Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in Name: _________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ Goal: _________________________________________ (Your goal does not have to be weight loss. Fitting into an old pair of jeans, toning up, getting healthy, etc., are all types of goals) 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in COACH FITNESS WAIVER AND RELEASE I, _____________________________, have enrolled in and/or am participating in a health and fitness program (the “Program”) offered by Jon Perez an Independent Team Beachbody Coach (“Coach”). The Program will include physical exercise and participation in a workout that may be provided by Beachbody, LLC (“Beachbody”) and /or Studio X, Zane All the Time LLC, Zeba Inc. I understand that I should not participate in the fitness workout if I have any physical or health limitations. I fully understand that there are certain risks of physical injury in connection with the Program, and, intending to be legally bound hereby, I, the undersigned, for myself as well as my heirs, assigns and legal representatives, expressly agree to: 1) Release, waive and discharge the Coach, Beachbody, Studio X, Zane All the Time LLC, Zeba Inc., and any and each of their respective successors, assigns, affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, managers, agents, attorneys, and employees, from all manner of actions and causes of actions, suits, debts, accounts, judgments, claims and demands whatsoever in law or equity (including costs and attorneys’ fees), including all claims arising out of or related to any incidents involving personal injury, arising in any way by participation in the Program; 2) Not commence the program unless I know I am in the proper physical condition (including by obtaining proper advice from my medical provider if applicable) and immediately stop any exercise or use of the program should I feel pain, dizziness or any other discomfort; 3) Assume any and all risks involved in or arising from my voluntary participation in the Program, including without limitation, the risks of death, bodily injury, or property damage; and 4) Indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Coach, Beachbody, Studio X, Zane All the Time LLC, Zeba Inc., and their respective successors, assigns, affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, managers, agents, attorneys, and employees, from any and all claims, causes of action, damages, judgments, costs or expenses, including attorneys’ fees, arising in any way by my participation in the Program. My signature below indicates that I have read all of the above material and fully understand this waiver as well as the risks and hazards that apply to participation in the Program. By signing this document I realize that I am waiving certain legal rights, and I have done so voluntarily. I acknowledge that the Coach is an independent contractor and not an employee or otherwise related to Beachbody except as an independent distributor of Beachbody’s products, and is not providing any expert fitness or safety advice - the adherence to which will all be at my sole discretion. Date: _______________________ Print Name: _______________________ Signature ______________________ Parent: (If participant is a minor, parent or legal guardian must sign.) 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in FIT TEST DAY 1 DAY 90 Resting Heart Rate Pull ups Vertical Leap Pushups (F=feet, K=knee) Toe Touch Wall Squat Bicep Curls In / Outs Heart Rate Immediately 1M 2M 3M 4M Day 1 Day 90 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in Measurements Day 1 Day 30 Day 60 Day 90 Weight Neck Shoulders Biceps Chest Abdomen (belly button) Waist Hips Thighs Calves 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in Weight Loss Journal Starting Weight PHASE 1 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 PHASE 2 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 PHASE 3 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 TOTAL WEIGHT LOSS 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in CHEST & BACK 1 01Standard Pushups 02 Wide Front Pullups 03 Military Pushups 04 Reverse Grip Chinups 05 Wide Fly Pushups 06 Close Grip Overhand Pullups 07 Decline Pushups 08 Heavy Pants 09 Diamond Pushups 10 Lawnmowers 11 Dive Bomber Pushups 12 Back Flys 2 3 9 11 