PMB 1315 - Asia and the Pacific

Room 4201, Coombs Building
College of Asia and the Pacific
The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 0200 Australia
Telephone: (612) 6125 2521
Fax: (612) 6125 0198
Web site: Web site:
PMB 1315 Rev. Dr Sione Latukefu (1927-1995), Correspondence and unpublished
manuscripts, 1962-1995. Reels 1-5. (Available for reference.)
Reel 1
Ian Diamond (?) to R. Strick, Secretary to Government, Premier’s Office,
Nuku’alofa, re archives training for Sione Latukefu and storage and
maintenance of Tongan Government archives.
Tongan Government correspondence. Includes letters of Jim Davidson, Niel
Gunson and Anvida Lamberts.
Methodist Overseas Mission (MOM) correspondence.
Press cuttings. Includes reports of wrecked yacht Tuaikaepau on Minerva
Reef and rescue of Tongan crew, including Captain Tevita Fifita.
Report on research work for thesis, 1963, Ts., 9pp., incomplete, together
with letter congratulating Siupeli, 19 Feb 1963, and genealogical note on
Tu’i Ha’a Takalaua line, and other docs.
ANU offer of temporary employment, 27 Feb 1963.
J.W. Davidson to Latukefu, 24 Jul 1963, and reply 29 July.
Thesis research correspondence, includes Cu Shirley-Baker to W. Page, 6
Dec 1940, re book from her father’s study.
Kolovai – Wesleyan Church.
Sermons – Tongan and English.
Niel Gunson, letters, Sep & Dec 1964, with notes on opposition to
Tongan Church.
Tongan Church.
Personal correspondence.
General correspondence.
Sermons. In Tongan.
Lopeti Vailanu, with list of brass band music, 6 Aug 1965.
Ve’ehala Palace Office, Nuku’alofa, 23 Apr 1965.
Alaric Maude, Oct 1965, with his “Land Tenure and Land Use in Tonga”,
Ts., 5pp., and table.
Rev. John A. Ziesler.
Bishop Rodgers.
Ron Crocombe.
Marist Fathers, Fr Butler.
J.W. Davidson.
Oral Traditions. Including:
S. Latukefu, “Oral Traditions. An appraisal of their value in historical
30 Oct 1962
Feb 1963
Jul; 1963
1940, 19631966
7 Jun 1965
Aug 1965
Apr 1965
Oct 1965
Sep 1066
28 Mar 1967
REEL LIST. PMB 1315 Rev. Dr Sione Latukefu,
Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts, 1962-1995.
research in Tonga”, Ts., 12pp.
D.F. McCall, “Africa in Time-Perspective – A Discussion of Historical
Reconstruction from Unwritten Sources”, 1961, extracts.
Professional correspondence, unanswered.
Letters from Tonga.
“Pacific History – it relevance to teacher education in PNG”, and review of
Of Islands and Men.
Rev. George Carter, “Talk given at Methodist Parsonage, Buka, 4 March
1968”, Ts., carbon, 13pp.
The United Church.
Pacific Islands Portraits, 1968-1972, and obituary of J.W. Davidson by H.
A.H. Wood.
New contracts, University of PNG. Selected documents only microfilmed.
Marriage [celebrant] Registration.
Church and State in Tonga.
Study Leave.
Latukefus’ Letters.
Reel 2
Pacific History. Lecture notes. Student essays. On New Caledonia, Samoa
and American Samoa.
Church and State.
Church and State.
History of the Tongan Constitution, and general correspondence.
History of the Tongan Constitution.
L. Kavaliku, “Suggestions for Changes in Tongan Government”, Ts., 13pp.,
26 May 1975.
Study Leave.
Pacific Islands Association.
Job applications, University of the South Pacific.
Guy Powles.
ANU thesis examination.
Young Nations Conference, Research for Development and Development
Planning in the South Pacific, 23-27 Aug 1976, Program. Includes Address
by Sione Latukefu, 27 Aug 1976, Ts., pp.1-9.
Application for study leave and report.
Other correspondence.
Personal correspondence.
Oxford University Press re biography of Queen Salote.
Pacific Islands Association.
University contracts.
Scripture translations.
Church and State, 1988, and research grant application for edition of Rev.
