaling Growth control and tissue homeostasis Stem cells and transit amplifying cell systems Morphogens – History, formation of gradients, interpretation of gradients Diffusion theory and gradient precision Turing and Gierer-Meinhardt approaches to pattern formation Left-right patterning as a Gierer-Meinhardt process Noise in biological pattern formation Facilitated transport of morphogens Models of planar patterning (planar cell polarity) Coupling oscillation with pattern formation: models of somitogenesis Chemotaxis and chemotropism in development Mechanical bases of tissue movements Evolutionary origins of developmental strategies Compensatory mechanisms for environmental variability Lectures will be shared between Dr. Lander and three additional program faculty trainers (the lecturers and topics will change somewhat from year to year to allow new topics to be introduced). As in the current Systems Cell Biology course in the MCB program, students will be expected to carry out homework exercises that involve modeling using the Mathematica software package, some of which will be individual projects, and some of which will involve teams of students. Although the course will be primarily for students in this training program, other graduate students will be permitted to attend. “Critical Thinking in Developmental Biology” (Spring). This 10 week discussion class is also modeled on a class currently taught in the MCB gateway program, which is itself based on a teaching model developed over several decades at MIT and Princeton. The class meets once a week for 2.5 hours. The students are assigned one pair of articles from the literature each week, and are expected to meet and discuss the papers among themselves prior to returning to class the following week. In class, two faculty, working as team, lead a discussion of the two papers, in which students are asked to critically “deconstruct” what was done, why it was done, whether it was likely done in the order presented, how it was interpreted, etc. The pairs of papers chosen each week are not drawn from the most current literature; rather they are selected for their didactic value (e.g. they may be particularly elegant, or seriously flawed; or illustrative of an important method or approach). Students participate solely by their input during discussion. The goals of the course include training students in critical thinking and scientific method; helping the students identify the fundamental methods and logic underlying the field of Developmental Biology; and helping to build cohesion among the trainees in the program, by having them meet together, prior to the class, to analyze the assignments. Typically, the pairs of faculty who lead these discussion rotate from week to week, and are selected so that faculty who take very different approaches (e.g. experimental vs. modeling, biochemical vs. genetic, vertebrate vs. invertebrate, etc.) work together. Although the papers to be taught will be chosen by the program faculty who teach it, one can get a sense of the kinds of assignments that will be given by browsing the similarly structured MCB course (“Critical Thinking in Systems Biology”) at h t t p : / / l a n d e r (ii) Mentoring, assessment and evaluation To be most effective, cross-training should be accompanied by dual mentoring. We will emulate another successful cross-training program at UCI, the Bioinformatics Training (BIT) program, by assigning two mentors to each trainee. Neither will be the trainee’s current thesis supervisor. In each case, one mentor will be an experimental biologist, while the other will come from a mathematical, computational or engineering discipline. The first job of each mentor team will be to meet with their trainee to assess his/her experience and needs. This information will guide the selection of additional courses to be taken (see below). Mentors will also meet PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 27 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. quarterly with their trainees to evaluate progress, and make recommendations regarding other activities (e.g. journal clubs, grants to write, meetings to apply to, etc.). In many cases, one or both of a trainee’s mentors may become part of the student’s thesis committee. Mentors who develop serious concerns about trainee progress will inform the director and steering committee so that corrective actions may be taken (e.g. counseling, tutoring, etc.) (iii) Professional development and career guidance The professional development of trainees will be fostered through a variety of activities. Journal clubs—such as the Systems Biology journal club that was initiated by the MCB students (and is open to all), or the Developmental Biology journal club that is run by the Department of Developmental and Cell Biology—will provide an opportunity for trainees to hone their speaking skills. Another venue for student presentations is “modeling lunch”, a monthly informal gathering focuses on issues in modeling biological systems, which is run by faculty trainer Tau-Mu Yi. This has proved very popular with students, because presentations are often arranged for the explicit purpose of soliciting new collaborations. Trainees will also be encouraged to give presentations (oral or poster) at the annual retreats of the Center for Complex Biological Systems and the Developmental Biology Center, as well as the monthly research-inprogress talks that the DBC organizes. In addition, the annual opportunity award competition at the CCBS retreat (mentioned earlier; see also gives trainees an opportunity to write short grant proposals for new collaborative pilot research projects, which begin as short abstracts generated at the retreat itself, and are followed up by “full” (3 page) proposals that the trainees are asked to submit 10-14 days later. Most trainees will also receive instruction in teaching through a TA training workshop that is offered by the school of biological sciences (Dev. Bio. 202B). Additional opportunities for training in teaching are provided through an HHMI Distinguished Professor Award to Developmental Topic Presenter and Cell Biology Professor Diane Resolving Conflict and Solving Professor Lisa Barron, O’Dowd. One of the several Problems Using Negotiation UCI innovative teaching programs she Negotiating Resources: Learn to Ask Professor Lisa Barron, oversees is a training program for for What you Want UCI graduate students in becoming Why Sex Matters Dr. Judy B. Rosener, UCI effective teachers. Individual and Institutional Strategies Dr. Diane Wara Training in the responsible for Enhancing Advancement of conduct of research is presented in a Women in Academia later section. Opportunity to build career skills is provided by a series of lectures organized annually by the UCI ADVANCE program (an NSF funded program to promote institutional transformation toward gender equity by increasing the representation and advancement of women faculty across entire campus.). Lectures given this academic year are shown in Figure 5. These are usually extremely well attended by students and postdocs in many biological and biomedical departments. