nnn 9-10 february 2016 draft programme 1

Updated: 5 January 2016
"THE TRUE HUMAN" Outline and Programme FEBRUARY 9-10th February
Central London: Venues include King's College, IOD, St James's Piccadilly, and the Conde
Nast College of Fashion & Design
Conferences are often regarded as a necessary evil - like networking. But how about a
conference where there is no culture of name badges, passive watching of speeches, or focusing
only on 'silo' subjects and where premium networking - making lasting connections - happens
spontaneously between globally renowned speakers, interesting fellow professionals - and you.
Editorial Intelligence does Knowledge Networking. We create environments which bring
together interesting people with interesting ideas who between them make great
connections of lasting value.
Names Not Numbers - NNN - is our flagship conference. Designed as cross between a live version
of 'The Today Programme' and an intimate series of salons, where you can listen, learn for work and network. Join leading thinkers, commentators, political and business figures, people from the
world of culture, communications, law, academia, digital, technology and discuss our topic for
2016: The True Human.
80% of NNN Participants surveyed say it "exceeded expectations"
The Top 3 reasons why people like NNN:
"eclectic mix of participants and subjects"
"quality of speakers"
"chance to network and meet new people"
Join us for a single day or buy a flexible 'eiScholar' package of 10 day passes
Buy a "Triple A" Access All Areas pass which includes additional customised introductions
and salon gatherings between February and June NNN in London and a 5% discount on
residential Oxford NNN in September
Confirmed Speakers 9/10 February: Opening NNN are Dr Dambisa Moyo and Gillian Tett
together with former Cabinet Minister and now Visiting Professor at King's College London,
Douglas Alexander and the country's foremost forensic science expert, Professor Sue
Black, followed by an eclectic 24 hours of walks, talks, debates, performance, readings
including David Aaronovitch; Rachel Johnson; Sir Anthony Seldon; Liam Halligan; A.A.Gill;
Revd.Lucy Winkett, Evening Standard Editor Sarah Sands and Honey & Co Chef duo Sarit
and Itamar Srulovich debate food and faith; Kate Maltby; Ben Cooper of BBC Radio 1;
Octavius Black and Joanne Cash of Mind Gym; Charlie Leadbeater; Dominic Lawson; Helen
Brocklebank of 'The Books That Built Me'; Judith Clegg of LiveKind; Tina Fordham, Chief
Political Analyst, Citi, Giles Gibbons of City Harvest and Good Business; Susie Orbach,
Claire Fox and Rosamund Urwin debate feminism; HS2's Design Chief Sadie Morgan, also
of the new Govt Infrastructure Panel and Architecture's leading light Lucy Musgrave of
Publica; comedian and campaigner Simon Minty; filmmaker Michael Cockerell; Perfumer
Ruth Mastenbroek; Photographer Jillian Edelstein and Simon Walker, CEO of the Institute of
Directors plus Sunday Telegraph business writer and broadcaster Liam Halligan. Susie
Forbes, Principal, Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design and William Sieghart, Chairman,
Somerset House Trust, close off the final session of NNN.
Lead Partner: Vodafone
Media Partner: Evening Standard
Business Media & Event Partner: Management Today
London Connection Partner: The Corinthia, London
London NNN Campus Partners: King's College London, London Library: The Institute of
Directors; Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design
Session Partners: The Mind Gym; The Books That Built Me.
What makes us all tick? In our heads, hearts, lives and at our desks? What happens to the human
in today's hyper-connected, overloaded, overdrive world? NNN Looks at this question through the
eclectic prisms of Politics, Business, Culture, Technology, Feminism, Infrastructure & Design,
History, Faith and Philosophy. Over two days in Central London ideas are exchanged over talks,
walks, meals, performance, in some of the most beautiful buildings in the Capital with some of the
leading thinkers and players of the day.
Who attends NNN? Individuals from corporate and entrepreneurial and cultural life. From our
eiScholar partner social enterprises such as Creative Access, Year Here and Taylor: Bennett
Foundation. Individuals in: Advertising; Architecture; Law; Communications; Think Tanks; Banking;
Business Schools. People who like a diverse newspaper read and a radio magazine format.
People who are time poor and ideas-hungry. Who want a conference which is....not quite typical.
Are you an NNN Person? Read the draft programme and think about applying to join us.
What people say about NNN :
"Like Davos....with Community Singing" - Niall Ferguson
NNN is a social hub and a great conference of ideas but out of it comes concrete things: I met my
editor, my new book came directly out of it for instance" - Andrew Keen
"Other than enjoying NNN's atmosphere I made some specific wonderful connections of direct
benefit to what I am currently working on" - Tiffany Jenkins, columnist and critic
Not Final and Subject to Change.
