Cé hé cé Who’s who Qui est qui Wer ist wer Treoir don Uachtaránacht Guide to the Presidency Guide de la Présidence Handbuch der Präsidentschaft FOR STABILITY, JOBS AND GROWTH Rialtas na hÉireann ........................................................................................ 9 Buanionadaíocht na hÉireann chuig an Aontas Eorpach ............................... 16 Oifig an Bhuanionadaí............................................................................... 16 Oifig an Leas-Bhuanionadaí....................................................................... 18 Preas agus Cumarsáid ............................................................................... 20 An Coiste Polaitiúil agus Slándála.............................................................. 22 Parlaimint na hEorpa, Gnóthaí Ginearálta agus Institiúideacha ................. 26 Gnóthaí Dlíthiúla....................................................................................... 28 Comhordú Riaracháin ............................................................................... 29 Comhairle Talmhaíochta agus Iascaigh...................................................... 30 Comhairle um Oideachas, an Óige, Cultúr agus Spórt ................................ 33 Comhairle um Fhostaíocht, Beartas Sóisialta, Sláinte agus Tomhaltóirí ..... 36 Comhairle Comhshaoil .............................................................................. 39 Comhairle Iompair, Teileachumarsáide, agus Fuinnimh ............................ 42 Comhairle Iomaíochais (Margadh Inmheánach, Tionscal, Taighde agus Spás) ................................................................................................................. 47 Comhairle um Cheartas agus Gnóthaí Baile ............................................... 51 Gnóthaí Geilleagracha agus Airgeadais (ECOFIN) ...................................... 56 Comhairle Gnóthaí Eachrtracha ................................................................ 60 Comhairle Gnóthaí Ginearálta................................................................... 66 Ranna Rialtais na hÉireann........................................................................... 71 Roinn an Taoisigh...................................................................................... 71 An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála ............................................... 76 An Roinn Airgeadais .................................................................................. 78 1 Cáin agus Custaím na hÉireann ................................................................. 81 An Roinn Dlí agus Cirt agus Comhionannais .............................................. 83 An Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna ......................................................... 84 An Roinn Caiteachais Phoiblí agus Athchóirithe ........................................ 86 An Roinn Post, Fiontar agus Nuálaíochta................................................... 88 An Roinn Coimirce Soisíalaí ....................................................................... 90 An Roinn Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta........................................ 92 Roinn Cumarsáide, Fuinnimhe agus Acmhainní Nádúrtha ......................... 94 Comhaol, Pobal agus Rialtais Áitiúil .......................................................... 96 An Roinn Cosanta...................................................................................... 99 An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara ................................................... 101 An Roinn Leanaí agus Gnóthaí Óige......................................................... 104 An Roinn Sláinte ..................................................................................... 105 An Roinn Iompar, Turasóireachta agus Spóirt ......................................... 107 Tithe an Oireachtais ................................................................................ 108 2 The Irish Government .................................................................................... 9 Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU .......................................... 16 Office of the Permanent Representative ................................................... 16 Office of the Deputy Permanent Representative ....................................... 18 Press and Communications ....................................................................... 20 Political and Security Committee .............................................................. 22 European Parliament, Institutional and General Affairs ............................ 26 Legal Affairs .............................................................................................. 28 Administrative Co-ordination.................................................................... 29 Agriculture and Fisheries Council .............................................................. 30 Education,Youth, Culture and Sport Council.............................................. 33 Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council ............. 36 Environment Council ................................................................................. 39 Transport, Telecommuincations and Energy Council ................................. 42 Competitiveness Council (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space) 47 Justice and Home Affairs Council .............................................................. 51 Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) ...................................... 56 Foreign Affairs Council .............................................................................. 60 General Affairs Council ............................................................................. 66 Irish Government Departments ................................................................... 71 Department of the Taoiseach .................................................................... 71 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade .................................................. 76 Department of Finance ............................................................................. 78 3 The Office of the Revenue Commissioners ................................................ 81 Department of Justice and Equality .......................................................... 83 Department of Education and Skills .......................................................... 84 Department of Public Expenditure and Reform ......................................... 86 Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation ........................................ 88 Department of Social Protection ............................................................... 90 Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht ....................................... 92 Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources .............. 94 Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government ....... 96 Department of Defence ............................................................................ 99 Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine ................................... 101 Department of Children and Youth Affairs .............................................. 104 Department of Health ............................................................................. 105 Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport ......................................... 107 Houses of Parliament .............................................................................. 108 4 Le Gouvernement irlandais ............................................................................ 9 Représentation permanente de l'Irlande auprès de l'Union européenne ..... 16 Bureau du représentant permanent.......................................................... 16 Bureau du représentant permanent adjoint.............................................. 18 Presse et Communication ......................................................................... 20 Comité politique et de sécurité ................................................................. 22 Parlement européen, affaires générales et institutionnelles ..................... 26 Affaires juridiques..................................................................................... 28 Coordination administrative ..................................................................... 29 Conseil «Agriculture et pêche» ................................................................. 30 Conseil «Éducation, jeunesse, culture et sport» ........................................ 