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Professional Development and Academic Job Skills Seminars The Application Process Dr. Andrea Tenner, UCI The Interview Dr. Arthur Lander, UCI Training and Career Structure in the Dr. Frank Solomon, MIT Life Sciences The Job Seminar Dr. Thomas Carew, UCI Sex in the Physical Sciences Dr. Judy Rosener , UCI Grant Writing Workshop Dr. Sue Duckles, UCI Negotiations Workshop Dr. Butterfield & Jane Tucker (Duke University) Fig. 5. Annual career support lectures organized by the UCI ADVANCE program Page 28 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. 2. Cross-training activities that depend on a trainee’s preparation In addition to taking classes in “Systems Developmental Biology” and “Critical Thinking in Developmental Biology”, each trainee will be expected to take two additional one-quarter classes, chosen from the following two lists. These classes will be selected in consultation with the student’s mentors based on knowledge of the individual trainee’s areas of deficiencies and the needs of the trainee’s proposed thesis research. Those courses listed under Category I are designed to provide training in the mathematical, computational and engineering foundations of Systems Biology. Those courses listed under Category II are intended to provide training in the molecular biological foundations of Developmental Biology. Typically, students whose initial training had been in biological disciplines would be expected to take two courses from Category I (e.g. students who entered via the MBGB or INP gateway programs, or the Department of Neurobiology and Behavior). Students whose initial training had been in the physical, computer or engineering sciences, would be expected to take two courses from Category II (i.e. students who began their Ph.D. training in the departments of Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, or Computer Science). Student who entered via the Mathematical and Computational Biology gateway program might take a mixture of courses from Category I and II, depending upon their backgrounds, since they are likely to have had more breadth, but less depth, in their classroom training than the other trainees. In some cases, mentors may also recommend that trainees start out their first academic year in the program by taking one or more of the short, informal “bootcamps” that are offered in early September (just prior to the start of the academic year) to entering students in the MCB program. These bootcamps are full day training sessions of between 3 and 14 days in duration, each intended as an initial, intensive introduction to a discipline, for the benefit of students with little no background in that area. The three bootcamps that are offered are (1) Mathematics; (2) Basic Biology and (3) Computation. Courses in Category I Mathematical & Computational Biology I Math 227A, Fall) Introduction and Applications of Dynamical Systems (3 weeks), Introduction and Applications of Boundary Value Problems in ODE (4 weeks); Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control for ODE (3 weeks) Mathematical & Computational Biology II (Math 227B, Winter) Method of Separation of Variables and Linear Stability Analysis for Partial Differential Equations (Wan, 3 weeks); Computational Methods in Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (Nie, 3 weeks); Mathematical Modeling, Analysis and Computation of Tumor Growth (Lowengrub, 3 weeks) Computational PDEs, I, II and III (Math 226C, Spring) Numerical methods for convection-dominated convection-diffusion equations; Introduction to spectral methods; Computational fluid dynamics; Elliptic interface problem; Nonlinear optimization methods Intro to Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing, I, II and III (Math 225C, Spring) Spectral methods and applications, Finite element method (FEM), finite volume method (FVM) and applications; Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD); Computational Quantum Physics; Computational biology Representation & Algorithms for Molecular Bio. (ICS 284A, Fall) This course introduces state-of-the-art computational methods for studying modern biological systems. Trainees study the principles of algorithm design for biological datasets, analyze commonly used algorithms, and apply them to solve real-life problems. The course serves as an introductory course to the rapidly growing field of computational biology and bioinformatics. Probabilistic Modeling of Biological data (ICS 284B, Winter) A unified Bayesian probabilistic framework for modeling and mining biological data. Applications range from sequence (DNA, RNA, proteins) to gene expression data. Graphical models, Markov models, stochastic grammars, neural networks, structure prediction, gene finding, evolution, DNA arrays single and multiple gene analysis Biological Networks (ICS 288A, Winter) This course gives an overview of existing types of biological network data, points to sources of errors and biases in the data, and introduces the current literature on graph theoretic modeling and discrete PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 29 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. algorithmic analyses applied to these data. The course also presents an impartial overview of the works of several major network biology labs around the world (e.g. Uri Alon, M. Vidal, J. Doyle, A-L Barabasi etc.). Computational Math Methods for Systems Biology (ICS 284C, Spring) A systematic approach to modeling biological systems for scientific purposes. Scientific Computing (ICS282) Computationally useful mathematical methods for science: Linear algebra and matrix decompositions, optimization, differential equations, Markov chains and stochastic processes. Dynamical Systems in Biology and Medicine (BME 233, Fall) Introduces students to elements of system theory, and applies these principles to analyze biomedical, chemical, social and engineering systems. Students use analytical and computational tools to model and analyze various dynamic systems. Examples include: population dynamics, Lotka-Volterra equation, Hodgkin-Huxley and Morris-Lecar equations, Belousov-Zhabotinsky chemical oscillators, etc. Courses in Category II Protein Structure and Function (Mol. Bio. 204, Fall) The structure and properties of proteins, enzymes, and their kinetic properties. Structure and Biosynthesis of Nucleic Acids (Mol. Bio. 203, Winter) The structure and properties of nucleic acids. The fundamentals of nucleic acid hybridization and recombinant DNA methodology. Replication and rearrangement of DNA. Cell Biology (Dev. Bio. 231B, Winter) An advanced, integrated view of cell biology. Topics include the cell cycle, the cytoskeleton, the extracellular matrix, cell death, protein localization, signal transduction, and the cell biology of cancer. Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Neurobiology (Dev. Bio. 231D, Winter) Molecular aspects of the structure and function of neurons and glia including neurotransmission, synaptic modulation, and channels. Neural development at the cellular and molecular level including neurogenesis, pattern formation, trophic factors, axonal growth, and synaptic rearrangement. Systems Cell Biology (Dev. Bio. 232, Winter) This course introduces concepts needed to understand cell biology at the systems level, i.e. how the parts (molecules) work together to create a complex output. Emphasis on using mathematical/computational modeling to expand/modify insights provided by intuition. Advanced Developmental Genetics (Dev. Bio. 210, Spring) Advanced course on the use of genetic analysis to identify the genes that control cell behavior and development. Formal discussion, by instructor, of genetics and the relationship between genotype and phenotype, followed by student-led discussion based on assigned readings. Regulation of Gene Expression (Mol. Bio. 206, Spring) Aspects of gene expression including the organization of the eukaryotic nucleus in terms of protein-nucleic acid interaction (i.e., chromatin and chromosome structure); comparisons between prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression, the enzymology and regulation of RNA transcription in E. Coli and other prokaryotes. Enzymology of transcription in eukaryotes. Advanced Molecular Genetics (Mol. Bio. 207, Spring) The course uses yeast as a model system to illustrate how powerful genetic and molecular approaches have led to the current understanding of some conserved regulations of biological processes. It will also introduce recent genomic approaches for gene discovery and functional analysis in the post-genomic era. Chromatin Structure and Function (BC 225 Winter) Topics include histone and DNA modifications and modifying enzymes, chromatin assembly and remodeling, chromatin-mediated transcriptional regulation, genomic imprinting, X chromosome dosage compensation, siRNA-mediated gene silencing, mitotic chromosome dynamics, chromosome territories and nuclear matrix, and chromatin regulation in DNA repair. Signal Transduction and Growth Control (BC212) Covers various eukaryotic signaling pathways (tyrosine kinase, ras-raf-MAPK, TGF-beta, wnt, JAK-STAT, and FAS) with an emphasis on the experimental underpinnings. The material is covered in lectures and discussions of pertinent papers. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 30 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. Introduction to Proteomics (P&B 252/MBB 208 Fall) Introduces students to concepts and methods of proteomics including protein identification, expression proteomics, and protein-protein interactions. d. Training Program Evaluation and Tracking Evaluation The proposed training program is unique, both in its focus on training at the interface between two fields, and in several of the training strategies proposed. It will be important that the program undergo early and frequent evaluation in order to determine which aspects are working well, and which need to be modified. Ultimately, long-term evaluation—such as tracking the career trajectories of trainees—provides the most reliable data on program success. However, evaluation on shorter time scales is more relevant to the year-toyear evolution of the program. Before embarking on evaluation, it is helpful to build what professional assessors call a “logic model”, which outlines the assets, strategies and goals of the program. This provides a roadmap of what needs to be evaluated. Below is a brief logic model for the proposed training program. “Inputs” represent the resources that contribute to the program. “Strategies” are the central elements of program philosophy. As shown by the arrows, each of the program’s “Outputs”, or activities, can be traced to some aspect of program strategy. “Outcomes” describe the goals that the outputs are intended to achieve. “Impact” refers to the long-term effect of the program on the scientific enterprise. A major goal of evaluation is to determine whether the desired outcomes are being achieved. However, for short-term evaluation, one often also evaluates outputs by the criteria of whether they adequately follow program strategies, and whether they are likely to produce desired outcomes. Keeping the connections between strategies, outputs and outcomes in mind facilitates the process of choosing appropriate evaluation instruments. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 31 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. In general a combination of approaches of different types will be taken to evaluate the success of outputs and outcomes. Currently, students who enroll in UCI classes are required to complete online evaluations at the end of each quarter, giving feedback on course material, difficulty, instructor strengths and weaknesses, and potential improvements. These evaluations will be supplemented with written material that the program will solicit from the instructors who teach in courses taken by trainees as part of the program. Briefly, each instructor will be asked, at the end of the quarter in which his/her course is taught, to evaluate the success of the course that year, the effectiveness of recent changes to the curriculum or approach, and the quality of work done by the trainees from this program. The program will also turn to the two assigned mentors of each trainee for additional written evaluative information at the end of each academic year. Mentors will be asked to provide information about time spent with their trainee, an assessment of trainee