John Thomas’ History of Tonga.
Ruth Latukefu: correspondence
Pacific History Association and the Journal of Pacific History.
Papua New Guinea Centenary Volume, 1983-1986. Includes:
Hank Nelson, “Changing the Label”, Ts., raft, 15pp.;
Mar 1968
May 1968Mar 1969
Dec 1974Sep 1975
Apr-Jun 1976
Aug 1976
1964 & 1985
REEL LIST. PMB 1315 Rev. Dr Sione Latukefu,
Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts, 1962-1995.
John Kadiba, “Murray and Education”, Ts., draft, 14pp.;
C.D. Rowley, “Some Thoughts on a Seminar Topic”, Ts., 13pp.;
and article on Sir Percy Chatterton by Jim Griffin, Times of Papua New
Guinea, 23 Nov 1985.
Papua New Guinea Centenary Volume.
Papua New Guinea Centenary Volume – maps.
Reel 3
PNG Centennial Seminar, 7-9 Nov 1984, correspondence.
Pacific History Conference, Suva, 1985.
Pacific History Association Workshop Conference, Wellington, Jul 1986.
Pacific History Association Workshop Report, Sep 1986. Correspondence
with Kerry Howe re the Report teaching Pacific history in New Zealand
Department of Pacific and South East Asian History, Research School of
Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Assessment.
MacMillan Brown Centre for Pacific Studies.
University of the South Pacific application.
Finau Kolo, Davidson Award.
Tonga History Association Conference.
Xavier Centre Conference.
Ruth Latukefu, A Review of the Development of Sociology/Anthropology
Courses at the National University of Samoa, United Nations ESCAP
Pacific Operations Centre, Western Samoa, Apr 1989. Not microfilmed.
Sione Latukefu, Western Samoa. A Review of the Development of History
Courses at the National University of Samoa, United Nations ESCAP,
Pacific Operations Centre, Apr 1989. Not microfilmed.
Tonga History Association Conference.
World Methodist History Conference.
Application for ANU Visiting Fellowship.
Tonga History Association.
Sione Latukefu, “How did Tonga escape formalized colonialism? A
examination of Taufa’ahau’s role in the matter”, THA conference, 29 Jun
1993, Ts., 10pp.
Ian Campbell.
Reel No.
Item No.
Jul 1986
Sep 1986
1986 & 1987
Feb 1988
Jan 1988
Apr 1989
Apr 1989
Jun 1993
Mar 1994
Date Range
Manuscripts, associated correspondence and related papers
Reel 4
K.S. Inglis, “Te Rangi Hiroa Fund for the Study of Pacific
History”, Ts., 2pp., n.d. (c.1969), with draft Ts., 1p., and printed
leaflet, 1p.
Sione Latukefu, “Fijian Martyrs in New Britain 1878”, Ts.,
8pp., n.d. (c.1970s)
Sione Latukefu, “N.B.C. Talk, New Year’s Eve, 1982”, Ts.,
4pp., and related correspondence.
Sione Latukefu, “Tribute to Dr John Gunther. Memorial Service
to Sir John Gunther held at the Forum of the University of
Papua New Guinea Thursday May 3, 1984”, Ts., 3pp., with CV
for Sir John Gunther and programme for the service.
c. 1969
31 Dec 1981
3 May 1984
REEL LIST. PMB 1315 Rev. Dr Sione Latukefu,
Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts, 1962-1995.
Sione Latukefu, “Christianity in the Pacific. A paper to be
presented at a consultation of the Ecumenical Association of
Third World Theologians, Manila, October 1987”, Ts., 34pp. (2
“ACHA – Hong Kong, Jan 1990”. Correspondence re
Consultation organized by the Ecumenical Association of Third
World Theologians, London, 23-29 Jun 1989, including
discussion of publication of a chapter by Sione Latukefu on the
Church in the Pacific.
Sione Latukefu, “Oceania: Its Social, Economic, Political and
Spiritual Dynamics Present and Future”, Address delivered to a
World Mission Regional Consultation, Melbourne, 21 July
1988, Ts., 13pp. Together with ms. draft of the above,
conference programme and correspondence.
