DR MARTIN DZBOR, MBA Curriculum Vitae 1 HIGHER EDUCATION Degrees 2002-2005 MBA (Business Studies and Management), Open University Business School 1999-2002 PhD (Artificial Intelligence); Thesis: Design as Interactions of Problem Framing and Problem Solving, The Open University, UK 1991-1996 MSc (Hons) (Electrical Engineering and Informatics), University of Technology in Kosice, Slovakia Awards 1997 Award of Research Excellence from the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and associated keynote to the 8th ASME DETC Conference, California, US (research team comprising: Prof. S Fukuda, Dr Y Matsuura and M Dzbor, all Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan) 1996 Chancellor’s Award of Excellence conferred on top 5 graduates in a year Professional qualifications 1996 Certificate of Qualification for Secondary Level Teaching 1996 Microsoft Certified Professional (area: MS Windows Servers and Networks) 2 APPOINTMENTS AND EXPERIENCE 2008-present Senior Research Fellow in Semantic Web and User Interaction, The Open University R&D in Semantic Web and Web technologies, design and development of advanced user interfaces for semantically enriched navigation and e-learning, application of semantic technologies in data security, access management, and knowledge management (in co-operation with UN FAO); Leadership and technical project management of the NeOn project and interaction with European Commission and 14 European partners; Technical leadership of OU contribution to the KnowledgeWeb and climateprediction.net projects 2002-2007 Research Fellow in Semantic Web and User Interaction, The Open University R&D in Semantic Web and Web technologies, design and development of advanced user interfaces for semantic browsing and e-learning, computersupported collaborative services for knowledge management; Technical and scientific management of OU contribution to KnowledgeWeb, NeOn, and climateprediction.net projects; 1996-1999 Information Systems Analyst, University of Technology in Kosice, Slovakia Design and management of IT systems and networks for the Faculty of Informatics and deputizing the Director of the Computer Centre 1997-1998 Certified Tutor and Course Author, Microsoft Education Centres (elfa, s.r.o and Lynx, s.r.o), Slovakia Design and delivery of tailored courses for commercial operating systems and MS Windows-based, and for Office and Production environments to a range of commercial customers, e.g., Slovak Post, Slovak Customs Agency, Slovak Telecom, and Slovak Gas Prepared July 2008 Curriculum Vitae 1996-1997 3 Martin Dzbor, PhD MBA Visiting Researcher, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Japan R&D into early web-based tools for distance learning support, skill training and enriched tutor-learner computer-supported communication CONTRIBUTIONS TO OPEN UNIVERSITY TEACHING AND STUDENT SUPPORT (c) Contributions to staff and student support and associated activities B120 2006-now Introduction to Business Studies (30 points, 2 presentations/yr) Associate Lecturer (R02), Course Monitor, Script Marker (teaching, online support and seminar preparation for up to 26 students in each presentation) DD303 2004 Cognitive Psychology (60 points) Residential School Tutor and ePrime Project Adviser (supervising student projects and advising on ePrime experiment design and analysis) D309 1999-2003 Cognitive Psychology (60 points) Residential School Tutor (supervising student projects in Cognitive Modelling) (d) Contributions to teaching outside the Open University 1996-1998 4 University of Technology in Kosice, Slovakia Lecturing and seminars in Year 3 courses “Discrete Modelling of Systems”, “Advanced Network Interfaces and Protocols”, Leading seminars in Year 4 course on “Languages for Artificial Intelligence” CONTRIBUTIONS TO ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT The Open University 2005-2006 Member of OU Digital Preservation and Metadata Standards Working Group 2002-2004 KMi Internship Programme Co-ordinator 2001-now Voluntary reader in Audio Recording Centre assisting visually impaired students to engage in studies with the OU 1999-2002 Elected Representative at OU Research Degrees Committee Other 2003-now 5 LEA Governor and Chair of Personnel and Finance Committee at the Coldharbour C of E School RESEARCH AND SCHOLARSHIP Research interests A key aspect of my research is focusing on supporting an ordinary user’s perspectives on the emerging Semantic Web technology (SWT). One substantial part of my personal research interest concerns the aspects of interpreting and interacting with ontologies; a research line, novel in the field of ontology engineering, I developed in the context of NeOn project, and previously in the AKT: Advanced Knowledge Technologies, in the KnowledgeWeb project, and generally in my Magpie research and