progress, and an analysis of the impact of individual program activities on the trainee’s academic development. The program will annually solicit evaluative information from trainee thesis advisors, especially focusing on the perceived impact of the training program on the research choices made by the trainee. Although written evaluations can provide useful early feedback on potential issues needing attention, more in-depth investigation usually requires extended conversations. Such conversations will be carried out in both group and individual settings. We have found that the annual CCBS retreat provides an excellent opportunity for group evaluative efforts, and have used this mechanism repeatedly during the early development of the MCB gateway program. Briefly, specific questions about program strategies and outputs are posed to all retreat attendees in open session, following which attendees divide up into break-out groups of 15-20 individuals. During break-out sessions, participants engage in a wide-ranging discussion, entering their comments in marker onto large flip charts. Later in the general meeting, the flip charts from each group are brought to the front, and a representative of the group goes over the major findings. A broad discussion ensues, during which extensive notes are taken and later transcribed. Although excellent, in-depth feedback can be obtained by this method, not all individuals volunteer opinions freely in such public settings, and highly vocal individuals may dominate group dynamics. Accordingly, obtaining evaluative information via one-on-one conversations is also important. This will be done informally by mentors and the program director. However, if necessary (e.g. to resolve a specific question about the success of a program output) we will ask independent interviewers to meet with and gather information from both trainees and training faculty. A good source of such interviewers is available through UCI’s statistical consulting center. Tracking In addition to the evaluation activities described above, the program will actively track the career trajectories of all trainees for as long as possible following their departure from the program (and for a minimum of 10 years). Former trainees will receive yearly emails asking for updates about present position, publications, grant proposals, and awards. Follow-up emails and telephone calls will be made to non-responders. Database searches (e.g. PubMed, CRISP), and consultation of institutional web sites, will also be used to find additional information. Periodically, trainees will be asked to send updated CVs. The information obtained from tracking former trainees will be periodically analyzed by the director to determine whether sufficiently positive outcomes are being obtained. In this context, “positive outcome” refers not only to career success (did the trainee find suitable employment? has he/she been able to publish? Has he/she obtained grants?) but also to meaningful incorporation of the training subject matter into the work the trainee goes on to do. This information will be correlated with evaluative information that was obtained about the program at the time the trainee was in training. Such correlation may help reveal whether particular program strategies our outputs correlate strongly with positive (or negative) outcomes. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 32 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. Administrative assistance for tracking will be provided by staff of the Center for Complex Biological Systems and the Developmental Biology Center. e. Trainee Candidates. Recruitment: Trainees will be recruited to this program from among advanced students (second year and above) in the 9 departmental programs in which the training faculty participate (Table 1). Potential trainees will be made aware of the program at a variety of stages during their early training through presentations during initial orientation periods, in classes, and via email solicitations. Trainers in this program will also actively participate in the recruitment of appropriate first-year students into relevant gateway and departmental programs, in order to ensure a strong pool of potential trainees among the students who join each of the departmental programs. For example, trainers will give presentations about this training program to prospective students during interview days. In addition, one gateway program, the MCB program, currently advertises itself via targeted emails to all students who have taken GRE exams in certain subject areas during the previous year. The same email list will be used to send information about this program and the various gateways through which a trainee might enter it. Information about potential trainees, their numbers, their qualifications, and their distribution among different programs may be found in tables 1 and 7-10. For 2008, component departments/gateways received applications from 2375 individuals, made offers of admission to 412, and received enrollment commitments from 184. Of those enrolling, 84 (46%) are training grant eligible (TGE). Slightly more than half of these are headed for biology departments, with the rest headed into Math, Physics, Computer Science or Biomedical Engineering. Obviously, not all enrollees would be appropriate for this program. From Table 1 we can see that 12.5% of all of the students enrolled in the 9 participating departments are doing their Ph.D.s with trainers in this program. That enables us to predict an influx of 10-11 new, training grant eligible Ph.D. students into the groups of the training faculty each year. However, some increase in recruitment seems likely, partly because this program will likely attract new students to UCI, and partly because the relatively new Mathematical and Computational Biology gateway program is growing rapidly (because of its subject area, MCB is especially likely to be a source of students for this program). Even assuming no increase in recruitment, however, it appears that there will be more than enough trainees available to justify the number of training slots requested (which, as discussed earlier, would support 5 new trainees per year at steady state). Trainee selection will be carried out by the steering committee, chaired by Dr. Lander. Trainees will be solicited by open call to faculty trainers, as well as to students in appropriate departments, at least two months prior to positions becoming available. The committee will review student admissions records, transcripts, rotation