Prostate Health: Answers Your Doctor May Have

Prostate Health: Answers Your Doctor May Have Overlooked
Roanld Grisanti DC, DABCO, MS
Prostate problems have been estimated to afflict approximately 50 percent of men during their
lifetime. Even men in their 30's have a 5 to 10 percent chance of experiencing prostate problems
with men over the age of 85 running an alarming 90+%.
The most common disorder of the prostate is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH for
short. This condition commonly afflicts men over the age of 50. The beginning stages of BPH are
asymptomatic. As the condition worsens, the enlarged prostate obstructs the urethra, leading to
painful and difficult urination.
The primary symptoms include the frequent urge to urinate, nocturia, difficulty starting urination,
reduced force of the stream, dribbling after urination, and incomplete emptying of the bladder.
The stagnation of urine in the bladder predisposes those with BPH to persistent bladder
Prostate Cancer
Early stages of prostate cancer are asymptomatic. Obstructive symptoms occur later in the
disease. Difficulty urinating, frequency, urinary retention, and diminished force of the urine
stream are characteristic symptoms. If the cancer has spread, symptoms may include fatigue,
nausea, weakness, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, discomfort in the perineum, hip pain, or
weight loss. Blood may be present in the urine.
Prostate cancer is the most common form of cancer in men. It is primarily diagnosed in men over
65, although it may begin much earlier. It is a very slow growing form of cancer. Prostate cancer
often metastasizes to other tissue, including the brain, lungs, lymph nodes, and bones.
Early detection is critical in order to increase the chances for survival. The cancer can be palpated
upon digital rectal examinations. These examinations are recommended routinely for all men over
the age of 40.
Considering the symptoms of BPH and prostate cancer can be quite similar, it is best to have a
test called Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA). This test measures the levels of protein that is
produced in the prostate. It is a highly significant and sensitive marker for prostate cancer. The
normal value for PSA is less than 4 nanograms per milliliter. A level above 10 ng/ml is highly
indicative of prostate cancer.
Some researchers have questioned the reliability of the PSA test, however, PSA screening has
been endorsed by the American Cancer Society and the American Urological Association
Prostate problems have been estimated to afflict approximately 50 percent of men during their
lifetime. Even men in their 30's have a 5 to 10 percent chance of experiencing prostate problems
with men over the age of 85 running an alarming 90+%.
Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone Tests
It appears that BHP is largely the result of hormonal changes associated with aging. As men age
levels of the main male sex hormone testosterone will decrease. On the other hand levels of
estrogen, prolactin, LH and FSH all tend to increase. Unfortunately testosterone will become
concentrated within the prostate causing a conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone
High levels of dihydrotestosterone may accumulate and cause hyperplasia within the prostate
gland, which ultimately result in enlargement of the prostate.Although it has been thought that
checking the levels of estrogen and progesterone are only for women, it is now wise for men to
also be checked.
As discussed above, measuring your levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone can provide
valuable information in identifying the possible cause of BPH.
Conventional Medical Approach
1: Antibiotics are frequently prescribed whether an identifiable pathogen is present or not.
2: In terms of drugs, Proscar, a a-reductase inhibitor, blocks the enzyme that converts testosterone
to dihydrotestosterone.Available for only the last few years, it slows down the formation of
dihydrotestosterone, the "bad" hormone that increases cell growth in the prostate.
Clinically speaking, Proscar shrinks enlarged prostatic tissue, but its effects are sometimes slow-from 3 to 12 months for a change in urinary symptoms. Proscar is an expensive medication, with
annual costs of approximately $600 to $700. And it must be taken for life, even though the full
range of its side-effects will not be known for some time.
Possible Side Effects of Proscar:
Decreased amount of semen per ejaculation, decreased sex drive, impotence
3: Alpha-adrenergic blocking agents relax the smooth muscle of the urethra and bladder, making
urination easier. Terasozin (Hytrin), doxasozin (Cardura), and prazosin (Minipress) are examples
of drugs in this class. Alpha-blockers are also used to treat high blood pressure.The newest alphablocking agent is called tamsulosin (Flomax) and works in a similar fashion to the other drugs of
this class.
If symptoms do not respond to pharmacotherapy, or if urination is completely obstructed, surgery
may be indicated.
Alternative Medical Approach
The primary objective in the treatment and prevention of prostate should include a clear
understanding of the underlying factors that may have caused the problem in the first place.
Although conventional medical treatment may provide a reduction in the common symptoms
associated with BHP, it only makes sense to investigate the possible causes of this condition,
preventing more serious complications to develop.
Some of the more common factors linked to BHP include:
1: Decreased levels of male hormones specifically testosterone. As discussed earlier in this report,
low levels of testosterone cause an increase in estrogen, prolactin, LH and FSH levels resulting in
the conversion of testosterone to DHT. DHT is toxic to the body.
Recommended Laboratory Tests: Male Hormone Test
2: Deficiencies of essential minerals such as zinc, selenium and copper. Zinc has been shown to
prevent the conversion of testosterone to DHT.
Recommended Laboratory Tests: RBC Mineral Blood Test
3: Deficiencies of essential fatty acids: Correcting an omega 3 vs. omega 6 imbalance has been
shown to have a positive impact on the health of the prostate.
Recommended Laboratory Tests: Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acids
4: Deficiencies of the amino acids lysine, alanine and glutamic acid.
Recommended Laboratory Tests: Amino Acid Test
5: Pesticide and environmental toxicities such as dioxin, benzene etc..These toxins have been
linked to an increase of the conversion of testosterone to DHT.
Recommended Laboratory Tests: Heavy metal urinary test
6: Heavy metal toxins such as cadmium has been linked to an increase in the conversion of
testosterone to DHT
Recommended Laboratory Tests: Heavy metal urinary test
The above possible causes of BHP should be ruled out. Treating the symptoms via pharmacetical
intervention may prove to be short-lived leading to probable moderate to severe side-effects and
eventually a return of the prostate symptoms. Identifying the primary contributing factors of BHP
should be a top priority for men serious about improving prostate function.
----------------------------------Ronald Grisanti DC, DABCO, MS, is a board certified chiropractic orthopedist with a master’s
degree in nutritional science. He has created an innovative Web-based program in helping
chiropractors develop a nutritional, functional medicine-based practice called Chiropractic
Mentors. He can be reached by e-mail at or through his website,
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