JOE DICKSON - WARD 2 • OCTOBER 2005 • SUNNY SKIES AHEAD Future Ajax Firefighter? Hi mom and dad! Look how big my steering wheel is in my 50 foot firetruck! This young man’s photo was taken at the Annual Ajax Fire Services Safety Day, where over 1,000 parents and children attended the Monarch Avenue Station This little girl received a big hug from “Sparky” Half Century Ajax Hospital Angels of Mercy Honoured This past years Ajax Family Festival and Trade Show honoured all past members of our Ajax Hospital, in conjunction with our hospitals 50th Anniversary. Back Row left to right are trade show co-chairs: John Murray, Patricia Mann and Joe Dickson. Front row left to right: Ella Boulanger, Betty Fullerton, Verna McPherson, Mary Lumb and Donna Gardner, our 5 nurses who were there when our hospital opened 50 years ago. The ladies in addition to being “piped in” by Ajax’s Glen Healy (formerly of the Toronto Maple Leafs) also cut the ribbon to officially open the event. Sponsoring the weekend for the ladies was Ajax Legion Branch 322, Pineridge Insurance and Joe Dickson Printing Ajax Muslim Receives Honour A resident of Ajax since the late 80’s, Mobeen Khaja was honoured with a rare Citation for his efforts in multi-culturalism by the Canadian Multicultural Forum. The provincial and federal event which was hosted by the City of Pickering, was held this summer with Mobeens wife Anees, also present. The keynote address of the evening was given by Dr. Yousseff Mroueh, who acknowledged some dozen organizations and major projects Mobeen has been involved in. Several dignitaries including MP Derek Lee, past MPP Janet Ecker, Pickering Mayor Dave Ryan and Councillor Doug Dickerson, Ajax Councillor Joe Dickson and Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs of Police for Peel and Durham were in attendance to acknowledge Mr. Khaja’s efforts. He is one of the reasons multiculturalism continues to grow in harmony here. Whitby’s 1870 Queens Plate In Ajax Celebrating Whitby’s 150th birthday, the Whitby Sesquicentennial re-enacted a piece of the Towns history in Ajax. Picov Downs was the scene reminiscent of the 11th running of the Queens from the year 1870 which drew in excess of 10,000 people to Whitby. A former Ajax boy and now Whitby Mayor, Marcel Brunelle has seen his community attain growth that outranks all its’ neighbours in Durham, recently. A few of a large contingent of 1800’s dress VIPs from left to right are Councillors Gerry Emm and Joe Drumm (also a long time Dowty Ajax employee) Betty Boyd and Mayor Marcel Brunelle. That’s a very casual past Mayor Jim Gartshore in front. Marcel’s dad, Dominique was a popular Ajax Councillor in the 1950’s. Ajax Hospital Expansion Overdue! Ajax Durham North Plaza Signing New Business The owners of the Durham Annex Shopping Plaza at Ringer Road and Harwood Avenue N (just east of Tawn Cr.) are on schedule. The RioCan Group, owners of the Durham site have 9 businesses signed for occupancy over the next few months. They include the following tenants: Value Village, Imperial Buffet, True Star Fitness,South Beach Tan, convenience Store, Dentist, Chiropractor, Telus and Pizza & Pasta To Go. Although extra dollars has been pumped into Health Care provincially and federally, it is still not enough! This proposed expansion calls for 81,000 sq. ft ,more, and it can’t come soon enough! New Ward 2 Pharmacy Brings Back A Big Smile! Carolyn White and Nina Orzel opened Heritage Market Pharmacy, located at 145 Kingston Road East, (across from Costco in the McDonalds/Applebee's plaza) in Ward 2. Carolyn is the full-time pharmacist and Nina is Carolyn's long time assistant. Together they own/operate Heritage Market Pharmacy. Along with their experience and dedication, patients have a pharmacy team they can trust and talk to while being provided with expert care. Carolyn is a respected member of the health care community. At Heritage Market Pharmacy hugs are free. Having a pharmacist who knows your family, brings back memories of days gone by reconnecting you to Ajax's small town sense of community. Carolyn has been in active practice for 16 years, the last ten years in Ajax. Nina has worked with Carolyn for those ten years and they are back in their familiar roles ensuring Heritage Market Pharmacy becomes your choice when filling your prescription needs. Happy 50th Legion’s Library Support Continues Ajax Library Public Service Co-ordinator Sarah Dodge (left) accepts a cheque for another $10,000 from Ajax Legion Branch 322 Past President Marlene Wilson as part of the Legions $100,000.00 pledge for the new library. The Legion has paid $40,000.00 and continues to meet their commitment even though Bingo revenues have diminished significantly in Ajax. Sarah Dodge is the daughter of Dr. Doug Dodge, a past chair of the library board for numerous years. Legion Past President Marlene Wilson has also appeared before Ajax Council on different occasions to let the public know of the many unheralded non-profit and charitable contributions from the Legions 1400 members. Also in the photo is Ajax Councillor and Library Board member Joe Dickson who publicly congratulated Ajax’s Librarian Geoff Nie on just being selected “Ontario’s Librarian of the Year”. Ajax Family Festival Trade Show Donations Over $6,000 This past fall profits from the Ajax Family Festival and Trade Show were donated to: Ajax Salvation Army Food Bank; Hospice Durham (Homecare); St. Bernadette’s - St. Vincent de Paul food Bank; HERizon (Women’s shelter); United Way of Ajax-Pickering-Uxbridge and Rouge Valley Health-Ajax Hospital Site only. The executive volunteers were: Trish Mann, John Murray, Joe Dickson, Mike Danks Jr., Wendy Gudzus, Randy Low and Les Pearce. Special thanks goes out to the staff at the Ajax Community Centre for their help. Happy 95th Irene! Lifetime residents of (Pickering Village) - Ajax; Ray and Monica Hickey celebrated their 50th anniversary this past fall. Hundreds of friends attended mass at St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church and later attended the couples family festivities. Seen with mom and dad (seated) Jim, Beth, Tina, Theresa and John, while son Ray Jr., an accomplished musician was on tour. Our community thanks Monica and Ray for their tireless volunteer efforts on so many fronts. Irene Hackney, seen here with her daughter Laura celebrated a special birthday recently. She is 95 years young. The Queen Street residents are Ajax originals. You can see her son Charlie any Sunday morning at St. Bernadette’s Church at 8:30 Mass. Beavers Decimate Woodlot Ajax Children's Lives at Stake! Dear Joe This is a follow up letter regarding the beavers that were devastating the green belt on the south side of Hwy 2 between Westney Road & Ritchie Road. It was a hard fight to finally rid the green belt of these destructive little creatures. It was a difficult struggle with you folks at the city as you can read on. Six weeks after I sent my letter nothing had been done. The beavers were destroying every tree in sight. These animals do not chew down trees for food, they kill and topple the trees only for the small branches to be used in their dams. Almost no trees were left unchewed. By December 9, 2004 I had enough and started making phone calls. I was told by the city that the trees will be replaced. Are you replacing full grown trees or little seedlings? Somehow I think the seedlings are more in line with your budget. The trees the beavers chewed down number over a hundred. These include all shapes and sizes and range in growing ages of over 30-40 years. Majestic willow trees that once stood side by side were taken down by these animals in under 2 weeks. These willow trees were over 1’6” in diameter and I’m guessing took over 30 years to grow. Are you going to replace these trees as they were? I don’t think so. You’ll have to excuse my negativity, but if you people had moved when we informed you of this problem the destruction would not have been so vast. Why must you always mess around so much until the damage is too costly to recover? Please ensure that the full council is made aware of this problem and publish it accordingly. I eagerly await the city’s response to this matter and as to when the dead trees will be removed and replaced. Yours truly, Sharon McSwain I couldn’t have documented this better myself, Sharon. How could anyone give any sensible answer if a child fell in and drowned to death. What shallow values some conservation people have! I have requested new standards and thank Derek Hannan and Clerk Martin DeRond and his staff that worked long and hard at this. - Joe I had a phone conversation with a Mr. Martin DeRond who told me that he would take care of this as soon as the fish were finished spawning up-stream. I argued that if this was not taken care of now, winter would set in and someone might fall through the ice, and get trapped under the water. You see the dam that the beaver’s had built had made the stream increase in depth from about 1-2 feet to about 6-8 feet. He was still set on waiting to see if the beaver’s would move on in the spring. Your supposed environmental efforts have now allowed decimation to a beautiful woodlot. How is it that someone could not take down the beaver’s dam before spawning was complete, but we could keep the water level 6-8 feet deep so that someone could easily drown in it. Hello!! New Zone Commander Some of your city staff really have their priorities screwed-up in a bad way. It was not until I was able to get in touch with you, Mr. Dickson, that rational ideas prevailed and some head way was made. It took a good 4-6 weeks for the trappers to come in and get rid of all the beavers, six in total I believe. Now that the snow is finally starting to melt away, you can see the area, to say it is shocking is a small statement. The distance in question is no more than about 300 meters long from Westney to Ritchie, and the sight is overwhelming. It looks like a deserted logging camp, with trees left to rot. For all the folks that bought their houses because of the privacy the trees of the green belt had given them, they are in for a big let down come springtime. These animals not only caused the loss of monetary value on their homes, but also in the loss of the greenery. Congratulating Immediate Past President Cyril Best of Branch 322 Ajax on his installation as our new Zone F1 Zone Commander are District Commander Ted Whan and Deputy District Commander Gord Convery Mayor’s Levee Kicked Off Ajax 50th Anniversary Bill Lumsden and Larry Powers with a young staffer Val and Allan Marshall with son Stephen Life long resident, Hazel Claringbold & Gerry O’Riley reminisce Councillor Joe Dickson and Cliff Mills son of the late John Mills, the first reeve in the Town of Ajax Bryan and Rita Hilker, with Reid Sevigny Joe Dickson with Louise Johnson, her grandson Shane Lambert and girlfriend Tammy. Council treated to multicultural entertainment Faithway Celebrated 30th Anniversary Construction on