reports, letters of recommendation from thesis supervisors, and relevance of the thesis research to Developmental Biology and/or birth defects research. The committee will select the most highly qualified students for whom the cross-training provided by the program would be likely to make a substantial difference to the conduct of the trainee’s thesis research. Students whose selection would foster the goal of increasing the representation of diverse groups will be specifically identified, so that diversity may be considered as a factor in the selection process. Data on the academic credentials of potential trainees may be found in Tables 8 and 9A. Figure 6 (below) summarizes some of the data in Table 8 in a manner that facilitates comparisons across component programs and department. Briefly, all programs are selective (admitting between 9% and 56% of TGE applicants) and successful in enrollment (enrolling between 20% and 60% of admitted TGE applicants). Mean GPAs of TGE enrollees vary between 3.34 and 3.71. GRE scores were unfortunately not always available in percentile form, but the data show that they were typically above the 65th percentile for verbal and considerably higher for quantitative. If one limits the analysis to the data in Table 9A (which includes only trainees currently working with program trainers, or who are in first year programs and therefore could potentially do their theses with PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 33 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. program trainers), then mean GPAs are 3.46+0.35 and GRE percentiles are V 64+24, Q 76+16. These data do not include any MCB students, as the students of the first MCB class have not yet selected thesis mentors. Table 7 documents the strong retention records of component departments and programs (note that, since this table measures outcomes starting from initial admission, data for departments that admit solely via gateway programs are included under the gateway programs). Table 5 documents that past trainees of the program faculty have generally found good positions in academia or industry. Table 6 shows the publication records of current and past pre-doctoral trainees, documenting the commitment of program faculty to mentoring. As shown in Table 7, the component gateway and departmental programs from which this training program will draw have a good track record of recruiting and retaining qualified minority trainees. For example, the MBGB consistently admits a class that is between 15 and 20% underrepresented minorities. The numbers for several other programs are similarly high. From Table 10, one can see that the individual trainers in this program have a similarly high record of recruiting, retaining and advancing minority trainees. For example, out of the ~100 total TGE predoctoral trainees of the program faculty over the last five years, 17 are underrepresented minorities. Institutional Commitment. As shown in the appended letter of support from UCI Dean of Graduate Studies Carolyn Boyd, UCI is strongly committed to the success of training in Systems Biology and Developmental Biology. Institutional stipend support is provided in the form of teaching assistantships and competitive fellowships during a portion of a trainee’s education. The campus also supports the efforts of this program indirectly through 1. Financial assistance to CCBS and DBC for administrative assistance 2. Allocation of new faculty positions to the area of this program (For example, CCBS was allocated, this fall, seven new faculty positions in Systems Biology). 3. Guaranteed on-campus graduate student housing (for four years). 4. Centralized graduate admissions and record keeping. 5. Professional assistance in the preparation of large, multi-investigator grants. 6. Travel fellowships to allow students to attend scientific meetings at which they present. 7. Shared research resources and facilities (see Resources, pages 11-15). Recruitment and Retention Plan to Enhance Diversity. History and current efforts to recruit minority trainees (see Tables 8 and 10) UCI pursues an active and diverse institutional approach to the recruitment of underrepresented individuals. Campus-wide programs are coordinated through a “pipeline” that identifies promising high school and college students and promotes an interest in basic research through seminars and laboratory research. This pipeline is supported through grants from NIH such as the Orange County Bridges Program, the Minority Biomedical PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 34 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. Researchers Program (MBRP), a Bridge to the Ph.D. Program, and the Minority International Research Training Program (MIRT). Additionally, support has come from grants from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (Undergraduate Biological Sciences Minority Advanced Research and Training-UBSMART) and the California Alliance for Minority Participation in the Sciences (CAMP), which is an NSF-supported, UCIcoordinated program of summer-in-residence research programs at multiple institutions. Three different NIH-funded programs at UCI to increase minority recruitment in biomedicine fall under the national award-winning institutional umbrella known as the Minority Science Program (MSP). The MSP provides opportunities for laboratory research training positions for 40 undergraduate students and five graduate students at UCI. UCI's excellent record in providing undergraduates with training in research was the critical factor that led reviewers to select UCI to be a major participant in this new program. The MSP is directed by Dr. Luis Mota-Bravo and has three full-time staff members to coordinate activities and help students participating in its programs: The MSP Computer Facility has 20 networked computers, and a fulltime complement of student staff that provides computer instruction and guidance in word processing and specialized scientific software. MSP staff has developed a network of UCI laboratories that provide research training to student participants. Finally, to prepare students for these positions the MSP conducts research methods workshops and a weekly seminar series featuring talks by UCI faculty researchers. The O.C. Bridges to Baccalaureate program is a UCI collaboration with local community colleges (Orange Coast College, Santa Ana College, and Santiago Canyon College) to give community college students research experience in UCI labs. Laboratory experience is the best method to introduce students to