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in SHOULDERS & ARMS 1 01 Alternating Shoulder Presses 02 In & Out Bicep Curls 03 Two Arm Triceps Kickback 04 Deep Swimmers Presses 05 Full Supination Concentration Curls 06 Chair Dips 07 Upright Rows 08 Static Arm Curls 09 Flip Grip Twist Triceps Kickback 10 Seated Two-Angle Shoulder Flys 11 Crouching Cohen Curls 12 Lying Down Triceps Extensions 2 3 9 11 R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R2 R2 R2 R2 R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R1 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W R2 W 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in CORE SYNERGISTICS 4 4 8 8 11 11 01 Stack Foot / Stagger Hands Pushups 02 Banana Rolls 03 Leaning Crescent Lunges 04 Squat Run 05 Sphinx Pushups 06 Bow to Boat 07 Low Lateral Skaters 08 Lunge & Reach 09 Prison Cell Pushups 10 Side Hip Raise 11 Squat X-Press 12 Plank to Chaturanga Run 13 Walking Pushups 14 Superman Banana 15 Lunge Kickback Curl Press 16 Towel Hopping 17 Reach High / Under Pushups 18 Steam Engine 19 Dreya Roll 20 Plank to Chaturanga ISO 21 HalfBack 22 Table Dip Leg Raise 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in BACK & BICEPS 5 6 7 R 10 R 12 01 Wide Front Pull Ups R R R 02 Lawnmowers R W R W R W R W R W L W L W L W L W L W 03 Twenty ones R W R W R W R W R W 04 One Arm Cross Body Blow R W R W R W R W R W L W L W L W L W L W R W R W R W R W R W L W L W L W L W L W 07 Standing Bicep Curls R W R W R W R W R W 08 One Arm Concentration Curl R W R W R W R W R W L W L W L W L W L W 10 Reverse Grip Bent Over Row R W R W R W R W R W 11 Open Arm Curls R W R W R W R W R W 12 Static Arm Curls R W R W R W R W R W 14 Cogdon Locomotives R W R W R W R W R W 15 Crouching Cohen Curls R W R W R W R W R W 16 One Arm Corkscrew Curls R W R W R W R W R W 18 Seated Ben Over Back Flys R W R W R W R W R W 19 Curl Up / Hammer Down R W R W R W R W R W 20 Hammer Curls R W R W R W R W R W 23 In Out Hammer Curls R W R W R W R W R W 24 Strip Set Curls 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 05 Switch Grip Pull Ups 06 Elbows Out Lawnmowers 09 Corn Cob Pull Ups 13 Towel Pull Ups 17 Chin Ups 21 Max Rep Pull Ups 22 Superman 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in CHEST, SHOULDERS, & TRICEPS 5 6 7 10 12 01 Slow Motion Push Ups R W R R W R W R W R L R L R L R L R L 08 Scarecrows R W R W R W R W R W 09 Overhead Triceps Extensions 10 Two Twitch Speed Pushup R W R W R W R W R W 11 Y-Presses R W R W R W R W R W 12 Lying Triceps Extensions R W R W R W R W R W 14 Pour Flys R W R W R W R W R W 15 Side-Leaning Triceps Extensions 16 One Arm Push Ups R W R W R W R W R W 17 Weighted Circles R W R W R W R W R W 18 Throw the Bomb R W R W R W R W R W 20 Slow Motion Throws R W R W R W R W R W 21 Front / Back Triceps Extension 22 One Arm Balance Push Up R W R W R W R W R W 23 Fly Row Press R W R W R W R W R W 24 Dumbbell Cross Body Blow R W R W R W R W R W 02 In & Out Shoulder Flys 03 Chair Dips 04 Plange Push Ups 05 Pike Presses 06 Side Triceps Rises 07 Floor Flys 13 Side to Side Push Ups 19 Plyo Push Ups 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in LEGS & BACK 1 2 3 5 6 01 Balance Lunge RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL 02 Calf Raise Squat R W R W R W R W R W RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL RL W RL W RL W RL W RL W LL W LL W LL W LL W LL W R W R W R W R W R W RL W RL W RL W RL W RL W LL W LL W LL W LL W LL W 13 Three Way Lunge RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL 14 Sneaky Lunges R W R W R W R W R W 18 Calf Raises R W R W R W R W R W 19 80/20 Cyber Speed Squats RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL 03 Reverse Grip Chin Ups 04 Super Skaters 05 Wall Squats 06 Wide Front Pull Ups 07 Step Back Lunge 08 Alternating Side Lunge 09 Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups 10 Single Leg Wall Squat 11 Deadlift Squats 12 Switch Grip Pull Ups 15 Chair Salutations 16 Reverse Grip Chin Ups 17 Groucho Walk 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in LEGS & BACK 7 9 10 11 12 01 Balance Lunge RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL 02 Calf Raise Squat R W R W R W R W R W RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL RL W RL W RL W RL W RL W LL W LL W LL W LL W LL W R W R W R W R W R W RL W RL W RL W RL W RL W LL W LL W