MLA Essay Topics for Macbeth Shakespeare is fertile soil from which grows the most interesting research papers one can imagine. The Bard’s works are actually able to make research paper writing fun. Seriously! Does that sound hard to believe? Then you just do not realize all the potential that a Shakespeare research paper has! Shakespeare is responsible for some of the greatest literature of our time. He is responsible for the most “comedic comedies” and the most “tragic tragedies”. He is responsible for making historical events supremely interesting. In a Macbeth research paper alone, there are numerous, solid, and ultimately intriguing research paper ideas – you just have to think about what interests you best. Consider this: in Macbeth there are conspiracies, betrayals, homicidal plots, insanity, and a successful (somewhat!) murder. How could you not be interested in such things?! That being said, here are some possible ideas you could use to craft an excellent Macbeth term paper. (1)Explain how one of the major themes of the play is still prevalent in the world today. (3)Explain how Shakespeare’s audience would respond to the supernatural elements of the play. (5)Explain how Macbeth stacks up to Aristotle’s definition of a Greek tragic hero. (7)Explain how the portrayal of women in the play is accurate to the condition of women in Shakespeare’s day. (9)How did the Black Plaque epidemics affect Shakespeare, the presentation of his plays and the theatres. (11)Explain how Macbeth is a character that can be compared to a famous person from the 21st century. (13)Explain how Lady Macbeth is a character that can be compared to a famous person from the 21st century. (15)Explain what kind of relationship existed between Shakespeare and King James I. (17)Explain how Elizabeth I played a significant role in the development of Shakespeare’s world view. (19)Explain what is meant by the authorship debate and what evidence exists to support it. (21)Research the costume, makeup and prop techniques of the Shakespearean stage. (23)Research other play writers in competition with Shakespeare during the time he was most famous and well known in London. (25)Explain how the roles of men and women during the Elizabethan/Jacobean periods compare to the characters of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth and the theme of masculine identity. (27)Patronization was important during Shakespeare’s time. Explain what this means and cite details regarding Shakespeare’s four patrons. (29)Research famous actors who have played Macbeth and explain their contributions to the play’s development over time. (2)Compare modern research on dream analysis with Lady Macbeth's dreams and sleepwalking. (4)Contrast the historical Macbeth to the character Shakespeare creates in his tragic play. (6)Classify Shakespeare’s plays clearly outlining what characteristics apply to each classification. (8)Explain why the reign of Elizabeth I is called The Golden Age of England. (10)Explain why the play is considered by many as a psychological treatise on the mind of the murderer. (12)Explain how witchcraft was viewed by citizens of 16th century England. (14)Explain how Charles I dealt with witchcraft during his reign as King of England. (16)Explain how Shakespeare deals with common superstitions throughout the ages are (18)Explain why women were not allowed to act in Shakespeare’s plays and how this affected performances. (20)Make an argument for the idea that the character Macbeth is really a representation of King James I. (22)Research the curse associated with the play Macbeth and suggest whether there is evidence to support it. (24)Research Shakespeare’s theatre The Globe. Who owned it? Where was it located? How was it funded? How was it designed? What was its fate? Etc. (26)Research other playhouses of Shakespeare’s day (The Rose, The Curtain, etc.). Who owned them? Where were they located? How were they funded? How were they designed? What were restrictions put upon them? (28)Using research on the topic of schizophrenia explain whether or not Macbeth and/or Lady Macbeth could be diagnosed with its symptoms. (30)Research the historical Macbeth (details of his life, the time in which he lived, the nature of his reign a king, major contributions to his kingdom, etc.). (31)Research The King’s Men. Who were its members? How was the group funded? What interesting facts are known related to the group? Were there other acting troupes in competition with them? Etc. (33)Research Shakespeare’s childhood and explain any major influences that affected his views and experiences as an adult. (35)Research the role religion played in Shakespeare’s world and the effects it had on his life as a child and/or as an adult. (37)Research the topic of death in Shakespeare’s time London. What were the major causes of death? How was death viewed by citizens in the city? How were bodies disposed of? Etc. (39)Research the topic of violence in Shakespeare’s London. What were the major crimes? How were criminals treated? What was the legal system like? What were the punishments associated with certain crimes. Etc. (32)Research Shakespeare’s romantic life. Was he married? Did he have any children? What happened to them? Did he have other relationships? Did he have any regrets? Etc. (34)Research Shakespeare’s London. What was it like to live in that city during that time? What were the standards of living? What was the legal system