Calculus For The Sciences MATH 1225-1226 I - Catalogue Description AF T Unified calculus course covering techniques of differential and integral calculus for functions of one variable. This sequence constitutes the standard first-year mathematics courses for science and engineering. 1225: limits, continuity, differentiation, transcendental functions, applications of differentiation, introduction to integration. 1226: techniques and applications of integration, trapezoidal and Simpson’s rules, improper integrals, sequences and series, power series, parametric curves and polar coordinates, software-based techniques. 1225 partially duplicates 1205, 1016 and 1525. 1226 partially duplicates 1206 and 2015. Pre 1225: 2 units of high school algebra, 1 unit of geometry, 1/2 unit each of trigonometry and precalculus and placement by Math Dept.; or a grade of B or better in one of 1015, 1016, or 1536; or a passing grade on the Calculus Readiness Exam; Pre 1226: 1225. I, II, III (4H,4C) Course Number: 1225-1226 ADP TITLE: Calc Sci II - Learning Objectives D R Having successfully completed this sequence, the student will be able to • Calculate limits, derivatives, and integrals of functions of a single variable • Employ various techniques to calculate integrals of functions of standard types • Produce graphical representations of functions using calculus techniques • Use polar coordinate representations to plot regions and curves • Calculate areas of plane regions by means of integration • Determine the convergence or divergence of infinite series • Employ these skills in a variety of applied problems • Use contemporary software to implement calculations III - Justification This sequence constitutes the freshman year of a redesigned suite of calculus courses for science and engineering. The redesign is closely coordinated with the standard AP curriculum and with courses taken by transfer students at regional colleges. The redesigned suite reduces the total number of courses from 6 to 4 and organizes the material in a more natural way. As the freshman year component of the suite, 1225-6 carries a 1000-level number. In a transition period courses from both the old and new suites will be offered simultaneously. To avoid confusion courses from the new suite have course numbers and titles distinct from the old. IV - Prerequisites and Corequisites AF T Because of the high demand for this course and its critical role for virtually all technical majors it is important to minimize the failure rate due to students enrolling without adequate preparation. The prerequisite criteria for the entry course (1225) have been designed by the Mathematics Department through years of teaching to identify those circumstances under which students can expect to succeed. These are the same as the current criteria for 1205; see and . V - Texts and Special Teaching Aids Required text: D R Hass, Joel; Weir, Maurice D. and Thomas, George B., Jr. UNIVERSITY CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, I, ii, Addison-Wesley, Boston Massachusetts MA, 2007, 916. VI - Syllabus 1225: 1. Limits and continuity 2. Derivatives Basic theory Rules of differentiation Implicit differentiation and inverse functions Related rates Linearization and Newton’s method Extreme and mean value theorems Curve sketching Indeterminant forms, L’Hopital’s rule Applied optimization 3. Integration Basic concepts 15% 5% 15% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 10% 5% 3% 10% 10% 5% 10% 5% 5% 5% 7% 10% 10% 5% 5% 10% ⎯⎯ 100% AF 1226: 1. Integration Review Volume calculations Work and centers of mass Integration by parts Trigonometric integrals Rational functions Tables and numerical methods Improper integrals 2. Sequences and series Introduction and concepts Convergence tests Power series 3. Parametric curves 4. Polar coordinates 5. Labs and software implementation 10% 10% ⎯⎯ 100% T Antidifferentiation and fundamental theorem Indefinite integrals and substitution VII - Old (current) Syllabus {in the case of a revised course} D R VIII - Core Curriculum guidelines {if inclusion in the University Core is desired} Goals for Area 5 1. Increase basic competence in quantitative reasoning and problem solving, starting at an appropriate entry level; 2. Understand some fundamental principles of reasoning that are involved in mathematics or logic; 3. Understand quantitative and symbolic reasoning through the study of significant applications of mathematical sciences.