NNN London: 9/10 February 2016 and 19/20 June 2016
NNN Oxford: tbc September 2016
Packages include single day passes or 'Access All Areas' passes for two days (which can be split
between February and June London NNNs and which come with add-on networks, salons and
Lunch Lessons in between). or the eiScholars which benefit both in house teams and our
community scholars. Prices on www.namesnotnumbers.com and booking forms from
TUESDAY 9th February 2016
8.15 - Registration and Coffee
9.00am - 9.20
Welcome Remarks from Julia Hobsbawm and Professor Evelyn Welch.
9.20 - 10.05
PROVOCATIONS + the NNN Handy 'Empty Chair'
In which Thought Leaders give short provocations following which members of the audience can
come up and give their thoughts on what has been said, following the "Charles Handy Empty
Chair" model which he has generously allowed NNN to exclusively use. Including:
Kate Maltby on Shakespeare Anthony Seldon on Life Lessons and Katri Evi on Listening
10.05 - 10.55
We know advanced Western society is facing certain kinds of meltdown: social structures creak
under the burden of modern hyperconnected life; Capitalism is facing challenges from within its
own system and from public opinion (and the markets). Is the problem a silo mentality? Gillian Tett,
the writer and FT journalist whose new book covers silos, is part of this wider discussion on
modern society and whether the silo is the enemy we need to tackle most.
Chair: Julia Hobsbawm, Hon Visiting Professor, Cass Business School
Discussion: Gillian Tett, Matthew Kirk, Douglas Alexander, Professor Sue Black
"I don’t think I have touched on so many important and interesting topics in such a short
period ever in my life before" - Professor Ted Gibson MIT
10.55 - 11.05
5 SENSES: Smell: Perfumer Ruth Mastenbroek
At NNN we like to stimulate all the senses, especially as the 2016 topic is 'The True Human'.
Following her hugely successful talk at NNN Oxford we invite the distinguished chemist and
perfumer Ruth Mastenbroek to stimulate our sense of smell ahead of the break with some
fragrance testing including her new scent 'Oxford' which she launched - where else? NNN.
11.05 - 11.30 Break
NNN is "A very good way to cross-pollinate ideas" - Margaret Atwood
11.35 - 11.55
THE BOOKS THAT BUILT ME: David Aaronovitch talks to Helen Brocklebank
NNN could not be more delighted that the terrific salon series created by 'Mrs Trefusis', aka literary
lioness Helen Brocklebank, becomes a session partner, bringing us the key books in the life of a
well known public figure. In this case the award-winning Times journalist and writer and
broadcaster David Aaronovitch.
12.00 - 12.30 - NNN LECTURE: Dr Dambisa Moyo
Future Success: The Business of Tomorrow
The distinguished economist, commentator, corporate player and thinker Dr Dambisa Moyo gives
the Spring NNN Lecture in which she sets out a blueprint for what today's businesses need to do in
order to succeed in local and global markets tomorrow. Chaired by Andrew St George, leadership
expert and academic with Cass Business School.
12.30 - 12.45 Q&A closes the Morning Session
12.45 - 14.45
Walk-and-Talk to Lunch hosted by Institute of Directors
Learn a little something from one of the guests at your table - topics and speakers announced
Afternoon Session: Tuesday 9th February
14.45 - 15.15 Welcome and Chair: Simon Walker IOD
Charlie Leadbeater on new models of capitalism
Tina Fordham, Chief Global Political Analyst, Citi Research, subject TBC
Liam Halligan "The Great Schism: the growing East-West divide, and the threat to the global
15.15 - 14.50
CONFLICT OF OPINION: Dominic Lawson debates: Capitalism Has done more for the Poor
Human than the State ever has. Debate rages, especially since 'Corbynomics' about whether the
world and the country's poor do better under capitalism than under socialism. Expect verbal
fireworks from this encounter! Chair and Discussant TBC
Octavius Black on How to Have the Best Job in the World
1600 - 16.45
Walk to St James' Piccadilly
MID - AFTERNOON HOST: St James's Piccadilly
Welcome from Revd Lucy Winkett
Judith Clegg on The Milk of Human Kindness and
Simon Minty on The Human Funny Bone
Giles Gibbons, City Harvest on feeding a city
17.15 - 18.15
Food and Faith: The Human Feast and the Human Famine
Panel: Lucy Winkett, A.A.Gill, Sarit and Itamar Srulovich of Honey & Co
Chair: Sarah Sands, Editor, London Evening Standard
On the Eve of Lent, a discussion about food and the way we value it, savour it, deny ourselves it or
are denied of it, and the politics of food when homelessness ands food banks are on the rise.
