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Michael L. Schwalbe
Office: Department of Sociology
Home: 605 Long Leaf Drive
North Carolina State University
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
Raleigh, NC 27695-8107
(919) 929-4003
(919) 515-9017
Ph.D. Sociology Washington State University, August, 1984
M.A. Sociology Washington State University, June, 1981
Sociology University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, June, 1979
1987 - present Assistant to Associate to Full Professor, Department of Sociology, North
Carolina State University
1986 - 87
Lecturer, Department of Sociology, California State University-San
1985 - 86
Visiting Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of CaliforniaRiverside
Lecturer, Department of Sociology, California State University-San
Instructor, Division of Social Sciences, San Bernardino Valley College
1979 - 83
Research Assistant, Partnership for Rural Improvement (Kellogg
Foundation rural development program), Washington State University
1981 - 82
Teaching Assistant, Department of Sociology, Washington State University
1979 - 83
Research Assistant, Department of Rural Sociology, Washington State
Schwalbe, M. L. (2014). Manhood Acts: Gender and the Practices of Domination.
Boulder, CO: Paradigm.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2011). Smoke Damage: Voices from the Front Lines of America’s
Tobacco Wars. Madison, WI: Borderland Books.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2008). Rigging the Game: How Inequality Is Reproduced in
Everyday Life. New York: Oxford University Press.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2004). Remembering Reet and Shine: Two Black Men, One Struggle.
Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1998). The Sociologically Examined Life: Pieces of the Conversation.
Mountain View, CA: Mayfield. (4th ed. published 2008 by McGraw-Hill)
Schwalbe, M.L. (1996). Unlocking the Iron Cage: The Men’s Movement, Gender
Politics, and American Culture. New York: Oxford University Press.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1986). The Psychosocial Consequences of Natural and Alienated Labor.
Albany, New York: State University of New York Press.
Edited Volume
McLeod, J., Lawler, E., & Schwalbe, M.L. (in press). Handbook of the Social
Psychology of Inequality. New York: Springer.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2010). In search of craft. Social Psychology Quarterly 73(2): 107-111.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2009). Inequality and the seductions of false community. Michigan
Sociological Review 23: 1-30. Reprinted (2014) in L. Reynolds (ed.), 25 Years of
Excellence in Michigan Sociology: More of the Best from the Michigan Sociological
Review. Mt. Pleasant, MI: Central Michigan University Press.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2009). Framing the self. Symbolic Interaction 32(3): 177-183.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2008). Smoke damage. Contexts 7(2): 50-57.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2005). What is an economy for? Social Justice in Context 1(1): 77-82.
Schwalbe, M.L., & Wolkomir, M. (2001). The masculine self as problem and resource in
interview studies of men. Men and Masculinities 4:90-103.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2000). The elements of inequality. Contemporary Sociology 29:775-781.
Schwalbe, M.L., Godwin, S., Holden, D., Schrock, D., Thompson, S., & Wolkomir, M.
(2000). Generic processes in the reproduction of inequality: An interactionist analysis.
Social Forces 79:419-452.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1999). The list wangle. Contemporary Sociology 28:143-6.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1996). The mirrors in men’s faces. Journal of Contemporary
Ethnography 25:58-82.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1995). The responsibilities of sociological poets. Qualitative Sociology
Schwalbe, M.L. (1993). Goffman against postmodernism: Emotion and the reality of the
self. Symbolic Interaction 16:333-350.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1993). Why mythopoetic men don’t flock to NOMAS. Masculinities 1(3
& 4):68-72. Reprinted (1995) in M. Kimmel (ed.), The Politics of Manhood.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1993). Making the sociological personal and the personal political—for
men, too. Masculinities 1(1 & 2):17-18.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1992). Male supremacy and the narrowing of the moral self. Berkeley
Journal of Sociology 37:29-54.
Schwalbe, M.L., & Staples, C.L. (1992). Moral reasoning and rhetoric: The acceptability
of arguments about AIDS-related dilemmas. Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Schwalbe, M.L. (1991). Alienation as the denial of aesthetic experience. International
Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 11:91-106. Reprinted in F. Geyer and W.R. Heinz
(eds.), Alienation, Society, and the Individual. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1991). The autogenesis of the self. Journal for the Theory of Social
Behavior 21:269-295.
Schwalbe, M.L., & Staples, C.L. (1991). Gender differences in sources of self-esteem.
Social Psychology Quarterly 54:158-168.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1991). Role taking, self-monitoring, and the alignment of conduct with
others. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 17:51-57.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1990). Toward a sociology of moral problem solving. Journal for the
Theory of Social Behavior 20:131-155.