Taunton, Salem, and Audley Roads did not inconvenience people enough to be part of a packed congregation for Faithway Baptist Churches 30th Anniversary recently. The continually expanding church has recently acquired 3 adjacent acres of land for future expansion. Pastor Greg Baker, and guest speaker Kim Pugh spoke at the special event at the corner of Salem Road and Taunton. Kim received notoriety with her photo in the Vietnam war, now resides in Ward 2, Ajax with her husband Toan and 2 sons Stephen and Thomas. Kim has also just brought her aging parents here to live and they were also guests of Pastor Baker and the Faithway Baptist Kim Pugh Church congregation at the celebration. MP Dan McTeague made presentations to the Church on behalf of the Canadian government and Councilor Joe Dickson on behalf of all Ajax Council. Kim was also recently presented her honourary doctorate from York University. Greenvilla Has North Ajax Seniors Apartment In For Approval The Town of Ajax is in receipt of a site plan application, submitted by Greenvilla Homes, to permit the development of a 4-storey, 4,379 sq.m seniors residence on the west side of Old Harwood Avenue., just north of Chapman Drive (the northeast corner of the former the Dr. Henderson site). The site took extra time for zoning approval due to numerous resident complaints on Sheldon Avenue and Old Harwood. The 76-unit building is currently under review by Town of Ajax Planning Department The proposed building still requires some revisions/ upgrades to the elevation facing Old Harwood Avenue. In addition there is a request to reduce the required setback adjacent to Old Harwood Avenue Town staff anticipate that the review of this application should be complete by mid-November to early December. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Ron Warne, Senior Development Planner at (905) 619-2529 x205 or Joe Dickson direct. HOW TO REACH J O E D I C K S O N COUNCILLOR WARD 2 Office - 220 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax Tel. 905-683-7940 Cell 905-409-6873 Car 905-706-5235 Town 905-619-2529 Ext. 323 Residence Res. Chandos Lake Florida 32 McClarnan Road, Ajax 905-686-0295 1-705-656-1920 1-727-796-3144 E-mail: 2005-2006 Ajax Legion Executive Elected PRESIDENT Mike O’Hara 1st VICE Jim Moore 2nd VICE Agnes Heasley 3rd VICE Jim Kelly TREASURER Paul Legros PAST PRESIDENT Marlene Wilson EXECUTIVE Chic Presley Cyril Best (Zone President) Dorothy Buchanan Rye Malmquist Dorothy Moore Exy Arnold Tom Blanchard Jim Weisflock Janet Kaminsky Ken Brown Sheila Boyer Jim Moore Day Pye Butch Andrews Bruce Sharpe Mike Fitzpatrick Notre Dame Graduation Class of 2005 Largest Ever Some 240 successful students composed the largest graduating class ever of Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School graduated this year. 72 of the students were also Ontario scholars. Father Roy Roberts and Ms. A. Heemskerk, provided the readings and Father Roy gave the Homily in an evening of Catholic and Educational celebration. The address of the evening was given by principal, Mr. M. Bak and diploma presentations were awarded by viceprincipals Ms. S. Laforet, Mr. P. Perron and Mrs. L. Pulla. Other highlights of the evening were valedictorian, Johnathon Langdon and the awesome vocal rendition of “Think of Me” by Favin Alemao and Caroline Villaneueva. Some 52 subject awards, community awards and bursaries were given including 2 by the Town of Ajax. The Patrick F. Sheehan award honours a family man who devoted his life to physical education, youth and community work, in addition to untold years on Ajax Council as Councillor, Deputy-Reeve and Reeve. Mr. Sheehan also had a special place in his heart for Ajax history and his award was presented by Councillor Joe Dickson. The Lieutenant Governors award was presented by Mayor Steve Parish. Students graduated with the words “Commitment to Excellence with Clarity, Wisdom and Harmony” forever imbedded in their memory. It was a blast, Thom! One of the hardest working volunteers on Ajax Home Week is Thom Evered, Ajax’s Fire Safety Captain who volunteered some 150 hours to make this years fireworks at $11,000, the largest ever. Thom (left) is seen here after doing the Lifetime Durham TV Show with Joe Dickson, band-aid and all. Dear Joe Just though you’d want to know that some traffic counters have been installed on Woodcock. It happens to be the March break so the results will not accurately reflect the number of cars that travel on the road because of traffic from the school. Can you investigate why this is being done now, they are obviously doing this to demonstrate that the volume and speed of traffic is well within established limits, which is completely unrealistic. It needs to be done when school is in, during the morning and afternoon rush to get an accurate picture of what is really going on. Thanks Barb Valid points Barb - I’ll advise the engineering department. I disagree with staffs direction on this one. Many thanks - Joe Dear Joe I had just been sent an e-mail telling us of the upcoming Ajax celebrations. I am Cheryl Hart. I found it neat to go onto the website and see the familiar names from when we were kids in Ajax. I really enjoyed reading the history of the town. Roots are so important. We lived on Queen Street. My parents are Mert and Bruce Hart. The Wiles lived a few doors up from us. We now live in Brandon, Manitoba. How often we walked by or stopped into Dickson Printing. Just thought I would drop you a note. Good luck with your upcoming plans, we do hope to come to Ajax for this. Cheryl Young - Brandon Dear Joe Thank you once again for printing the tickets for the Martyr’s Shrine Luncheon we had on Sunday, March 13 at St. Bernadette’s. It was such a wonderful day. We were able to give the Shrine $6,170. St Bernadette’s true wealth comes from its people’s generous spirit, working together to do God’s work. Thanks Joe and God bless Betty Bujold It wouldn’t happen without you, Betty! - Joe Dear Joe Thank you for your quick reply to my email. Our street was eventually plowed on December 24 but it might have not been for the amount that was removed since it had all froze. I just received an email from Stephen Brake assuring us that our street would be resalted. Again we thank you for your efforts on our behalf. Happy New Year to you and your family. Brian and Jennifer Volkmann Thanks to Steve Brake and staff for the quick response - Joe Closest to the Pin at Seaton (on the second shot) Won by Ed Boddy Trophy & Gift Courtesy of Jim Witty presented by Jim Witty, Mens Closest to the Pin at Seaton Trophy & Gift presented by Monica Hickey, Ladies Closest to the Pin Presented by Pickering Mayor Dave Ryan, Seaton Closest to the Pin Won by Blake Boddy Office Chair courtesy of Dickson Printing, Mens Longest Drive Winner of an Executive Leather Chair was by Rick Massingham, presented by Shaun Collier & Scott Crawford Closest to the Pin Won by Whitby Councillor Shirley Scott Closest to the Pin on Deer Creek Emerald Course Trophy & Gift Courtesy of the News Advertiser & Durham Business Times, presented by Abe Fletcher & Andrea McFater, Won by Keith Ryan Auctioning off an autographed Blue Jays baseball bat, is Pickering Councillor Rick Johnson, a long time volunteer for charity. Won by Lucy Richards Trophy & Gift presented by Gerry Phillips MPP – Chair of the Management Board of Cabinet, Closest to the Pin on Ruby 9 Most Honest Golf Team at Seaton Was Donna Dickson, Myrna Picatto & Shirley Scott receiving their award from Doug Dickenson & Kevin Ashe. Jim Witty, Bob Turcotte, Kent McDonnell & Terry Calder presented by Mayor Marcel Brunelle and Whitby Councillors Shirley Scott & Mark McKinnon, Winning Team (DEER CREEK) Won by Paul Holiday OVER 300 GOLF FOR CHARITY AT DICKSON 12TH ANNUAL Won by Blake Boddy Most Honest Golf Team at Deer Creek Trophy & Gift presented by Whitby Mayor Marcel Brunelle, Winning Team (SEATON) presented by Ontario Provincial Chair of the Board of Management Gerry Philips, George Smitherman – Ontario Minister of Health, Dave Ryan – Mayor of Pickering, Joanne Dickerson, Craig McCaullagh Most Honest Golf Team at Seaton Team Captian Rob Ward shown, and Mark Tan, Terry R., Jeff R. Trophy presented by Pickering Councillors Doug Dickerson and Kevin Ashe, Guest MC Ken Shaw with golfers Terry Calder and Kent MacDonnell and popular Louise Farr of our UOIT (Durham University) SEE YOU NEXT YEAR. Thursday August 11, 2006 at The entire course is made available for 400 golfers in 2006 Thank You To Our Generous Corporate Sponsors Were Acorn Construction Design seen here receiving their awards from Mayor Brunelle and Whitby Councillors. Runners Up (by Retrogression) at Seaton Bolf course Julie Rennie, Michele Barrett, Leslie Trainer, Catherine Janes presented by Kevin Ahe & Dave Ryan, Bruce Pugh, Keith Pugh, Luke McEachnie, Rev. Jack Hannah Mens Longest Drive - Emerald Course Won by Keith Ryan Free Office Chair courtesy of Dickson Printing, presented by Oshawa Mayor John Gray & councillor John Neal Always there to help is Pickering Councillor Rick Johnson presenting the Golfers Green Closest to the pin to James White for assisting our Salvation Army Food Bank and 5 Ajax, Pickering and Whitby St. Vincent de Paul Food Kitchens, Childhood Cancer Foundation “Candlelites”, The Community Foundation of Durham (to donate to our local food banks in perpetuity), The Womens Shelters, Childrens Wish Foundation & Needy Families with Children, Eva’s Homeless Children, Village Children’s Food Program, Retired Priests Fund, Companions of the Cross, and Share Life. New Salem Road Shell Has Some Residents Improvements In an effort to avoid additional legal and staff costs to the Ajax tax payers (and risk losing all upgrades to the site plan that Planning staff had fought for) it was recommended to Council (and later endorsed by Council) that staff negotiate a settlement with Shell. The compromised site plan was presented to the Ontario Municipal Board and received approval for the Salem Road and Chambers site. Some of the aspects of the approved plan which were upgraded and improved from the original proposal from Shell include: * * * * * * removal of the carwash facility removal of the drive-thru facility reduced lighting into residential area reduced height of both the canopy and the store upgraded store elevations upgraded corner landscape treatment at Chambers and Salem * upgraded peripheral landscape treatment * upgraded fencing adjacent to pedestrian walkway (to match up with stone wall to the north) * lighting of pedestrian walkway at east edge of Field Cres. One of the student/pedestrian safety requests that was refused by the Region and Shell was a centre median on Chambers the length of the Shell entrance. It would have forced more traffic in the Salem entrance and cut about 50% out of the Chambers entrance. The Chambers sidewalk is part of a safe school route to Cadaraque and Dennis O’Connor schools and should have had the median as requested by Dickson and Crawford. Some