development. In my leadership roles I am liaising with both public bodies (e.g., Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and European Commission) and businesses (e.g., Software AG, Atos Origin S.A., ISOCO S.A.) The second substantial item of my research agenda concerns designing robust infrastructures for semantically enriched web applications and tasks (such as semantic web Prepared July 2008 Page 2 of 7 Curriculum Vitae Martin Dzbor, PhD MBA navigation or contextual visualization) that are usable by and accessible to ordinary users. This latter line of research has been particularly strong in my Magpie Semantic Web Browser, but also in the climateprediction.net and BuddySpace Instant Messaging projects. As a lecturer I cover the areas that are tangentially enriching technological focus – business and technology management on one side, and introduction to business studies. Research funding 2006 –2010 Project Title: NeOn, Lifecycle Support for Networked Ontologies Funder: European Commission, IST Framework 6 Grant: €10.2M (total); €2.3M (OU share) Role: Bid Co-Author, Co-Investigator, WP Leader, Project Manager, Researcher NeOn is co-ordinated by Prof. Motta (OU) and involves 14 European partners. I am the Scientific Leader of NeOn research on human-ontology interaction, ontology visualization and customization. In my role of the Project Manager I am preparing and managing project budgets and technical aspects of the project in general. 2004 –2008 Project Title: KnowledgeWeb, Network of Excellence Funder: European Commission, IST Framework 6 Grant: €6.7M (total); €375k (OU share) Role: WP Leader, Team Leader, Researcher, Software Architect KnowledgeWeb has been a Network of Excellence, in which I led research and development of WP on semantic architecture and platform supporting learning and research activities; led by Prof. Schreiber (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) 2000 –2006 Project Title: AKT, Advanced Knowledge Technologies Funder: EPSRC, Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration (IRC) Grant: £7.5M (total); £1.3M (OU share) Role: Postdoctoral Researcher, Team Leader, Software Architect I have been involved in AKT between 2003 and 2006, and the primary output of this effort has been focusing on the Magpie platform of semantically enriched web navigation and browsing; led by Prof. Shadbolt (University of Southampton) 2002 –2004 Project Title: climateprediction.net, Massively Distributed Climate Modelling Funder: NERC and Dept. of Trade and Industry e-Science Programme Grant: £400k (initial sub-total estimate); £72k (OU share) Role: Postdoctoral Researcher, Application Designer Climateprediction.net has been the first UK’s massively distributed project engaging more than 100k members of general public using their PCs to run the state of the art climate model developed in collaboration with Oxford University, UK MetOffice and OU Earth Sciences; led by Dr Allen (Oxford University) 6 POSTGRADUATE STUDENT SUPERVISION 2004-2008 Co-Supervisor of Mr Tom Heath (PhD student, OU) Thesis: Information Seeking on the Web with Trusted Social Networks Thesis Submitted: 01/2008; Degree Awarded: 11/2008 2006-2007 External Supervisor of Ms Mu Su (PhD student, Chinese Normal University) Thesis: Semantic Web Technologies in Organizational Knowledge Management, Case of Chinese Educational Institutions Degree Awarded: 05/2007 2007-now External Supervisor of Mr Jozef Vrana (PhD student, TU Kosice, Slovakia) Thesis: Contextual Visualization of Ontological Models 2008-now Principal Supervisor of Mr Claudio Baldassarre (p/t PhD student, OU) Thesis: Supporting Domain Experts in Ontology Creation and Maintenance Prepared July 2008 Page 3 of 7 Curriculum Vitae 7 Martin Dzbor, PhD MBA EXTERNAL ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES Membership or offices held in learned societies and professional bodies: 2000-now Member of the Association for the Computing Machinery (ACM) Membership of Government or other public committees: 2007-now Member of the Review Panel, Joint Information Sciences Committee (JISC) (Capital Programme on e-Infrastructures) 2007-now Member of the Review Panel, Slovak Research and Development Agency (APVV) (base research, centres of excellence and infrastructure programmes) 2008-now Member of the Review Panel, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) (‘Vidi’ Cross-divisional Programme) 2006-now OU Representative on W3C Standardization Committees: Semantic Web Education and Outreach SIG and OWL 1.1 WG Academic editorial work 2004-now Member of the Editorial Board of Intl. J. of Knowledge and Learning 2006 Chair of ‘Semantic Web and e-learning’ workshop, ACM Hypertext’2006 2005 Chair/Editor of Proceedings of UserSWeb (User aspects of Semantic Web) Contributions to conferences (selected) 2003-now Member of the