33 Conseil «Emploi, politique sociale, santé et consommateurs» .................. 36 Conseil «Environnement» ......................................................................... 39 Conseil «Transports, télécommunications et énergie» .............................. 42 Conseil «Compétitivité» (marché intérieur, industrie, recherche et espace) ................................................................................................................. 47 Conseil «Justice et affaires intérieures» .................................................... 51 Conseil «Affaires économiques et financières» (ECOFIN) .......................... 56 Conseil «Affaires étrangères» ................................................................... 60 Conseil «Affaires générales» ..................................................................... 66 Ministères du gouvernement irlandais......................................................... 71 Service du Premier Ministre ...................................................................... 71 Ministère des affaires étrangères.............................................................. 76 5 Ministère des finances .............................................................................. 78 Commissaires aux comptes ....................................................................... 81 Ministère de la justice et de l’égalité......................................................... 83 Ministère de l’éducation et des compétences ........................................... 84 Ministère des dépenses publiques et de la réforme .................................. 86 Ministère de l'emploi, de l'entreprise et de l'innovation ........................... 88 Ministère de la protection sociale ............................................................. 90 Ministère des arts, du patrimoine et du gaeltacht..................................... 92 Ministère de la communication, de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles 94 Ministère de l'environnement, de la collectivité et de l'administration locale ........................................................................................................ 96 Ministère de la défense ............................................................................ 99 Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation et du milieu marin ............. 101 Ministère de l’enfance et de la jeunesse ................................................. 104 Ministère de la santé .............................................................................. 105 Ministère du transport, du tourisme et du sport ..................................... 107 Parlement ............................................................................................... 108 6 Die irische Regierung ..................................................................................... 9 Permanente Vertretung Irlands bei der Europäischen Union ....................... 16 Büro der Ständigen Vertretung ................................................................. 16 Büro des Stellvertretenden Ständigen Vertreters ...................................... 18 Presse und Kommunikation ...................................................................... 20 Politisches und Sicherheitspolitisches Komitee ......................................... 22 Europäisches Parlament, Institutionelle Fragen und Allgemeine Angelegenheiten....................................................................................... 26 Rechtliche Angelegenheiten...................................................................... 28 Verwaltungskoordination ......................................................................... 29 Rat „Landwirtschaft und Fischerei“ ........................................................... 30 Rat „Bildung, Jugend, Kultur und Sport“ ................................................... 33 Rat „Beschäftigung, Sozialpolitik, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz“ .... 36 Rat „Umwelt“ ........................................................................................... 39 Rat „Verkehr, Telekommunikation und Energie“....................................... 42 Rat „Wettbewerbsfähigkeit“ (Binnenmarkt, Industrie, Forschung und Raumfahrt) ............................................................................................... 47 Rat „Justiz und Inneres“ ............................................................................ 51 Rat „Wirtschaft und Finanzen“ (ECOFIN) ................................................... 56 Rat „Auswärtige Angelegenheiten“ ........................................................... 60 Rat „Allgemeine Angelegenheiten“ ........................................................... 66 Irische Ministerien ....................................................................................... 71 Amt des Premierministers......................................................................... 71 7 Ministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten und Handel ........................ 76 Ministerium für Finanzen .......................................................................... 78 Büro der Revenue Commissioners (Steuerbehörde) .................................. 81 Ministerium für Justiz und Gleichberechtigung ......................................... 83 Ministerium für Bildung und Ausbildung ................................................... 84 Ministerium für Öffentliche Ausgaben und Reform ................................... 86 Ministerium für Arbeitsplätze, Unternehmen und Innovation .................. 88 Ministerium für Soziale Sicherheit ............................................................ 90 Ministerium für Kunst, Kulturelles Erbe und die Gaeltacht ........................ 92 Ministerium für Kommunikation, Energie und natürliche Ressourcen ....... 94 Ministerium für Umwelt, Gemeinwesen und Kommunalverwaltung ......... 96 Ministerium für Verteidigung.................................................................... 99 Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel und Meeresangelegenheiten ............................................................................................................... 101 Ministerium für Kinder- und Jugendfragen ............................................. 104 Ministerium für das Gesundheitswesen .................................................. 105 Ministerium für Transport, Tourismus und Sport .................................... 107 Parlament ............................................................................................... 108 8 Rialtas na hÉireann The Irish Government Le Gouvernement irlandais Die irische Regierung Enda Kenny ________________ An Taoiseach Prime Minister Premier Ministre Premierminister Eamon Gilmore ________________ An Tánaiste agus an tAire Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Premier Ministre Adjoint et Ministre des Affaires Étrangères Stellv. Premierminister und Minister für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten und Handel 9 Michael Noonan ________________ An tAire Airgeadais Minister for Finance Ministre des Finances Minister für Finanzen Ruairí Quinn ________________ An tAire Oideachais agus Scileanna Minister for Education and Skills Ministre de l’Education et des Compétences Minister für Bildung und Ausbildung Brendan Howlin ________________ An tAire Caiteachais Phoiblí agus Athchóirithe Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Ministre des Dépenses Publiques et de la Réforme Minister für öffentliche Ausgaben und Reform 10 Richard Bruton ________________ An tAire Post, Fiontar agus Nuálaíochta Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Ministre de l'Emploi, de l'Entreprise et de l'Innovation Minister für Arbeitsplätze, Unternehmen und Innovation Joan Burton ________________ An tAire Coimirce Sóisialaí Minister for Social Protection Ministre de la Protection Sociale Ministerin für Soziale Sicherheit Jimmy Deenihan ________________ An tAire Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Ministre des Arts, du Patrimoine et du Gaeltacht Minister für Kunst, Kulturelles Erbe und die Gaeltacht 11 Pat Rabbitte ________________ An tAire Cumarsáide, Fuinnimh agus Acmhainní Nádúrtha Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Ministre de la Communication, de l’Énergie et des Ressources Naturelles Minister für Kommunikation, Energie und Natürliche Ressourcen Phil Hogan ________________ An tAire Comhshaoil, Pobail agus Rialtais Áitiúil Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government Ministre de l'Environnement, de la Collectivité et de l'Administration Locale Minister