DEACON OF THE DAY 4th 11th 18th 25th 8:00AM Otelia Jones Haywood Bostic Gloria Winfree Louis Rolan 9:15AM Brenda Hicks Clara Moore Johnathan Coleman Brenda Hicks 11:00AM James Garner Haywood Bostic Gloria Winfree Louis Rolan DEACONESS OF THE DAY 4th 11th 18th 25th Betty Brewer Reba Seaborne Chryzalia Peebles Connie Bowman Miranda Fife Barbara Minnicks Connie Bowman Thelma Mason Barbara Minnicks Diveda Palmer Bettie Backus Reba Seaborne SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00AM Early Hour of Praise 8:30AM Church School/New Members Class (Ironbridge) 9:15AM Children’s Church (Ironbridge) 9:30AM CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY…Pastors Dwight and Derik Jones and the First Baptist Church family extend sympathy to George Jones and Family in the passing of his father, George Jones Sr.; to Alice Jones in the passing of her brother, Charles Fowler; to Thelma Chavis in the passing of her son, David Chavis Jr.; to Ophelia Whitfield in the passing of her daughter, Mable Shelton; to the family of Vivian Brewer Johnson, in her passing; to Wanda Irby and family in the passing of her father,Rev. Willie R. Irby; to Carolyn Bragg in the passing of her step-father,Charles Corbin; to Clinton Minnicks in the passing of his aunt, Edith Minnicks Wyatt; to Cheryl Jones and Brigitte Andrews in the passing of their aunt, Julia Williams: and to Shell Daniels in the passing of her grandmother, Charlotte Mayo. THANK YOU… Deaconess Brenda Braxton wishes to express sincere thanks to Pastors Dwight and Derik Jones and the First Baptist Church family for all acts of kindness in the passing of her uncle, John Hundley. Alvin and Sophie Moses and Sharon Gordon wishes to express sincere thanks to Pastors Dwight and Derik Jones and the First Baptist Church family for all acts of kindness in the passing of their loved one, Nicole Fleming. Empowerment Hour (Ironbridge) Television Broadcast, Channel 13, CW Richmond 9:30AM New Members Class (Hull Street) 9:45AM Church School (Hull Street) Small Group Ministry (Hull Street) 11:00AM Morning Worship Service Children’s Church (Except 3rd Sundays) 1501 DECATUR STREET RICHMOND, VIRGINIA 23224 OFFICE—804-233-7679 ADMINISTRATIVE CORNER...To request meeting space, requisition funds, discuss your budget or other business concerns, please contact Min. Caprichia Moses, Business Administrator, at the church office or via email, Dwight C. Jones, D. Min., Senior Pastor Derik E. Jones, D. Min., Pastor COUNSELING SERVICES...To Christian counseling services are available. Please contact Dr. Cheryl Ivey Green, to be scheduled with a Ministerial Staff member or for referral to an outside counselor. OCTOBER 2015 Fall Music Workshop Tuesday– Friday, October 6-9, 2015 7:00PM - 9:30PM Capital Campaign Let Us Rise Up and Build — Nehemiah 2:18. There is Still Time to Help Make the Campaign a Success! Your continued prayers. Every member giving something. A one-time donation. A “Soft Cost” Gift. A gift through stocks, bonds or other methods of giving. Concert: Saturday, October 10th, 4:00PM Minister Leo Davis, National Workshop Clinician Nashville, Tennessee All Music Ministry and Persons Interested in the Music Ministry are asked to participate. IT’S A SISTA THING CIRCLE Bible Study/Discussion Saturday, October 10, 2015, 8:45AM Imani Center SMALL GROUP SUNDAY Sunday, October 11, 2015, 9:30AM Explore Small Group Ministry Imani Center I will not offer to God that which cost me nothing. 2 Samuel 24:24 THE CHANGE BEGINS WITH ME Rally Sunday Upcoming Ministry Events SACRED HOUR Sunday, October 4, 2015, 6:00PM Observance of Baptism & Holy Communion Hull Street The Total Man October 23-25, 2015 Registration began Sunday, September 13, 2015 Real Men Do Cook October 23, 2015, 6:00PM Men interested in participating in competition contact Deacon Clinton Minnicks, Conference Workshops Saturday, October 24, 2015, 9:00AM For more information, contact Deacon Rodney Palmer, HARVEST FESTIVAL Saturday, October 31, 2015, 5:00PM Giving in faith is giving that says I trust God… ************ MEN’S CONFERENCE Sunday, October 11, 2015 Special Gifts for Soft Costs All Services J.O.Y. MINISTRY SERVICE Just Older Youth Senior Service Wednesday, October 14, 2015, 11:00AM Hull Street Accepting donations for candy and treats. Women’s Ministry partnering to host event for Adults during the Harvest Festival. Register to attend both events by contacting Rev. Felecia McDougan, Sunday, November 1, 2015 Friend’s Sunday Invite Family & Friends to All Services Sacred Hour, 6:00PM Observance of Holy Communion Hull Street FALL REVIVAL Monday-Wednesday November 2-4, 2015, 7:00PM Dr. Ralph West Church Without Walls, Houston, Texas Hull Street