scientific research and thereby advance student careers in biomedical sciences. To make these opportunities attractive and accessible, salary is provided for the time spent in the laboratory. Students in the Bridges to Baccalaureate Program are placed in supportive laboratory working environments where they can establish peer/mentor relationships. Participants are paired with junior and senior-year UCI undergraduate students, graduate students, and other research mentors that have been supportive of underrepresented students in the past. One goal is to encourage formation of new social and professional networks that can help community college students establish acquaintances with biomedical professionals who can serve as role models/mentors. These professionals can then write letters of recommendation and inform program participants of opportunities at UCI (for graduate study) as well as at the university and private industry. The Minority Biomedical Researchers Program (MBRP) from NIH (R25-GM55246) is a coordinated effort by the faculty of the School of Biological Sciences and the staff of the Undergraduate Biological Sciences Minority Advances Research Training Program (UBSMART) to increase the numbers of underrepresented minorities in biomedical research positions. The MBRP began October 1996, was recently renewed, and will receive about $2 million over the next 4 years to support 40 undergraduate researchers and five graduate students. Students in good academic standing, interested in conducting research with UCI faculty, can apply in their sophomore, junior, or senior year. After the initial training and orientation, MBRP undergraduates work in UCI research laboratories while receiving salary for two summers of full-time employment and two academic years of parttime (10 hr./week) employment. The MBR Program also offers incentives to attract underrepresented minority students to graduate programs in the School of Biological Sciences and the College of Medicine at UCI. Incentives to continue in the program at the graduate level include pay to assist in the workshops for incoming MBRP undergraduates, an enhanced curriculum, additional training in scientific writing, travel funds, tuition remission, and release from teaching duties. The Bridges to the PhD Program is supported by grants from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). The aim is to increase the number of PhD researchers among the vast pool of untapped, underrepresented talent in the Southern California area. The program complements existing transitional and undergraduate training programs with similar objectives. Cal State LA, Cal State Fullerton and UC Irvine offer the cooperative program leading to the MS degree and transitioning into a PhD degree at UC Irvine. Regularly admitted students to the MS program at CSULA or CSUF are simultaneously conditionally admitted to the PhD PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 35 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. program of their choice at UCI. On admission to the program, the Graduate Student Fellows are integrated into active research groups under the direction of the training faculty. The student selects his/her own research adviser at CSULA or CSUF, who consults with the student to match the nature and scope of the research project to the student’s level and interests. All of the Cal State University faculty members involved in the program are engaged in biomedical research, and normally the project selected by the student will lie in the general area of the adviser’s current research interests. Upon admission, the student also chooses a UCI co-mentor whose research interests roughly coincide with those of the primary advisor. Through this co-mentor, the student is exposed to the research environment of the doctoral institution by conducting research in the co-mentor’s laboratory in the summer, attending faculty seminars, and taking science courses. Following completion of the MS program with a strong achievement level, the student is guaranteed admission to the PhD institution for their doctoral studies, with financial support. A yearly stipend and fringe benefits for each Graduate Student Fellow is provided. In addition, the program provides: (1) payment of student registration fees; (2) $1,500 per year for research supplies, and (3) a travel allowance for fellows to attend scientific meetings to present research papers. A participant’s tenure in the MS program is a maximum of 2 years. In addition, the UCI campus supports independently administered programs: The Minority International Research Training (MIRT) Program provides undergraduate and graduate biological, and biomedical science students, with international laboratory and field research experience. The MIRT program also offers faculty the opportunity to establish and develop collaborative research projects with faculty abroad. Participants receive course credit, room and board, transportation, and a stipend. The UCI MIRT has provided international research training to more than 70 science students in three continents under the supervision of world-known scientists. The California Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP) is a statewide initiative that aims to support and retain undergraduates to achieve their degrees in the biological sciences, physical sciences, mathematics, and engineering. Undergraduate participants in these UCI programs increasingly garner national awards for their research work and scholarship. To best facilitate communication with potential graduate applicants of underrepresented minorities in other undergraduate colleges and universities, UCI staff travel nationwide to recruit underrepresented doctoral applications from historically Black colleges, colleges with large populations of Hispanic and Native American students, and the California State University Campuses in San Francisco, Hayward, and Sacramento, and from Fullerton and Long Beach (institutions with a high percentage of minority students and easy access to UCI). Staff, research faculty, and trainees have traditionally participated in national conferences such as the Minority Biomedical Research Support (MBRS), Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC), the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABCRMS), and California Forum for Diversity of Graduate Education symposia. More recently the admission administrative officer for the Molecular Biology, Genetics and Biochemistry (MBGB) Graduate Program has attended these meetings. Most of the graduate trainees for this training grant are derived from the MBGB program. Career support for women and minorities At UCI, the commitment to increasing diversity does not stop at the admissions process. A new program at UCI to foster success in women and minorities has been very helpful and well received. The UCI ADVANCE Program for gender equity was funded by a $3.