The Asia Foundation, “U.S. Relations with the South Pacific”,
conference, Apia, 17-20 Nov 1988: correspondence, agenda and
untitled talk by Sione Latukefu, Ms., 7pp.
Consultation on Women and Church Ministries in the Pacific.
SPATS Consultation on Women and Ministry, Nuku’alofa,
Tonga, 14-28 Jul 1989. Correspondence, Sep 1988, programme,
and four papers: Kerry Prenderville SM, “Mythology,
Misogyny and Missiology – A Sociological Perspective on
Women and Ministry”, Ts., 6pp.; Charles Koete, “The Place
and Role of Women in the Society and the Church’s Ministry in
the Pacific’, Ts., 4pp.; Yvette Temauri, “Ministries to Women –
Liberty and Responsibility”, Ts., 3pp.; Sr. Keiti-Ann
Kanongata’a SOLN, “The Voice of Women in the Pacific”, Ts.,
roneo, 5pp.
Pesi Fonua, “Tonga’s Undemocratic System”, Matangi Tonga,
Jan-Feb 1989, pp.30-31, p/c. An interview with Sione Latukefu.
Sione Latukefu, “The most precious Christmas gift of all”, text
of broadcast, NBC Papua New Guinea, 4pp. (2 copies)
Sione Latukefu, “Sermon at Boroko Uniting Church”, 2pp.,
apparently incomplete.
Sione Latukefu, “The role of the modern elite in Papua New
Guinea”; text of NBC broadcast, 11pp.
Miscellaneous documents related to Pacific History
Association. (a) Material relevant to Pacific History
Conference, held in Suva, 28 Jun – 2 Jul 1985: Pacific History
Newsletter 14 (Nov 1985) w. extracts fr. Addresses by Ratu
David Toganivalu and professor Albert Wendt, plus list of
papers presented, inc. paper by Latukefu. “Noble Traditions and
Christianity as national ideology in Papua New Guinea: do
these philosophies complement or contradict each other?” (two
copies); (b) assorted correspondence relating to Workshop on
the teaching of Pacific history (Wellington, NZ, 19-22 Aug
1986), inc. conference programme, and abstracts of a few
papers; and (c) correspondence relating to Latukefu’s
appointment as president of Pacific History Association; (d)
incomplete document, apparently part of [Dr Latukefu’s?] CV.
(a) Sione Latukefu, “How did Tonga escape formalized
colonialism? An examination of Taufa’ahau’s role in the
matter”, paper presented at Tonga National Centre, Nuku’alofa,
10pp.; (b) Tonga History Association 1993 Conference,
Oct 1987
Jan-Dec 1989
Apr-Jul 1988
Jan/Feb 1989
24 Dec 1980
24 Nov 1985
15 Sep 1985
23-29 Jun
REEL LIST. PMB 1315 Rev. Dr Sione Latukefu,
Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts, 1962-1995.
Programme, 5pp.
(a) Sione Latukefu, Traditional regional rivalry in Tonga, read
at Pacific History Conference, ANU, Canberra (three versions),
11pp., 10pp.; 15pp.; and (b) Program for Pacific History
Conference (three copies), 2pp.
(a) Jeff Marck, “On the prehistory of Polynesian cosmologies”,
paper for RSPAS seminar, 7pp.; and (b) photocopy of
photograph showing island country participants in First South
Pacific Conference, Nasinu, Fiji, 25 Apr – 5 May 1950; source
and date unknown.
Documents referring to advice given by S. Latukefu to the
Refugee Review Tribunal on matters relating to Tonga.
Two papers, unattributed, (by S. Latukefu?), headed (a) Study 1
– The Church and you as an individual, 4pp.; and (b ) Study 2. –
The Church and you as members of a special community, 5pp.