für Umwelt, Gemeinwesen und Kommunalverwaltung Alan Shatter ________________ An tAire Dlí agus Cirt, Comhionannais agus Cosanta Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence Ministre de la Justice, de l’Égalité et de la Défense Minister für Justiz, Gleichberechtigung und Verteidigung 12 Simon Coveney ________________ An tAire Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Ministre de l’Agriculture, de l’Alimentation et du Milieu Marin Minister für Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel und Meeresangelegenheiten Frances Fitzgerald ________________ An tAire Leanaí agus Gnóthaí Óige Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Ministre de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse Ministerin für Kinder- und Jugendfragen Dr. James Reilly ________________ An tAire Sláinte Minister for Health Ministre de la Santé Minister für das Gesundheitswesen 13 Leo Varadkar ________________ An tAire Iompair, Turasóireachta agus Spóirt Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport Ministre du Transport, du Tourisme et du Sport Minister für Transport, Tourismus und Sport Lucinda Creighton ________________ An tAire Stáit do Ghnóthaí Eorpacha Minister of State for European Affairs Ministre d'État des Affaires Européennes Staatsministerin für Europäische Angelegenheiten Joe Costello ________________ An tAire Stáit le freagracht speisialta air maidir le Trádáil agus Forbairt Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs with responsibility for Trade and Development Ministre d’État au ministère des affaires étrangères en charge du commerce et du développement Staatminister im Ministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten mit Zuständigkeit für Handel und Entwicklung 14 Michael Ring ________________ An tAire Stáit le freagracht speisialta air maidir le Turasóireachta agus Spóirt Minister of State at the Department of Transport with responsibility for Tourism and Sport Ministre d’État au ministère du transport en charge du tourisme et du sport Staatsminister im Ministerium für Transport mit Zuständigkeit für Tourismus und Sport Sean Sherlock ________________ An tAire Stáit le freagracht speisialta air maidir le Taighde agus Nuálaíocht Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation with responsibility for Research and Innovation Secrétaire d’État au ministère de l'entreprise, de l'emploi et de l'innovation en charge de la recherche et de l'innovation Staatminister im Ministerium für Unternehmen, Arbeitsplätze und Innovation mit Zuständigkeit für Forschung und Innovation 15 Buanionadaíocht na hÉireann chuig an Aontas Eorpach Permanent Representation of Ireland to the EU Représentation permanente de l'Irlande auprès de l'Union européenne Permanente Vertretung Irlands bei der Europäischen Union Oifig an Bhuanionadaí Office of the Permanent Representative Bureau du représentant permanent Büro der Ständigen Vertretung Ambassador Rory Montgomery ________________ Permanent Representative (Coreper II) Fergal Mythen ________________ Antici Tel: +32 22 82 32 17 Mob: +32 499 58 53 22 fergal.mythen@dfa.ie Louise Kelly ________________ Deputy Antici Tel: +32 22 82 32 24 Mob: +32 490 56 66 05 louise.kelly@dfa.ie 16 Claire O’Connell ________________ Personal Assistant to the Permanent Representative Tel: +32 22 82 32 16 claire.oconnell@dfa.ie Eleanor Farrell ________________ Coreper II Coordination Tel: +32 22 82 33 32 Mob: +32 490 58 58 46 eleanor.farrell@dfa.ie Liam Forristal ________________ Coreper II Coordination Tel: +32 22 82 32 18 Mob: +32 496 59 77 82 liam.forristal@dfa.ie 17 Oifig an Leas-Bhuanionadaí Office of the Deputy Permanent Representative Bureau du représentant permanent adjoint Büro des Stellvertretenden Ständigen Vertreters Ambassador Tom Hanney ________________ Deputy Permanent Representative (Coreper I) Ronan Gargan ________________ Mertens Tel: +32 22 82 32 62 Mob: +32 499 58 77 93 ronan.gargan@dfa.ie Sarah Holden ________________ Deputy Mertens Tel: +32 22 82 32 15 Mob: +32 496 59 17 28 sarah.holden@dfa.ie 18 Petya Genova ________________ Assistant Mertens Tel: +32 22 82 33 79 Mob: +32 490 57 58 13 petya.genova@dfa.ie Mary Wemyss ________________ Personal Assistant to the Deputy Permanent Representative Tel: +32 22 82 32 22 mary.wemyss@dfa.ie Sam McGeever ________________ Coreper I Coordination Tel: +32 22 82 33 56 sam.mcgeever@dfa.ie 19 Preas agus Cumarsáid Press and Communications Presse et Communication Presse und Kommunikation Deirdre Farrell ________________ Press Spokesperson Coreper II Tel: +32 22 82 32 33 Mob: +32 499 58 53 00 deirdre.farrell@dfa.ie Eoghan Walsh ________________ Press Officer Coreper II Tel: +32 22 82 33 25 Mob: +32 490 56 48 45 eoghan.walsh@dfa.ie Marcella Smyth ________________ Press Spokesperson Coreper I Tel: +32 22 82 33 18 Mob: +32 490 44 43 02 marcella.smyth@dfa.ie Ruairi Talbot ________________ Press Officer Coreper I Tel: +32 22 82 33 26 Mob: +32 490 56 48 44 ruairi.talbot@dfa.ie 20 Peter Mc Hugh ________________ Press Coordinator Tel: +32 22 82 32 45 Mob: +32 490 56 99 68 peter.mchugh@dfa.ie 21 An Coiste Polaitiúil agus Slándála Political and Security Committee Comité politique et de sécurité Politisches und Sicherheitspolitisches Komitee Ambassador Keith Mc Bean ________________ Political and Security Committee (PSC) Representative Lisa McGuane ________________ Personal Assistant to Ambassador Keith Mc Bean Tel: +32 22 82 32 44 lisa.mcguane@dfa.ie Nicholas Twist ________________ Deputy Representative to the Political and Security Committee, CivCom Delegate Tel: +32 22 82 34 82 Mob: +32 496 59 17 12 nicholas.twist@dfa.ie Eoghan Duffy ________________ Nicolaidis, Political and Security Tel: +32 22 82 33 66 Mob: +32 490 56 99 20 eoghan.duffy@dfa.ie 22 Darelle O’Keefe ________________ Deputy Nicolaidis Tel: +32 22 82 33 68 Mob: +32 490 57 58 38 darelle.okeefe@dfa.ie David Lawler ________________ Athena Special Committee and European Security and Defence College Steering Committee Tel: +32 22 82 33 59 Mob: +32 496 59 77 74 david.lawler@dfa.ie Barbara Burke ________________ Political Military Group Tel: +32 22 82 33 80 Mob: +32 496 59 17 20 barbara.burke@dfa.ie Michael Wall ________________ Administrative Support to the PSC Delegation Tel: +32 22 82 33 62 Mob: +32 499 58 53 16 michael.wall@dfa.ie 23 Sarah Keaveney ________________ Administrative Support to the PSC Delegation Tel: +32 22 82 33 63 sarah.keaveney@dfa.ie Brigadier General Tom Behan ________________ Military Representative to the EU Military Committee Joan Murphy ________________ Personal Assistant to Brigadier General Tom Behan Tel: +32 22 82 33 82 joan.murphy@dfa.ie Col. John Tolan ________________ Deputy Military Representative to the EU Military Committee Tel: +32 22 82 33 81 Mob: +32 496 59 77 75 john.tolan@dfa.ie 24 Lt. Col. Frank Lawless ________________ Assistant Military Representative to the EU Military Committee Tel: +32 22 82 32 61 Mob: +32 496 59 77 72 frank.lawless@dfa.ie Comdt. Ian Byrne ________________ Assistant Military Representative to the EU Military Committee Tel: +32 22 82 33 22 Mob: +32 496 59 77 98 ian.byrne@dfa.ie 25 Parlaimint na hEorpa, Gnóthaí Ginearálta agus Institiúideacha European Parliament, Institutional and General Affairs Parlement européen, affaires générales et institutionnelles Europäisches Parlament, Institutionelle Fragen und Allgemeine Angelegenheiten Aingeal O’Donoghue ________________ European Parliament, Chair of the General Affairs Group (GAG) Tel: +32 22 82 32 27 Mob: +32 499 58 53 40 aingeal.odonoghue@dfa.ie Ciara O’Floinn ________________ European Parliament, General Affairs Group (GAG) Tel: +32 22 82 33 12 Mob: +32 496 59 77 62 ciara.ofloinn@dfa.ie Niamh O’Donnellan ________________ Policy Officer Tel: +32 22 82 32 96 Mob: +32 490 56 99 67 niamh.odonnellan@dfa.ie David Hastings ________________ Policy Officer Tel: +32 22 82 32 84 Mob: +32 490 56 99 15 david.hastings@dfa.ie 26 Joanne Staunton ________________ Institutional Affairs Coordination Tel: +32 22 82 32 26 joanne.staunton@dfa.ie 27 Gnóthaí Dlíthiúla Legal Affairs Affaires juridiques Rechtliche Angelegenheiten David Kelly ________________ Legal Counsellor Tel: +32 22 82 32 80 Mob: +32 496 59 17 05 david.kelly@dfa.ie Caroline Daly ________________ Tel: Mob: caroline.daly@dfa.ie 28 Comhordú Riaracháin Administrative Co-ordination Coordination administrative Verwaltungskoordination Deirdre Fannin ________________ Meetings Coordinator Tel: +32 22 82 33 50 Mob: +32 499 58 53 38 deirdre.fannin@dfa.ie Orla Tighe-McMahon ________________ Deputy Meetings Coordinator Tel: +32 22 82 33 5 orla.tighe-mcmahon@dfa.ie Joseph Sherif ________________ Catering Co-ordination and Meetings CoOrdination Assistant Tel: +32 22 82 