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation (20012006) with the goal of institutional transformation. The program is currently sustained by a 3 year, $500k follow-on grant for dissemination of the practices developed during the initial period, along with generous institutional support covering the staff, and programs such as the Equity Advisors. The aims of the program are recruitment, retention and advancement of women tenure-track faculty. The methodology is aimed at all levels, from high-level administrators to post-doctoral and graduate students, PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 36 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Lander, Arthur D. including career advising focus groups specifically geared towards graduate students and postdocs, and open to all (not only women). By educating and raising awareness of equity and diversity issues, it is hoped that the culture of the institution will move to one of inclusion and support for all colleagues. The message is as important to students as it is to faculty, and to this end, graduate students and post docs are invited to various workshops, conferences and mentoring programs, which should better prepare them to navigate through the academic path. Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research. Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research is an essential component of graduate training in all years. One formal aspect of that training is a required course, whose explicit purpose is 1) to meet NIH training requirements for students supported on training grants, and 2) to introduce students to the complex issues involving scientific integrity which will serve them in their developing careers as productive scientists and academicians. This eight-week course is designed to engage students in discussion through the presentation of background information related to scientific integrity, its critical role in the conduct of science and a study of case histories Each session in this course begins with brief remarks addressing the stated theme for the week. Hypothetical and case studies are presented with time for discussion. Students are informed of campus guidelines, such as the use of Human and Animal Subjects in Research, and provided with a Directory of Contact Points on campus for specific issues. Additionally each laboratory on campus keeps a copy of Rules and Regulations for the Conduct of Research, which is made available to all students. Trainees are required to complete the course in Responsible Conduct of Research during their first year of graduate study. The course coordinator position rotates among training grant program directors on a periodic basis. Tracking of student enrollment and class participation will be performed by the program administrator. Additional instruction in research conduct and bioethics is provided through a variety of less formal means, including discussions at lab meetings, journal clubs, and departmental retreats. The Department of Developmental and Cell Biology teaches a bioethics class for undergraduates, which some program graduate students will have the opportunity to TA. A sample syllabus is presented below, showing faculty who are participating this year. Responsible Conduct of Research, Lecture Schedule MMG 250 - (; 11-12 pm 4201 Nat. Sci II Date April 2 Topic The Use of Animals in Research. April 9 The Use of Human Subjects in Research. April 16 April 23 Discussion Research Integrity and Policies for Handling Misconduct. Data Collection, Record Keeping and Ownership of Data. Responsibilities of Authors and Reviewers. What Constitutes Plagiarism? Collaboration. Discussion Whistleblowing. Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research. April 30 May 7 May 14 PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 37 Discussion Leader James W. Hicks, Ph.D. Chair, UCI Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee. Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Ruth A. Mulnard, R.N., D.N.Sc. Chair, UCI Institutional Review Board C Director of Clinical Trials, Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia; Associate Director, Institute for Clinical Translational Research Group Assignments Alan L. Goldin, M.D./Ph.D. Director, Medical Scientist Training Program; Professor of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Rozanne M. Sandri-Goldin, Ph.D. Editor, Journal of Virology; Chair of NIH Study Section; Professor of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Group Assignments Sidney H. Golub, Ph.D Former Executive Director, FASEB Former Executive Vice Chancellor; Professor of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): May 21 May 28 University/Industry Relationships and Conflict of Interest. Mentoring and Career Development. June 4 Discussion. Lander, Arthur D. Kelvin W. Gee, Ph.D. Professor of Pharmacology Sue P. Duckles, Ph.D. Associate Dean, UCI School of Medicine, Professor of Pharmacology Group Assignments In addition to the Responsible Conduct of Research course, UCI sponsors the Howard Schneiderman Memorial Lecture series in Bioethics. This series brings a distinguished guest lecturer to the campus each year to talk about ethical issues in science. Recent examples include: Stem Cells and Society: A Series of Dialogues (a series of public lectures), Francisco Ayala, PhD; Peter Donovan, PhD; Hans Keirstead, PhD; Philip Nickel, PhD; Jennifer Terry, PhD From Regenerative Medicine to Genetic Design: what are we really afraid of?, Gregory Stock, Program on Medicine, Technology and Society, UCLA School of Public Health, The Good Life at the End of Life, Joanne Lynn, The Washington Home Center for Palliative Care Studies Detentions, Ethical and Otherwise, in Scientific Progress, Harold T. Shapiro, President Emeritus and Professor of Economics & Public Affairs, Princeton University The Ethics of Stem Cell Research, Thomas H. Murray, Ph.D., President, The Hastings Center Food Production and Nutrition Enhancement in the Golden Age of Life Sciences, Ganesh M. Kishore, Ph.D., President Nutrition Sector and Chief Biotechnologist, Monsanto Company. Is it Unethical to Clone a Human Being?, Dr. Arthur L. Caplan, Director