acoustical fencing was lost as were some smaller items eliminated by Shell. Denis O’Connor Park Delayed by Developer The long awaited park construction began on schedule at the end of this past school year and we were all happy to finally see things get under way. Ward 2 residents will remember that we all waited since 2004 for the local developer to expand the pond behind his plaza so that we could get going on this much needed improvement. The pond work did not begin this summer but we decided to get going on the overdue park. Unfortunately the developer moved in to do work on his pond in late August and has prevented our contractor from continuing his work. This meant the park which would have been done by now will take the next 2 or 3 weeks to complete. This is very frustrating to the Town but we will do their best to get things done and cleaned up this Fall. If you have questions on the park you can contact Bruce Johnson our Manager of Design Services at 905-619-2529 extension 208. We will stay right on top of this for the rest of this year. Dear Joe Thank you for proposing changing the budget to help the volunteers of the four outdoor rinks in town. For a few hundred dollars this will help cover some of the volunteers expenses and the children are the winners. We were surprised a couple of council members including the Mayor, voted against assisting the volunteers. None of our volunteers are paid. On a more expensive note, thanks for having the guts to support a $2 million dollar saving for Ajax taxpayers at the corner of Salem and Rossland. Too bad you were on the short end of a 6-1 vote, and I applaud you. For a $2 million dollar saving from the developer, I really don’t care if the fire hall is on the north or south side of the corner. They don’t get it! Mrs. T. Thank you - why some continue not to support worthy volunteer efforts is beyond me. Thank you for mentioning the $2 million cost of the fire hall and operations yard location. The reports clearly indicated both locations work the same. This is but one more error in the official plan - Joe Dear Joe Thank you for attending our opening concert in Ajax and being our guest speaker. Your presence and commentary made this a “special” occasion for both the Durham Chamber Orchestra and the audience. Thank you also for your interest and support of the Arts. Olga Siblock Dear Joe I just wanted to drop a line to thank you for the wonderful park. I've been power walking in it every morning and Jim and I have gone for a couple strolls through the park already. Every time I've been through there have been adults exercising, kids on the playground and teenagers playing basketball. Jim and I just wanted you to know we appreciate your hard work in making Nottingham park a place for everyone. Kira Hensley Scott Crawford and Ajax Council were most supportive - Joe Dear Joe Just wanted to drop you a line and say congratulation for the progress on the new basketball courts at the McLean Centre. This will also assist the growing night problems at Roberta Bondar. I received the flyer and wanted to express my appreciation for this and the other values that you deliver with consistency to our community! All the best, Steve Thanks to Scott Crawford and the entire council who to a person supported our project. Thanks to Jo-Anne Dies for switching the time frame or a south end court to Spring 2006 - Joe Post Office/New Council Chambers a Costly Expenditure Contaminated soil has easily cost the Town of Ajax 1/2 million dollars. The Ajax Post Office plan was to move north on Harwood N past the high schools, and Ajax would acquire the old post office site on Kings Crescent. It would be used to re-locate the Ajax Council Chambers too. MP Mark Holland, although not directly involved did assist the Town with post office answers. Although “the deal” was in place, the Post Office later pulled the plug when they discovered methane gas on site. That is normal in old undeveloped areas, and easily correctable. The post office decided not to locate to the agreed to site, perhaps because of potential union concerns. After searching potential new locations causing a significant delay, the post office is now building on Harwood N close to Ringer Road. The Town was unfortunately on the hook for delayed construction costs and penalties. Even though purchases of sale move forward and letters of understanding are agreed to, sometimes that’s not enough. Staff and council should bypass those members seeking a quick turnaround in the future. Next time around everyone should insist on exercising a longer due diligence period before the agreement is finalized. This would help us save taxpayers dollars in the future. Cadaraque Students Raise $7,000 For Cancer With Giant Shaveoff Healthy Golfers Help! One of our guests at the Joe Dickson Charity Golf in Ajax was Ontario Minister of Health George Smitherman, this fall. Seen with George are Joe Dickson, Pickering Mayor Dave Ryan, Joanne Dickerson and Craig McCullagh Ajax’s Special Golden Girls These 3 young north Ajax ladies got together for their birthday celebration and to Celebrate Ajax’s 50th Anniversary. The 3 ladies combined have lived in Ajax for over 150 years. Left to right are Marie Lawrence who just turned 90 in August, June Hilts who was 80 this summer and Cecile Gagne who has just turned 89 this September. Don Holloway and his microphone at the Ashley Manor Annual Christmas Bazaar. Our Ajax seniors are great! The Soup Shack Two fndraising projects by Cadaraque Elementary School students, teachers and volunteers have raised a giant $7,000 to fight cancer. Seen in the centre getting his head shaved is the schools SCC Chair Alex kebelj, always a good sport. Taking delight in removing Alex’s locks are TV personalities Dan Carter (left) and Garth Riley (right) Soup Shack owner Donna Laurence and mother, Lonie Morris at the renovation opening The camera also caught part of the giant assembly of Cadaraque students who worked hard on this project. Great job kids! The Soup Shack renovated opening were joined by friends and Steve Parish, Jo-Anne Dies and Joe Dickson on old Kingston Road in the Village. Meals to suit everyone are served here! Dear Joe Re: Ritchie Rd Safety Meeting Tuesday October 19, 2004 I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for attending last nights meeting. It was very informative and productive and I believe residents in the community feel more confident, positive and encouraged that the problem at hand will be resolved. I thank you for listening to everyone's concerns and issues and addressing them adequately and appropriately. I look forward to hearing from Colleen Jordan with respect to resolving the important issues such as speeding, community safety zone signs, crosswalk signs, E.A. etc. Hopefully this will make a difference. We couldn't have accomplished 50% of what I feel we did last night if all of you weren't there to support and listen to us and I thank you once again, Joe. Sincerely, Martha Chisnall Much thanks to you Martha from of all of us. - Joe Dear Joe On behalf of Ashley Manor Seniors I like to thank you so much for your personal support,with our recent fall bazaar. (It was the most successful bazaar ever). You always support us in all our various events. Thank you so much. Anna Sorensen, President Anna - Our seniors are great - Joe Dear Joe, On behalf of all our employees, I want to thank you for attending our Open House at the Ajax Operations facility, on Saturday September 25, 2004. I realize how critical time commitments can be and appreciate you taking valuable time from your day to attend our Open House. We have a very good workforce who displays pride in their work and workplace. This pride showed through during our plant tours and open house activities. Thank you again for your attendance. Sincerely Mead Westvaco Packaging Systems LP Dale E. Breckow Director, Canadian Operations I was pleased to be there with Steve Parish, Pat Brown and Jo-anne Dies - Joe Dear Uncle Joe Just wanted to than you for helping us out with the posters! The concert was a huge success. It sold out and we raised over $2300.00 for Toronto Sick Kids Hospital. Couldn’t have gotten the word out without those posters. So thanks again! Love Sarah and Nataliegh Congratulations to these 2 wonderful teenagers what an effort - Joe Audley/Rossland Lights Dull Audley/Rossland signalization- This item is part of the A8 agreement with a building permit trigger of 1,200 homes. The estimated timing for achieving this trigger is 2006 or 2007. A land acquisition issue may delay the ability to install the signals and provide the left turn lanes on Audley Road that are required by the Region to install the signals. As a result the timing of the signal is unknown but anticipated in the 2006-2007 time frame. Magill from Old Harwood to Coles plus Pembry Delayed by Buoyant Construction The tender to install speed humps on Pembry Drive and the surface treatment to improve skid resistance on Magill Drive closed on August 19. There were no bids submitted for the works. Staff had planned to re-tender the project, but were informed by the contractor that they do not have time/resources to complete the surface treatment on Magill Drive prior to September 30. Unfortunately, September 30 is the last day of the year that the works can be completed with a guarantee from the Contractor (under OPSD Specifications). If the contractors carried out the works after September the work would not be guaranteed. There is significant risk that the specially engineered surface treatment and line painting would have to be reapplied in 2006 entirely at Town cost. The Pembry Drive speed humps could be re-tendered and completed this fall but there will likely be a cost premium. Due to these circumstances, a staff decision has been made to defer the Magill Drive and the Pembry Drive works to 2006. Salem Road - Rossland to Taunton to be Complete In January Soil re-mediation work on Salem Road is complete and the road contractor has mobilized on site to complete the section from Rossland Road to Taunton Road. We are expecting the work to be completed by the end of 2005, or January 2006. The contaminated soil which delayed the project 6 months has been replaced. Sunoco and Boston Pizza at Hwy 2 and Salem This Sunoco facility, which includes a gas bar, accessory convenience store, upgraded street elevations and enhanced landscape treatment (but no carwash facility) is currently under construction and likely to open later this fall, certainly before Christmas. A new giant “Boston Pizza” family restaurant with an outdoor patio is also well underway. They hope to be open by Christmas. NEW Ajax Events Mark 2005 Ajax and Home Week Anniversaries Celebrating major Ajax 50th Anniversary events during the 35th Anniversary of Ajax Home Week helped make it one of the best in decades. Here are some of the marked improvements and new items that were implemented this year for Ajax Home Week. New Style Book a Historic