33 52 Mob: +32 490 56 99 69 joseph.sherif@dfa.ie 29 Comhairle Talmhaíochta agus Iascaigh Agriculture and Fisheries Council Conseil «Agriculture et pêche» Rat „Landwirtschaft und Fischerei“ Dermot Ryan ________________ Chair of the Special Committee on Agriculture Tel: +32 22 82 33 93 Mob: +32 499 58 53 04 dermot.ryan@dfa.ie John Paul Mulherin ________________ Deputy Chair of the Special Committee on Agriculture , CAP incl. direct payments and rural development Tel: +32 22 82 32 41 Mob: +32 496 59 17 11 jp.mulherin@dfa.ie Séamus O’Flaherty ________________ SCA, CAP incl. sCMO and HRZ financing Tel: +32 22 82 33 39 Mob: +32 490 56 99 65 seamus.oflaherty@dfa.ie Elaine Croke ________________ SCA (non CAP reform issues), SCA/Council coordination Tel: +32 22 82 32 56 Mob: +32 496 59 77 65 elaine.croke@dfa.ie 30 Lorcan O’Flaherty ________________ SCA (non CAP reform issues), Forestry Tel: +32 22 82 33 43 Mob: +32 499 58 53 41 lorcan.oflaherty@dfa.ie Brian Kilgallen ________________ CVO, Animal Health/Welfare, Plant Health, Food (Breakfast Omnibus, Honey) Tel: +32 22 82 32 58 Mob: +32 496 59 77 70 brian.kilgallen@dfa.ie Cormac Fitzpatrick ________________ CVO, Animal Health/Welfare, Plant Health, Food (Breakfast Omnibus, Honey) Tel: +32 22 82 32 78 Mob: +32490 56 66 41 cormac.fitzpatrick@dfa.ie Martin Crowley ________________ Chair of the Working Party on Internal and External Fisheries Policy Tel: +32 22 82 33 74 Mob: +32 499 58 53 03 martin.crowley@dfa.ie 31 Colm Ó Súilleabháin ________________ Common Fisheries Policy Tel: +32 22 82 32 92 Mob: +32 490 44 43 10 colm.osuilleabhain@dfa.ie Sheila O’Neill ________________ Common Fisheries Policy Tel: +32 22 82 32 76 Mob: +32 490 56 66 37 sheila.oneill@dfa.ie Anne Magee ________________ Administrative coordination-Fisheries Tel: +32 2 28 23 232 Anne.magee@dfa.ie Barry Watts ________________ Administrative Coordination-Agriculture Tel: + 32 2 2823 274 barry.watts@dfa.ie 32 Comhairle um Oideachas, an Óige, Cultúr agus Spórt Education,Youth, Culture and Sport Council Conseil «Éducation, jeunesse, culture et sport» Rat „Bildung, Jugend, Kultur und Sport“ Eddie Arthurs ________________ Chair of Audio-Visual Working Party (AVWP), Deputy Chair of Cultural Affairs Committee (CAC) Tel: +32 22 82 32 13 Mobile:+32 496 49 17 27 eddie.arthurs@dfa.ie Mark Bohan ________________ Support to AVWP and CAC Tel: +32 22 82 32 51 Mob:+32 497 43 90 47 mark.bohan@dfa.ie Áine Mc Carthy ________________ Culture Policy Officer Tel: +32 22 82 33 24 Mob: +32 490 57 58 43 aine.mccarthy@dfa.ie Valentina Ahmetaj ________________ Culture Coordinator Tel: +32 22 82 33 24 valentina.ahmetaj@dfa.ie 33 Julie Anderson ________________ Chair of Education Committee Tel: +32 22 82 33 02 Mob:+32 496 59 77 84 julie.anderson@dfa.ie Kerry O’Donoghue ________________ Education Committee Tel: +32 22 82 33 35 Mob: +32 490 57 58 18 kerry.odonoghue@dfa.ie Caroline Duhig ________________ Education Committee Administration Tel: +32 22 82 32 28 caroline.duhig@dfa.ie Annemarie Smith ________________ Chair of Sport Working Group Tel: +32 22 82 33 34 Mobile:+32 496 49 17 15 annemarie.smith@dfa.ie 34 Nóirín Ní Earcáin ________________ Sport Presidency Team Co-ordinator Tel: +32 22 82 33 24 Mob: +32 490 57 58 14 noirin.niearcain@dfa.ie Shane Ryan ________________ Sport Presidency Team Co-ordinator Tel: +32 22 82 33 24 shane.ryan@dfa.ie Nessa McKevitt ________________ Broadcast Policy Tel: +32 22 82 32 97 Mob: +32 490 569 919 nessa.mckevitt@dfa.ie 35 Comhairle um Fhostaíocht, Beartas Sóisialta, Sláinte agus Tomhaltóirí Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council Conseil «Emploi, politique sociale, santé et consommateurs» Rat „Beschäftigung, Sozialpolitik, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz“ Eugene Lennon ________________ Chair of Public Health Working Party; Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices Tel: +32 22 82 32 72 Mob: +32 496 59 77 73 eugene.lennon@dfa.ie Gregory Canning ________________ Chair of Foodstuffs Working Party, Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices; Public Health Tel: +32 22 82 32 19 Mob: +32 490 44 43 03 greg.canning@dfa.ie Emma Bradley ________________ Public Health Tel: +32 22 82 32 88 Mob: +32 497 43 90 49 emma.bradley@dfa.ie Eoin Dunleavy ________________ Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices Tel: +32 22 82 32 94 Mob: +32 490 56 99 17 eoin.dunleavy@dfa.ie 36 Patricia Murray ________________ Public Health Tel: +32 22 82 33 28 Mob: +32 490 57 58 47 patricia.murray@dfa.ie Paul Brennan ________________ Co-ordination function for EPSCO, European Semester, Tri-partite Social Summit, Employment Policy, Law and Health and Safety including Posting, PSCI Tel: +32 22 82 32 46 Mob: +32 496 59 77 92 paul.brennan@dfa.ie Dympna Boyle ________________ Chair of Social Questions Working Group, including Pensions, Youth Guarantee and Social Protection policy Tel: +32 22 82 32 12 Mob: +32 496 59 77 87 dympna.boyle@dfa.ie Colin Byrne ________________ Social Questions Working Group, including Pensions, Youth Guarantee and Social Protection policy Tel: +32 22 82 33 20 Mob:+32 496 05 69 966 Colin.byrne@dfa.ie 37 Deirdre Curley ________________ Co-ordination function for EPSCO, European semester, Tri-partite Social Summit, Employment Policy, Law and Health and Safety including Posting, PSCI Tel: +32 22 82 32 39 Mob: +32 490 57 58 02 deirdre.curley@dfa.ie Fiona O’Sullivan ________________ Equality - Maternity Leave, Anti-Discrimination Directive, European Accessibility Act, Gender Equality, Women on Company Boards. Tel: +32 22 82 33 10 Mob: +32490 56 99 61 fiona.osullivan@dfa.ie Tamás Kugyela ________________ European Globalisation Adjustment Fund Tel: +32 22 82 33 33 Mob: +32 490 57 58 17 tamas.kugyela@dfa.ie Caroline Duhig ________________ EPSCO Council Co-ordination and Administration Tel: +32 22 82 32 28 caroline.duhig@dfa.ie 38 Comhairle Comhshaoil Environment Council Conseil «Environnement» Rat „Umwelt“ Paul Lemass ________________ th Chair of LIFE, 7 EAP, Fluorinated Gases, ETS, Maritime Emissions Working Groups Tel: +32 22 82 32 64 Mobile: 0496 59 17 21 paul.lemass@environ.ie Terry Sheridan ________________ Chair of CO2 Cars/Vans, EIA, Ship Recycling, Priority Substances, Plastic Bags Working Groups Tel: +32 22 82 33 37 Mobile: +32 496 59 77 67 terry.sheridan@environ.ie Les Carberry ________________ Chair of Waste Shipments, Batteries, ILUC, Adaptation, International Mandates Working Groups Tel: +32 22 82 33 41 Mobile: +32 496 59 17 29 leslie.carberry@environ.ie 39 Eoghan Coughlan ________________ Environment Presidency Coordinator Tel: +32 22 82 33 42 eoghan.coughlan@environ.ie Mark Bohan ________________ CITES Recast, ABS, Invasive Alien Species, International Biodiversity Issues Tel: +32 22 82 32 51 Mobile: +32 497 43 90 47 mark.bohan@ahg.gov Carla Chiaretti ________________ Policy Officer - CO2 Cars/Vans, EIA, Ship Recycling, Priority Substances, Plastic Bags, Batteries, Adaptation, Waste Shipments, International Mandates Tel: +32 22 82 32 86 Mobile: +32 490 57 58 10 carla.chiaretti@environ.ie Nigel Smith ________________ th Policy Officer - LIFE, 7 EAP, Fluorinated Gases, ETS, Maritime Emissions, ILUC Tel: +32 22 82 32 85 Mobile: +32 488 71 39 34 nigel.smith@environ.ie 40 Áine Mc Carthy ________________ Policy Officer – ABS Tel: +32 22 82 33 24 Mob: +32 490 57 58 43 aine.mccarthy@dfa.ie Valentina Ahmetaj ________________ Support to CITES and International Biodiversity Tel: +32 22 82 33 24 valentina.ahmetaj@dfa.ie 41 Comhairle Iompair, Teileachumarsáide, agus Fuinnimh Transport, Telecommuincations and Energy Council Conseil «Transports, télécommunications et énergie» Rat „Verkehr, Telekommunikation und Energie“ Michael Harper ________________ Chair of Aviation/Horizontal Issues (TEN-T, CEF) and Galileo Working Groups Tel: +32 22 82 32 30 Mob: +32 496 59 77 85 michael.harper@dfa.ie Morgan Allen ________________ Aviation/Horizontal Issues (TEN-T, CEF) Tel: +32 22 82 32 90 Mob: +32 490 57 58 12 morgan.allen@dfa.ie Nóirín Ní Earcáin ________________ Transport Team Coordinator Tel: +32 22 82 33 24 Mob: +32 490 57 58 14 noirin.niearcain@dfa.ie Annemarie Smith ________________ Chair of Road Transport, Tourism, Sport Working Groups Tel: +32 22 82 33 34 Mob:+32 496 49 17 15 annemarie.smith2@dfa.ie 42 Shane Ryan ________________ Road Transport, Tourism, Sport, Galileo Tel: +32 22 82 32 89 shane.ryan@dfa.ie Monica Wallace ________________ Chair of Shipping & Rail Working Group Tel: +32 22 82 34 55 Mob: +32 496 59 77 66 monica.wallace@dfa.ie Lydia Rooney ________________ Shipping & Rail Tel: +32 22 82 32 30 Mob: +32 490 57 58 45 lydia.rooney@dfa.ie Marie O’Sullivan ________________ Transport Office Manager Tel: +32 22 82 