LL W LL W LL W 13 Three Way Lunge RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL 14 Sneaky Lunges R W R W R W R W R W 18 Calf Raises R W R W R W R W R W 19 80/20 Cyber Speed Squats RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL RL LL 03 Reverse Grip Chin Ups 04 Super Skaters 05 Wall Squats 06 Wide Front Pull Ups 07 Step Back Lunge 08 Alternating Side Lunge 09 Closed Grip Overhand Pull Ups 10 Single Leg Wall Squat 11 Deadlift Squats 12 Switch Grip Pull Ups 15 Chair Salutations 16 Reverse Grip Chin Ups 17 Groucho Walk 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in SCHEDULE PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 Mon Chest & Back, ARX Mon Chest, Shldrs, Tri, ARX Mon Chest, Shldrs, Tri, ARX Tues Plyometrics Tues Plyometrics Tues Plyometrics Wed Shldrs & Arms, ARX Wed Back & Biceps, ARX Wed Back & Biceps, ARX Thurs Yoga X Thurs Yoga X Thurs Yoga X Fri Legs & Back, ARX Fri Legs & Back, ARX Fri Legs & Back, ARX Sat Kenpo X Sat Kenpo X Sat Kenpo X Sun REST Sun REST Sun REST Mon Chest & Back, ARX Mon Chest, Shldrs, Tri, ARX Mon Chest & Back, ARX Tues Plyometrics Tues Plyometrics Tues Plyometrics Wed Shldrs & Arms, ARX Wed Back & Biceps, ARX Wed Shldrs & Arms, ARX Thurs Yoga X Thurs Yoga X Thurs Yoga X Fri Legs & Back, ARX Fri Legs & Back, ARX Fri Legs & Back, ARX Sat Kenpo X Sat Kenpo X Sat Kenpo X Sun REST Sun REST Sun REST Mon Chest & Back, ARX Mon Chest, Shldrs, Tri, ARX Mon Chest, Shldrs, Tri, ARX Tues Plyometrics Tues Plyometrics Tues Plyometrics Wed Shldrs & Arms, ARX Wed Back & Biceps, ARX Wed Back & Biceps, ARX Thurs Yoga X Thurs Yoga X Thurs Yoga X Fri Legs & Back, ARX Fri Legs & Back, ARX Fri Legs & Back, ARX Sat Kenpo X Sat Kenpo X Sat Kenpo X Sun REST Sun REST Sun REST Mon Yoga X Mon Yoga X Mon Chest & Back, ARX Tues Core Synergistics Tues Core Synergistics Tues Plyometrics Wed Kenpo X Wed Kenpo X Wed Shldrs & Arms, ARX Thurs X-Stretch Thurs X-Stretch Thurs Yoga X Fri Core Synergistics Fri Core Synergistics Fri Legs & Back, ARX Sat Yoga X Sat Yoga X Sat Kenpo X Sun REST Sun REST Sun REST Mon Yoga X Tues Core Synergistics Wed Kenpo X Thurs X-Stretch Fri Core Synergistics Sat Yoga X Sun REST 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in Jon Perez is a Healthy Inspiration Excerpt from article by Alissa Inman, Corpus Christi Caller Times, Feb 3, 2011. In 2010, at age 34, Perez’s weight began causing serious health problems. He was hospitalized with atrial fibrillation—an abnormal heart rhythm—and diagnosed with fatty liver disease. His doctor warned him that without a drastic change in lifestyle, he faced a stroke or early death. “I felt like a disappointment to my wife and family,” Perez said. “I wanted to make a change to be around for my son.” His mind jumped to the late-night infomercials he’d seen for P90X, a fitness series on DVD that promises a tough workout but a total transformation. The program leads viewers through 90 days of fast-paced resistance and cardio exercises, using minimal equipment and varied training to keep challenging different muscles. Perez ordered the DVDs, set up a television and mat in his garage, and began his first workout in May. ”I almost fainted and puked,” he said. “It kicked my butt.” He wound up on his back in a pool of sweat. His five-year-old son, Adriyle, refilled his water and gave him a pep talk. Perez pulled himself up and continued. Then he exercised the next day, and the next. He also changed his diet, reducing calories and replacing one meal a day with a nutrition shake. In the 8 months since that first workout, Perez has reached 184 pounds (From 270) — and dropping. His 42-inch waist has shrunk to a size 34, and his body fat percentage has dipped from 28 to 10. Heart problems have disappeared, and his cholesterol and liver enzymes are back to healthy levels. Perez’s odyssey has garnered attention, including a finalist spot in a national fitness contest, local television appearances, a radio program cameo, and a mention in Mayor Adame’s State of the City address. More meaningful to Perez, however, is the effect his quest has had on others. Perez has also developed a network of friends and supporters online, where he has posted his story and his “before” and “after” pictures. “I get so many e-mails saying, ‘that photo motivated me to do something,’” he said. Jon Perez is now P90X® Certified and has started his own training facility offering classes in P90X® 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in The Healthiest Meal of the day®. Replace one meal a day with Chocolate, Greenberry, or Tropical Strawberry (Vegan) to increase your energy, reduce cravings, lose weight, improve digestion and regularity, and transform your health.