Tacoma basketball board Training Outline 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: The Tacoma Basketball Board Training Program does not charge a fee to train. However, every participant must complete a comprehensive training course designed to ensure that you are given the tools necessary to control your game. Each step of your training is divided into three groups beginning from new officials, apprentices and transfers. We will provide the roots of basic basketball fundamentals, on-court performance, and communication skills to perform as a professional basketball official. Additional emphasis is placed on behavioral/coaching issues, court management, communicating with your partner, “stay-in-the game” techniques and philosophy. 2. CONCEPT: There will always be a need for quality basketball officials. We are charged with the responsibility of developing, certifying, and assigning basketball officials thru out the Pierce County area and surrounding community. Although this training is not a difficult one once it starts, it’s staying on track, sacrificing personal time, pay issues, and other conflicts that may interfere and prevent you from completing your training. 3. TRAINING STAFF DUTY DESCRIPTION: A. Coordinator: Responsible for organizing and retaining training sites, staff works schedules, and assignments; and for notifying all parties involved, two weeks in advance, detailing events from June – August. B. Rules Interpreter: Facilitates open discussion of National Federation High School Basketball Rules. See paragraph 7b. C. Assignor: Provides location and court assignments designated for training. D. Facilitators: Provides on-going skill development and question and answer sessions. 4. ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES: A. Officials Certification/Qualifications: * A registered member of the Tacoma Basketball Board * Pass a Background Check (mandatory) * Attend the WIAA Basketball State Clinic * Successfully pass a written exam * Maintain Good Standings (conduct) NOTE: Certification applies to high school Varsity and JV officials. B. Dues: The Tacoma Basketball Board (TBB) has established dues/fees that will be collected as outlined in the Constitution-and-By Laws. * TBB Dues: $25.00 * WOA Dues: $60.00 * Game Fees: 7% deduction * Penalty Fees: Accessed for late arrival and missed assignments. Note: New registration form requires applicant to decide primary association; boys or girls. C. Training Course Expectation: The course is intended to prepare you to referee middle school and recreational basketball. A combination of classroom sessions and court evaluations are the basis for tracking your performances during your training. Keep in mind that your training record will document your strengths and weaknesses. The course is flexible; however, you will be asked to provide your availability by avoiding any conflicts to ensure you meet your goal. Please view the schedule listed below. 5. TRAINING CALENDAR: OCTOBER 2012 DATE 10/12/2012 TRAINING TIME 6:00 – 8:00 PM INFORMATION SITE Parkland Lutheran Church School Parkland Lutheran Church School Parkland Lutheran Church School Parkland Lutheran Church School 10/17/2012 6:00 – 8:00 PM 10/25/2012 6:00 – 8:00 PM 10/26/2012 6:00 – 8:00 PM OCTOBER 2012 DATE 10/14/2012 TRAINING TIME 9:30 AM INFORMATION SITE Starbucks Coffee 10/21/2012 9:30 AM Starbucks Coffee 10/28/2012 9:30 AM Starbucks Coffee ADDRESS 12309 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, WA. 98444 12309 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, WA. 98444 12309 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, WA. 98444 12309 Pacific Ave. Tacoma, WA. 98444 CONTACT BJ 253-380-0978 Tim Quiroz BJ 253-380-0978 Tim Quiroz MAKEUP DATES ADDRESS 5422 74th St. West Lakewood, WA. 98499 5422 74th St. West Lakewood, WA. 98499 th 5422 74 St. West Lakewood, WA. 98499 CONTACT BJ 253-380-0978 6. TRAINING AGENDA: NFHS RULE Rule 1 Rule 2 TITLE Rule 5 Court Officials Duties Referee / Umpire 1 Scorekeeping Illustration Communication w/table Scorekeeping Duties Arbiter TBB / Assignment Rule 3 Players Equipment Uniform Definitions/Terminology Interpreter Ejection Report TBB By-Laws Constitution Live / Dead / Ball Illustration / Case Book Quiz Rule 5 Rule 4 WOA TBB Rule 6 Summary MEDIA PPT 1-8 PPT 2-5 Officials Manual PPT 5-7 MONTH Oct 12,2011 Hands On-Exercise TBB Camp Arbitersports.com Oct 12, 2012 Oct 17, 2012 PPT 3 INSTRUCTOR BJ R. Underwood R. Underwood BJ / Kevin Walk BJ/Volunteers R. Underwood BJ Ricky Underwood BJ PPT 4 WOA Website TBB / PPT Oct 17, 2012 Al Perez Al Perez PPT 6 Tim Quiroz Rule 1-6 BJ / R. Wichern Rule 9 Rule 10 Rule 3/10 Rule 7 Rule 8 Summary Violations Illustration / Case Book Penalty / Illustration Coaches/Conduct Illustration / Case Book Throw-In/Illustration Free Throws/Illustration Quiz PPT 9 Oct 25, 2012 PPT 10 PPT 7 PPT 8 R. Wichern BJ Oct 26, 2012 C. Kennedy C Kennedy 7. LOCATION OF TRAINING SITES: A. Library: Directions to all libraries are listed on this schedule, go to: www.pcl.lib.wa.us * Click on “Library information”, click on “Branch/hours”, click on “Branch libraries”, click on “Locations”. B. On-Court Sites: Parkland Lutheran Church School 12309 Pacific Avenue Tacoma, WA. 98444 Puyallup Recreation Center 808 Valley Ave N.W., Puyallup, W. A. 98371 8. TRAINING SESSIONS: A. Principles of Officiating: Use of Hand Signals Personal Appearance and Conduct Uniforms Physical Condition Pre-Game Conference Post Game Conferences Team Work and Consistency B. Basketball Fundamentals: National Federation High School Rules Rule 1: Court and Equipment Rule 2: Officials and Duties Rule 3: Players, Substitutes and Equipment Rule 4: Definitions Rule 5: Scoring and Timing Regulation Rule 6: Live Ball/Dead Ball Rule 7: Out of Bounds and Throw-in Rule 8: Free Throws Rule 9: Violations and Penalties Rule 10: Fouls and Penalties C. Training Materials: Basketball: Rules Book Basketball: Officials Manual Basketball: Simplified and Illustrated Basketball: Case Book D. Officials Uniform: Black and White stripe (shirt) Black socks and shoe Black pants Whistle (fox 40 black, with lanyard) Coaches Forum: Open forum with coaches from middle schools and recreation departments. 9. MENTORING PROGRAM: During the course of your training, many of our veteran officials have volunteered to provide one-on-one training consultation. We want to establish a relationship between our veterans and new officials at all times. The intent of this program is listed below: A. General Membership Meeting: Get your questions answered; Establish a rapport; Be introduced to many of our members; Identify Board members; Make it a point to learn. B. Court Evaluation/Feedback: Training file will be provided for review and comments needed to improve weaknesses and strengths. A copy of your training/game schedule will be provided to our veteran’s so he/she maybe available to attend our training sessions. C. Resource and Development: Contact your mentor when needed for directions to school, game situations, rule application, uniforms, missing meetings/training, and training progression. 10. We look forward to your participation and attendance at the Tacoma Basketball Board New Officials Training Program. 11. Point of Contact: Hiram A. Aea (BJ) E-mail:bjaea75@gmail.com phone#: 253-380-0978