S. Latukefu, “The shark callers of Kontu: an introduction”, 4pp.
Documents referring to Tongan pro-democracy convention,
including. (a) Copy of newspaper ’Epoki Fo’ou for 31 Oct 1992
w. headline on p.1 proclaiming Ikuna kafakafa fa’ahi
temokalati; series of articles in Tongan and English: (b) Siupeli
T. Tallai, Ko e vakai Faka-Kalistiane ki he Konisitutone ‘o
Tonga Ko e Pepa ki he Konifelenisi ‘o e Konisitutone ‘o Tonga
moe Temokalati, Nov 1992 7pp.; (c) unattributed and undated,
Makatu’unga ’o e Konivesio, 2pp.; (d) Sione Latukefu, The
History of the Tongan Constitution, (two versions, 26pp and
28pp.), Nov 1992; (e) photocopy of text of Constitution of
Tonga, 1975, 24pp.; and (f) Provisional Programme Outline for
Convention on the Tongan Constitution and Democracy, 24-27
Nov 1992, 2pp.
Articles by Latukefu for the Blackwell Dictionary of
Evangelical Biography, on George Tupou I Taufa’ahau, Josiah
[Siosaia] Tupou Aleamotu’a, John Thomas and Vi Pita [Peter];
with accompanying correspondence.
Sione Latukefu, The introduction of Methodism to the Pacific,
paper read at World Methodist Historical Society Conference,
Singapore, 1991, 31pp., (various copies) together w.
correspondence betw. Latukefu and Phyllis S. Herda, 19931995.
Miscellaneous documents, mainly in Tongan, associated w. the
Constitution Centenary Celebrations of the Kingdom of Tonga,
 Ko e ‘Otua mo Tonga ko Hoku Toffa, Pule’anga ‘o
Tonga Katoanga Senituli ‘o e Konisitutone, 4 ‘o
Novema, 1975; Kingdom of Tonga Centenary
Celebration, 4th November, 1975 [programme in
Tongan and English], 16pp.
 Koe Havea. Koe Makasini ‘oe Koliji ko Tubou Nafualu,
Koe Jubeli koe ta’u ‘e 75, 1866-1941, Nuku’alofa, Govt
Printing Office, 1941, 43pp.
 Ko e Malanga Fakafeta’i ‘o e Senituli ‘o e Konisitutone
‘o Tonga Novema 2, 1975 taimi 10 pongipongi. Ke fai
‘i he Falelotu Senituli ‘i Nuku’alofa, 10pp.
 Koe Kalonikali Tonga, Fakamanatu Konisitutone,
Vol.XII, Fika 23, 7 Novema 1975.
28 Feb 1995
12 Dec 1994
23 Aug 199319 Jan 1995
24 Jun 1991
4 Nov 1975
REEL LIST. PMB 1315 Rev. Dr Sione Latukefu,
Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts, 1962-1995.
Reel 5
The Tonga Chronicle, Centenary Special, Vol.XII,
No.23, 7 Nov 1975.
Tongan myths retold fr. A.W. Reed, Myths and legends of
Polynesia, for NBC broadcast: (a) The ugly man; (b) How Maui
brought fire to Tonga; (c) The origin of kava, 8pp.
Papers on Tonga by Latukefu: (a) Pacific peoples No Tonga,
text for recorded talk, Feb. 1969, 7p., and correspondence betw.
Latukefu and New Zealand Broadcasting Corporation, 27 Feb
1969 - 16 Jun 1969; (b) The significance of traditional culture
in the Tongans’ attitude to life in another country, in three
copies, 8pp. and 5pp. [one p. missing], undated; (c) Tonga,
3pp., undated
Origins of Misinale Fakame. Latukefu on Tongan culture:
(a)Letter dated Mar 1973 to G.A. Rogers responding to enquiry
on history of misinale, fakafefakaosita’u and fakame, two
copies, each 2pp., plus ms. version, 3pp.;
(b) The writing of Tongan history: some thoughts on what to
avoid, Address to the Second Workshop on Tongan History,
Auckland, 19 Jan 1988, 10pp.
Tongan History Association 1988-1989.
(a) Revised schedule for Tradition and modernity in Tonga,
Tongan History Workshop, 14-17 Jan 1987, ANU Canberra;
(b) Workshop on Tongan History, Auckland, 19 Jan 1988, inc.
text of talk by Latukefu, The writing of Tongan history: some
thoughts on what to avoid, 7pp.;
(c)Tongan History Conference, Lotofoa, Ha’apai, Tonga on 1220 Jan 1989, chaired by Latukefu; and
(d) text of taped message fr. Latukefu for 4th Tongan History
Workshop [in Auckland?], 7 May 1990, 3pp.
