COA PRAISE Resolution: Awards & Incentives Program

Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines
No. 2002-007
Date October 3, 2002
SUBJECT : Establishing the COA Program on Awards and Incentives for Service
Excellence (COA PRAISE)
WHEREAS, the Commission wants to encourage creativity, innovativeness, efficiency,
integrity and productivity by recognizing and rewarding officials and employees individually or
in groups for their suggestions, inventions, superior accomplishments and other personal
efforts, which contribute to the efficiency, economy or other improvement in the COA
operations or in operations of its Auditees or for other extraordinary acts or services in the
public interest.
WHEREAS, this Commission intends to find from among its ranks those who possess,
in an extraordinary degree, such valuable traits so that these fine men and women may be
awarded and held up high for emulation.
EXCELLENCE (COA-PRAISE) pursuant to the pertinent provisions of Executive Order No.
292 and Republic Act No. 6713.
1.1 To encourage creativity and innovativeness;
1.2 To foster among COA officials and employees the desire for excellence and uplift
the standards of performance in audit service; and
1.3 To instill a deep sense of responsibility, integrity, loyalty and efficiency in audit
The COA-PRAISE or the System shall apply to all officials and employees of the
Commission on Audit in all places of assignment, whether occupying core or non-core
positions, regardless of employment status.
3.1 Composition and Secretariat
To oversee the operations of the COA-PRAISE, a Committee is hereby created
which shall be composed of the following:
3.1.1 Chairman’s Office representative, who will act as Chairman of the Committee,
and one representative each of the two Commissioners
3.1.2 Director from the Legal and Adjudication designated by the Assistant
3.1.3 Director, Finance Office/Planning and Budget
3.1.4 Director, Human Resource Management Office
3.1.5 PHILGASEA President.
The Personnel Welfare Division (PWD), HRMO, shall act as the Secretariat for
the COA-PRAISE Committee.
3.2 Functions
3.2.1 Prescribe, subject to the approval of the COA Chairman, the procedures in
evaluating employees suggestions, inventions and accomplishments
including the setting up of criteria and the formulation of performance
indicators whenever necessary;
3.2.2 Receive, review and process suggestions and nominations from the Asst.
Commissioners, Directors, and/or Officer-in-Charge of all COA Offices;
3.2.3 Recommend the appropriate monetary awards, plaques and citations;
3.2.4 Determine the number of awards, to be given for the year for each category;
3.2.5 Submit to the COA Chairman not later than March 31 of each year, for
awarding during the COA Week celebration in May, the list of the
recommendees for any or all awards, together with the full account of the
bases for the recommendation;
3.2.6 Select and recommend to the Chairman nominees for the Honor Awards:
Lingkod Bayan, Pag-asa and Dangal ng Bayan, for submission to the Civil
Service Commission (CSC);
3.2.7 Coordinate with the CSC, Department of Budget and Management (DBM),
and other agencies relative to the activities of the System;
3.2.8 Prepare, for the signature of the COA Chairman, a report on the operation of
the suggestions and incentive awards program for submission to the CSC as
may be required; and
3.2.9 Perform such other functions as may be necessary to carry out fully the
mandate of the laws and regulations on the COA-PRAISE.
Under the System, any of the following types may be entitled to an award: idea type
and the performance type which include the sustained work performance, performance
of an extraordinary act or service, and the community service type.
4.1 Attributes of the Idea-type
Idea, suggestion/recommendation or invention that results in economy of
operation, increases productivity and improves working conditions, or gives any
similar benefit to the Commission or its Auditees.
Originality of idea or suggestion
Relevance to COA Audit Service
Substantial/Material savings realized
Increased output
Shorter processing time
Practicability/responsiveness to needs
4.2 Attributes of the Sustained Work Performance
Consistent, dedicated and outstanding performance in assigned task or
creditable accomplishment in special assignment.
Performance exceeding commitments/targets
Assistance to and cooperation with co-workers
Positive work attitudes
Positive attitude to change introduced
Public/Auditee recognition
4.3 Attributes of the Performance of an Extraordinary Act or Service
Display of selfless devotion and commitment to duty and courageous
performance of extraordinary act of service, in connection with, or related to, one’s
official functions:
- Initiative without thought of reward or promotion
- Selfless devotion to duty unmindful of risk or temptation inherent in the
- Relevance of the extraordinary act to the audit service
- Public/Auditee recognition
4.4 Attributes of the Community Service Type
4.4.1 Volunteer work to the community in a spirit of humanitarianism during times of
calamities or emergencies.
- Recognition by the community
- Number of persons helped/assisted
As provided for in Section 5, Rule X of the Omnibus Rule Implementing Book V of
Executive Order No. 292, awards may either be in the form of honor award or an
incentive or both as the case maybe and as may be recommended by the COA PRAISE
Committee created under Section 3, supra, taking into consideration any or all the
foregoing attributes relevant to the award.