like? Etc. (36)Research the historical King Duncan (details of his life, the time in which he lived, the nature of his reign a king, major contributions to his kingdom, etc.). (38)Research the field of medicine during the 16th century in London, England. What was it like to be a doctor or nurse? What were some common practices in dealing with sickness? How were patients diagnosed? Etc. (40)Research scholarly opinions on whether Macbeth is a villain or a victim. Is Macbeth master of his own fate, or under the influence of his wife? There can be no sitting on the fence for this topic. Make a strong case for one side. These are just some of the topics around which you could craft a Macbeth research paper. When you are dealing with something that truly interests you, research paper writing becomes less an ordeal, and more of an opportunity. Some of the most interesting research papers imaginable revolve around Shakespeare’s legendary plays, his life and the times in which he lived. Do not let an opportunity like this pass you by, simply because you think it is a drag. Essay Specifics: Introduction-Body Paragraphs-Conclusion In your introduction, include: a hook, and a thesis statement which dictates the layout of your paper. Body paragraphs-each paragraph supports one of the points you’re making. Each paragraph needs a transitional phrase. If you include a quote, make sure you set up your direct quote and then explain it after. Conclusion-paraphrase your introduction & bring it to a close. Word limit: 1200-1500 words Include at least 3 short direct quotes and 1 direct block quotes Include at least 2 indirect citations Works cited page Follow the MLA specifications! MLA Scoring: Writing Style Total: ____/40 Formatting Total: ____/20 Ideas & Information 15 3 Organization 5 Sentence Fluency & Transitions Word Choice 5 Voice & Appropriate Tone Conventions 5 3 direct short quotes & citations 1 direct block quotes & citations Paraphrasing in-text citations 3 sources (Macbeth + 2 others) included in essay Header (consecutive pages) Margins Fonts, underlining, italics, etc. Title page info. 1 Works Cited page 4 5 5 1 4 3 1 1 2 You have to write a research essay! What should you do first? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Narrow your topic. Print off websites/articles and find books with pertinent information on your topic. Avoid Wikipedia. Select all the relevant information on your topic and start to organize it into chunks. Come up with an outline for your essay. Begin writing your paper. Intro, (make sure you have a hook and thesis), body, conclusion. Remember who your audience is—ME! This will set the tone: FORMAL. No first person, contractions or slang. Write out numbers under 100. Be clear on why you are writing your essay - it’s not a narrative, descriptive or persuasive - it’s an expository essay . . . you are explaining your topic, in detail, to me. Remember to use smooth transitions between your paragraphs with effective topic sentences. Often you’ll need to go back, after you’ve written your essay, and revamp your introduction. That’s a good thing. Revise and revise and revise your work. Edit and proofread your work. Add direct quotes after you have written your essay. Don’t plagiarize. This will result in NOTICE ON STUDENT FILE, PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONTACT, AND HAVING TO WRITE ANOTHER PAPER under supervised restrictions. Due dates for assignment components: 1. All pre-writing and draft work is to be done on loose-leaf or in your exercise. No exceptions. This way, you will be able to work on it in class and keep it in your notebook. If you don’t have your materials with you to work on, be prepared to start over or work from the memory of where you currently are in the paper. 2. In addition to the assessment scheme outlined on the assignment sheet (40/20), you will receive a collaboration/research mark based on your use of class time (see dates on schedule); so use it! Therefore, it is important you adhere to point number one above. 3. Some class time will be given to work on this research paper. At these times assistance and guidance can be availed of by students. That being said, you will need to work on this assignment independently outside of class. 4. We will try our best to stick to the calendar, but all dates are subject to change. 5. Do not leave requests for extensions until the last minute. This assignment is intended for recording on the first report card on November 25. If it is not been submitted, contact will be made with parents/guardians and a comment related to missing assignment will be on the report card. 6. I am always available in school to help students in any way. Any communication after school hours regarding this assignment is available through my school email account only. Also, all components of this assignment are to be submitted electronically via that email account in the form of an attachment (see my website for email address). MONDAY OCT 5 OCT 19 3201 2 & 1 (LAB 233) 3201 3 (LAB 208) OCT 26 NOV 2 3201 2, 1 & 3 (LAB 233) NOV 9 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY OCT 6 OCT 7 OCT 13 3201 -1 (LAB 233) 3201-3 (LAB 208) OCT 20 OCT 14 FRIDAY OCT 9 OCT 21 OCT 22 OUTLINE DUE OCT 23 OCT 27 OC T 28 OCT 29 OCT 30 NOV 3 NOV 4 NOV 5 ROUGH DRAFT DUE NOV 12 FINAL COPY DUE NOV 6 NOV 10 MLA CITATION GENERATOR GREAT MLA RESOURCE SITE MY WEBSITE THURSDAY OCT 8 3201-2 (LAB 233) OCT 15 OCT 16 SOURCES DUE NOV 13