33 08 marie.osullivan@dfa.ie 43 Joanna Kujawa ________________ Transport Office Assistant Tel: +32 22 82 33 54 joanna.kujawa@dfa.ie Richard O’Reilly ________________ Chair of Telecomms & Postal Working Groups and Broadcasting Tel: +32 22 82 32 34 Mob: +32 496 59 77 89 richard.oreilly@dfa.ie Nessa McKevitt ________________ Telecoms and Information Society – Digital Agenda, Broadband Policy and Postal Policy. Tel: +32 22 82 32 97 Mob: +32 490 569 919 nessa.mckevitt@dfa.ie Caroline de Clock ________________ Telecoms and Information Society Policy Officer; Digital Agenda, Broadband Policy and Postal Policy Tel: +32 22 82 33 29 Mob: +32 490 57 58 16 caroline.declock@dfa.ie 44 Michael Goodwin ________________ Energy Policy Tel: +32 22 82 32 31 Mob: +32 496 59 17 08 michael.goodwin@dfa.ie Jerry Mac Evilly ________________ Energy Policy Tel: +32 22 82 33 27 Mob: +32 490 57 58 15 jerry.macevilly@dfa.ie Nathalie Leger ________________ Energy Policy Tel: +32 22 82 33 67 Mob: +32 490 56 48 49 nathalie.leger@dfa.ie Catherine McDonald ________________ Energy Policy Tel: +32 2 282 32 98 Mob: +32 490 56 9918 45 Selma Mennings ________________ Telecommunications Policy Tel: +32 2 282 33 78 Mob: +32 490 57 58 37 Anne Magee ________________ Administrative coordination-Energy Tel: +32 2 28 23 232 anne.magee@dfa.ie 46 Comhairle Iomaíochais (Margadh Inmheánach, Tionscal, Taighde agus Spás) Competitiveness Council (Internal Market, Industry, Research and Space) Conseil «Compétitivité» (marché intérieur, industrie, recherche et espace) Rat „Wettbewerbsfähigkeit“ (Binnenmarkt, Industrie, Forschung und Raumfahrt) Bob Keane ________________ Chair of Research Working Group Tel: +32 22 82 32 29 Mob: +32 496 59 77 90 bob.keane@dfa.ie Breda O’Brien ________________ Deputy Chair of Research Working Group Tel: +32 22 82 32 93 Mob: +32 490 57 58 03 breda.obrien@dfa.ie William Reid ________________ Competitiveness (Internal Market), Company Law, Services Directive, Technical Harmonisation, Standardisation, Chemicals REACH Tel: +32 22 82 32 38 Mob: +32 496 59 77 83 william.reid@dfa.ie Brian Dalton ________________ Technical Harmonisation, Competitiveness (Internal Market), Company Law; Services Directive, Standardisation, Chemicals REACH Tel: +32 22 82 32 57 Mob: +32 490 56 66 38 brian.dalton@dfa.ie 47 Paul Shortt ________________ Competitiveness and Growth; Competition Policy; State Aids; Consumer Policy; Better Regulation Tel: +32 22 82 32 42 Mob: +32 496 59 77 96 paul.shortt@dfa.ie Teodora Corcoran ________________ Competitiveness and Growth; Competition Policy; State Aids; Consumer Policy; Better Regulation Tel: +32 22 82 32 37 teodora.corcoran@dfa.ie Irene Kirwan ________________ Venture Capital Funds, Social & Entrepreneurships Funds. Tel: +32 22 82 32 43 Mob: +32 499 58 53 31 irene.kirwan@dfa.ie Méabh Ní Drisceoil ________________ Space, Better Regulation and Industry Tel: + 32 2282 33 49 Mob: +32 490 57 58 40 méabh.nídrisceoil@dfa.ie 48 Declan O’Hora ________________ Customs policy Tel: +32 22 82 32 82 Mob: +32 496 59 77 60 declan.ohora@dfa.ie Norman O’Grady ________________ Customs policy Tel: +32 22 82 33 21 Mob: +32 496 59 77 81 norman.ogrady@dfa.ie Arthur Forbes ________________ Intellectual Property Tel: +32 2 282 33 76 Mob: +32 490 57 58 00 arthur.forbes@dfa.ie Catherine Moran ________________ Competitiveness Council Coordination and Administration Tel: + 32 2282 33 60 catherine.moran@dfa.ie 49 Corita Goulding ________________ Public Procurement Policy Tel: + 32 2282 33 72 Mob: +32 490 57 58 99 corita.goulding@dfa.ie Tamás Kugyela ________________ Professional Qualifications Tel: +32 22 82 33 33 Mob: +32 490 57 58 17 tamas.kugyela@dfa.ie 50 Comhairle um Cheartas agus Gnóthaí Baile Justice and Home Affairs Council Conseil «Justice et affaires intérieures» Rat „Justiz und Inneres“ Geraldine Moore ________________ Judicial Co-operation (Criminal), Confiscation of Proceeds of Crime, Access to a Lawyer, European Investigation Order (EIO), PIF Tel: +32 22 82 33 46 Mob: +32 496 59 17 06 geraldine.moore@dfa.ie Tara Coogan ________________ Judicial Co-operation (Criminal) / External Relations, EU Passenger Name Record (PNR) Agreement, EU Canada PNR Agreement, Data Retention Directive, EU US Data Protection Agreement, Terrorist Finance Tracking Programme Tel: +32 22 82 33 05 Mob: +32 490 56 99 23 tara.coogan@dfa.ie John Garry ________________ Police / Customs Co-operation Matters, COSI, TWP, Drugs, GENVAL, LEWP (Europol, Cepol, Cybercrime, Trafficking in Human Beings), CCWP Tel: +32 22 82 33 01 Mob: +32 490 56 99 60 john.garry@dfa.ie 51 Barry McGreal ________________ Police / Customs Co-operation Matters, Schengen, Prüm, DAPIX (except Data Protection). Tel: +32 22 82 33 15 Mob: +32 490 56 99 64 barry.mcgreal@dfa.ie Louise Sullivan ________________ Judicial Cooperation (Criminal) / External Relations, European Parliament, JHA Council, CATS Tel: +32 22 82 32 59 Mob: +32 476 455 314 Louise.sullivan@dfa.ie Sinead Leyden ________________ Police/Customs Cooperation Matters, COSI Support, Genval, Trafficking in Human Beings. Tel: +32 22 82 3316 Mob: +32 478 679 358 Sinead.leyden@dfa.ie Derek Flanagan ________________ Civil Law, JHA Council, EPSCO (Gender Equality) Tel: +32 22 82 3317 Mob: +32 497 733 226 derek.flanagan@dfa.ie 52 Ruairí Gogan ________________ Civil Law Matters, FREMP/Fundamental Rights, Data Protection, EAPO Tel: +32 22 82 32 99 Mob: +32 490 56 99 21 ruairi.gogan@dfa.ie Nicola Murphy ________________ Civil Law Matters, European Protection Order (Civil), European Common Sales Law (CESL), Insolvency Proceedings, Matrimonial Property Regimes and Registered Partnerships Tel: +32 22 82 33 40 Mob: +32 496 59 17 10 nicola.murphy@dfa.ie Fiona O’Sullivan ________________ E-Justice, Legalisation of Documents. Tel: +32 22 82 33 10 Mob: +32 490 56 99 61 fiona.osullivan@dfa.ie John O’Dwyer ________________ Asylum, Migration, Expulsion, Integration, SCIFA, MFF Regulations (Home Affairs) Tel: +32 22 82 33 00 Mob: +32 490 56 99 62 john.odwyer@dfa.ie 53 Patrick Forsyth ________________ MFF Regulations (Home Affairs), HLWG, Asylum, Migration, Integration Tel: +32 22 82 34 86 Mob: +32 496 59 77 78 patrick.forsyth@dfa.ie Ben Ryan ________________ Visas, Borders, Frontiers, Expulsion Tel: +32 22 82 33 11 Mob: +32 490 56 99 63 ben.ryan@dfa.ie Tara Storey ________________ MFF Regulations (Justice), office manager and coordinator in relation to all Presidency related matters including briefing, documents, press issues, general administrative support Tel: +32 22 82 33 04 Mob: +32 490 56 99 22 tara.storey@dfa.ie Patricia Murray ________________ Drugs (Psychoactive substances) Tel: +32 22 82 33 28 Mob: +32 490 57 58 47 patricia.murray@dfa.ie 54 Gregory Canning ________________ Drugs (Psychoactive Substances) Tel: +32 22 82 32 19 Mob: +32 490 44 43 03 greg.canning@dfa.ie Ruth Brandon ________________ HLWG on Asylum and Migration, SCIFA JHA Council and CATS Tel: +32 22 82 3240 Mob: +32 484 813 918 Ruth.brandon@dfa.ie 55 Gnóthaí Geilleagracha agus Airgeadais (ECOFIN) Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) Conseil «Affaires économiques et financières» (ECOFIN) Rat „Wirtschaft und Finanzen“ (ECOFIN) Joe Cullen ________________ Chair of Working Party of Financial Counsellors, ECOFIN Issues, Economic Governance, G20 Finance track Tel: +32 22 82 32 54 Mob: +32 499 58 53 33 joe.cullen@dfa.ie Emma Cunningham ________________ Chair of MFF, Chair of EU Budget Committee, Chair of Own Resources WG Tel: +32 22 82 32 53 Mob: +32 496 59 77 79 emma.cunningham@dfa.ie Eddie Tierney ________________ Deputy Chair of MFF, Deputy Chair of EU Budget Committee, Deputy Chair of Own Resources WG Tel: +32 22 82 32 91 Mob: +32 490 56 66 16 eddie.tierney@dfa.ie Niamh Burton ________________ MFF, EU Budget, Own Resources, Combat Fraud Tel: + 32 22 82 33 64 niamh.burton@dfa.ie 56 Mary Lawless ________________ Financial Services / MiFID / MiFIR, Banking, MAD / MAR, Credit Rating Agencies, Omnibus II, CSD, Investor Compensation Scheme, Transparency Directive Tel: +32 22 82 33 71 Mob: +32 496 59 17 16 mary.lawless@dfa.ie Irene Kirwan ________________ Financial Services / Banking, CRD IV, Mortgage Credit Directive, UCITS V, PRIPs, Anti-Money Laundering Directive Tel: +32 22 82 32 43 Mob: +32 499 58 53 31 irene.kirwan@dfa.ie Michael Taggart ________________ Financial Services /Banking Union, incl. Banking Supervisory Mechanism, Bank Recovery and Resolution, Deposit Guarantee Scheme, IMD, Payment Issues, Securities Law Directive Tel: +32 22 82 32 87 Mob: + 32 490 566 642 michael.taggart@dfa.ie Tanya Foxe ________________ Financial Services / Banking, CRD IV, Liikanen, Shadow Banking, Basic Account Package Tel: +32 2 2823370 Mob: +32 490 56 48 43 tanya.foxe@dfa.ie 