Text of address by Latukefu at Ecumenical Service for the
university chapel appeal launched by University of Papua New
Guinea Foundation, 12 May 1985, in four copies, each 4pp.
Draft Noble Traditions and Christianity, Arawa.
Drafts of paper by Sione Latukefu, Nobel Traditions and
Christianity in the National Constitution of Papua New Guinea,
Do their philosophies complement or contradict each other?
Also entitled, Noble Traditions and Christianity as national
Ideology in PNG: Ideals and Realities, for seminars sponsored
by Konrad Adenauer Foundation at North Solomons University
Centre, Arawa, 9-12 Nov 1983 and at Holy Trinity Teachers’
College, Mt. Hagen, 17-19 Nov 1983, with Ron Crocombe,
Pacific History: Perceptions from within, n.d., Ts., 9pp.
Miscellaneous documents relating to Vanuatu: (a) Paper, part
typescript part ms., entitled, ‘The Nagriamel Movement: a
catalyst for political change in Vanuatu’, 21p. plus pp.7-9.; (b)
ms. list of news items fr. Pacific Islands Monthly, Apr 1971 to
May 1974 relating to current political issues in Vanuatu, 1p.; (c)
ms. notes on political development in New Hebrides, May 1967
to Apr 1975, 6p.
Lessons from our Pacific Methodist Story, text of address to
World Methodist Historical Society Conference, 19 – 23 Jul
1991 in Singapore; ts., 39p. plus a typed draft version, 41p.
Semisi Nau. Mostly material relating to autobiography of
Tongan missionary Semisi; biography with few dates but author
1973 & 1978
12 May 1985
REEL LIST. PMB 1315 Rev. Dr Sione Latukefu,
Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts, 1962-1995.
mentions 1891 as year in which he began working as
missionary. He was still alive in 1927. (a) letter in Tongan fr.
Prime Minister of Tonga dated 28 Jul 1980 to Latukefu, ts., 1p.;
(b) letter in Tongan fr. Latukefu, dated 3 Oct 1980, to Prime
Minister of Tonga, ms., 2p.(c) Letter fr. A.K. Davidson, The
United Church, Keravat, PNG, dated 27 Mar 1980 to Latukefu,
ts., 1p.; (d) letter fr. Latukefu, dated 22 Apr 1980, to Davidson,
ts., 1p.; (e) The story of my life, ts., 41p.; (f) letter fr. Semisi
dated 15 Sep 1916 to Leembruggen, minister/tutor, the
Solomon College, ts., 1p [trans. of letter originally written in
Roviana]; (g) letter fr. Semisi to Limibarakeno [=
Leembruggen?], dated 15 Oct 1927 [trans. of letter originally
written in Roviana], ts., 1p.
Tongan democracy movement. Much of material concerns
Tongan political system; pro-democracy movement in Tonga;
and activities of ‘Akilisi Poheva. (a) Letter fr. Deputy Prime
Minister of Tonga dated 14 Feb 1995, to Latukefu, commenting
on L’s paper ‘Pro-democracy movement’, followed by ‘My
comments on draft of “Pro-Democracy Movement in Tonga”,
ts., 6p.; (b) untitled paper headed CONFIDFENTIAL by S.L.
Kavaliku, Minister of Works & Education, dated 26 May 1975,
on Tongan political system, ts., 16p.; (c) Letter fr. Kavaliku
dated19 Mar 1995 and addressed to ‘Hon. Cabinet Ministers’ts.,
5p.; (d)Savingram fr. Minister of Education Kavaliku covering
his reporton Mr. ‘Akilisi Pohiva, ts., 2p.; (e) letter fr. Chief
Secretary dated 22 Feb 1985 to Minister of Education and
others announcing that ‘Mr. Akilisi Poheva is to be dismissed
from the Service with effect from today’, ts., 1p.; (f) letter in
Tongan fr. ‘Akilisi Pohiva, dated 5 Mar 1985, to Sea mo e
Hou’eiki Memipa, Fakataha Kapineti, ts., 2p.; and ‘Akilisi
Pohiva, Polokalama Letio, undated, ts., 1p.; (g) anonymous
document headed Review of government administrative
structure, dated 9 Jan 1989, ts., 6p.; (h) Savingram marked
CONFIDENTIAL fr. Minister of Education dated 21 Mar 1990
requesting that attached document Response to the new
directive of His Majesty, should be placed before His Majesty,
ts., 6p. (The identity of the person to whom the letter is
addressed is not clear); and (i) Dr. S. Langi Kavaliku, A time of
change: the need for effective leadership’, address given at
opening of Seminar on Management and Staff Development,
Nuku’alofa, 18 Feb 1994, ts., 11p.