Morgan, D.L., & Schwalbe, M.L. (1990). Mind and self in society: Linking social
structure and social cognition. Social Psychology Quarterly 53:148-164.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1989). Meadian ethics for Marxist sociology. Berkeley Journal of
Sociology 34:87-104.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1989). A humanist conception of competition in sport. Humanity and
Society 13:43-60.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1988). Meadian ethical theory and the moral contradictions of capitalism.
Philosophy and Social Criticism 14:26-51.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1988). Role taking reconsidered: Linking competence and performance
to social structure. Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 18:411-436.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1988). Sources of self-esteem in work: What's important for whom?
Work and Occupations 15:24-35.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1987). Mead among the cognitivists: Roles as performance imagery.
Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior 17:113-133.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1987). On practical and discursive self-knowledge. Humanity and
Society 11:366-384.
Schwalbe, M.L., & Staples, C.L. (1986). Class position, work experience, and health.
International Journal of Health Services 16:583-601.
Schwalbe, M.L., Gecas, V., & Baxter, R. (1986). The effects of occupational conditions
and individual characteristics on the importance of self-esteem sources in the workplace.
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 7:63-84.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1986). Autonomous sports and the search for impartial environments.
Proteus 3:25-27.
Gecas, V., & Schwalbe, M.L. (1986). Parental behavior and adolescent self-esteem.
Journal of Marriage and the Family 48:37-46.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1985). Autonomy in work and self-esteem. Sociological Quarterly
Schwalbe, M.L. (1984). Why our students can't write. The Humanist Sociologist 9:13-18.
Staples, C.L., Schwalbe, M.L., & Gecas, V. (1984). Social class, occupational
conditions, and efficacy-based self-esteem. Sociological Perspectives 27:85-109.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1983). Language and the self: An expanded view from a symbolic
interactionist perspective. Symbolic Interaction 6:291-306. Reprinted in H.A. Farberman,
G.A. Fine, & J. Johnson (eds.), Social Psychological Foundations: Readings from the
Interactionist Perspective. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Gecas, V., & Schwalbe, M.L. (1983). Beyond the looking-glass self: Social structure and
efficacy-based self-esteem. Social Psychology Quarterly 46:77-88.
Chapters/Contributions to Collections
Schwalbe, M.L., and Shay, H. (in press). Dramaturgy and dominance. In J. McLeod,
E. Lawler, and M.L. Schwalbe (eds.), Handbook of the Social Psychology of Inequality.
New York: Springer.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2013). Situation and structure in the making of selves. Pp. 75-92 in C.
Edgley (ed.), The Drama of Social Life: A Dramaturgical Handbook. Burlington, VT:
Schwalbe, M.L. (2009). We wear the mask: Subordinated masculinity and the
persona trap. Pp. 139-152 in P. Vannini and P. Williams (eds.), Authenticity in Culture,
Self, and Society. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
Schrock, D., and Schwalbe, M.L. (2009). Men, masculinity, and manhood acts. Annual
Review of Sociology 35: 277-295.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2007). The mythopoetic movement. In M. Flood, J.K. Gardiner, B.
Pease, and K. Pringle (eds.), Routledge International Encyclopedia of Men and
Masculinities. New York: Routledge.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2005). Identity stakes, manhood acts, and the dynamics of
accountability. Pp. 65-81 in N. Denzin (ed.), Studies in Symbolic Interaction: A Research
Annual. New York: Elsevier.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2005). The self and self-concept. Pp. 684-687 in G. Ritzer (ed.),
Encyclopedia of Social Theory. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2004). Robert Bly. Pp. 89-91 M. Kimmel and A. Aronson (eds.),
Encyclopedia on Men and Masculinities. New York: ABC-Clio.
Schwalbe, M.L., and Wolkomir, M. (2002). Interviewing men. Pp. 203-219 in J. Gubrium
and J. Holstein (eds.), Handbook of Interview Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1998). The thirty-minute MBA. In A. Fuller & M. Gimenez (eds.),
Teaching Sociology from a Marxist Perspective. Washington, D.C.: ASA Press.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1997). The patio scene: An exercise for raising consciousness about
the everyday reproduction of inequality. In M. Schwartz & D. Miller (eds.), The
Humanist Sociology Resource Book (third edition). Washington, D.C.: ASA Press.
Schwalbe, M.L., & Mason-Schrock, D. (1996). Identity work as group process.