Gem The new full size version of the Ajax Home Week book, which also acknowledged many of the original Ajax families is great. The Souvenir book for 2006 will continue the same theme of Ajax’s historical families, so make sure you submit your Ajax family photo of 50 years ago. Co-chair of this book were Mike Fitzpatrick and Ken Brown and some of their volunteers included, Ted Griffin, Mike O’Hara, Paul Legros and Ivan Kline, plus many others. Carribana Kickoff Sold Out To start the 10 days of Ajax Home Week off in a special way, the Ajax Diversity committee came up with a great new multicultural Carribana Nite. It was a sellout at the McLean Centre. What a way to commence Ajax Home Week. Thanks to the committee and council rep Scott Crawford with special thanks to the 3 co-chairs, Alton Atkinson, Faelyne Templer and Paul Pakyam who really made it happen. Honoured Vets Larger Than Elephant The Home Week parade was co-chaired by Lawrence and Carmen Smith on June 11th. A new parade policy specified all vehicle entries had to be decorated, which dramatically improved the quality of the entries. The added entries of an elephant, zebra, camel and miniature horses (although expensive) helped make it very worthwhile for viewers. The highlight of the parade were our honoured (from 60 years ago) British veterans of the HMS Ajax, Exeter and Achilles ships, who were on parade with many of our Canadian Vets from our Legion. June 19th the fireworks started in unison. The $11,000 cost of fireworks is sponsored by Ajax businesses and our service organizations. It is untold hours leading up to the fabulous 35 minutes of fireworks, thanks to the unselfish dedication of Thom Evered. He deserves all the credit. Carnival Lauded by Police Officer After being turned down by Ajax beauracrats and a 4-3 council vote against, on 2 different occasions, the new Carnival finally came off with flying colours thanks to the efforts of Mike O’Hara, the chair. One, thirty year senior police officer wrote the Town calling this years event the best amusement event he has ever attended in Durham. Our thanks to Bissell Pontiac and GM for the use of their undeveloped land. The earnings from Albion Amusements made the difference to the 2005 Home Week being a financial success. Without it the Towns largest annual volunteer event would have suffered a loss. Thank you Ajax, and thank co-chairs, Joe Dickson and Gerry O’Riley. ***** Ajax Legion Vet One of Welcomed Liberators of Holland this May Decorated World War 2 Veterans returned to the battlegrounds of Holland to mark the liberation of this country 60 years ago. Norm Lawton of Ajax was the lone member of Ajax Legion Branch 322 present at the special recognition in Holland. Norm who lost his brother in the war was one of many veterans given the appreciative 9 day tour by the country. Ajax 50th Unqualified Success The musical displays and mini tattoo at the foot of Harwood on June 12th was an unprecedented success. The event was co-chaired by Doug Corrigan and Chic Presley. It honoured our veteran guests and our Towns 50th Anniversary, which was chaired by Councillor Pat Brown. The very successful Town of Ajax Gala Dinner and Dance was chaired by Pat Clark. Hot Air Helped Many Pilot Insurance hot air balloons in concert with St. Pauls United Church volunteers helped raise funds for food banks and our women’s HERizon House. The popular new event was chaired by Robert Hunt on June 18th and 19th. Untold thousands turned out in Holland to welcome their Canadian liberators. New Shoes Popular The inclusion of a new horse shoe competition into the Ajax Waterfront festival on June 19th had lots of entries. Event was chaired by Myrna Picotte and volunteered by Ajax’s second Rotary club, the Durham Rotary Club. Ajax Home Week on Display The Lions Point Celebration of music and entertainment from 6-10 pm prior to the Ajax fireworks was a first this year. Home Week secretary and super volunteer Wilma Graham made the new crowd pleasing event a happening. Don’t miss it next year. As Wilma’s great effort ended at 10 pm on Norm Lawton stands amongst row on row of buried heroes at the Canadian War Cemetery and Groesbeek Memorial in Holland this May. 15 Ajax Council Years Honoured Last year Joe Dickson was present a 15 year award for elected time on Ajax Council. He was also elected to St. Bernadettes Catholic School Board for 2 two year terms. He has been successful in all 8 election attempts. Presenting the award were CAO Brain Skinner and Councillor Colleen Jordan. Ajax Is Ontario’s First Canada Day Celebration The Ajax Community Centre HMS Ajax Banquet Hall was the chosen location to commence Ontario’s first Canada Day Celebrations in 2005. The 7th annual Canada Day and Muslim Heritage Awards were hosted here for the seventh consecutive year, June 30th through July 1st and our country’s birthday was officially celebrated at midnight. Special awards were given to Chief Armand LaBarge and York Regional Police, as well as our own Durham Region Police Services, Professor Ibrahm Dincer (fuel cell technology research), Ahmed Hussen (Regent Park rejuvenation) and Dilzayn Panjivani (exceptional youth achievements). Well known Ajax and Pickering scientist Dr. Joseph Mroueh accepted Professor Dincer’s award in his absence. The Association of Progressive Muslims of Ontario, president Mobeen Khaja welcomed a capacity crowd. Mobeen, his wife Anees and son Mateen are long time committed political and Ajax Community volunteers. The event saw the singing of O’Canada and cake cutting at midnight. Master of Ceremonies was Ajax MP Mark Holland with Sheila Juma. Several GTA politicians were present in addition to AjaxPickering MPP Wayne Arthurs and Ajax Ajax businessman Bob Oldman Councillor Joe Dickson. poses with the bell from the HMS The evenings honoured Ajax in Montavidero. Location is in political figure was the Uruguay, South America where Bob was when he visited the famous site, Consul General of the the resting place of the sunken Graf U.S.A., Jessica Lecroy. Spree. Ajax’s history is worldwide. HMS Ajax Bell Rang! Dear Mayor Parish I am writing on behalf of the residents of Durham condominium corporation 125 (“The Breakers”, located at 45 Cumberland Lane) to express our appreciation for the positive action taken by Town council to address the parking needs in the area of the Harwood Point Gardens. We believe that the approach adopted will meet the requirements of all Ajax residents, while also taking into consideration the traffic and safety concerns of those who daily walk and drive along Lake Driveway. We appreciate having had the opportunity to participate in an open, consultative process during which the dialogue with Town staff and elected officials contributed significantly, we believe, to the satisfactory solution achieved. This reasoned and rationale approach provides positive proof that through a mutual exchange of ideas a positive outcome for all is possible. Thank you again. Sincerely yours, K. John Blatchly - President, DCC125 It was a good decision, John - Joe I just wanted to thank you very much for getting someone to come and take care of that little flood we had yesterday on our street. It’s good that they got it fixed, because today everything else is frozen...I guess no skating for us...Ha Ha.. Have a nice day Brenda Dear Joe Thank you for the “Council New and Ajax Happenings” info; it’s greatly appreciated. Take care, Craig Woods Mr. Dickson, let me say that it is a joy to see that a politician still wants to be connected and available for his constituents. I wish to applaud you for your “Council News and Ajax Happenings” newsletter. The many many ways in which I can contact you by phone and or email are certainly very impressive. I am a little concerned that I do not know what a Chandos is and if I am away from Florida or the Durham Region then I would need to spend my little savings to call. I think that a person like yourself who wants us to call should provide us with an 800 or 866 type number. Remember that while being a Public Servant you need to ensure that we can contact you at any time, from anywhere, about any subject. What do you think about my idea. Jorge Thank you for the kind words. If you cannot reach me at any of my Ajax numbers, please feel free to call me collect at either of the 2 out of town numbers on any urgent Town matter. - Thanks Joe Nottingham Neighbours Meet New Friends Thanks to Rod and Sheryl Joyce, we learned the residents of Ballantyne Drive enjoyed a community BBQ on July 16th, despite a little rain. Everyone, from young to old, had fun and got to know each other a little better. Neighbours pitched in and helped with food and activities for kids (jumping castle, bike rodeo, water balloons). Perhaps the most memorable part of the day was the impromptu street water fight that developed after the water balloons were handed out! The day ended with new friends gathering around a portable fire pit to talk about the day, and plan for next year. Special thanks to Dean and Meera Mather for spearheading the event. Another popular street BBQ every summer is held on Ducatel Crescent at the home of Betty Bujold. It’s always a blast as well. Ajax Environmental Affairs Week Volunteers Great Enviornmental Affairs Chair, Sherry Brown hosted a BBQ for the hard working executive that make this week possible. Back (left to right) Megan Yeo - secretary, Sephanie Smith, Sherry Brown 2005 Chair, our environmental guest, Margaret Cecconet - Past Chair and Joe Dickson - founder. Front, Mark and Janice Brown Garry Durnan and Al Williams. Missing at the time of photo were Sarjutt Grewal - treasurer, Deanna Fry, Bunny Lockett, and other assistants from the Town, Gloria Walker, John Fletcher, Steve Brake, Don Stinson and Leona Barrington. Artist Designs Ajax Fountain Geordie Lishman hosted a unique and enterprising art show late in August this year at the heritage Lishman residence on the east side of Westney Road between Magill and Sullivan in Ajax. He is seen here with Councillor Joe Dickson and friend Tiffiny Aasen. Geordie is the son of Bill Lishman, renowned sculptor, (and also the originator/producer of that wonderful movie on the flight of Canada Geese southbound) and his mother Paula is owner of Paula Lishman Ltd. (excelling in International Sustainable Fur Fashions) which she started the year Geordie was born, 30 years ago. Some of Geordies works are shown here. Brother Aaron and sister Carmen have watched him grow in stature and are proud as we all are, that Geordie is working on his latest creation with father Bill, to be the Town of Ajax’s 50th Anniversary piece; a fountain at our civic centre before the end of this year Trees Massacred - Take Hilton Hotel Developer to Court Ajax’s new Hilton Hotel Where did our 50 year old preserved woodlot go? The Town of Ajax has laid charges against the Vrancor Development Corporation, developers of the Ajax Hilton Garden Inn, under the Town’s Tree Preservation Bylaw. Neighbours get firewood When the area Councillor Joe Dickson became aware that about 100 trees have been bulldozed from our MTO preserved woodlot, at Salem and 401, he complimented two of his Ward 2 residents, Kim Sadler and Richard Cooke. Kim Sadler brought us the illegal destruction information first and both men have continually followed up until charges were laid. Joe had been dialoguing with planning manager, Brian Bridgeman daily, and encouraged dialogue by the Town, MTO, the Conservation Authority to have the strongest possible charges laid. Charges have now been filed in the Ontario Court of Justice. These charges hold a maximum penalty of $50,000 or $5,000 per tree, whichever is greater. 