57 Declan Kelly ________________ Fiscal (Tax) Affairs Direct Taxation Issues, incl. FTT Tel: +32 22 82 32 77 Mob: +32 499 58 53 09 declan.kelly2@dfa.ie Ambrose Murray ________________ Fiscal (Tax) Affairs Indirect taxation issues, incl. VAT issues Tel: +32 22 82 32 49 Mob: +32 490 56 66 18 ambrose.murray@dfa.ie Carol McGinley ________________ Financial Services Tel: +32 2282 33 51 Mob: +32 490 57 58 41 carol.mcginley@dfa.ie Myles Hourican ________________ Ecofin, Financial Services, MFF-Budget Tel: +32 22 82 33 73 Mob: +32 499 58 53 41 myles.hourican@dfa.ie 58 David Moloney ________________ ECOFIN Coordination Tel +32 22 82 32 23 david.moloney@dfa.ie 59 Comhairle Gnóthaí Eachrtracha Foreign Affairs Council Conseil «Affaires étrangères» Rat „Auswärtige Angelegenheiten“ Ciara O’Brien ________________ Chair of the Working Party on Development Cooperation Tel: +32 22 82 32 95 Mob: +32 490 56 99 16 ciara.obrien@dfa.ie Sean Norton ________________ Deputy Chair of the Working Party on Development Co-operation the Friends of the Presidency – External Financing Instruments of the MFF 2014-2020 WP Tel: +32 22 82 34 83 sean.norton@dfa.ie Lorraine Benson ________________ Chair of the Trade Policy Committee Tel: +32 22 82 34 44 Mob: +32 496 59 17 19 lorraine.benson@dfa.ie Margaret Lawlor ________________ Trade Legislation, Anti-dumping and STIS Tel: +32 22 82 32 52 Mob: +32 490 56 66 35 margaret.lawlor@dfa.ie 60 Sandra O’Reilly ________________ Trade Policy Committee Services and Investment, Generalised System of Preferences Tel: +32 22 82 32 50 Mob: +32490 56 66 40 sandra.oreilly@dfa.ie Catherine Moran ________________ Trade Council Coordination and Administration Tel: +32 22 82 33 60 catherine.moran@dfa.ie Ruaidhri Dowling ________________ Enlargement, Western Balkans Tel: +32 22 82 33 30 Mob: +32 496 59 77 69 ruadhri.dowling@dfa.ie Eimear Friel ________________ Enlargement, Western Balkans Tel: +32 22 82 32 70 Mob: +32 490 56 66 17 eimear.friel@dfa.ie 61 Maurice Biggar ________________ COEST Working Group, European Endowment for Democracy, European Neighbourhood Instruments Tel: +32 22 82 34 80 Mob: +32 496 59 17 22 maurice.biggar@dfa.ie Orla Keane ________________ Middle East, Gulf and North Africa Tel: +32 22 82 33 13 Mob: +32 496 59 17 04 orla.keane@dfa.ie Síghle FitzGerald ________________ Chair of Working Party on Africa Caribbean Pacific (ACP) Delegate, Africa Working Party Tel: +32 22 82 32 60 Mob: +32 499 58 53 39 Sighle.FitzGerald@dfa.ie Sarah Cooney ________________ Deputy Chair of Working Party on Africa Caribbean Pacific (ACP), Delegate Africa Working Party Tel: +32 22 82 32 67 Mob: +32 490 56 99 14 sarah.cooney@dfa.ie 62 Eoghan Duffy ________________ Asia-Oceania Working Party Tel: +32 22 82 33 66 Mob: +32 490 56 99 20 eoghan.duffy@dfa.ie Iseult Fitzgerald ________________ Chair of RELEX Working Group; Sanctions, Legal and Financial Aspects of Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) Tel: +32 22 82 33 19 Mob: +32 499 58 53 14 iseult.fitzgerald@dfa.ie Celia Cranfield ________________ Deputy Chair of RELEX Working Group; Sanctions, Legal and Financial Aspects of Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) Tel: +32 22 82 33 45 Mob: +32 490 57 57 98 celia.cranfield@dfa.ie Hilda Ó Riain ________________ Chair of Working Party on European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Chair of Friends of the Presidency- External Financing Instruments of the MFF 2014-2020 WP. Delegate, Transatlantic Relations Working Party. Tel: +32 22 82 32 21 Mob: +32 490 56 66 06 hilda.oriain@dfa.ie 63 Karen Lynch ________________ Deputy Chair of Working Party on European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Delegate, Transatlantic Relations Working Party. Delegate, Latin America Working Party Tel: +32 22 82 32 71 Mob: +32 490 56 66 39 karen.lynch@dfa.ie David Lawler ________________ Politico-Military Group, Athena SC, ESDC Steering Committee Tel: +32 22 82 33 59 Mob: +32 490 56 66 35 david.lawler@dfa.ie Nicholas Twist ________________ Deputy Representative to the Political and Security Committee, Delegate to the CivCom WG Tel: +32 22 82 34 82 Mob: +32 496 59 17 12 nicholas.twist@dfa.ie Barbara Burke ________________ Politico-Military Group Tel: +32 22 82 33 80 Mob: +32 496 59 17 20 barbara.burke@dfa.ie 64 James Ryan ________________ European Defence Agency Tel: +32 22 82 34 11 Mob: +32 499 58 53 05 james.ryan@dfa.ie Silvia De Beneditti ________________ Policy Officer; Friends of the Presidency- External Financing Instruments of the MFF 2014-2020 WP Tel: +32 2 282 3383 Mob: +32 490 57 55 82 silvia.debenedetti@dfa.ie Tracy Murphy ________________ Trade Policy Committee, GSP STIS Tel: +32 2282 3348 Mob: +32 490575844 Tracy.murphy@dfa.ie 65 Comhairle Gnóthaí Ginearálta General Affairs Council Conseil «Affaires générales» Rat „Allgemeine Angelegenheiten“ Emma Cunningham ________________ Chair of MFF, Chair of EU Budget Committee, Chair of Own Resources WG Tel: +32 22 82 32 53 Mob: +32 496 59 77 79 emma.cunningham@dfa.ie Eddie Tierney ________________ Deputy Chair of MFF, Deputy Chair of EU Budget Committee, Deputy Chair of Own Resources WG, Chair of Combat Fraud WG Tel: +32 22 82 32 91 Mob: +32 490 56 66 16 eddie.tierney@dfa.ie Niamh Burton ________________ MFF, EU Budget, Own Resources, Combat Fraud Tel: + 32 2282 33 64 niamh.burton@dfa.ie Ruaidhri Dowling ________________ Chair of the Enlargement Working Party, Ad-hoc Working Group on the CVM Romania/Bulgaria, Ad-hoc Working Group on Cyprus, Western Balkans Tel: +32 22 82 33 50 Mob: +32 499 58 53 38 ruadhri.dowling@dfa.ie 66 Eimear Friel ________________ Deputy Chair Enlargement Working Party, Delegate Western Balkans, Ad-hoc Working Group on the CVM Romania/Bulgaria, Ad-hoc Working Group on Cyprus Tel: +32 22 82 32 70 Mob: +32 490 56 66 17 eimear.friel@dfa.ie Ciara Delaney ________________ Chair of the Friends of the Presidency Working Group on Integrated Maritime Policy Tel: +32 22 82 33 69 Mob: +32 496 59 17 26 ciara.delaney@dfa.ie Nathalie Leger ________________ Deputy Chair of the Friends of the Presidency Working Group on Integrated Maritime Policy Tel: +32 22 82 33 67 Mob: +32 490 56 48 49 nathalie.Leger@dfa.ie Frank Maughan ________________ Chair of Cohesion Policy Structural Actions Working Party Tel: +32 22 82 32 35 Mob: +32 490 56 66 04 frank.maughan@dfa.ie 67 Corita Goulding ________________ Chair of Staff Regulations Working Party Tel: + 32 2282 33 72 Mob: +32 490 57 58 99 corita.goulding@dfa.ie Ben Sweeney ________________ Cohesion Policy Tel: + 32 2282 33 47 Mob: +32 490 57 58 42 ben.sweeney@dfa.ie Patrick Forsyth ________________ High-Level Working Group on Asylum and Migration Tel: +32 22 82 34 86 Mob: +32 496 59 77 78 patrick.forsyth@dfa.ie Eoghan Walsh ________________ Information Working Group and Access to Documents Tel: +32 22 82 33 25 Mob: +32 490 56 48 45 eoghan.walsh@dfa.ie 68 Ambrose Murray ________________ Statistics Tel: +32 22 82 32 49 Mob: +32 490 56 66 18 ambrose.murray@dfa.ie Joe Cullen ________________ Economic Governance incl. European Semester, Macro-financial Assistance to Third Countries, G20 Tel: +32 22 82 32 54 Mob: +32 499 58 83 33 joe.cullen@dfa.ie Aingeal O’Donoghue ________________ Chair of the General Affairs Group (GAG) Tel: +32 22 82 32 77 Mob: +32 499 58 53 40 aingeal.odonoghue@dfa.ie Ciara O’Floinn ________________ General Affairs Group (GAG) Tel: +32 22 82 33 12 Mob: +32 496 59 77 62 ciara.ofloinn@dfa.ie 69 David Kelly ________________ Chairperson of the Court of Justice Working Group, EU-ECHR Accession Tel: +32 22 82 32 80 Mob: +32 496 59 17 05 david.kelly@dfa.ie 70 Ranna Rialtais na hÉireann Irish Government Departments Ministères du gouvernement irlandais Irische Ministerien Roinn an Taoisigh Department of the Taoiseach Service du Premier Ministre Amt des Premierministers Martin Fraser ________________ Secretary General Tel: + 353 1 619 4125 martin.fraser@taoiseach.gov.ie Geraldine Byrne Nason ________________ Second Secretary General EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division Tel: + 353 1 619 4305 geraldine.byrnenason@taoiseach.gov.ie Lorcan Fullam ________________ Assistant Secretary General EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division Tel: +353 1 619 4281 lorcan.fullam@taoiseach.gov.ie 71 Feargal Purcell ________________ Government Press Secretary Tel: + 353 619 4098 feargal.purcell@taoiseach.gov.ie Cathy Madden ________________ Deputy Government Press Secretary Government Press Office Tel: + 353 1 619 4098 cathy.madden@taoiseach.gov.ie Andrea Pappin ________________ Spokesperson for the EU Presidency Tel: + 353 1 619 4390 Mob: +353 87 798 77 69 andrea.pappin@taoiseach.gov.ie Gerald Angley ________________ Policy