Ko e Ngaahi Tu’utu’uni. (a) bilingual booklet, Rules for
proceedings and Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly of
Tonga, 1992, 13p.; and (b)photocopy of WHO Certificate of
Award for HEATH-FOR-ALL MEDAL to Dr. S. Tapa, Minister
of Health, Tonga, dated 10 Sep 1991, 1p., plus Citation, 1p.
Govt of Tonga, Education Department Statistics, Vol. 3 –
Education and training abroad, 31 Jul 1970, ts., 48p.
Biographical notes. Includes:
(a) short biography of Rev. LiufauVailea Saulala, ts., 1p.; (b) an
unidentified photograph of middle-aged Polynesian man,
possibly Latukefu; photocopy of summons(?) issued by
magistrate S.M. Palu dated 14 Oct 1992 against Sione Foueti,
who had written a letter calling for the King of Tonga to
REEL LIST. PMB 1315 Rev. Dr Sione Latukefu,
Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts, 1962-1995.
abdicate, 1p; and (c) Mangisi genealogy, ms., 1p.
Miscellaneous documents, (a) some referring to lecture
delivered by Latukefu at Brigham Young University, Hawaii,
on 20 Nov 1990, entitled ‘Cultural dynamism in the Pacific:
which way are we heading?’ (no text of lecture is included); (b)
some notes in Tongan, probably about constitutional history,
ms., 10p.; (c) letter fr. Stephen Donald dated 23 Nov 1988 to
Latukefu, re thesis on Anglican Mission, 1902-1988, ms., 6p.;
(d) a single issue, dated Nov 1992, of PTC News, 16p.; (e)
material relating to publication of journal Pacifica, inc. A call
for articles dated 14 Jul 1988, ts., 1p., and letter fr. Robert D.
Craig dated 24 Aug 1988 to Latukefu thanking him for article
‘Christianity in the Pacific’, ts., 1p., etc.
Miscellaneous. (a) booklet entitled Parliament of Australia Visit
to Australia by an official delegation from BD [Bachelor of
Divinity?] projects, from PTC [Pacific Theological College] all
related to religion, w. dates, authors; (b) letter fr. Senior
Parliamentary Officer, Parliament of Australia, dated 14 Jan
1994, to Latukefu re visit by Tongan parliamentary delegation,
ts., 1p.
A study of the modern elite in Tonga
A study of the modern elite in Tonga, correspondence. This was
originally intended to be published as part of book, Tonga in
transition, ed. Ian Campbell and ‘Ana Taufe’ulunaki. This
project was subsequently cancelled. Latukefu turned for
financial assistance to the Australian South Pacific Cultures
Fund, DFAT, which reacted favorably. When L. died his
widow, Dr. Ruth A. Latukefu, offered to take on the completion
of the research using the money remaining.
(a) Guidelines for contributors for proposed book edited by
Campbell and Taufe’ulungaki; Memorandum headed
Attachment “A” page 1, dated 20 Oct 1993 fr. Taufe’ulungaki
for Director of Education (Tonga) to Latukefu, in which she
asks him to contribute chapter on ‘The case for conservative
leadership’, page 1 (4 reference to an additional ch.19, ‘The
emergence of the new elite’, perhaps Latukefu’s chapter, 1p. (5
(b) Letter fr. Latukefu dated 26 Oct 1993 to Taufe’ulungaki,
agreeing to contribute paper on, ‘The development and impact
of the modern elite in Tonga’, 1p.
(c) Letter fr. Ian Campbell, University of Canterbury, to
Latukefu dated 17 Jan 1994, advising of approach for financial
support for L’s research fr. Macmillan Brown Centre, ts., 1p. (2
(d) Letter fr. Latukefu dated 21 Jan 1994 responding to
Campbell’s letter of 17 Jan.