Pp. 115-149 in B. Markovsky, M. Lovaglia, & R. Simon (eds.), Advances in Group
Processes, Vol. 13. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1995). Mythopoetic men’s work as a search for communitas. Pp. 507519 in M. Kimmel & M. Messner (eds.), Men’s Lives (third edition). Boston: Allyn &
Schwalbe, M.L. (1995). The work of professing. Pp. 309-331 C.L.B. Dews & C.L. Law
(eds.), This Fine Place So Far From Home: Voices of Academics from the Working Class.
Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Schwalbe, M.L., & Staples, C.L. (1992). Forced blood testing: Role-taking, identity, and
discrimination. Pp. 145-162 in B. Schneider & J. Huber (eds.), The Social Context of
AIDS. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1991). Social structure and the moral self. Pp. 281-303 in J. Howard &
P. Callero (eds.), The Self-Society Dynamic: Cognition, Emotion, and Action. New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Schwalbe, M.L., & Gecas, V. (1988). Social-psychological consequences of job-related
disabilities. Pp. 233-271 in J.T. Mortimer and K. Borman (eds.), Work Experience and
Psychological Development Through the Life Span. Boulder, CO: Westview.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1987). Using student journals to overcome alienation in the classroom.
Pp. 39-42 in M. Schwartz (ed.), Teaching Guide to Humanist Sociology. Washington,
D.C.: ASA Press.
Dillman, D.A., Schwalbe, M.L., & Short, J.F. (1982). Communication behavior and
social impacts following the May 18, 1980, eruption of Mt. St. Helens. Pp. 173-179 in
S.A.C. Keller (ed.), Mount St. Helens: One Year Later. Cheney, WA: EWU Press.
Reviews & Review Essays
Picturing Disability: Beggar, Freak, Citizen, and Other Photographic Rhetoric; in
Contemporary Sociology, July, 2014.
Learning the Hard Way: Masculinity, Place, and the Gender Gap in Education; in American
Journal of Sociology, July, 2013.
Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys (2011), by Kay
Hymowitz; in Contemporary Sociology, March 2012.
Emile Durkheim and Erving Goffman Meet Dr. Magneto. Review essay on Randall
Collins’s Interaction Ritual Chains; in Contemporary Sociology, May, 2007.
Fatherhood Politics in the United States, by Anna Gavanas (2004); in Contemporary
Sociology, July, 2005.
Men and Masculinities, by Stephen Whitehead (2002); in Contemporary Sociology,
September, 2003.
Unmasking the Masculine, by Alan Petersen (1998); in Social Forces, December, 1999.
Man Enough: Embodying Masculinities, by Victor J. Seidler (1997); in Contemporary
Sociology, January, 1999.
The Meanings of Macho: Being a Man in Mexico City, by Matthew Gutmann (1996); in
Social Forces, June, 1997.
The Image of Man: The Creation of Modern Masculinity, by George Mosse (1996); in
Contemporary Sociology, May, 1997.
Editors as Gatekeepers: Getting Published in the Social Sciences, edited by Rita J. Simon
and James J. Fyfe (1994); in Social Forces, December, 1995.
No Man’s Land: Men’s Changing Commitments to Family and Work, by Kathleen Gerson
(1993); in Social Forces, March, 1995.
The Ecology of the Self, by Stefan Hormuth (1990); in Contemporary Sociology, March,
The Social Importance of Self-Esteem, edited by A.M. Mecca, N.J. Smelser, and J.
Vasconcellos (1989); in Social Forces, March, 1991.
Marx and the Missing Link: Human Nature, by W. Peter Archibald (1989); in Humanity
and Society, November, 1991.
Personality and Ideology: Towards a Materialist Understanding of the Individual, by Peter
Leonard (1984); in Contemporary Sociology, March, 1986.
Competitors and Comrades: Culture, Economics, and Personality, by R.D. Smither (1984);
in Sociology and Social Research, October, 1985.
Social Psychology of the Self-Concept, edited by M. Rosenberg and H.B. Kaplan (1982);
in Sociology and Social Research, July, 1983.
Comments and Rejoinders
Schwalbe, M.L. (2002). Everything is data: A response to Brooke Harrington.
Qualitative Sociology 25(1):63-65.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1996). This is not a world (rejoinder to comments by Denzin,
Richardson, DeVault, and St. Pierre on “The Responsibilities of Sociological Poets”).