100 trees could cost them $1/2 million dollars. “The Town has taken this matter very seriously,” stated Mayor Steve Parish. “We have strict guidelines in place to ensure the preservation of our trees and it’s very disheartening to see those guidelines ignored.” The developer/owner is Darko Vranich and his company that is developing the Hilton site is Vrancor Hospitality Management Co. In my opinion, “this kind of arrogance for a developer to ignore the public interest is quite beyond the pale” said Dickson. The MTO has not declared any lands on the east side of the site as surplus, nor have they even considered listing these lands as surplus. For that reason, these lands are not for sale and will not be for sale anytime in the near future. Should the MTO lands ever be deemed to be surplus, the lands will be listed and will be open for anyone to purchase, including the Town of Ajax The agreement that the MTO is proposing is that Vrancor rehabilitate the lands with new trees. They also have intentions of fencing off their lands to ensure that this does not occur in the future. Should Mr. Vranich not enter into a “rehabilitation of the lands” agreement, then the MTO is prepared to file an application to Superior Court and seek an order for the rehabilitation of the lands. The MTO want a fast solution to this issue in that they want the trees planted this season. The Provincial Minister is informed on this issue and is being kept informed during the process by MTO staff. South Ajax Tiger Roars! Anna’s Help Keeping Patterson-Ritchie Safe The Giant Tiger retail outlet at Westney and Lake Driveway was presented with one of the Ajax Home Week special parade awards by Mike Fitzpatrick. Lifelong south ender Mike, who’s family is also involved in an out-of-town Giant Tiger location presented the 2005 Best Commercial entry to Ajax owner Marcel Landriault with original Chair Joe Dickson present. Congratulations to the Tiger! Thanks to Anna Kuzniak, Chair of the Patterson-Ritche Area Neighbourhood Watch, who forwards messages with safety tips from Morgen Dobson, Regional Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator and some warm greetings from our hard working Block Captains, on an ongoing basis. With their eyes and ears some 14 items were reported to police to date this year. Everyone is helping to keep the neighbourhood safe. Ajax Actively Pursuing Steam Plant Clean-up Ajax by-law services initiated action nearly two years ago to address ongoing and increasing concerns with the overall appearance and operation of the Ajax Steam Plant and surrounding lands. Concerns included the unsightly storage of wood waste and ash on both the plant-owned lands as well as adjacent lands that the plant has leased from the Town for many years. This lease expired several years ago, but has continued on an informal basis. The Town has now terminated the companies expired lease. Service to regular steam users will not be impacted as Ajax actively pursues the clean-up of the operation. Neighbourhood Watch Comes to Nottingham Through the implementation of Crime Prevention Programs, and dedicated community volunteers work with our Durham Police to help reduce crime in their communities. The residents of the Nottingham community have met all criteria as set out in the Durham Regional Police Service “Neighbourhood Watch Guidelines” and have received a commitment from their fellow neighbours of at least 75% participation. To date, more than 250 members of this vibrant community have attended crime prevention meetings to receive instruction and training in Neighbourhood Watch principles and procedures. They have demonstrated their understanding that Crime Prevention is not just a job for a few professionals. Rather, the attitude and involvement of these Nottingham citizens proves their genuine concern to work together to make Ajax a better place to live. The Friends of the Ajax Library wish to thank Veridian Corporation, Patrick Gibson, Investors Group and Joe Dickson for their generous sponsorship of the Mary Lou Fallis Concert Event. Basketball Problems in North Ajax Being Resolved The following notice was forwarded to residents in the area of Terry Fox School before the end of August. It should help alleviate problems for residents adjacent to other schools in north Ajax as well. TO MY RESIDENTS I have had the opportunity to speak with the Mayor and each member of Council over the past two weeks with respect to the above item. The objective was to help eradicate the multiple years of late/early/all night basketball games at Terry Fox School and the subsequent disruption of the neighbourhood’s evening and sleeping hours. The Town had approved basketball courts installation at the Ajax Community Centre in 2005 and at the McLean Community Centre in 2006. With Councils’ concurrence this schedule has now been altered. We will now build the McLean Community Centre basketball courts this year (2005) and the Ajax Community Centre courts early next Spring. I will also submit to Council and staff recommendations for the Town of Ajax to deal differently with the school boards’ site layout plans under our current Ajax Official Plan review. Thanks to everyone for your assistance - Joe Regardless of what may happen in the future, I believe this Town of Ajax $50,000 capital expenditure should end future disruptions of our residents. It should also help eliminate other area school potential problems. Thanks to our many eyes and ears like Carol-Anne and Duncan, past principal Carol Porter and our new principal Laurel Galt, trustee Marilyn Crawford, Councillor Scott Crawford and every member of Ajax Council that made this new expenditure occur. It was a unanimous vote done by a phone and visitation canvas. Our Ajax By-Law staff, as well as the Towns private security “Knights on Guard” and particularly Inspector Jim Douglass and the Durham Police Services who like Scott and I visited the site personally on many occasions are to be thanked for their extra effort. 90th Birthday Joe Dickson along with the family was pleased to bring special Town of Ajax greetings to Marjorie Irene Owen-Moriah on her 90th birthday. This lovely lady lives with son Chris and his wife and family in North Ajax. Town of Ajax Staff Honours and Awards Ajax Clerk Marty DeRond presents Ajax Library 15 year award was presented Clayton Weller with his 15 year by Chief Librarian Geoff Nie to Eva Fudge, award in the By-Law department with Councillor Shaun Collier looking on. with Councillor Colleen Jordan present. Fire Safety Captain Thom Evered receives his 10 year award from our Chief Randy Wilson and Councillor Jo-Anne Dies. By-Law supervisor Derek Hannan is presented his 10 year award from Ajax Clerk Marty DeRond. A wonderful gentleman Jack Mamo receives his Building Department award from Paul Allore with Councillor Shaun Collier. Popular Cathy Jarvis receives her 10 year pin from the Director of Planning Paul Allore with Councillor Jo-Anne Dies. Longtime firefighter Ted Morrison is presented his 20 year award from Chief Randy Wilson with Councillor Joe Dickson. Captain Paul Ritchie receives the Federal Fire Service Exemplary Service Medal from Mayor Parish. “Mr. Moneybags” Rob Ford our Town Treasurer receives a special 20 year award from Brian Skinner CAO, and Councillor Joe Dickson. Grant Taylor presents Muarry Clodd his 15 year award from the Operations (Works) Dept. Even the best retire! Richard Parisotto (centre) receives a special tribute from Brian Skinner CAO and Mayor Steve Parish. Annually the Town of Ajax pays tribute to those staff who attain another 5 year plateau of service to Ajax. Prior to this past Christmas the following dedicated people were honoured by our Town. We have a special town with special employees who make it happen. 10 Year Awards Derek Hannan Thom Evered Lynda Hardy Cathy Jarvis Maria McCarthy April Burton Diane Cretney Hal Duke Tracy McMurray Ester Mathews Michelle Sunders Jessica Sawyer Wendy Sweeney Terri Thurston Rita Tsobanis Mandy Walter Peter Young Clerks Fire Services Library Planning Planning Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation 15 Year Awards Joe Dickson David Forget Maria Jarvis Karen Little Clayton Weller Donna Percewicz Mark Bell John Farrow Steve Grant Jeff Kiteley Charles McGeoghan Dan Rapson Eva Fudge Elea Gratoon Murray Clodd Susanne Farley Linda Kearn Peter Pouzar Claudia Savor Peter Southgate Retirees Butch Andrews Bill Campbell Rick Parisotto Bev Pearcey Council Administration Clerks Clerks Clerks Finance Fire Services Fire Services Fire Services Fire Services Fire Services Fire Services Library Library Operations Operations Recreation Recreation Recreation Recreation 20 Year Awards Rob Ford Pat Hayes Dave Lang Ted Morrison Paul Ritchie Terry Lawes Finance Fire Services Fire Services Fire Services Fire Services Operations 25 Year Awards Cathy Bartlett Rick Browning Steve Gibson Peter Gilbert Fire Services Fire Services Operations Recreations 30 Year Awards Nicole Hannon Helmut Klett Fire Services Operations Federal Exemplary Service Medal Pay Hayes Dave Lang Ted Morrison Paul Ritchie 250 New Homes On Salem Road in Ajax The Town of Ajax has approved a Zoning By-Law Amendment application for a subdivision application for the lands on the east side of Salem Road, south of Taunton Road and north of the CP Railway line. The subdivision is to permit 167 single detached dwellings, 75 townhouse dwellings, park space as well as open space and storm water management areas. Pumpkinville in Ajax Dear Joe Here is a voice from the past!! Through the courtesy of our friends in Ajax, Bill and Karen Hunter, I have enjoyed going through the “Ajax Home Week Souvenir Handbook” It has been quite an evening of “Oh I remember them”. Please say - hello- to your Dad when you next speak to him. He is only slightly older than I am and I am going strong also. The Rotary Pancake breakfast brings back many memories. Out here on Vancouver Island we have several former Ajacians. Eddie and Gay Norman, The Mossmans, The Jorgensons and just recently Martin and Lee Shaw who had the furniture store (Ajax Plaza Furniture) just north of my Drug store (Kemps Pharmacy). I still have family in the area so we visit Ajax about once a year but no fixed plans for this year yet. Anyway, congratulations on another “Ajax Home