Programme Committee of Intl. Semantic Web Conf. (ISWC) 2004-now Member of the Programme Committee of European Conf. on Knowledge Mgt. (EKAW) and Demonstration Chair (in 2004) 2005-now Member of the Programme Committee of European Semantic Web Conf. (ESWC) 2006 Member of the Programme Committee of Conf. on Artificial Intelligence: Methods, Systems and Applications (AIMSA) 2006 Member of the Programme Committee of Conf. on Semantics and Digital Media Technology (SAMT) 2007-now Member of the Programme Committee of Asian Semantic Web Conf. (ASWC) Invited lectures Jan 2008 Keynote to 34th SofSem, Intl. Conf. on Current Trends in Computer Science: “Best of Both: Using Semantic Web Technologies to Enrich User Interaction with the Web”, Slovakia. Jan 2008 Invited Tutorial at the Intl. Conf. on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI 2008): “Semantic Web for Computer and Users”, Canary Islands. Jan 2006 Keynote to Znalosti’2006, Czech and Slovak Conf. on Knowledge: “Evolution of the idea of the Semantic Web and its implications on practice”, Czech Rep. Oct 2004 Keynote to Wksp on Semantic Web technology for mobile and ubiquitous applications (ISWC 2004): “Semantics & Ubiquity: From semantic and presence applications to an infrastructure for ubiquity”, Japan. Sep 2003 Invited lecture at the Annual Conf. of the Society of Archivists: “Semantic Web: To be browsed or what?”, United Kingdom 8 PUBLICATIONS Prepared July 2008 Page 4 of 7 Curriculum Vitae Martin Dzbor, PhD MBA Publications in the list below include only peer-reviewed ones that can be categorized into chapters, journals, conferences, and in-press; with most recent ones listed first. The list does not include technical reports, deliverables, and other written output for projects. Each publication is accompanied with an estimated direct contribution of the applicant to the particular printed output: [est. contribution …%]. Chapters in Books Dzbor, M. and Motta, E. (2007): ‘Engineering and Customizing Ontologies The HumanComputer Challenge in Ontology Engineering’ in M Hepp, P De Leenheer, A de Moor and Y Sure (eds.), Ontology Management: Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services, and Business Applications, Springer Verlag New York, pp.25-57, ISBN 038769899X. [est. contribution 90%] Dzbor, M., Motta, E. and Stutt, A. (2005): ‘From Knowledge Repository to Knowledge Space’ in MD Lytras and A Naeve (eds.), Intelligent Learning Infrastructure for Knowledge Intensive Organizations: A Semantic Web Perspective, Information Science Publ. Hershey PA, pp.325-344, ISBN 1591405033. [est. contribution 80%] Domingue, J., Dzbor, M. and Motta, E. (2004): ‘Semantic layering with Magpie’ in S Staab and R Studer (eds.), Handbook on Ontologies in Information Systems, 1st Edition, Springer Verlag Heidelberg, pp.533-554, ISBN 3540408347. [est. contribution 70%] Articles in Refereed Journals D’Aquin, M., Motta, E., Dzbor, M., Gridinoc, L., Heath, T. and Sabou, M. (2008): ‘Collaborative Semantic Authoring’, IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol 23(3), May 2008, pp.80-83. [est. contribution 30%] Dzbor, M., Motta, E. and Domingue, J. (2007): ‘Magpie: experiences in supporting semantic web browsing’, Journal of Web Semantics: Science, services and agents on the World Wide Web, Vol 5(3), August 2007, pp.204-222. [est. contribution 90%] Dzbor, M., Stutt, A. and Motta, E. and Collins, T. (2007): ‘Representations for semantic learning webs: Semantic Web technology in learning support’, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, Vol 23(1), July 2007, pp.69-82. [est. contribution 70%] Diederich, J., Dzbor, M. and Maynard, D. (2007): ‘REASE – The repository for learning units about the Semantic Web’, New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia, Vol 13(2), January 2007, pp.211-237. [est. contribution 35%] Dzbor, M., Motta, E. and Stutt, A. (2005): ‘Achieving Higher-level Learning Through Adaptable Semantic Web Applications’, International Journal of Knowledge and Learning, Vol 1(1/2), January 2005, pp.25-44. [est. contribution 85%] Conference Papers (peer-refereed) Dzbor, M. (2008): ‘Best of Both: Using Semantic Web Technologies to Enrich User Interaction with the Web’, In: Proc. of the 34th SofSem, Intl. Conf. on Current Trends in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, Slovakia, pp. 34-49. [est. contribution 100%] Dzbor, M. and Motta, E. (2007): ‘Semantic web technology to support learning about the semantic web’, In: Artificial Intelligence in Education – building technology rich learning contexts that work. IOS Press, ISBN 1-58603-764-1, pp.25-32. [est. contribution 90%] Vrana, J., Dzbor, M. and Machova, K. (2008): ‘Software Means for the Support of Semantic Web’, In: 6th Intl. Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence, Slovakia, pp. 147-150. [est. contribution 20%] Prepared July 2008 Page 5 of 7 Curriculum Vitae Martin Dzbor, PhD MBA Dzbor, M., Motta, E., Aranda, C., Gomez, J., Goerlitz, O. and Lewer, H. (2006): ‘Developing ontologies in OWL: An observational study’, In: OWL: Experiences and Directions, Athens, Georgia, US, http://oro.open.ac.uk/6241. [est. contribution 80%] Dzbor, M. and Motta, E. (2006): ‘Study on Integrating Semantic Applications with Magpie’, In: 15th Conf. on AI Methodology, Systems & Applications (AIMSA), Varna, Bulgaria, eds. J Euzenat and J Domingue, Springer Verlag, pp.66-76. [est. contribution 90%] Vogiazou, Y., Eisenstadt, M., Dzbor, M. and Komzak, J. (2005): ‘From Buddyspace to CitiTag: Large scale Symbolic Presence for Community Building and Spontaneous Play’, In: Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, New Mexico, USA. [est. contribution 25%] Uren, V., Motta, E., Dzbor, M. and Cimiano, P. (2005): ‘Browsing for information by highlighting automatically generated annotations: a user study and evaluation’, In: 3rd Intl. Conference on Knowledge Capture, Banff, Canada. [est. contribution 25%] Dzbor, M., Motta, E. and Domingue, J. (2004). ‘Opening up Magpie via semantic services’, In: 3rd International Semantic Web Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, pp. 635-649. [est. contribution 90%] Domingue, J., Dzbor, M. and Motta, E. (2004): ‘Collaborative semantic web browsing with Magpie’. In: 1st European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS), Heraklion, Greece. [est. contribution 75%] Domingue, J., Dzbor, M. and Motta, E. (2004): ‘Magpie: supporting browsing and navigating on the semantic web’, In: International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Madeira, Portugal. [est. contribution 80%] Dzbor, M., Domingue, J. and Motta, E. (2003): ‘Magpie: towards a semantic web browser’, In: 2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2003), Sanibel Island, Florida USA, pp. 690-705. [est. contribution 90%] Dzbor, M. and Zdrahal, Z. (2002): ‘Design as interactions of problem framing and problem solving’, In: 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), Lyon, France, pp.210-214. [est. contribution 80%] Dzbor, M. and Zdrahal, Z. (2002): ‘Modelling design interpretation as interplay of problem specification and problem solving’, In: 14th ASME DETC Conf. on Design Theory and Methodology, Montreal, Canada. [est. contribution 90%] Dzbor, M. (2001): ‘Knowledge Reformulation in Design’, In: 5th IEEE Conference on Knowledge based Intelligent Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies, Osaka, Japan. [est. contribution 90%] Dzbor, M. and Zdrahal, Z. (2001): ‘Towards Logical Framework for Sequential Design’, In: 13th ASME DETC Conf. on Design Theory & Methodology, Pittsburgh, USA. [est. contribution 80%] Dzbor, M. and Zdrahal, Z. (2001): ‘Towards a Framework for Acquisition of Design Knowledge’, In: 27th ASME DETC Design Automation Conference, Pittsburgh, USA. [est. contribution 80%] Dzbor, M., Paralic, J. and Paralic, M. (2000): ‘Knowledge Management in a Distributed Organisation’, In: 4th IEEE/IFIP Conference on IT for Balanced Automation Systems, Berlin, Germany. [est. contribution 60%] Dzbor, M. (2000): ‘Explication of Design Requirements Through Reflection on Solutions’, In: 4th IEEE Conf. on Knowledge-based Intelligent Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies, Brighton, UK. [est. contribution 100%] Prepared July 2008 Page 6 of 7 Curriculum Vitae Martin Dzbor, PhD MBA Paralic, J. and Dzbor, M. (2000): ‘Knowledge discovery for knowledge management’, In: 4th IEEE Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES), Slovenia. [est. contribution 30%] Fukuda, S., Matsuura, Y. and Dzbor, M. (1998): ‘Internet-Based Motion Skill Learning’, In: EUROMEDIA 98 (APTEC), Leicester, UK. [est. contribution 30%] Fukuda, S., Matsuura, Y. and Dzbor, M. (1997): ‘A Client-Server Approach to Motional Skill Transfer’, In: Design for Manufacturing Symposium (part of Design Engineering Technical Conferences), California, USA. [est. contribution 30%] Matsuura, Y., Fukuda, S. and Dzbor, M. (1997): ‘Internet based motion skill learning’, In: 4th International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, CE 97, Rochester, USA. [est. contribution 20%] Fukuda, S., Matsuura, Y. and Dzbor, M. (1997): ‘Transfer of Motional Skill - Towards Its Intelligent Coding’, In: Concurrent Engineering Europe CEE97, Erlangen – Nuremberg, Germany. [est. contribution 20%] Chapters in Books and Articles in Refereed Journals (in press) Dzbor, M., Motta, E. and Gridinoc, L. (2008): ‘Browsing and Navigation in Semantically Rich Spaces: Experiences with Magpie Applications’ in S Staab and R Studer (eds.), Handbook on Ontologies in Information Systems, 2nd Edition, Springer Verlag Heidelberg, in press. [est. contribution 75%] Prepared July 2008 Page 7 of 7