Communications Director, Alternate Spokesperson Tel: +353 1 619 4227 Mob: +353 86 414 16 13 gerald.angley@taoiseach.gov.ie 72 Geoffrey Keating ________________ Counsellor EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division Head of Presidency Coordination Tel: +353 1 619 4333 geoffrey.keating@taoiseach.gov.ie Kyle O'Sullivan ________________ Counsellor EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division MFF; Single Market Tel: +353 1 619 4302 kyle.osullivan@taoiseach.gov.ie Helen Blake ________________ Principal Officer EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division, European Council Tel: +353 1 619 4109 helen.blake@taoiseach.gov.ie Elaine Gunn ________________ Principal Officer EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division European Parliament Tel: +353 1 619 4319 elaine.gunn@taoiseach.gov.ie 73 Adrian Farrell ________________ First Secretary EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division Programme and Priorities, Calendar Tel: +353 1 619 4211 Mob: +353 87 656 39 51 adrian.farrell@taoiseach.gov.ie Sarah Tiffin ________________ Website Editor EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division Tel: +353 1 619 4260 sarah.tiffin@taoiseach.gov.ie Sean Hurley ________________ Administrative Officer EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division General Enquiries Tel: +353 1 619 4129 sean.hurley@taoiseach.gov.ie Kevin Byrne ________________ Third Secretary EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division General Enquiries Tel: +353 1 619 4468 kevin.byrne@taoiseach.gov.ie 74 Janice McGann ________________ Third Secretary EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division General Enquiries Tel: +353 1 619 4146 janice.mcgann@taoiseach.gov.ie Sinead McGarvey ________________ Executive Officer EU Affairs and Co-ordination Division General Enquiries Tel: + 353 1 619 4032 sinead.mcgarvey@taoiseach.gov.ie 75 An Roinn Gnóthaí Eachtracha agus Trádála Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Ministère des affaires étrangères Ministerium für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten und Handel David Cooney ________________ Secretary General Philip Grant ________________ Press Officer Tel: +353 1 408 2278 philip.grant@dfa.ie Fionnuala Quinlan ________________ Assistant Principal Development Co-operation Directorate Press Officer Tel: +353 1 408 26 53 fionnuala.quinlan@dfa.ie Tim Mawe ________________ Head of Presidency Administrative Planning Corporate Service Division Tel: + 353 1 408 2740 tim.mawe@dfa.ie 76 Dearbhla Doyle ________________ European Correspondent, Political Division Tel: +353 1 408 2202 dearbhla.doyle@dfa.ie Laoise Moore-Durajczyk ________________ Enlargement & Western Balkans Section Europe Division Enlargement Tel: +353 1 408 2609 laoise.moore-durajczyk@dfa.ie Robert O'Driscoll ________________ Multilateral Section Development Cooperation Division Development, Humanitarian, Development Aspects of the MFF Tel: +353 1 617 4130 robert.odriscoll@dfa.ie Mikey Smyth ________________ Presidency Coordination, Europe Division General Enquiries Tel: + 353 1 408 2645 mikey.smyth@dfa.ie 77 An Roinn Airgeadais Department of Finance Ministère des finances Ministerium für Finanzen John Moran ________________ Secretary General secretary general@finance.gov.ie Paul Bolger ________________ Press Officer Presidency Spokesperson for Department of Finance Tel: +353 1 604 5636 peter.mchugh@dfa.ie Michael McGrath ________________ Assistant Secretary General EU & International Affairs Tel: + 353 1 604 5649 michael.mcgrath@finance.gov.ie Niamh Campbell ________________ Principal officer EU Budget and Multi-annual Financial Framework Tel: + 353 1 631 8007 niamh.campbell@finance.gov.ie 78 Pat Casey ________________ Principal officer EU Financial Services, Banking Union, Insurance Tel: + 353 1 604 5556 pat.casey@finance.gov.ie Karen Cullen ________________ Principal Officer EU Financial Services, Markets, Funds, Securities Tel: + 353 1 604 5869 karen.cullen@finance.gov.ie Tony Gallagher ________________ Principal Officer EU Semester / Economic Governance Tel: +353 1 604 5861 Mob: +353 86 770 2630 peter.mchugh@finance.gov.ie Pat Leahy ________________ Principal Officer EU Presidency Coordination for ECOFIN Tel: +353 1 604 5330 pat.leahy@finance.gov.ie 79 Liam Smith ________________ Assistant Principal FTT Tel: +353 1 604 5581 liam.smith@finance.gov.ie 80 Cáin agus Custaím na hÉireann The Office of the Revenue Commissioners Commissaires aux comptes Büro der Revenue Commissioners (Steuerbehörde) Josephine Feehily ________________ Chairman Tel: +3531 858 59 10 chairmansoffice@revenue.ie Michelle Carroll ________________ Revenue Press Officer Tel: +353 1 858 9234 michelle.carroll@revenue.ie John Fanning ________________ Head of Unit, Corporate Business and International Division Direct Taxation Tel: +353 1 674 86 06 john.fanning@revenue.ie David O'Sullivan ________________ Head of Unit, Indirect Taxes Division Indirect Taxation Tel: +353 1 674 88 65 david.osullivan02@revenue.ie 81 Owen Ryan ________________ Head of Unit, Corporate Affairs and Customs Division Customs Tel: +353 1 676 31 00 owen.ryan@revenue.ie 82 An Roinn Dlí agus Cirt agus Comhionannais Department of Justice and Equality Ministère de la justice et de l’égalité Ministerium für Justiz und Gleichberechtigung Brian Purcell ________________ Secretary General Tel: +353 1 602 8712 / 602 8359 pressoffice@justice.ie Lorraine Hall ________________ Press Officer Tel: + 353 1 602 8712 / 602 8359 pressoffice@justice.ie 83 An Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna Department of Education and Skills Ministère de l’éducation et des compétences Ministerium für Bildung und Ausbildung Seán Ó Foghlú ________________ Secretary General Tel: + 353 1 889 2107 Sean_OFoghlu@education.gov.ie Deirdre Grant ________________ Director of Communications Tel: + 353 1 889 2417 Deirdre_Grant@education.gov.ie Séamus McLoughlin ________________ Principal Head of EU and International Affairs Tel: + 353 1 889 2395 Seamus_McLoughlin@education.gov.ie Brían O'Meara ________________ Assistant Principal Presidency Policy Tel: + 353 1 889 2395 Brian_OMeara@education.gov.ie 84 Margaret McCarthy ________________ General Enquiries Tel: + 353 1 889 2027 Margaret_McCarthy@education.gov.ie 85 An Roinn Caiteachais Phoiblí agus Athchóirithe Department of Public Expenditure and Reform Ministère des dépenses publiques et de la réforme Ministerium für Öffentliche Ausgaben und Reform Robert Watt ________________ Secretary General Tel: + 353 1 604 4136 secretarygeneral@per.gov.ie Aine Griffin ________________ Press Officer Presidency Spokespersons, Department of Finance Tel: + 353 1 604 5339 aine.griffin@per.gov.ie John O'Connell ________________ Assistant Secretary General EU Affairs Tel: + 353 1 604 5492 john.c.oconnell@per.gov.ie Gearoid O'Keeffe ________________ Principal Officer EU Affairs Tel: + 353 1 6045004 gearoid.okeefe@per.gov.ie 86 Jim Deane ________________ Assistant Principal Cohesion Policy Tel: + 353 1 604 5726 jim.deane@per.gov.ie John Kinnane ________________ Assistant Principal Procurement Policy Tel: + 353 1 604 4034 john.kinnane@per.gov.ie Grainne McGuckin ________________ Principal Officer EUPAN Policy Tel: + 353 1 604 5762 grainne.mcguckin@per.gov.ie Ronan O' Reilly ________________ Administrative Officer Procurement Policy Tel: + 353 1 604 5667 ronan.oreilly@per.gov.ie 87 An Roinn Post, Fiontar agus Nuálaíochta Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Ministère de l'emploi, de l'entreprise et de l'innovation Ministerium für Arbeitsplätze, Unternehmen und Innovation John Murphy ________________ Secretary General Tel: + 353 1 631 2170 john.murphy@djei.ie Roisin Mc Cann ________________ Departmental Press Officer Tel: + 353 1 6312222, Mob: + 353 87 259 4144 roisin.mcann@djei.ie Philip Kelly ________________ Assistant Secretary General EU Affairs Tel: + 353 1 631 2183 Mob: + 353 87 289 7490 philip.kelly@djei.ie Thomas Murray ________________ Principal Officer EU Issues, Competitiveness Council Tel: + 353 1 6312329 Mob: + 353 87 4192411 thomas.murray@djei.ie 88 Paul Cullen ________________ Principal Officer with responsibility for EPSCO Co-ordination Tel: + 353 1 631 3290 Mob: + 353 87 997 7832 paul.cullen@djei.ie Gerard Monks ________________ Principal Officer with responsibility for Trade Policy Tel: + 353 1 6312526 Mob: + 353 87 911 6221 gerard.monks@djei.ie Aidan Hodson ________________ Principal Officer with responsibility for Research Policy Tel: + 353 1 631 2267 Mob: + 353 87 854 4119 aidan.hodson@djei.ie Patrick Sinnott ________________ General Enquiries Tel: + 353 1 631 2296 patrick.sinnot@djei.ie 89 An Roinn Coimirce Soisíalaí Department of Social Protection Ministère de la protection sociale Ministerium für Soziale Sicherheit Niamh O’Donoghue ________________ Secretary General Niamh Fitzgerald ________________ Press Officer Tel: + 353 1 704 3860 niamh.fitzgerald@welfare.ie Dr Orlaigh Quinn ________________ Assistant Secretary General Social Protection Issues Tel: + 353 1 704 3854 orlaigh.quinn@welfare.ie Anne McManus ________________ Principal Officer Social Protection Issues Tel: + 353 1 704 3881 anne.mcmanus@welfare.ie 90 Padraig O'Conaill ________________ Principal Officer Youth Guarantee and EPSCO Informal Tel: + 353 1 704 3884 padraig.oconaill@welfare.ie EU / International Section ________________ Tel: +353 1 704 3591 +353 1 704 3725 +353 1 7043785 euint@welfare.ie 91 An Roinn Ealaíon, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Ministère des arts, du patrimoine et du gaeltacht Ministerium für Kunst, Kulturelles Erbe und die Gaeltacht Joe Hamill ________________ Secretary General joe.hamill@ahg.gov.ie Therese O'Connor ________________ Press Officer Tel: +353 1 631 3807 therese.oconnor@ahg.gov.ie Feargal ÓCoigligh ________________ Assistant Secretary General Heritage Division Tel: + 353 1 631 3812 Feargal.