Week” and good luck with the rest of the Fifty Year Celebrations. I am proud of being part of Ajax history. Don Kemp It draws several thousand every year for a fun filled day for mom and dad and the kids. It’s free at Ajax’s “Greenwood Conservation Area” with entertainment, horse drawn wagon rides, pumpkins to be cut and much, much more! Dear Don - Thank you for your email, I have just walked in the door from spending 1 1/2 days with my father in Owen Sound. What great memories there are when I think of Don and Gwen Kemp and their family and the ever popular Kemps Pharmacy. I’ll never forget some of the good works you and your colleagues in Rotary achieved in helping to build this great town. Best personal regards - Joe PS - I also do recall the very first drug store on the east side of Harwood, at Kings Crescent which really dates me. Dear Joe Kinsmen Club of Ajax helping out at Pumpkinville with a giant bar-b-q tent. Diversity Helps Ajax Grow Alton Atkinson and wife Mimi and their children Jared and Elizabeth are caught on camera at Pumpkinville last year. Alton is Chair of the Ajax Diversity Committee which is very active in Ajax, to everyone’s benefit. I am glad my godmother had a grandson named Joe. He is so good to me. The drive was cleared in a moments notice. I can’t get over the plowed up snow from the road. I have no more things on my calendar that I really have to go to, but today I really had to go out. I wish my eyesight was better but then it could be worse. I pray for you everyday. You are an angel. Thanks Cousin Mary Mary, who is in her 90’s could not get out her driveway for her medical appointment - Thanks to the Ajax staff again! - Joe Dear Joe Thank you for supporting our 5th Annual Golf tournament. It was a wonderful success! We hope you can join us again next year. Girls Incorporated of Durham (formerly known as Ajax Big Sisters) Ajax Industrial/Commercial Tax Base Worst In Durham Harwood Avenue to Taunton to Have Top Paving in 2006 Based on the current 2004 Provincial Assessment Summary of Lakeshore Municipalities in Durham Region, show Ajax as the lowest “non-residential” tax assessment community. Oshawa has the best record of 17% and Ajax the worst in the employment provider classification. Oshawa 17% Pickering 16% Clarington 15% Whitby 13% Ajax 12% The Harwood Avenue project from Williamson to Taunton is underway. There are still issues with approvals from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and Toronto Conservation Authority (DFO/TRC) for the installation of the culvert across the Northern section of the road, but, we expect that this approval will be obtained shortly. The contractor will concentrate on the road works in the interim. We plan to have the road completed in 2005 with top course asphalt in 2006. The region will complete the intersection of Harwood and Taunton and signalization in 2006 with the reconstruction of Taunton Road. Ajax Loses Kings Crescent Original Ajacian Vic Ames One of Ajax’s original residents, and it’s oldest “life member” of the Ajax Kinsmen Club passed away mid August. Vic Ames was a successful business and professional man. Both Vic and his wife Doris were elected presidents twice each, of the Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs. Vic was recently given a special award by the club for over 50 years membership in the active Ajax service club. A large contingent of Kinsmen and K-40 payed their respects at Vic’s funeral. Chris Snell spoke for so many when he said “Vic was a good friend, and a great Kinsmen.” Whitby Councillor To Ajax’s Winners Circle Whitby Councillor Shirley Scott (centre) chaired the sell-out Queens Plate weekend event which culminated at Picov Downs. Shirley is seen here with a couple of friends, past Whitby-Ajax MP, and currently WhitbyWest Oshawa MP, Judi Longfield and Donna Dickson. Shirley was thrilled with the Whitby Sesquicentennial (150th anniversary) event who’s gala ball sold out early. New Ducatel Homes Coming This Fall There will be 224 units, including 16 semi detached units on Ducatel Crescent. The builder's name is Trademark Communities (Haber Homes), and they should be in a position to draw building permits this fall. Currently, the builder is placing services in the ground and doing grading works. There will be some disruption of traffic on Ducatel Crescent, while servicing connections are being put in place, but will be monitored closely by the Town. I do not have any information yet on the date of completion, as the proposed 7 storey apartment building has not yet gone to market, according to the builder. Report on Two Schools in Nottingham The Catholic Elementary school is now open, while the Public Elementary school is not likely to open until the following school year (Sept. '06). Neither approved site plan includes basketball nets, however, it does seem likely that such facilities will find their way onto the site at some point, to help alleviate the basketball overcrowding at the new Nottingham Park. Ajax Honours Its Own! Ajax’s J&F Waste Shut Out Of Ajax Bid! Saving the Town of Ajax millions of dollars over the last 7 years was not enough to give Ajax’s J&F Company the right to quote on the upcoming Ajax Waste pick-up tender. Updated legislation on the Ajax books now refuses any potential bidder of contracts; any opportunity to submit a quotation if they are in litigation (in court with) the Town. Any company, albeit successful against the municipality is not allowed to bid on new products by the unusual Ajax By-Law. It was estimated 7 years ago the J&F Company would save Ajax taxpayers $1 million dollars per year on waste pick-up. The contract will now be awarded to Miller Waste of Pickering through Durham Region. The Ajax company spends over a million dollars in labour, vehicles and taxes from their Ajax headquarters. Only Councillor Joe Dickson voted to allow the Ajax company the opportunity to tender on the contract that has saved Ajax taxpayers millions. It is expected the new contract will cost Ajax over 1/2 million dollars more per year. The Town of Ajax honoured many of our special 2005 volunteers this summer. First Row (left to right) Carol Parenteau - Girl Guides of Canada, Lynn Firth - Ajax Budokan Club, Linda Cresswell - Ajax Garden Club, Justin Mohammed - Ajax High School, Cathy Austin - Ajax Spartans Minor Baseball Assn. Back Row (left to right) Joy D’Souza - Optimists Club, Ignacio Navarro - Hispanic Can. Alliance of Ont., Christopher Dahiroc - Notre Dame C.S., John Muise - Ajax Minor Hockey, Robert Watkins - Kinsmen Club, Lynn Sterling - Pickering H.S., Danielle Pinnock J. Clarke Richardson H.S. and William (Bill) Parish - the Ajax Civic Award Recipient for 2005. Dear Joe I have to air my feeling to Town council. I read the article about obtaining a property for a new Fire Hall. I cannot see how council can justify not to save the Ajax taxpayers one million dollars on the property. Does it really make so much difference on which corner the Hall would be built? Not only seniors are hurting, but all Ajax families are already. Our property taxes are constantly going up and council throws away one million dollars? And while I am writing you, who is the designer of that awful looking addition to our once good looking Town Hall? It has become and eyesore. I’ve lived here for 32 years, but Ajax never improved. Your truly Anny Vanderpluym Dear Anny - I certainly concur with your comments on the property to house a new fire hall and works yard. I believe the Town wasted between 1.5 and 2 million dollars based on a hypothetical planning theory. Thank you for agreeing with my position to save the taxpayers money, albeit a losing one. As for the difference of exterior colourings at the Ajax Town Hall, it is a cost saving measure. Hopefully we will be able to have the old section match the new shade as funds become available sometime in the future. - Thanks Joe Dear Joe For a change I offer you good news - the weekend was quiet, peaceful and the only noise we heard were those of neighbourhood children enjoying themselves. Vehicular traffic is also a non-issue now that the concrete blocks are placed. Ajax Man GTAA Board Chair Pickering Airport Design in 2009 Late last year the Board of Directors of the GTAA announced the appointment of Mr. Warren C. Hurren as Chairman of the Board, effective January 1, 2005. Mr. Hurren, a Chartered Accountant since 1974, is a founding member of the accounting firm Hurren, Sinclair, MacIntyre, Chartered Accountants in Ajax. The federal government in 2001 asked the GTAA to develop a plan for an airport on the Pickering lands. The GTAA has completed numerous technical studies and hosted a number of public information sessions. These studies and consultations culminated with the release of the Pickering Airport Draft Plan Report late last year. Following the release of the Draft Plan, the GTAA hosted seven public information sessions including one here in Ajax. Attendance at these information sessions ranged from an average of 100 people per night to a high of 300 at the Claremont meeting. The GTAA now is preparing for the federal environmental assessment, which will begin following a due diligence review of the GTAA’s work by Transport Canada. If approved, the Pickering Airport would be built in stages and as demand dictates. Initially it would operate as a tworunway facility, handling much the traffic from Oshawa and Buttonville airports that would be consolidated at Pickering. A third runway, running in the east-west direction, would be added when required, most likely around 2020. A map showing the expected altitude of arriving jet aircraft is available at The final decision whether or not to proceed with an airport rests with the federal government, which will make this decision after the planning and environmental assessment review process is complete in approximately 2009. The earliest that an airport could be operational in Pickering is 2012. Again, thanks to all for bringing about a resolution that benefits all. For any Ajax resident who would like more information, please contact the GTAA’s Pickering Site Office at: Carol-Anne Chartrand, Kerrison Drive 905-619-4822 or Dear Joe On behalf of Salvation Army Family Services for Ajax and Pickering, thank you for your on going support. Without it we would find it very difficult to provide for the many disadvantage families and singles in our community. May God bless you, Regards, Dick Crosby - Coordinator Dear Joe I see that they have put up the poop and scoop sign on the walkway that leads to the park at Queen and Windsor. I just wanted to thank you. Have a great day! Brenda John Kraus From DO’C and Durham Chamber Orchestra Celebrate 10th Season This year marks the 10th Anniversary for the Durham Chamber Orchestra, and of course their director, John Kraus. He is very pleased that the orchestra has grown over the years and is still performing. The members of the orchestra are also appreciative of the fact that he has remained loyal