Qualitative Sociology 19:539-541.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1991). Directions for a sociology of mind: Comment on Count-van
Manen and Meltzer. Journal of Mental Imagery 15:154-156.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2013). Class struggle at the waistline. CounterPunch
(, October 23.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2013). At NCSU, a betrayal of values with NSA deal. Raleigh News &
Observer, August 25, p. 23a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2013). The lockdown society goes primetime. CounterPunch
(, April 24.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2012). Just when smoking rates were declining. Raleigh News &
Observer, December 17, p. 11a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2012). Micro militarism. CounterPunch (,
November 26.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2012). The hazards of manhood. YES! Magazine, fall 2012, pp. 42-44.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2012). Escaping the inequality trap. CommonDreams News Center
(, January 4.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2012). A healthy course for UNC campuses. Raleigh News & Observer,
January 1, p. 23a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2011). A primer on class struggle. CommonDreams News Center
(, March 31.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2011). School woes rooted in boardrooms, not classrooms.
CommonDreams News Center (, March 11.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2011). Wealth, jobs, and missing links. Raleigh News & Observer.
January 10, p. 9a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2010). When drones come home to roost. CounterPunch
(, October 27.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2010). In telling America’s story, work in some labor history. Raleigh
News & Observer. February 23, p. 11a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2009). Radical vision and elbow grease. CommonDreams News Center
(, May 27.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2009). Denormalizing the signs of impending disaster. CommonDreams
News Center (, April 18.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2009). No armies are moral. CommonDreams News Center
(, April 4.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2009). Time to clear the air. Raleigh News & Observer. January 11, p.
19a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2008). Empower the FDA to regulate tobacco. Raleigh News &
Observer, April 6, p. 7e (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2008), You might be a progressive if .... CommonDreams News Center
(, May 30.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2007). Common wealth and the “entirely self-made” myth.
CommonDreams News Center (, November 7.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2007). State employees deserve a better bargain. Raleigh News &
Observer, March 29, p. 9a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2006). Protecting the illusion of male superiority (on women in combat).
Raleigh News & Observer, November 12.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2006). Six lessons for young men on the edge of war. CommonDreams
News Center (, August 16.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2006). On campus, sexual assault is too common. Raleigh News &
Observer, April 24, p. 11a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2006). Reproductive freedom 101. CommonDreams News Center.
(, April 11.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2005). NC State’s tobacco addiction. Raleigh News & Observer,
December 19, p. 11a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2005). Healthier appetites: Legislature should ban smoking in restaurants.
Raleigh News & Observer, May 11, p. 17a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2004). Tobacco still spells trouble. Raleigh News & Observer, August 2,
p. 11a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2004). The sport of empire. CommonDreams News Center.
(, January 6.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2003). The trade imbalance: Workers’rights. Raleigh News & Observer,
November 2, p. 29a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2003). Who won our right to protest? Protesters! OpEdNews.Com
(, June 22.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2003). Lessons in death, born in the USA. Raleigh News & Observer,
May 5, p. 11a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2002). The costs of American privilege. CounterPunch, October 4.
Reprinted (2006) in P. Rothenberg (ed.), Beyond Borders: Thinking Critically About
Global Issues, pp. 603-605. New York: Worth.
Schwalbe, M.L. (2001). Professing hard truths. Raleigh News & Observer, October 21,
p. 31a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (2000). Correcting the pernicious attribution error. Social Psychology:
Newsletter of the ASA Social Psychology Section (winter/spring).
Schwalbe, M.L. (1998). UNC ‘savings’ that cost plenty. Raleigh News & Observer,
February 17, p. 20a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (1997). The distracting myth of high-tech teaching. Raleigh News &
Observer, April 9, p. 15a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (1996). Bly and the beanstalk (review of The Sibling Society by Robert
Bly), Raleigh News & Observer, May 26, p. 4g.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1995). Sometimes professors need to be thorn in side of business.
Raleigh News & Observer, August 20, p. 31a (op-ed).
Schwalbe, M.L. (1993). The children of ReaganBush. Democratic Culture 2(2):8-9.
Reprinted in Chronicle of Higher Education (March 9, 1994, p. B5).
Schwalbe, M.L. (1992). Longing for the safety of innocence in reactionary times. Social
Psychology: Newsletter of the ASA Section on Social Psychology 18(2):3-4.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1992). The autogenesis of the self (abbreviated version). The Social
Dynamicist 3(1):5-7.
Schwalbe, M.L. (1986). Part-time faculty members deserve a break from UC.
Los Angeles Times, December 3 (op-ed).
Putting It Right: The Craft of Repair (Field study of various forms of repair work)
A View to the Making: Portraits of North Carolina Craft Artists at Work
North Carolina State University Crafts Center, January 13 - March 28, 2014
A View to the Making: Portraits of North Carolina Craft Artists at Work
Durham Arts Council in collaboration with Gregg Museum of Art & Design,
September 13 - November 10, 2013.