(e) Letter to Professor G.P. McCormack fr. Latukefu dated 31
Jan 1994 requesting assistance for research trip to New Zealand
and Tonga; ts., 1p. (two copies)
(f) Australian South Pacific Cultures Fund Application for
grant by Latukefu, dated 31 Jan 1994, ts. 4p plus copies of
earlier letters fr. Taufe’ulungaki (20 Oct 1993) and Campbell
REEL LIST. PMB 1315 Rev. Dr Sione Latukefu,
Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts, 1962-1995.
(17 Jan 1994), ts., 3p.
(g) Letter fr. a/Director, Macmillan Brown Centre, University
of Canterbury dated 2 Feb 1994 to Latukefu, enclosing bank
draft., 1p.
(h) Fax fr. Flight Centres Tuggeranong dated 7 Feb 1994 to
Latukefu giving flight costs to Auckland, Christchurch, 1p.
(i) Letter fr. Latukefu dated 8 Feb 1994 to a/Director,
Macmillan Brown Centre, University of Canterbury,
acknowledging receipt of bank draft, 1p.
(j) Memorandum fr. Advisory Committee, Research School of
Pacific and Asian Studies, Pacific and Asian History, ANU, to
Latukefu, dated 24 Feb 1994 advising of allocation of $500 for
travel to Tonga.
(k) Letter fr. Ian Campbell dated 7 Mar 1994 to Latukefu
enquiring about dates of L’s planned visit to Auckland,
Christchurch, 1p.
(l) Fax fr. Ian Campbell dated 10 Mar 1994 to Latukefu
suggesting L’s planned trip to Christchurch be abandoned, 1p.
(m) Remittance advice fr. ANU dated 29 Mar 1994 to Latukefu
for grant towards research expenses Mar – Apr 1994, NZ,
Tonga, 1p.
(n) List headed Interviews carried out in Auckland, beginning
29 Mar [1994?], ms., 3p
(o) Letter to Exec Officer, Australian South Pacific Cultures
Fund, Cultural Relations Branch, DFAT, dated 30 May 1994
enquiring as to fate of application submitted 31 Jan 1994., ts,
(p) Letter fr. Secretary, Australian South Pacific Cultures Fund,
dated 1 Jun 1994 to Latukefu confirming grant of AUD 2,500
for “Tongan transition project”. And incl. Funding Agreement
form for signature, ts., 1p. plus DFAT, Conditions of award of
grants, ts., 1p. dated 8 Jun 1994 to Latukefu, ts., 1p.
(q) Australian International Development Assistance Bureau,
dated 8 Jun 1994, payment of $2,500 to Latukefu.
(r) Letter fr. Ian Campbell dated 25 Jul 1994 to Latukefu,
providing update on Tonga in transition project, ts., 1p.
(s) Letter fr. Latukefu dated 10 Aug 1994 to Secretary,
Australian South Pacific Cultures Fund, thanking her for grant
of AUD 2,500 and providing prelim. report of expenses on field
trip 26 Mar to 21 May 1994, ts., 3p (two copies)
(t) Australian South Pacific Cultures Fund Application for
Grant fr. Latukefu for continuation of study of modern elite in
Tonga, commenced Mar 1994, $4,430, dated 11 Aug 1994, ts.,
(u) Letter fr. Ian Campbell dated 26 Aug 1994 to Latukefu,
thanking L. for fax and report of interview schedule and
expressing pessimism about prospects for research in Tonga,
ms, 1p.
(v) Letter fr. Campbell dated 5 Sep 1994 to Latukefu, indicating
intention to terminate Tonga in transition project, ts., 1p.
(w) Letter fr. Latukefu dated 20 Sep 1994 to Secretary
Australian South Pacific Cultures Fund, DFAT, enclosing letter
fr. Campbell announcing termination of Tonga in transition
project and advising that his own project on Tongan elites will
continue, ts., 1p. (two copies)
REEL LIST. PMB 1315 Rev. Dr Sione Latukefu,
Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts, 1962-1995.