DRINKS and Close of Day
See Over for Wednesday 10th February programme
Wednesday 10th February
The Modern City: How to Design for People not Politicians
Sadie Morgan, Design Chief, HS2 and Govt Infrastructure Panel Member, Lucy Musgrave of the
public architecture firm Publica.
London is one of the most dynamic cities in the world, and the current Government is committed to
ensuring that other cities in the "Northern Powerhouse" follow suit. But what does this mean in
practice for the people who design public spaces and the infrastructure which supports them?
Some of the key people involved in delivering over £200bn of public projects debate the matter.
Has Feminism become a Fistfight? What is the future for Equal Rights Movement
Chair: Alice Sherwood, Visiting Fellow, King's Policy Institute. Join a discussion with some of the
key figures writing arguing and shaping the debate about modern feminist to ask where do women
go from here with equality debates and whether fighting the good fight has become a bit of a
fistfight. Include Claire Fox of the Battle of Ideas and BBC Radio 4's Moral Maze; Rosamund
Urwin, Evening Standard Commentator, and feminist writer and campaigner, Susie Orbach.
Morning Host: King's College, London
9.45: Opening of NNN London Day 2 5 SENSES: The Political Eye: Filmmaker Michael Cockerell on what he sees
10.15 - 10.30 5 SENSES: Sight Unseen: Jillian Edelstein on the eye of the photographer
10.30 - 10.50
THE BOOKS THAT BUILT ME: Rachel Johnson talks to Helen Brocklebank
10.50 - 11.30
BIG IDEAS PANEL: Are Commentariat Views more accurate than Reported News?
A month to the day before Twitter's 10th anniversary, what has happened to news and views in
media, and what is the impact of social media on all of this?
Panel includes Matthew Gwyther, Editor, Management Today
11.30 - 12.30
Connection Concierge Session
For AAA ticket holders only.
Come and talk to the NNN team about how to curate content and connection inside your
organisation or business with a mini masterclass from ei founder Julia Hobsbawm, Visiting
Professor at Cass Business School, London and founder of NNN.
See Over for Wednesday 10 February closing afternoon.
12.30 - 16.30
Walk-And-Talk to Soho for Lunch and Choice of 3 Afternoon Workshops. The workshops are a
chance to crunch through some ideas in a practical way, not just sitting and listening to Great
Brains of other people but contributing equally to produce a set of ideas and possibly 'calls to
action' on some key issues of the day. As for 'outputs' these could be a blog, an article, a
campaign, a podcast - certainly opinions to disseminate to the rest of eiNNN in the eiNetwork
news following NNN.
Tomorrow's People: What Young People Can Teach Everyone Else
Venue: Conde Nast College of Fashion & Design, Soho
How do the Millennials and Generations Y & Z learn from - and teach - Generation X in a world
where 'The Establishment' is still controlled (just) by Baby Boomers? We hear from the likes of
Ben Cooper, Controller, BBC Radio 1, several of our eiScholars from partner organisations
specialising in youth outreach, and look over sessions, breakouts and reportback at practical
solutions and ideas across two areas: Politics and Education.
The Human At Work: Host: The Mind Gym, venue TBC Central London
Chair: Joanne Cash, Chairman, The Mind Gym, presides over a session which looks at the diverse
issues facing human productivity at work and what holds us back - and can propel us forward. Is
policy the obstacle? Culture and Mindset? Or something else?
(iii) Finding the Digital Human.
From Bitcoin to Blockchain to AI, how will the human manage to remain ahead of technology and
not be swallowed up by it? And where does digital creativity fit in to all this? To kickstart the
discussion listen to author and BBC presenter and all round guru Leo Johnson and guests.
1600 - 16.30 -BREAK
16.30- 17.30 Conde Nast College of Fashion and Design for closing debate:
Cultural Capital: Are Culture and Fashion Britain's Soft Power Weapons?
William Sieghart, Chair of Somerset House Trust; Susie Forbes, Principal, Conde Nast College
of Fashion; and guests.
Chair: Peter York
Drinks to close NNN
VODAFONE LUNCH LESSONS: Following NNN London in February and before NNN London in
June, those people with 'Access All Areas' passes are invited to salon lunches hosted by Corinthia
Hotel London each month to regroup with each other and hear a Thinker or Speaker.
Sunday 19 and Monday 20 JUNE
Main venues include: Corinthia London and Wellcome Collection. Watch this space for further
announcements. SEPTEMBER: NNN will be back in Oxford. Watch this space for further
announcements. 04.01.16