* Why You Need Shakeology® Now!* 1. 2. 3. 4. Lose Weight Feel Energized Improve Digestion and Regularity Lower Cholesterol1 Tastes delicious, too! Shakeology® Works Two Ways This patent-pending daily nutritional shake helps your body gently eliminate toxins more efficiently while allowing for better absorption of the essential nutrients you need.* What’s in it? Even if you searched all over the world, you probably wouldn't be able to find all of the 70plus, ultra-high-quality ingredients we've included in Shakeology. Not only do you get a wide range of essential nutrients, from the fruits and vegetables you should be eating more of every day, you'll also get the benefits of important foods from all around the world—foods that the latest scientific research has shown to be highly advantageous to your well-being. For more information: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. 1 In a 90-day study, participants replaced one meal per day with Shakeology, ate a balanced diet, and exercised moderately three times per week. Total cholesterol was reduced on average by 30% and LDL cholesterol was reduced on average by 38% 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in Now your body has a Reset Button Imagine your body had a Reset button—like the one your computer has. A button you could just hit . . . and it would clear away the toxic junk that's been slowing your system down. How great would that be? If you've been feeling tired, run down, or just plain lousy lately . . . if you're having trouble with your digestion or difficulty losing weight . . . if your body just isn't working the way you want it to . . . the solution may be simpler than you think. The solution may be an Ultimate Reset™ . In just three weeks, the Beachbody Ultimate Reset will restore your body to its original "factory settings," so you'll have more energy and greater focus, experience better digestion and a more positive mood, you'll notice that your body is functioning more efficiently, helping you lose weight and improve your overall health. And you'll do it all without drugs . . . without fasting . . . naturally and painlessly. You'll do it with Ultimate Reset. For more information: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in Energy and Endurance ™ Pre-Workout Formula Improve your energy, endurance, strength, and focus with this NEW pre-workout drink. Its proprietary blend of advanced nitric oxide boosters, amino acids, natural energizers, electrolytes, and essential B vitamins can help you power through and maximize your workouts.* Product contains caffeine. P90X® Results and Recovery – Tub Refuel, re-energize, and reduce muscle soreness with this after - work out shake. Four parts carbs to one part protein ensures speedy muscle repair after intense workouts!* Now all-natural, with no artificial flavors or sweeteners. Performance Pack These core nutrients help you adapt to a higher fitness level and maximize your post-exercise recovery.*‡ Slimming Pack ActiVit® Metabolism Formula Slimming Formula These unique blends of safe nutrients work naturally to help you accelerate fat burning and boost your energy.*‡ For more information: *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ‡This product is only available to residents of the United States and its territories. 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 | Corpus Christi’s Premiere Training Facility Offering Classes in The Perfect Place for Your Event! Studio X is available to Rent for your next Party, Business Meeting or any occasion! Equipped with Tables & Chairs, Sound System, Dance Lighting a Projector & Screen, we’re ready to make your Celebration a hit! Call to book your Graduation Party! (361) 774-5241 Rental Pricing $100 per hour with a 2 hour minimum 50% deposit required to secure your event Additional Services Avaialable DJ Services $75 per hr. Decorations /Ice Chest /Slide Show /Set Up / Clean Up $250 4855 S. Alameda St. #109, Corpus Christi, Tx 78412 | (361) 774-5241 |