5.1 Outstanding Performance Awards
This award is given to an individual or group who worked and achieved more
than others during the previous year and had shown exemplary performance from
the rest. The following categories and those who may qualify are hereby set:
5.1.1 Outstanding COA Executive - Official from the rank of SG 25-29
5.1.2 Outstanding COA Employee (Level 2) - COA Employees from SG 11-24
5.1.3 Outstanding COA Employee (Level 1) - COA Employees from SG 01-10
5.1.4 Outstanding Auditing Unit/Team, Group Award
The COA PRAISE may add more categories to the foregoing subject to the
approval by the Chairman, COA.
5.2 Incentive Awards
The incentive awards shall consist of the following:
5.2.1 Performance Incentive which may be given to an employee who has obtained
an outstanding or very satisfactory rating based on the Agency’s Approved
Performance Evaluation System for the last two successive evaluation
periods which consist of step increments in accordance with the provisions of
Joint CSC-DBM Circular No. 1, s. 1990.
5.2.2 Length of Service Incentive which shall be given to an employee who has
rendered at least three years of continuous satisfactory service in a particular
position and which shall consist of step increment in accordance with the
provisions of Joint CSC-DBM Circular No. 1, s. 1990.
5.2.3 Productivity Incentive which shall be given to an employee or group of
employees who have exceeded their targets or have contributed incremental
improvements over existing targets.
5.2.4 Most Courteous Employee Award shall be given to an employee in
accordance with the criteria and standards established under CSC MC No.
15, s. 1990, which instituted the Courtesy Campaign Program in the Civil
Service, known as the "Ang Magalang, Bow!"
5.2.5 Loyalty Award which shall be granted to an employee who has completed at
least ten (10) years of continuous and satisfactory service to the Commission.
This service award shall consist of cash bonus equivalent to
10 years – P500 for each year of service = P5,000
15 years – P600 for each year of service = P3,000
20 years – P700 for each year of service = P3,500
The cash bonus shall be chargeable against the Agency’s savings,
provided however that those who have received the cash bonus during their
first 10 years shall, upon reaching 15 years, only receive the cash award for
the succeeding 5 years and so on.
5.2.6 Retirement Award which shall be given to a retiree who had rendered at least
fifteen (15) years of satisfactory government service. This award shall be in
the form of a plaque of appreciation, the design and citation of which shall be
approved by the Chairman upon recommendation of the COA-PRAISE
5.2.7 Year-end Benefits or Thirteenth Month Bonus Plus Five Thousand Cash Gift
which shall be granted to COA officials and employees in recognition of their
dedication to government service and in keeping with the spirit of Christmas.
The grant of these year-end benefits shall be governed by the compensation
circulars issued by the Department of Budget and Management in
accordance with the provision of Republic Act 6686.
5.2.8 Monetary Award which shall be granted to an employee whose contribution in
terms of suggestions or invention or performance of functions results in
monetary savings. The amount of cash award shall be determined by a
Committee to be created for the purpose which shall at least be composed of
the Directors of the Human Resource Management Office, Legal &
Adjudication, and Finance, or their authorized representatives. The amount of
the cash award shall be subject to the approval of the Commission Proper (
The procedures for nomination for honor and incentive awards are as follows:
6.1 The immediate supervisor or any person or association in the private sector makes
the nomination in writing to the Asst. Commissioner and Director in the Central
Office under whose jurisdiction the nominee belongs;
6.2 The Asst. Commissioner/Director shall forward the nomination together with her/his
own evaluation, comments or recommendations to COA PRAISE Committee;
6.3 The COA PRAISE Committee shall evaluate the nomination and verify the basis of
such nomination. It shall also determine the number of awards to be given for each
6.4 When found meritorious, the COA PRAISE Committee shall submit its
recommendations to the COA Chairman, together with draft citations and plaques of
appreciation as well as monetary and other prizes for approval; and
6.5 The Chairman, thru the COA PRAISE Committee, shall submit nominations to the
CSC for the National Awards which as a rule should come from those awarded by
COA, both current and previous.
The qualifications of the nominees for the foregoing awards shall be as follows:
7.1 They must have been employed in the Commission on Audit for at least one year at
the time of nomination;
7.2 They must have been rated at least Very Satisfactory or its equivalent for two
successive appraisal periods immediately preceding the nomination;
7.3 They must not have been found guilty of any criminal or administrative offense
involving moral turpitude or they must not be facing any pending case at the time of
nomination. A "pending case" is defined as one in which a formal charge has been
filed after a finding of a prima facie case during a fact-finding or preliminary
investigation; and
7.4 They must have rendered consistent, dedicated and outstanding performance in
assigned duties or credible accomplishments in special assignments.
All expenses relative to the COA PRAISE activities shall be charged against the
appropriate funds of the Commission.
This Resolution shall take effect immediately.
Quezon City, October 3, 2002.