Invisible Neighbors: Family Care Homes and Residents in North Carolina
Chapel Hill Museum, June 25 - September 7, 2003.
From These Hands: Images and Works of Triangle Area Potters
NC State University Crafts Center Gallery, September 13 - November 8, 2000.
Claude S. Fischer Award for Excellence, Best Photo Essay, Contexts, 2010.
Graduate Student Association Excellent Mentor Award, 2008.
Feminist Mentor Award, 2006, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction.
Gary Hill Teaching Excellence Award, 2005, Department of Sociology, North
Carolina State University.
Annual Theory Prize, 1987, Journal for the Theory of Social Behavior.
Outstanding Research Publication Award, 1988, College of Humanities and Social
Sciences, North Carolina State University.
Symposium on Teaching About Inequality, NCSU Faculty Center for Teaching and
Learning ($2000), 2002.
Ritual, Myth, and the Transformation of Masculinity. NCSU College of Humanities and
Social Sciences Summer Stipend ($5000), 1992.
Wives' Economic Dependency and Mental Health. NCSU College of Humanities and
Social Sciences Organized Research Grant Program ($1200), July 1990 - June 1991
(Atkinson, Risman, & Schwalbe).
Self-Transformation through Artisan Production. NCSU College of Humanities and Social
Sciences Research Support Fund ($1000), June 1989 - July 1990.
Applications of Chaos Theory to the Social Sciences. NCSU College of Humanities and
Social Sciences Organized Research Grant Program ($930), October 1989 - March 1990
(Zimmer, Leiter, & Schwalbe)
Self-Monitoring and Dimensions of Perspective-Taking Ability. NCSU College of
Humanities and Social Sciences Research Support Fund ($1065), July 1988 - June 1989.
Chronic Stressors, Coping Strategies, and Health Outcomes: A Study of Female-Headed
Households in Rural North Carolina. NIH Biomedical Research Support Program
($9010), March 1988 - March 1989 (Thompson & Schwalbe).
• Editorial Board, Contemporary Sociology, 2012• Vice-President, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, 1999–2000
• Editorial Board, American Sociological Review, 1999–2001
• Editorial Board, Social Forces, 1992–1995
• Editorial Board, Social Psychology Quarterly, 1992–1997; 2002–2005
• Editorial Board, Gender & Society, 1998–2001
• Editorial Board, Men and Masculinities, 1994–2005
• Review Editor, Symbolic Interaction, 1993–1996
• Publications Committee, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, 1992–95
• Chair, ASA Social Psychology Section membership committee, 1994
• Member, ASA Social Psychology Section council, 1995–1998
• Member, Cooley-Mead Award Committee, 1995–96
• Member, Sally Hacker Graduate Student Paper Award Committee, 1996–97
• Chair, Sally Hacker Graduate Student Paper Award Committee, 1997–98
• Organizer, numerous sessions at regional and national meetings
• Panelist, ASA professional workshops on writing, 1994, 1995, 1996
• Workshop leader, “how to write op-eds,” SWS annual meetings, 2003; ASA annual
meetings, 2004
• Co-editor, Writing Sociology, 1992–97
• Consulting Editor, Contemporary Sociology, 1997–1998
• President, NCSU Chapter, AAUP, 1999–2003
• Chair, SSSI Mead Award Committee, 2004
• Member, ASA Jessie Bernard Award Committee, 2007–2009
• Member, ASA Cooley-Mead Award Committee, 2007–2008
COURSES TAUGHT (year last taught in parentheses)
• social problems (1992)
• introduction to sociology (1984)
• introduction to social psychology (1990)
• theories of social interaction (2014)
• race and ethnic relations (2000)
• mental health and society (1986)
• women and men in society (2004)
• social epidemiology (1985)
• alternatives to bureaucratic organizations (1985)
• sociology of work and occupations (1985)
• expository writing for the social sciences (1987)
• sociological social psychology (graduate; 2014)
• social psychology of inequality (graduate; 2013)
• social psychology of stress and health (graduate; 1988)
• classical sociological theory (graduate; 2012)
• theory construction (graduate; 1991)
• writing and publishing in the social sciences (graduate; 2008)
• social inequality (2012)
• sociological fieldwork (graduate; 2013)
• advanced qualitative analysis (graduate; 2009)
• political sociology/corporate power in America (2013)
• sociology of gender (graduate; 2007)
• American Sociological Association
• Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction
• Society for the Study of Social Problems
• International Visual Sociology Association
• American Association of University Professors