of the Center for Bioethics, University of Pennsylvania Stemming the Tide: Politics, Policy and Regenerative Medicine, R. Alta Charo, J.D., Warren P. Knowles Professor of Law and Bioethics University of Wisconsin Law School Conflict of Interest in the Academic Medical Center - Is It a Problem?, Howard Brody, Ph.D., Director, Institute for the Medical Humanities, University of Texas Medical Branch What's the Matter with Memory?, Elizabeth Loftus, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor of Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine Beyond Band-Aids: Curing America’s Sick Health Care System, Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel, Chair, Department of Bioethics, The Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health. Human Subjects Some trainees may participate in research involving human subjects solely as part of other research projects that have received or will receive IRB review and approval. No portion of the Training Grant Award will be used to support this research. Below is a list of previously approved research projects and their IRB approval dates or exemption designations. PI/PD Cooper Cooper Cooper Huang Title Prevention Study Group Primary Prevention Trial Assisted Exercise in Prematurity: Effects and Mechanisms Trace Gases in Human Breath: Evaluation of Current Collection and Storage Procedures White Blood Cells, Exercise, and Children: Initial Mechanisms The Molecular Basis of Isolated Noncompaction of the Ventricular Myocardium Molecular Basis of Congenital Heart Defects 11/26/2007 2007-5805 Monuki LHX2 Gene Mutations in Schizencephaly and Septo-Optic 02/21/2008 2003-2921 Cooper Huang PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 38 Approval Date 04/30/2006 01/01/1900 09/15/2005 Protocol # 2006-4873 2005-4797 2005-4338 07/12/2005 2004-3967 11/09/2007 2003-3130 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Monuki Lander, Arthur D. Dysplasia Human Neural Stem Cells in Cerebral Cortical Development 06/22/2007 2005-4467 Vertebrate Animals Some trainees may participate in research involving the use of live vertebrate animals solely as part of other research projects that have received or will receive IACUC review and approval. No portion of the Training Grant Award will be used to support this research. Below is a list of previously approved research projects (grant number, PD/PI, and project title) and their IACUC approval dates or exemption designations. Principal Investigator Protocol Number Last Approval Date Lander, Arthur D. 1998-1656 1998-1665 04/20/20008 03/02/2008 Regulation of Developmental Signaling 1998-1994 03/02/2008 Early-Life Experience-Evoked Neuroplasticity of Hippocampal Structure and Function 2001-2303 12/13/2007 1999-1002 02/14/2008 MRI of Immature Rats Nuclear Receptor Signaling Development 2003-2487 01/11/2008 2005-2614 03/08/2008 2005-2618 02/08/2008 1998-1656 04/20/2008 1998-1658 03/20/2008 1998-1660 05/11/2008 Cho, Ken 1997-1254 10/30/2007 Trophic Factor Control of Neuron Production and Survival Signal Transduction during Gastrulation Cramer, Karina 2002-2389 09/28/2007 Auditory System Development and Plasticity Dai, Xing 1999-2133 01/25/2008 2006-2627 02/09/2008 2006-2679 01/10/2008 2002-2421 04/11/2008 Pluripotent Stem Cells in Development and Disease Breast Cancer Mouse Model of the tbx3 2005-2576 06/09/2007 Genetic Study of Retinal Degenerative diseases Baram, Tallie Z. Blumberg, Bruce Calof, Anne Donovan, Peter Title Early-Life Experience-Evoked Neuroplasticity of Hippocampal Structure and Function in Vertebrate Interactions between SXR/PXR and NF-kB Signaling and their Impact on Inflammation, Steroid Homeostasis, and Xenobiotic Metabolism SXR, A Novel Target for Breast Cancer Therapeutics Organotin Activation of Retinoid X Receptor Promotes Adipogenesis & Obesity Regulation of Developmental Signaling Regulation of Mammalian Neurogenesis Role of Ovol (movo) and Wnt Signaling in Epithelial Morphogenesis Propogation of Mouse Strains Huang, Taosheng PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 39 Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Monuki, Ed 2001-2304 11/08/2007 Schilling, Tom 2000-2149 02/01/2008 2006-2679 01/10/2008 2007-2771 01/29/2008 Lander, Arthur D. Patterning of the Mouse Cerebral Cortex Genetic Analysis of Pharyngeal Development in Zebrafish Pluripotent Stem Cells in Development and Disease Yokomori, Kyoko Identification of Target Genes Critical for FSHD Pathogenesis Select Agents None Literature Cited 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Eldar, A., Rosin, D., Shilo, B.Z., and Barkai, N. 2003. Self-enhanced ligand degradation underlies robustness of morphogen gradients. Dev Cell 5:635-646. Eldar, A., Dorfman, R., Weiss, D., Ashe, H., Shilo, B.Z., and Barkai, N. 2002. Robustness of the BMP morphogen gradient in Drosophila embryonic patterning. Nature 419:304-308. Lander, A.D., Nie, Q., and Wan, F.Y. 2002. Do morphogen gradients arise by diffusion? Dev Cell 2:785796. Gregor, T., Bialek, W., de Ruyter van Steveninck, R.R., Tank, D.W., and Wieschaus, E.F. 2005. Diffusion and scaling during early embryonic pattern formation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102:1840318407. Umulis, D.M., Serpe, M., O'Connor M, B., and Othmer, H.G. 2006. Robust, bistable patterning of the dorsal surface of the Drosophila embryo. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Saha, K., and Schaffer, D.V. 2006. Signal dynamics in Sonic hedgehog tissue patterning. Development 133:889-900. Wolpert, L. 1969. Positional information and the spatial pattern of cellular differentiation. J Theor Biol 25:1-47. Gierer, A., and Meinhardt, H. 1972. A theory of biological pattern formation. Kybernetik 12:30-39. Meinhardt, H., and Gierer, A. 1974. Applications of a theory of biological pattern formation based on lateral inhibition. J Cell Sci 15:321-346. Mjolsness, E., Sharp, D.H., and Reinitz, J. 1991. A connectionist model of development. J Theor Biol 152:429-453. Reinitz, J., and Sharp, D.H. 1995. Mechanism of eve stripe formation. Mech Dev 49:133-158. Waddington, C.H. 1942. Canalization of development and the inheritance of acquired characters. Nature 150:563. Weiss, P.A. 1977. The system of nature and the nature of systems: Empirical holism and practical reductionism harmonized. In A New Image of Man in Medicine: Towards a Man-Centered Medical Science. K.E. Schaefer, H. Hensel, and R. Brady, editors. New York: Futura. Weiss, P.A. 1950. An Introduction to Genetic Neurology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 11/07) Page 40