(x) Letter fr. Latukefu dated 20 Sep 1994 acknowledging C’s
letter of 5 Sep 1994, ts, .1p
(y) Letter fr. M. Roberts, for Secretary, Australian South Pacific
Cultures Fund, dated 7 Nov 1994 to Latukefu, advising funding
($4,430) for “Study of the modern elite in Tonga”., approved,
ts., 1p.
(z) Australian South Pacific Cultures Fund, Funding
Agreement, for $4430, signed by Latukefu, dated 9 Nov 1994,
ts., 1p.
(aa) Australian International Development Assistance Bureau
payment of $4,430 to Latukefu, dated 15 Nov 1994, ts., 1p.
(ab) Letter fr. Ruth A. Latukefu (nee Fink) dated 12 Jul 1995 to
Secretary, Australian South Pacific Cultures Fund, DFAT,
advising of death of her husband Sione Latfeku and offering to
complete his research project using balance of funds, ts., 2p.
(ac) Letter fr. Executive Officer, CPC/Pacific, dated 18 Jul
1995 to Ruth A. Latukefu, approving use of remaining funds to
translate interviews, write up paper begun by Sione Latukefu.,
ts., 1p.
(ad) Letter fr. Dr. Ruth A. Latukefu dated 25 Sep 1995 to
Secretary, Australian South Pacific Cultures Fund, DFAT,
indicating total expenditure on Tongan project prior to Sione
Latufeku’s death and balance remaining ($1,563)., ts., 1p.
(a) Documents relating to interviews (by Latufeku) in Brisbane
(Dec 1994-Jan 1995) and Auckland and Tonga (Mar – May
(b) English text of interview w. medical practitioner Dr.
Leopino Foliaki, Auckland, 29 Mar 1994, ms., 4p.
(c) Listing (on two filing cards) of names of persons
interviewed in Brisbane Dec 1994 – Jan 1995, w.
corresponding tapes, numbered 1 – 7.
Melbourne research trip, Apr 1995. One small yellow pad
contains ms. notes, apparently biographical material on Tongan
individuals, some in Brisbane, dated 1 - 9 Jan 1995; a second,
smaller, notebook, also contains ms. notes on Tongan
individuals, starting w. Sefita Tangi on 26 Apr 1994, possibly
based on interviews in Tonga?
Latukefu research trip to Queensland, 28 Dec 1994 – 11 Jan
1995, record of expenses.
Latukefu research trip to Melbourne, 3 – 19 Apr 1995, record of
Tongan elite, miscellaneous, mainly press cuttings, photocopies
of items fr. press in Tongan and English, on variety of subjects
inc. Tonga, Peter Ryan on Manning Clark, etc.
(a) Set of five tapes numbered Melbourne 001-005, Apr 1995,
w. names of interviewees, inc. D. Vaotangi, Nauto & Tae
Ata’ata, A. Pita, A. Mele, Paula Vi Taufa, Kofe Vaka, Naitoko,
Rev. Loni Vaitohi, Mosese Tukia (a dentist), and others (b) Set
of twelve tapes numbered 2-13, no indication of date or place of
interviews but mostly w. names of interviewees, e.g. Edgar
Tuinukuafe, Karl Tuinukuafe, Makeleta Tuinukuafe, Dr. K.
Valu, Veiongo Mafi Elenoa, Penisimani Fonua, Tuna Filokepa,
W. & Suliana Afeaki, Semisi Fonua, Ofa Tafa, Fr Lava Enosi,
‘Iuna Afu(?), P. Taufatofua, S. Tualau Latu, Kana Latu, Sosiane
REEL LIST. PMB 1315 Rev. Dr Sione Latukefu,
Correspondence and unpublished manuscripts, 1962-1995.
Bloomfield, Mana Latu (?);
(c) single cassette, labeled Research tape ‘AA’ and Leopino
Feliaki Auckland, 29 Mar 1994; and (d) Single cassette dated
19 May 1994, no other data. (e) Three notebooks, notebook 1,
dated April/May 1994, Tonga, ms. notes for period fr.26 Apr
1994 to 10 May 1994; notebook 2, dated Dec 1994 to Jan 1995,
Brisbane [and Auckland?], some personal names and
biographical data; notebook 3 (Olympic Shorthand Notebook),
sundry notes: personal names and phone numbers. Notebooks
only microfilmed.