to this community of musicians and still takes the time to drive in every week from Peterborough to Ajax. John is a former music director at Dennis O’Connor High School. The next concert date is November 12th and will be held at Notre Dame. Following that, more concerts, one February 11th and the other May 6th. Cost per person is $10 for adults, $8 for seniors and students and $5 for children under 12 years. See you there! Village Fall Festival Drew 1000’s About 50 beautiful classic cars were part of the popular Village Festival in September. Shown in this photo are Heather and Bill Tighe with a beautiful 1966 Thunderbird Town Landau, Judy (nee Phillips) and Mike Dobson with their awesome 34 Plymouth Streetrod, and Bill Phillips with a well maintained 1954 Chevrolet Belair. All are or have been long time Ajacians. There was lots to do for the kiddies in the 2 day festival, which also included 30 vendors, a pig roast, pancake breakfast and a giant street dance featuring the Lincolnaires and popular celebrity Erin Davis. The Biggest Ham(s) Hangs Them Up, Again His hands are twice as large as most men, his personality is one that everyone loves and envies, and he’s retiring after an NHL and “NHL Oldtimers” hockey career spanning almost 60 years. Four years ago he played 5 games in 2 days at an oldtimers hockey tournament. Ajax’s loveable giant Ivan Irwin is the man that famed NHL referee Red Storey called “the toughest man in the NHL he ever met.” The other side of the coin was a comment by Donna Dickson, (Joe’s wife), who called Ivan one of the gentlest men I ever met. Donna, an RN was his “head nurse” one term at Ballycliffe Lodge which Ivan owned. Ivan and his wife, Peg, own a very popular bed and breakfast in Ajax. Ivan’s hockey career in the latter 40’s and 50’s was with Montreal Canadians and NY Rangers prior to close a half decade with the NHL Oldtimers. Now Ajax has exclusive ownership of his boisterous laugh and smiling, caring face. Today 50 years ago New Loblaws Berm To Stay On Bayly Street In Ajax That giant 20-25 ft berm on the north side of Bayly Street (Baseline Road) between Shoal Point Road and Audley Road will apparently now stay there. The hill should be shaved on top, graded, sodded, landscaped and maintained, meaning it would not be left unattended in what is more often than not, an unacceptable appearance on major arteries. The reason for the mound is two fold. One to offer some type of privacy on its 100 acre Loblaw site and secondly to hide its shipping doors and truck depot. Council is now being told the original estimated 600 tractor trailers a day was increased to 900 a day and currently as many as 1,500 a day coming in and then going out. The trucks will come off 401 at Salem Road South and immediately proceed east bypassing virtually all Ajax traffic. The builders/developers of the area road were just recently forced to change a one storey building adjacent to a Tim Hortons, Shell Station and a major gasoline terminal to two stories high. It was meant to add prestige to the road when it was thought to see some 600 tractor trailers a day. Now with the revised count of 1,500 giant vehicles coming and going to give the road some 3,000 tractor trailer daily movements, one has to wonder why some members of council forced the issue. Council voted in favour of a 2 storey building with a 5-2 vote. If it has one 2 storey office/commercial building that would give the occupants a great view of the roofs of the 3,000 tractor trailers daily, wouldn’t you want to work there? “Father Jim” New St. Bernadette’s Pastor The installation of Reverend Father James M. Bussanick (“Father Jim”) as pastor of St. Bernadette’s Roman Catholic Church in Ajax, took place this fall. The ceremony was given by His Eminence Aloysius Cardinal Ambrozic, who is caught by the camera with Father Jim at the reception. A large congregation attended the special evening. $1/2 Million Dollars From Rio-Can Saves McKay House Artists renderings here show what the McKay House will look like in the future. The dilapidated house is currently sitting between Canadian Tire and the Cinema in the Durham Centre in north Ajax. Meetings with Rio-Can arranged by Councillor Joe Dickson with Stuart Craig and others from Rio-Can to review the potential of saving the building. All that was needed was the will and the money! Working with Councillor Scott Crawford, Ajax Planning Manager, Brian Bridgeman and Heritage Committee Chair Bob Martindale and member Bob Murray, Councillor Dickson took a plan back to council that was unanimously endorsed by Ajax. A formal legal agreement is now in place and the restoration should take about 8-10 months. Here are some significant facts about the McKay House. Donald Mckay and his wife Margaret, arrived in the Ajax area in the mid 1830’s, settling into an existing log cabin on the north side of Kingston Road just east of Pickering Beach Road. (now Salem Road) In 1854, Donald McKay built his family an impressive two storey stone home on the land, reputedly at a cost of £800. The care and craftsmanship of a Scottish or British stone mason is apparent in the front facade, and since the front of the dwelling was visible from Kingston Road, it received the expensive and detailed construction. The McKay House is unique to the Ajax area for the prevalence of Kingston limestone detail throughout, as a complement to its lovely fieldstone walls.The dwelling, also known as Charnacy after the village in Scotland where Donald McKay was born, is important to Ajax as it is the only two story fieldstone house still standing. It was also featured in the 1877 County of Ontario Atlas. Happy Birthday Gail! One special care lady, Gail Russell who resides in the village celebrated her 38th birthday this September. Lots of friends dropped by to wish her “Happy Birthday” including Joe Dickson. Dear Joe I just wanted to tell you how much my family and I enjoyed the carnival that was held in the parking lot of the Ajax Community centre during home week last year. My children as well as those of my neighbours enjoyed the rides, games and food. As someone who resides on Tragunna Lane (which backs onto the Ajax Community Centre parking lot) I can tell you that the carnival did not inconvenience us at all. the noise was kept at a minimum and the area was returned to the same condition or better as before they arrived. The neighbourhood children are looking forward to the carnival coming back again this year. Yours sincerely, Denise Masterson Too bad 4 of the 7 members of council and some recreation staff did not share your vision - Joe Dear Joe How very much we appreciate you! Your warm friendly greetings spur us on to continue in prayer for those who “have the rule over us”. Joe experience another BLESSED Christmas with your family - God’s gift to you. We appreciate your hard work and dedication to “our town”. Joy to the world. Joy to Ajax - the Lord has come. Viviane and Dianne on behalf of women who pray. A number of devoted ladies pray for council, every Monday, just outside our chambers. Their thoughts and efforts are sincerely appreciated - Joe Dear Joe Yesterday I got home from work to a pleasant surprise. Five new Maple trees had been planted on the boulevard on Kerrison Drive in front of Terry Fox Public School. Thank you for your time and courtesy to contact the individuals who contributed to getting this job done. I appreciated your quick response and follow-up. Please send my thanks to Brian, and Bruce at the town as well. Happy Thanksgiving/long weekend Cam Gardy Thanks to Bruce & Brian who made it happen - Joe Dear Joe Thank you for your recent generous golf donation to The Salvation Army’s Hope Community Church, Community and Family Services (Food Bank). Your generosity will contribute to the maintenance and growth of our programs in Ajax and Pickering, especially at this time as we are in the process of moving to a new location and have a number of additional expenses. Thank you and God bless! - Dick Crosby, Ajax Coordinator, Community and Family Services The Salvation Army & St. Vincent de Paul food banks help so many - Joe Millions of Dollars To Get South Ajax Waterfront 2005-2006 Ajax Kinsmen Elections and Awards Selected Ajax is spending close to 5 million dollars to acquire additional waterfront lands. The largest piece of property on the east side of Shoal Point Road at Lakeview, known as the Hornung property is costing you and I, three million dollars. Only the region is assisting with 1/2 million dollars. The Conservation Authority as might be expected, did not contribute. The scale of this land to Ajax was finalized in the last few weeks, in September. One of Ajax’s most active service club elected their new executive for 2005-2006 this September. Ajax resident and deputy-governor Richard Zaluski inducted new president Mark Illy with the assistance of outgoing president Jason Lyford. Further to the east the waterfront lands near Audley, known as the Lakeside land will cost us 1.5 million dollars. No large tracks of parkland are currently being acquired by the Town in north Ajax. The new executive is: President - Mark Illy VP Administration - Rob Mackie Membership - Gerry O’Riley Secretary - Chris Snell Past President - Jason Lyford VP Service - Greg Bond Treasurer - David Dawson Bulletin Editor - Andrew Flynn One home and property at the Pickering Beach Waterfront at a cost of $300,000 has also been picked up by the Town. The acquisitions are expensive, but once in a lifetime opportunity. Supporting all purchases were Parish, Brown, Jordan, Dies and Dickson. The Hornung land transaction closed Friday, September 9, 2005. The Hornung family continues to have use of the accessory buildings until September 16, 2008. Ajax Tax Spending Increased 10.5% In 2005 Yes, Ajax grew by just over 5% last year, raising another $1.5 million for the Ajax tax coffers. Then came the additional 5.4% tax increase bringing the actual dollars to 10.5% more that Ajax residents were paying. Staff felt the 2005 general levy should be 9.4% but council reduced that to 6.3% when Councillor Collier and his colleagues reviewed it. At council Mayor Parish moved to reduce the budget $300,000 or 1% to 5.4% and council approved the reduction. Ajax council received a $580,000 windfall dividend from Veridian. Councillor Dickson moved a reduction of $280,000, bringing the tax increase down to 4.5%, but council did not approve this reduction in taxes. Councils overall budget ($28 million operating and $25 million capital) was just under $52,000,000 for 2005. Province of Ontario stricter building code changes automatically increased Ajax taxes by 1.5%. Some other expenditures were, trail system $431,000, new parks and par redevelopment $950,000, traffic calming $230,000 and 3.4 million dollars for street resurfacing. Here’s your new 2005-2006 Kinsmen executive: Mark Illy, Jason Lyford, Rob mackie, Greg Bond, Gerry O’Riley, David Dawson, Chris Snell and Andrew Flynn. Kinsmen Awards Roy Miller “Biggest” Bull Brian Dougherty Thrower Award Executive of the Year Dennis Cecconet Greg Bond The Bronze Broom Bryan Clute Memorial Curling Award Fellowship Award Mark Illy Chris Snell Ron Niddrie Public Speaking Award Steve Bullock J. Y. Witty Chairman of the Year Gerry O’Riley Stu Young Rookie of the Year Andrew Flynn Vic Ames Kinsmen of the Year Award - Al Davies 2005-2006 United Way Kickoff Ajax’s portion of the residential tax bill is 30 per cent, and education represents 21 percent and Durham Region accounts for 49 per cent, using rounded numbers. If your tax bill was $4,000. then only $1,200 of that was Ajax taxes. The Official Opening of Bolton C. Falby Public School Bolton C. Falby Public School was officially opened January of this year at 80 Falby Court, Ajax. The newly named school, honouring one of the towns builders, and it’s first Town Clerk was opened with the Falby family present. The elementary school replaces Exeter Secondary School. Campaign Chair John Wiersma receives grandson Kylers support. Ajax-Pickering-Uxbridge Executive Director Edna Klazek smiles as we helped kickoff the Campaign at the Ajax Community Centre foodfest in September. With Edna are (left) Campaign Chair John Wiersma and (right) popular past Pickering Mayor and our AjaxPickering Provincial MPP Wayne Arthurs. Our goal this year is 1.9 million and you can lend a hand by calling 905-686-0606. New St. Francis de Sales 850 Seat Church Underway Town Antes Up Free Lunch For Expanded Ajax Waterfront Ajax taxpayers got a free lunch at the Ajax Waterfront late September of this year to celebrate the official acquisition of the Hornung property and others into public ownership. Some 300-400 people attended, at the event MC’d by Councillor Pat Brown. Speakers were Mayor Steve Parish and Regional Chair Roger Anderson as only Ajax and Durham Region contributed financially, and speaking on behalf of TRCA was Colleen Jordan. Also present were Councillors Jo-Anne Dies and Joe Dickson (arm in sling) who is seen here with Larry Field, an Area Supervisor with TRCA. The 5 members of council mentioned here were those who voted in favour of the acquisition. Dickson,one of the 5 was also Waterfront Chair for 15 years. On the corner of Ravenscroft and Rossland Avenue, the hopes and dreams of the Parishioners of St. Francis de Sales Parish are sprouting up in a big way. The construction of their new Worship Space has begun. Each week, the designs and plans of the new 850 seat Worship Space becomes more of a reality. The arduous journey and the end of that pilgrimage is in sight.The anticipated opening of the new place of Worship is next Summer. The project began in earnest over seven years ago with the retirement of the venerable and much loved paster of almost 2 decades, Fr. Bolger. Since then, the Parish has kicked it into high gear, raising the money necessary to create this wonderful venue. The $5 million cost is being funded in cooperation with the Archdiocese of Toronto. The Parish needs to raise at least half the amount, with the Archdiocese bridging the other half as a long term loan to the Parish.Through the generosity of the Parish, the sale of the old church, to the Durham Catholic District School Board and bequeaths and legacies, the project was given the okay in November of 2004. That set into motion the finalization of plans, the elimination or deferral of some aspects of the plan due to financial constraints. So every time you pass by our new site, say a little prayer for the congregation that our endeavours and our efforts will bring us closer to God as a community of faithful, under the patronage of St. Francis de Sales. A Recycling Challenge To Ajax Businesses Joe Dickson has issued a challenge to other businesses locally to come up with a higher percentage of recycling than his Dickson Printing Company has. He has indicated “Waste Reduction Week” which is October 17-23 is the ideal time to begin and to reduce Ajax waste even more. The local printing business, as can be seen in the photo uses a multitude of measures to recycle approximately 80% of waste product. You can see the giant paper recycle bins and also the area further to the right which is for broken down cardboard. These 2 efforts of Dicksons in conjunction with a red wiggler composting box on site and blue box recycling as well, are 4 of the reasons they are able to recycle up to 80%. Landfills (dumps) are a serious problem due to leaching into our waterways while at the same time emitting methane gas which contributes to the serious greenhouse effect of which we are all to familiar. It is imperative we increase our recycling and reduce waste with useable new technologies including expanded composting as well as plasma conversion which can recycle 100% of end of life products. Contributions can be made to the St. Francis de Sales Building Fund, 82 Church Street South, Ajax, Ontario L1S 6B3. Tax receipts are available, just call the Rectory at 905-683-1403. Casino To Be “AJAX DOWNS! It’s official as of January 1st, 2006, our soon to be completed casino will be known as “Ajax Downs”. The facility could employ approximately 200 people and could be open as early as mid May to the first of June. The Ontario Lotto Corporation which controls the facility could start making announcements by Christmas. The public is waiting for the OLC to confirm hours of operation, and if applications for employment could commence by January 2006. A public announcement on this is hoped for by Christmas. Mayor’s Levee Kicked Off Ajax 50th Anniversary Ajax Council cut the cake. Entertainment at it’s best. Lots of Council experience here. Left to Right: Joyce Smith, (wife of former Mayor Harry Smith) Bill Parish, Marnie Parish, Pat Brown, Frank Schaper and Pat Clark. Past Mayors Jim Witty and Bill Parish. A past civic award winner, Maureen Farmer and Bill McKie (Town Cryer). Guy Colm popular Ajax watchdog. Germaine and Les Pearce, a former treasurer in Ajax. Left to right: Martin deRond, Rob Ford, Renato Pein, Sharon Meredith, John Fleck & Brian Skinner. Louise Johnson and Donna Andrechuck pose with Adam Tanner from Black’s Camera. The ladies are showing off one of a dozen historical photo boards they comprised after hundreds of volunteer hours. Brian Skinner, Town CAO and Cherry Sevigny, Mayors secretary. Two popular past Councillors, Val Marshall and Don Shank. Past Councillor, Randy Low (left) and Regional Councillor Scott Crawford. Left to right: Scott Crawford, Jacquelyn Tanner, Rick Coté, Jo-Anne Dies, Jim Witty, Nancy Maxwell and Joe Dickson. Mom and daughter enjoy the day. Ajax Home Week Honoured Veterans and Celebrated 50th Honouring the Year of the Veteran. Doug Ferguson received the special “Military Medal” as a Hong Kong Prisoner. Steve Parish & Pat Brown. 1st Class Transportation for British Vets. Pipers on Parade. Our British Veterans on Parade. One of our favourite animals. It is a miniature horse (not a pony). Stay off my back! Jo-Anne Dies & Colleen Jordan. George Chaput, was presented the rare Distinguished Flying Cross, after 51 missions as a rear gunner. George is Ajax’s most decorated veteran. A guest from the Bowmanville Zoo. Young families love Ajax. Ajax Home Week Honoured Veterans and Celebrated 50th Enjoying Ajax’s veterans reception were BIll Hardy, Trevor Stevens and Tom Veitch. The popular Concert Band, HM Royal Marine Assoc. unit from Coburg. Three of the bands in unison at the tatoo. Ajax Sea Cadets. The Ajax Home Week refreshment centre was the largest and most successful ever thanks to Magwyers Pub and Ajax Legion Br. 322. Many decorated Legion Veterans attended the 60th Anniversary war ending here. Bonnie Sharpe, our clown Jeannette Bourne and Maggie Smith. Sgt. at Arms Howard “Butch” Andrews. Home Week Co-chair Gerry O’Riley, Councillor Shaun Collier and his lovely wife Carla. Here is decorated veteran Jan Devries who spearheaded Past president Agnes Canada’s new Juno Beach Heasley presents another building drive. He is seen with Ajax Legion president, Tom Joe Dickson who took the Veitch his Legion 60th project to Council. Our town Anniversary plaque. became a donator. Faelyne Templer, Paul Pakyam and Alton Atkinson Co-Chairs of the Caribana Multicultural Night. Lots of friendly faces from Fire Services helped kick off the 2005-2006 United Way Drive. Always Something Happening In Ajax - Both Good and Bad! Rare 25 Year Ajax Big Brother A very humble Joe Marks is seen with the rare “25 Year Big Brother Award” that he was presented at the associations annual general Helping Hand meeting here. One of the presenters Popular Reid Sevigny helps was Marc Verner who benefitted another satisfied Ajax Handi- Few locations in Ajax were not flooded in August. Here is the rom Joe’s manner years ago and Rendezvous and Edge Plaza at Bayly and MacKenzie after Transit client. who is now himself a big brother. Katrina. Terry Fox Run Increases Donations over 50% Laurel Galt, principal of Terry Fox school in Ward 2 and Mayor Steve Parish help kick off the 25th Terry Fox run. Ajax donations increased this fall from $24,000 in 2004 to $38,000 in 2005. CAR Beauties & Costumes a Hit! The very first event for Home Week in June this year was a Caribana Night which featured beautiful costumes & attractive women. No wonder the event was a sell-out. Hunt Street near Commercial Avenue saw up to 10” of water. One nearby company, Dickson Printing suffered almost $60,000 inventory damage. MOTOR Do Ajax Kids Speed? When you see this car virtually cut in half, with the car on the lawn and the engine on the street, you must wonder! The underage driver and passengers on Pickering Beach Rd S at Dreyer Dr barely escaped with Multicultural Nite Family Affair their lives! That’s the light standard on the road. Do you think the Alton Atkinson and his lovely wife Mimi, with their 3 children including their new baby of a few months Mathew, at Home Week underage driver was speeding? Caribana Night. With them are councillors Scott Crawford and PS - Charges were layed! Joe Dickson with Home Week Co-chair Gerry O’Riley. That’s Councillor Crawford and other hardworking volunteers at the door, in the photo on the left. Are You Hungry? These were 2 of the food providers at Caribana Night for Home Week. Our photo of 5 is Caribbean from the Soup Shack in the Village. Owner Donna Laurence is on the left while Pat Bailey runs the Kitchen with 2 attractive escorts. On the right is the warm delightful food of Manoher Singh and his family from the East Indian Mount Everest restaurant in the Village. Pickering Council Too Rich For Ajax All members of our council were out to Bowl for Ajax-Pickering Big Brothers. Pickering Council collected more $ donations for Big Brothers than Ajax Council was able to. Parkside Talks Underway The former Prakside Public School site is being reviewed with its’ owners, Wasdale School of Learning. The school is on Kings Cres. and in addition to discussions, the site will also undergo an appraisal. More on this site in the New Year.