ÓCoigligh@ahg.gov.ie Mary Nash ________________ Principal Officer Arts, Film and Music Tel: + 353 64 662 7327 mary.nash@ahg.gov.ie 92 Sabina O'Donnell ________________ Assistant Principal EU Co-ordination / Arts Unit Tel: + 353 1 631 3954 sabina.odonnell@ahg.gov.ie Máire Ni Chonghaile ________________ General Enquiries Tel: + 353 1 888 3247 Maire.NiChonghaile@ahg.gov.ie 93 Roinn Cumarsáide, Fuinnimhe agus Acmhainní Nádúrtha Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Ministère de la communication, de l’énergie et des ressources naturelles Ministerium für Kommunikation, Energie und natürliche Ressourcen Aidan Dunning ________________ Secretary General Tel: + 353 1678 2030 aidan.dunning@dcenr.gov.ie Enda Gallagher ________________ Press Officer Tel: + 353 1 678 2441 Mob: +353 87 9637580 enda.gallagher@dcenr.gov.ie Katherine Licken ________________ Assistant Secretary General Telecommunications Policy Tel: + 353 1 678 2102 katherine.licken@dcenr.gov.ie Rory Hinchy ________________ Staff Engineer E- identification, Authentication & E-Signatures Tel: + 353 1 678 2260 rory.hinchy@dcenr.gov.ie 94 Eugene Dillon ________________ Assistant Principal Connecting Europe Facility Telecommunications Regulations Tel: + 353 1 678 2959 eugene.dillon@dcenr.gov.ie Lisa Keyes ________________ Communications Policy Official General Queries Telecommunications Files & the Digital Assembly 2013 Tel: + 353 1 678 3098 lisa.keyes@dcenr.gov.ie Mairéad McCabe ________________ Head of Division Energy Strategic Planning Tel: + 353 1 678 3089 mairead.mccabe@dcenr.gov.ie John Twomey ________________ General Enquiries: Energy Division Tel: + 353 1678 2151 john.twomey@dcenr.gov.ie 95 Comhaol, Pobal agus Rialtais Áitiúil Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government Ministère de l'environnement, de la collectivité et de l'administration locale Ministerium für Umwelt, Gemeinwesen und Kommunalverwaltung Geraldine Tallon ________________ Secretary General Tel: +353 1 888 2415 Geraldine.Tallon@environ.ie Yvonne Hyland ________________ Press Officer Tel: + 353 1 888 2510 yvonne.hyland@environ.ie John McCarthy ________________ Assistant Secretary General General Environment Division Tel: +353 1 888 2414 john.mccarthy@environ.ie Nuala Bannon ________________ Principal Adviser International Chemicals (Mercury and the Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions) Tel: +353 1 888 2758 nuala.bannon@environ.ie 96 Pat Macken ________________ Principal Officer 7th EAP, Rio +20 outcomes Tel: +353 1 888 2801 pat.macken@environ.ie Ronan Mulhall ________________ Principal Officer Ship Recycling and the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and their Disposal Tel: +353 53 911 7479 ronan.mulhall@environ.ie Owen Ryan ________________ Principal Officer EU Climate Change Tel: +353 1 888 2622 owen.ryan@environ.ie David Walsh ________________ Principal Officer International Climate Policy, Air Policy issues Tel: +353 1 888 2446 david.walsh@environ.ie 97 Seosamh Ó Laoi ________________ General Enquiries Tel: +353 1 888 2876 seosamh.olaoi@environ.ie 98 An Roinn Cosanta Department of Defence Ministère de la défense Ministerium für Verteidigung Michael Howard ________________ Secretary General Tel: + 353 45 492117 michael.howard@defence.ie Aine Fitzpatrick ________________ Press Officer Tel: + 353 45 492108 aine.fitzpatrick@defence.ie Ciaran Murphy ________________ Assistant Secretary General International Security & Defence Policy, Defence Forces Personnel Policy, Litigation and Claims Tel: + 353 45 492210 ciaran.murphy@defence.ie Teresa Sydenham ________________ Principal Officer Responsibility for International Security and Defence Policy Tel: + 353 45 492401 teresa.sydenham@defence.ie 99 Lorraine Hughes ________________ General Enquiries Tel: + 353 45 492173 lorraine.hughes@defence.ie 100 An Roinn Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Mara Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’alimentation et du milieu marin Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Lebensmittel und Meeresangelegenheiten Tom Moran ________________ Secretary General Tel: + 353 1 607 2184 tom.moran@agriculture.gov.ie Martina Kearney ________________ Press Officer Tel: +353 1 60 72190 Mob: +353 86 805 5092 martina.kearney@agriculture.gov.ie Aidan O'Driscoll ________________ Assistant Secretary General Agriculture, EU Affairs, CAP Tel: +353 1 607 2384 aidan.odriscoll@agriculture.gov.ie Cecil Beamish ________________ Assistant Secretary General Fisheries, CFP Reform Tel: +353 23 885 9510 cecil.beamish@agriculture.gov.ie 101 Martin Blake ________________ Chief Veterinary Officer 5-part Legislative Package Tel: +353 1 607 2185 martin.blake@agriculture.gov.ie Brid Cannon ________________ Head of Division EU and International Affairs - CAP MFF Tel: +353 1 607 2719 brid.cannon@agriculture.gov.ie Paul Savage ________________ CAP MFF Tel: +353 1 607 2724 paul.savage@agriculture.gov.ie Josephine Kelly ________________ Head of Division CFP Reform Tel: + 353 23 885 9581 josephine.kelly@agriculture.gov.ie 102 John Quirke ________________ General Enquiries Tel: + 353 1 607 2567 Mob: +353 87 931 8290 john.quirke@agriculture.gov.ie 103 An Roinn Leanaí agus Gnóthaí Óige Department of Children and Youth Affairs Ministère de l’enfance et de la jeunesse Ministerium für Kinder- und Jugendfragen Jim Breslin ________________ Secretary General Tel: + 353 1 647 3047 dcyasecgen@dcya.gov.ie Clare Heenan ________________ Press Officer Mob: + 353 86 803 6203 clare_heenan@dcya.gov.ie Peter Hanrahan ________________ Assistant Principal EU Coordination/General Enquiries Tel: + 0353 1 6473237 peter_hanrahan@dcya.gov.ie 104 An Roinn Sláinte Department of Health Ministère de la santé Ministerium für das Gesundheitswesen Dr Ambrose McLoughlin ________________ Secretary General Tel: + 353 1 635 4361 derek_finnegan@health.gov.ie Alan Baker ________________ Press Officer Tel: + 353 1 635 3036 alan_baker@health.gov.ie Bairbre Nic Aongusa ________________ Assistant Secretary General Finance, EU International and Capital Research Tel: + 353 1 635 4173 mary_harty@health.gov.ie Audrey Hagerty ________________ Principal Officer EU International and Capital Research Tel: + 353 63 54161 healthpresidency2013@health.gov.ie 105 Pamela Carter ________________ Assistant Principal EU International Tel: + 353 63 54065 healthpresidency2013@health.gov.ie Antoinette Francis ________________ Assistant Principal EU International Tel: +353 63 54161 healthpresidency2013@health.gov.ie Darragh Scully ________________ EU International General Inquiries Tel: +353 1 635 4065 darragh_scully@health.gov.ie 106 An Roinn Iompar, Turasóireachta agus Spóirt Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport Ministère du transport, du tourisme et du sport Ministerium für Transport, Tourismus und Sport Tom O'Mahoney ________________ Secretary General Tel: +353 1 604 1348 kaykillian@dttas.ie Caroline Ryan ________________ Press Officer Tel: +353 1 604 1087 carolineryan@dttas.ie Caoimhin O’Ciaruain ________________ Head of EU Presidency Unit Tel: +353 1 604 1022 caoimhinociaruain@dttas.ie Lauren O’Dea ________________ General Inquiries Tel: + 353 1 604 1225 laurenodea@dttas.ie 107 Tithe an Oireachtais Houses of Parliament Parlement Parlament Padraic Donlon ________________ Head of EU Affairs Tel: + 353 1 6183072 padraic.donlon@oireachtas.ie Máirin Devlin ________________ EU Presidency Coordinator Tel: + 353 1 6183258 mairin.devlin@oireachtas.ie 108